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Name of the teacher observed Ian E. Pagaran Date January 10, 2024
Grade level & Section Grade 7-Sulayman Subject Area English 7

I. Objectives
A. Content Standard The students will have deeper understanding on The Two Purposes of Language.
B. Performance Standard The learners transfer learning by constructing dialogues that show different purposes of
c. Learning Competencies/ 1. Identify Transactional Language and Interactional Language
Objectives 2. Recognize the importance of Transactional Language and Interactional Language
3. constructing dialogues that present The Two Purposes of Language
Identifying the Two Purposes of Language
1. LEARNER’S MATERIALS Deped Module 7, English 7
Worksheets, pens, Chart paper, markers, Scenario cards, props

B. OTHER LEARNING Deped Module 7, English 7

A. Preliminaries 1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Attendance Check
4. Review of Class Rules
B. Reviewing Previous
C. Establishing a Purpose for The students will read the dialogues presented and identify the correct setting of the
the Lesson dialogues.

Dialogue No. 1

Person 1: "Good morning. I'd like to withdraw $300 from my savings account, please."
Person 2: "Sure, could you please provide your account number and ID for verification?"
Person 1: "Sure, here's my ID, and my account number is 123456789."
Person 2: "Thank you. Would you like that in $20 bills?"
Person 1: "Yes, please."

Dialogue No. 2

Person 1: "Hey, how've you been? It's been ages since we caught up!"
Person 2: "I know, right? I've been good, just busy with work. How about you?"
Person 1: "I've been keeping busy too. Did you hear about Sarah's new job?"
Person 2: "Yeah, she mentioned it on social media. It sounds exciting!"

At a bank
At a store
At a social gathering
During a casual conversation
During a class
D. Presenting A. The teacher will ask the following questions:
1. What did you notice from the dialogues earlier? How about the words used?
2. What are common purposes for communicating?
3. Do we need specific language for specific purposes of conversation?
B. Proper Lesson:
1. The teacher will discuss about “The Two Purposes of Language”
Transactional Language is used to make transactions. Its purpose is to transfer facts
and information. In churches, hospitals, schools, offices and banks, the listener is expected
to hear people use formal language in conversations..
Interactional Language is used to maintain social relationship. The purpose of
communication here is to create a positive atmosphere, build stronger relationship, deeper
connection with others and create a comfort zone and trust. It may be through chatting
with friends, greeting someone we met or sharing experiences with family members which
may use informal or everyday language.
2. The teacher will give more examples.
Doctor – Patient
“Eating a balance diet, getting a regular exercise,
drinking plenty of water and sleeping for 8-10
hours can help your body fight diseases.”
Mother – Son
“You’re in high school now, son. Be more responsible and if you need any help don’t
hesitate to tell me.”
3. The teacher will elicit more examples from the students.

E. Discussing New Concepts Identify whether the given statements are True or False.
and Practicing New Skills 1. Transactional Language is the language that we use every day.
2. Interactional Language is the language that we use every day.
3. There are no specific languages for specific purposes.
4. Transactional Language is a formal language that we use to gather important
5. Interactional Language is the language that we use to build connection with
F. Developing Mastery (Leads The students will complete the dialogue that suits the purpose of language.
to Formative Assessment) Transactional Language Interactional Language
At a restaurant: Between strangers waiting in line:
Customer: ( _____________ ) Stranger 1: How long have you been
Waiter: Certainly, would you like anything waiting here?
else with that? Stranger 2: ( _____________ )
During a phone inquiry: During a coffee break at a seminar:
Caller: ( _____________ ) Attendee 1: The speaker's points were
Receptionist: Sure, let me check that for quite interesting, don't you think?
you. Could you provide the listing ID? Attendee 2: ( _____________ )

At a car rental agency: Between gym buddies after a workout:

Customer: I'd like to rent a compact car for Gym buddy 1: How was your workout
the weekend. today?
Rental agent: ( _____________ ) Gym buddy 2: ( _____________ )
In a job interview: Between family members at a gathering:
Interviewer: ( _____________ ) Family member 1: How are the kids doing
Interviewee: Absolutely, in my previous in school?
role, I led a team through a major software Family member 2: ( _____________ )
During a medical appointment: At a social event with acquaintances:
Patient: I've been experiencing headaches Person A: ( _____________ )
and fatigue lately. Person B: I'm thinking of going on a short
Doctor: ( _____________ ). trip. How about you?

Choose the appropriate sentences that complete the dialogues above:

 Hi, I'm calling to inquire about the availability of the apartment listed.
 I see. Let's run some tests to check for any underlying causes.
 Not too long, just a few minutes. They seem to be moving quickly, though
 Sure, do you have a preference for a specific make or model?
 Absolutely! I took a lot of notes; it was thought-provoking
 I'd like to order the spaghetti carbonara, please.
 Could you elaborate on your experience with project management?
 It was intense, but I feel great now. How about you?
 They're doing well, thanks. They're really enjoying their science classes
 What are your plans for the upcoming holiday?
G. Find Practical Applications The students will answer the given question:
for Concept and Skills in Daily 1. As a student what are the possible changes in your life that may occur after
Living realizing the difference between The Two Purposes of Language?

H. Making Generalizations and Based on the images presented, the students will fill in the missing words from the
Abstractions about the Lesson
definitions in the boxes.

Transactional Language uses Interactional Language Uses informal

______________. It use for exchange of language which is used to _____________.
information and accomplish certain task.
I. Evaluating Learning Activity 1: Transactional Language vs Interactional Language
Strategy: Cooperative Learning
Materials: Worksheets, pens
Significance: This activity will help students differentiate between transactional
language and interactional language.
1) Distribute the worksheets to each group.
2) Instruct the students to read the given conversations and identify whether it is
an example of transactional language or interactional language.
3) Students will discuss their answers within their groups.
Criteria: Correct identification of transactional language and interactional language
5 pts - All answers are correct4 pts - Most answers are correct
3 pts - Some answers are correct
2 pts - Few answers are correct
1 pt - No correct answers
Assessment Questions:
1) Give an example a conversation that uses transactional language.
2) Give an example of a conversation that uses interactional language.
3) Explain why transactional language is important in everyday communication.

Activity 2: of Transactional and Interactional Language

Teaching Strategy: Discussion
Materials: Chart paper, markers
Significance: This activity will allow students to appreciate the importance of
transactional language and interactional language in different contexts.
1) Divide the class into small groups.
2) Instruct each group to discuss and come up with examples of situations where
transactional language and interactional language are important.
3) Each group will present their to the class and create a chart showing the
Criteria: Participation and contribution to the group discussion
5 pts - Actively participated and contributed valuable ideas
4 pts - Participated and contributed some ideas
3 pts - Minimally participated and contributed ideas
2 pts - Did not actively participate and did not contribute ideas
1 pt - Did not participate and did not contribute ideas
Assessment Questions:
1) Why is transactional language important in business transactions?
2) Give an example of a situation where interactional language is crucial for building
3) How can transactional language and interactional language differ in formal and
informal settings?

Activity 3: Role-Play Scenarios

Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing
Materials: Scenario cards, props
Significance: This activity will allow students to apply their of transactional language
and interactional language in realistic situations.
1) Divide the class into pairs or small groups.
2) Provide each pair/group with a scenario card.
3) Instruct the students to act out a conversation using transactional language and
interactional language based on the given scenario.
Criteria: Effective use of transactional language and interactional language in the
5 pts - Clear and appropriate use of transactional language and interactional
4 pts - Mostly clear and appropriate use of transactional language and interactional
3 pts - Some use of transactional language and interactional language, but not
consistently clear or appropriate
2 pts - Limited use of transactional language and interactional language
1 pt - No use of transactional language and interactional language
Assessment Questions:
1) Describe a scenario where transactional language is more appropriate than
interactional language.
2) How can using appropriate transactional language and interactional language
improve communication in a workplace?
3) Explain the importance of nonverbal cues in interactional language.

Activity 4: Analyzing Transactional and Interactional Language in Literature

Materials: Short stories or excerpts from novels, paper, pens
Significance: This activity will help students identify transactional language and
interactional language in literary texts and understand how they contribute to the
overall meaning and characterization.
1) Provide each student with a short story or excerpt from a novel.
2) Instruct the students to read the text and identify examples of transactional
language and interactional language.
3) Students will analyze the impact of these language choices on the story's plot,
characterization, and overall meaning.
Criteria: Accurate identification of transactional language and interactional
language and insightful analysis of their impact
5 pts - All answers are correct and analysis demonstrates a deep understanding of
the text
4 pts - Most answers are correct and analysis demonstrates a good understanding
of the text
3 pts - Some answers are and analysis demonstrates a basic understanding of the
2 pts - Few answers are correct and analysis is limited
1 pt - No correct answers and no analysis provided
Assessment Questions:
1) How does the use of transactional language contribute to the development of
the main conflict in the story?
2) Discuss the role of interactional language in shaping the relationship between
the two main characters.
3) Explain how the author's use of transactional language and interactional
language enhances the overall mood of the text.

Activity 5: Analyzing Transactional and Interactional Language in Media

Materials: Newspaper articles, online news articles, paper, pens
Significance: This activity will enable students to recognize transactional language
and interactional language in media sources and understand how they influence
public opinion and convey information.
1) Provide students with a selection of newspaper articles or online news articles.
2) Instruct them to read the articles and identify instances of transactional language
and interactional language.
3) Students will analyze how these language choices shape the tone, credibility, and
persuasive power of the articles.
Criteria: Accurate identification of transactional language and interactional
language and insightful analysis of their impact on the article's tone and credibility
5 pts - All answers are correct and analysis demonstrates a deep understanding of
the article
4 pts - Most answers are correct and analysis demonstrates a good understanding
of the article
3 pts - Some answers are correct and analysis demonstrates a basic understanding
of the article
2 pts - Few answers are correct and analysis is limited
1 pt - No correct answers and no analysis provided
Assessment Questions:
1) How does the use of transactional language in this news article affect its
2) Discuss the role of interactional language in shaping the reader's emotional
response to the topic.
3) Explain how the author's use of transactional language and interactional
language influences the overall tone of the article.

Activity 6: Analyzing Transactional and Interactional Language in Public Speaking

Materials: Video clips of speeches or TED Talks, paper, pens
Significance: This activity will allow students to analyze how transactional language
and interactional language are used in public speaking to engage the audience,
convey ideas effectively, and inspire action.
1) Show students video clips of speeches or TED Talks.
2) Instruct them to pay attention to the speaker's of transactional language and
interactional language.
3) Students will analyze how these language choices contribute to the speaker's
credibility, persuasive power, and audience engagement.
Criteria: Accurate identification of transactional language and interactional
language and insightful analysis of their impact on the speaker's credibility and
audience engagement
5 pts - All answers are and analysis demonstrates a deep understanding of the
4 pts - Most answers are correct and analysis demonstrates a good understanding
of the speech
3 pts - Some answers are and analysis demonstrates a basic understanding of the
2 pts - Few answers are correct and analysis is limited
1 pt - No correct answers and no analysis provided
Assessment Questions:
1) How does the speaker's use of transactional language establish rapport with the
2) Discuss the role of interactional language in making the speech more relatable
and engaging.

J. Additional Activities for

Applications or Remediation
IV. REFLECTION The content knowledge was applied within and across curriculum teaching area. I integrated Araling
Panlipunan as we discuss and explain one of the examples in Locate, Reflect and Evaluate in our lesson.

• The discussions facilitate teaching and learning with the use of English as medium of instruction.

• The use of effective verbal and non-verbal classroom communication strategies is applied to
support learners’ understanding participation, engagement, and achievement.

• The class discussion established safe and secure learning environments to enhance learning
through consistent implementation of policies, guidelines, and procedures. Before I start my discussion, I
make sure that online rules and regulations were properly discussed and understood by the learners.

• Maintained learning environments that promote fairness, respect, and care to encourage learning. I
encourage the learners to share their thoughts/ideas about the lesson.

• Maintained learning environments that nurture and inspire learners to participate, cooperate, and
collaborate in continued learning. I gave positive feedbacks to the learners for their correct answers.

• Designed, adapted, and implemented teaching strategies that are responsive to learners as evidence
of constructivism, collaborative, and differentiated learning.

• The constructivism approach was applied when learners accomplished a task by helping resolve a
conflict based on their experience. From this they can incorporate new information into their pre-existing

A. No. of learners who earned 130

80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require 30
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to 5
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
Grammar Translation Method, Communicative Learning Method, Collaborative Method
strategies work well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I I think there are things to be improved with the learning resources. The school may provide visual, reading
encounter which my principal or materials, or equipment that enhance learning experience.
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovations or localized Pair/Buddy Learning- The student who need remediation will be paired with an advance learner for them to
materials did I use/discover which I wish accomplish a task together and acquire knowledge efficiently
to share with other teachers?

Submitted by: Ian E. Pagaran

Teacher I
Observed by: Mr. Harold Taguba
Master Teacher I
Submitted to: Monalisa T. Mesa Mrs. Shirlley Espanillo
Curriculum Development Implementer Administrative Officer
/Head Teacher of English Department

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