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Katipunan, Placer, Masbate

Dr. Victor V. Lepiten, Sr. Victor Elliot S. Lepiten,III


MIDTERM examination in law-related studies

NAME:____________________________________ DATE: ___________________

YEAR & SECTION: ___________________________ SCORE: __________________

 Use black ballpen only.
 Avoid erasures or any alteration. Erasures/alteration means wrong.
 Failure to follow simple instructions will automatically deducted to your points .

Read the statement carefully, and write the letter of the correct answer before the number.
__1. It is committed by any person who shall kill his father, mother, or child, whether legitimate or illegitimate, or any
of his ascendants, or descendants, or his spouse.
a. Parricide c. Murder
b. Homicide d. Infanticide
__2. It is committed by unidentified person/s who inflictedd serious physical injuries when, while several persons,
not composing groups organized for the common purpose of assaulting and attacking each other reciprocally,
quarrel and assuault each other in a confused and tumultuous manner, and in the course of the affray someone is
killed, and it cannot be ascertained who actually killed the deceased.
a. Physical injuries inflicted in a tumultuous affray
b. Giving assistance to suicide
c. Death caused in a tumultuous affray
d. Discharge of firearms
__3. It is committed by any person who shall assist to commit suicide or if such person lends his assistance to another to
the extent of doing the killing himself.
a. Physical injuries inflicted in a tumultuous affray
b. Giving assistance to suicide
c. Death caused in a tumultuous affray
d. Discharge of firearms
__4. It is committed by any person who discharges a firearm against or at another person without intention to kill.
a. Physical injuries inflicted in a tumultuous affray
b. Giving assistance to suicide
c. Death caused in a tumultuous affray
d. Discharge of firearms
__5. It is committed by any person who shall kill any child less than 3 days of age.
a. Intentional abortion
b. Unintentional abortion
c. Abortion practiced by the woman herself or by her parents
d. Infanticide
__6. It is committed by any person who shall intentionally cause an abortion against a pregnant woman with or without
the use of any violence and with or without the consent of the woman.
a. Intentional abortion c. Murder
b. Unintentional abortion d. Infanticide
__7. It is committed by any person who shall cause an abortion by violence but unintentionally.
a. Intentional abortion c. Abortion practiced by the woman herself or by her parents
b. Unintentional abortion d. Infanticide
__8. It is committed by a woman who shall practice an abortion upon herself or shall consent that any other person
should do so.
a. Intentional abortion c. Abortion practiced by the woman herself or by her parents
b. Unintentional abortion d. Infanticide
__9. Serious physical injuries is committed by any person who shall wound, beat, or assault another and if in
consequence of the physical injuries inflicted:
I. The injured person shall become insane, imbecile, imponent, or blind.
II. The person injured shall have lost the use of speech or the power to hear or to smell, or shall have lost an
eye, a hand, a foot, an arm, or a leg or shall have lost the use of any such member, or shall have become
incapacitated for the work in which he was habitually engaged.
a. Only I is true c. Both are true
b. Only II is true d. Both are false
__10. Less serious physical injuries is committed by any person who shall wound, beat, or assault another and if in
consequence of the physical injuries inflicted:
I. The person shall have become deformed, or shall have lost any other part of his body, or shall have lost
the use thereof, or shall have been ill or incapacitated for the performance of the work in which he was
habitually engaged for a period of more than 100 days.
II. Shall have caused the illness or incapacity for labor of the injured person for more than 50 days.
a. Only I is true c. Both are true
b. Only II is true d. Both are false
__11. It is committed by any person who shall inflict upon another physical injuries, but which shall incapacitate the
offended party for labor for 10 days or more, or shall require medical assistance for the same period.
a. Slight physical injuries d. Administering injurious substance
b. Less serious physical injuries d. Serious physical injuries
__12. Slight physical injuries and maltreatment is committed under the following circumstances:
I. When the offender has inflicted physical injuries which shall incapacitate the offended party for labor from
1 to 9 days, or shall require medical attendance during the same period.
II. When the offender has caused physical injuries which do not prevent the offended party from engaging in
his habitual work nor require medical assistance.
III. When the offender shall ill-treat another by deed without causing any injury.
a. Only I is true c. Only II and III are true
b. Only II is true d. I, II, and III are true
__13. What are the types of principals?
a. Principal by direct participation
b. Pricipal by inducement
c. Principal by indispensable cooperation
d. All of the above
__14. Two or more persons taking part in the commission of a crime are considered principals by direct participation in
The following requisites are present:
I. They participated in the criminal resolution.
II. They carried out their plan and personally took part in its execution by acts which directly tended to the
same end.
a. Only I is true c. Both are true
b. Only II is true d. Both are false
__15. Inorder that a person may be convicted as principal by inducement, the following must be present:
I. The inducement be made with the intention of procuring the commission of the crime.
II. That such inducement be the determining cause of the commission by the material executor.
a. Only I is true c. Both are true
b. Only II is true d. Both are false
__16. There are 2 ways of directly inducing another to commit a crime, namely:
I. By giving a price, or offering reward or promise.
II. By using word or command.
a. Only I is true c. Both are true
b. Only II is true d. Both are false
__17. To be ________________, one must participate in the criminal resolution, a conspiracy or unity in criminal
purpose and cooperation in the commission of the offense by performing another act without which it would not
have been accomplished.
a. Principal by direct participation
b. Principal by inducement
c. Principal by indispensable cooperation
d. All of the above
__18. In principal by indispensable cooperation, the requisites are:
I. Participation of the subject accused in the criminal resolution.
II. Performance by him of another act not indispensable to the accomplishment of the crime.
a. Only I is true c. Both are true
b. Only II is true d. Both are false
__19. In order that a person may be considered an accessory, the requisite/s are:
a. He perform the actual offense
b. He cooperates in the execution of the offense by previous or simultaneous acts
c. There must be a relation between the acts done by the principal and those attributed to the person charged
as accomplice
d. He harbor, conceal, or assist the principal of the crime to escape
__20. Are those persons who, not being principals, cooperate in the execution of the offense by previous or
simultaneous acts.
a. Accomplices c. Principal
b. Accesories d. None of the these
__21. In order that a person may be considered an accomplice, the requisite/s are:
a. That there be a designer of the crime; that is knowing the criminal design of the principal by direct
participation, he concurs with the latter in his purpose.
b. That he cooperates in the execution by previous or simultaneous act, with the intention of supplying
material or moral aid in the execution of the crime in an efficacious way
c. That there be a relation between the acts done by the principal and those attributed to the person charged
as accomplice
d. All of the above
I. Accomplices come to know about the criminal resolution of the principal by direct participation after the
principal has reached the decision to commit the felony and only then does the accomplice agree to cooperate in
its execution
II. Accomplices decides whether the crime should be committed and they assent to the plan of the principal by
direct participation and cooperate in its accomplishment

a. Only I is true c. Both are true

b. Only II is true d. Both are false
I. In a case of doubt, the participatin of the offender will be considered as that of an accomplice rather than
that of an accesory.
II. It has been held that being present and giving moral support when a crime is being committed make a
person responsible as an accesory in the crime committed.

a. Only I is true c. Both are true

b. Only II is true d. Both are false
__24. An ________________ is defined as one who, havig knowledge of the commission of the crime, and without
Having participated therein, either as principal or an accomplice, takes part subsequent to its commission by
concealing or destroying the body of the crime, or the effects or instruments thereof in order to prevent its
a. Accessory c. Accomplice
b. .Principal d. None of these
I. Principals are not the authors of the crime.
II. Accomplices are merely instruments who perform acts not essential to the perpetration of the offense.
a. Only I is true c. Both are true
b. Only II is true d. Both are false
I. Principals decide that a crime should be committed.
II. Accomplices do not decide whether the crime should be committed; they merely assent to the plan and
cooperate in its accomplishment.

a. Only I is true c. Both are true

b. Only II is true d. Both are false
__27. Any person who knowingly or willfully onstructs, impedes, frustrates or delays the apprehension of suspects and
the investigation and prosecution of criminal cases by harboring, concealing or facilitating the escape of any
person he knows to have committed an offense shall be liable as:
a. Accessory to the crime
b. Principal for obstruction of justice
c. Accomplice
d. Accessory
(Case Scenario 28-29)
Dalaniel rapes their neighbor while the wife Pantaleon, was holding the arms of the victim.
__28. What is the participation of the husband in the crime?
a. Principal by induction
b. Principal by direct participation
c. Principal by inducement
d. Principal by indispensable cooperation
__29. What is the participation of the wife in the crime?
a. Accomplice
b. Principal by direct participation
c. Principal by inducement
d. Principal by indispensable cooperation
(Case Scenario 30-32)
Don Velasco kidnapped the family of Nebato and ordered the latter to rob the house of Mayor Ignacio, or else his family
members will all die. As a result, Nebato robbed the house of Mayor Ignacio.
__30. What is the participation of Don Velasco in the crime?
a. Principal by induction
b. Principal by direct participation
c. Principal by inducement
d. Accomplice
__31. What is the participation of Nebato in the crime?
a. Principal by induction
b. Principal by direct participation
c. Principal by inducement
d. Accomplice
__32. Is Nebato criminally liable for the crime he committed?
a. Yes, because he directly executed the crime
b. Yes, because he robbed the house of Mayor Ignacio
c. No, because he acted only under the impulse of uncontrollable fear
d. No, because he acted only in defense of relatives
__33. Henoguin killed Desierto in a road rage incident. The Police officer went to the house of Henoguin but the mother
told the police that her son is not home and she does not know his whereabouts where in fact the mother
instructed the son to go to their farm to hide. What is the liability of Henoguin’s mother?
a. Accessory
b. Principal for obstruction of justice
c. Accessory but exempted by reason of relationship with the principal by direct participation
d. None of the above
__34. Cator heard Sericon shouting, “tang-inang Bacatin na yan papatayin ko yang hayop na yan”. Cator approached
Sericon and try to confirm what he has heard from the latter. Sericon said, “Hindi matatapos ang linggong ito,
bubulagta yan”. Cator said to Sericon, “sige galit din ako dyan, pag napatay mo sya bibigyan pa kita ng P100, 000”.
two days later, Sericon approached Cator and said, “Cator nabalitaan mo ba na patay na si Bacatin? Akin na yung
pinangako mo!” What is the participation of Cator in the above scenario?
a. Principal by inducement
b. Principal by direct participation
c. Accomplice
d. Accessory
__35. What is the participation of Sericon in the earlier scenario?
a. Principal by inducement
b. Principal by direct participation
c. Accomplice
d. Accessory
__36. Noynay all by himself initially decided to stab Robin. Moreno and Ragsag were on the side of the street. However,
while Noynay was stabbing Robin, Moreno and Ragsag agreed to join in; they rushed to the scene, and Ragsag pull
the hands of Robin then Moreno stabbed him with his respective knife. The 2 men simultaneously stabbed the
helpless Robin. Noynay and Ragsag fled From the scene together, while Moreno went after Pajes, a bystander.
When he failed to overtake and collar Pajes, Moreno returned to where Robin fell and hit him with a hollow block
and a broken bottle. Moreno then Hurriedly left. Ragsag is:
a. An accomplice
b. A principal by direct participation
c. A principal by inducement
d. A principal by indispensable cooperation
__37. Garciano was looking for his daughter Jessa who was then only 16 years old. Someone told him that she was in the
house of Melgar. When Garciano went inside the house of Melgar, he saw his daughter in the act of committing
sexual intercourse with Melgar. Garciano inflicted serious physical injuries upon Melgar. Will article 246 apply in
this case?
a. Yes, for the daughter is still under the parental authority
b. Yes, he/she kills any or both of them, or inflicts upon any or both of them any serious physical injury in the
act of committing sexual intercourse or immediately thereafter
c. No, it is applicable only in the crime of Parricide
d. No, it requires death to the victim for it to apply
__38. Pajes forgot something so he went back to his house. When he arrived, he saw Arreglo climbing out of the window
of his bedroom. Monceller his lawful spouse, begged Pajes to forgive her. Feeling betrayed, Pajes killed his wife.
Pajes will be charged of what appropriate case?
a. Parricide c. Murder
b. Homicide d. Death under exceptional circumstances
__39. Arnado left work early. Upon arriving in his house, he went to his room to look for his wife. When he opened the
door, he saw his wife naked on the bed and he saw another man trying to remove his underwear. He punched and
kicked the man who was thereafter hospitalized for 6 months due to comatoes. Arnado will be charge of what
appropriate case?
a. Serious physical injuries
b. Less serious physical injuries
c. Physical injures inflicted under exceptional circumstances
d. Death inflicted under exceptional circumstances
__40. Arreglo held a grudge against Dan. While Dan was walking on the street. Arreglo shouted at him, “Babasagin ko
mukha mo”, and punched him in the face. Dan fell down and hit his head on the pavement. Because of the impact,
Dan died as a result. Arreglo liable for:
a. Homicide d. Death inflicted under exceptional circumstances
b. Murder d. Parricide
__41. Terol wanted to kill Lito so he waited for him in the corner where Lito usually pass by. When he saw Lito, he shot
him with a gun. Because of poor aimsight, he missed Lito and the bullet landed on a bystander who died as a
consequence. By killing the bystander, what is the appropriate case to be charged of to Terol?
a. Murder c. Parricide
c. Homicide d. Death inflicted under exceptional circumstances
__42. Based on the above scenario, Terol will be liable of for killing Lito:
a. Attempted Murder c. Attempted Homicide
b. Frustrated Murder d. Frustrated Homicide
__43. Bulotano wanted to arouse Mission sexually, so he gave her a chocolate mixed with cantharide.
Because cantharide containded poison, Mission died as a result. Bulotano will be liable for:
a. Homicide c. Parricide
b. Rape d. Murder
__44. Arnado and Bonete were sweethearts, but their parents had objected to their relationship because they were first
cousins. They make an agreement in writing to commit suicide. The agreement was shoot each other in the head
which they did. Bonete died immediately. Due to medical assistance, Arnado survived. Is Arnado criminally liable
for the death of Bonete?
a. No, they agreed to each other in commiting suicide
b. Yes, for he lend an assistance to execute the crime
c. No, he will be only civilly liable for it is done with the consent of Bonete
d. Yes, he will be guilty of homicide or murder as the case may be
__45. On hearing a hospital ward patient on the next bed, shrieking in pain and begging to die, Alayon shut off the
the oxygen that was sustaining the patient, resulting in his death. What crime if any did Alayon commit?
a. Homicide c. Death under exceptional circumstances
b. Murder d. Giving assistance to suicide
__46. During a town fiesta, a free-for-all fight erupted in the public plaza. As a result of the tumultuous affray, Marfil
sustained one fatal and three superficial stab wounds. He died a day after. Desierto, Honoguin, Dalaniel, Ignacio
and Robin were proven to be participants in the “rumble”, each using a balisong knife against Marfil, but it could
not ascertained who among them inflicted the mortal injury. Since the crime was committed in a rumble manner,
what appropriate case will the offenders be held liable?
a. Death caused in a tumultuous affray
b. Serious physical injury inflicted in a tumultuous affray
c. Murder inflicted in a tumultuous affray
d. Homicide inflicted in a tumultuous affray
__47. Enrique a policeman, on his way to buy a lotto ticket, suddenly he found himself sourround by four men. One of
them wrestled Enrique to the ground and disarmed him while the other three companions who were armed
with a hunting knife, an ice pick, and a balisong, repeteadly stabbed him. Enrique died as a reult of the multiple
stab wounds inflicted by his assailants. What appropriate crime will be charged to the offenders?
a. Homicide c. Death caused in a tumultuous affray
b. Murder d. Both b and c
__48. Terol, then a resident of Brgy. Dangpanan, abandoned his wife and their son, Silverio, who was then only three
years old. Twenty years later, an affray took place in a bar in Placer between Terol and his companions,
on one hand, Silverio and his friends, without knowing each other as father and son. Silverio
stabbed and killed Terol in the fight, only to find out, a week later, when his mother arrived from Placer to visit
him in jail, that the man whom he killed was his own father. Silverio will be liable on the crime of:
a. Death caused in a tumultuous affray d. Parricide
b. Murder d. Homicide
__49. Amor a young housewife, and Lito, her paramour, conspired to kill Velasco, her husband, to whom she was
lawfully married. Amor and Lito bought pancit and mixed it with poison. Amor gave the food with poison to
Velasco, but before Velasco could eat it, Robin, her illegitimate father, and Ignacio her illegitimate son, arrived.
Velasco, Robin, and Ignacio shared the food in the presence of Amor who merely watched them eating. Velasco,
Robin, and Ignacio died because of having partaken of the poisoned food. What crimes did she/they committed?
a. Parricide for Amor in killing her husband and son, while Homicide for Lito in killing Robin and Velasco
b. Homicide for Amor in killing her father, while Murder for Lito in killing Robin, Velasco, and Ignacio
c. Parricide for killing her father and husband, while murder for killing her son
d. Parricie for killing her husband and son, while murder for killing his father
__50. Dalaniel was dismissed from his job by his employer. Upon reaching home, his pregnant wife, Ruffa, nagged him
about money for her medicines. Depressed by his dismissal and angered by the nagging of his wife. Dalaniel struck
Ruffa with his fist. She fell to the ground. As a result, she and her unborn baby died. What crime/s was committed
by Dalaniel?
a. Parricide for killing his wife, and intentional abortion for killing the unborn baby
b. Parricide for killing his wife, and unintentional abortion for killing the unborn baby
c. Homicide for killing his wife, and unintentional abortion for killing the unborn baby
d. Homicide for killing his wife, and intentional abortion for killing the unborn baby


Prepared by:
Mr. Junriv S. Rivera

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