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Katipunan, Placer, Masbate

Dr. Victor V. Lepiten, Sr. Victor Elliot S. Lepiten,III


Semi-final examination in Ethics

Ge 8

NAME:____________________________________ DATE: ___________________

YEAR & SECTION: ___________________________ SCORE: __________________

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Read the statement carefully, and write the letter of the correct answer before the number.
__1. At which stage of Kohlberg’s moral development does an individual typically follow rules to avoid punishment?
a. Preconventional level 1, stage 1
b. Preconventional level 1, stage 2
c. Conventional level 2, stage 3
d. Conventional level 2, stage 4
__2. In Kohlberg’s framework, which stage is characterized by adherence to societal laws and an understanding of the
importance of maintaining social order?
a. Conventional level 2, stage 3
b. Conventional level 2, stage 4
c. Postconventional level 3, stage 5
d. Postconventional level 3, stage 6
__3. According to Kohlberg, at which stage does an individual begin to consider the perspectives and opinions of others
in their moral decision-making?
a. Preconventional level 1, stage 1
b. Preconventional level 1, stage 2
c. Conventional level 2, stage 3
d. Conventional level 2, stage 4
__4. What characterizes the moral reasoning at Preconventional level 1, stage 2 in Kohlberg’s theory?
a. Obedience and punishment orientation
b. Individualism and exchange
c. Good and interpersonal relationship
d. Instrumental purpose orientation
__5. At which stage does an individual demonstrate a commitment to universal ehtical principles, even if it means
disobeying societal norms?
a. Conventional level 2, stage 4
b. Postconventional level 3, stage 5
c. Postconventional level 3, stage 6
d. Preconventional level 1, stage 2
__6. A child steals a candy bar from a store. What is the primary motivation behind the action?
a. Fear of punishment
b. Desire for reward
c. Concern for others’ ipinions
d. Understanding of societal rules
__7. A teenager decides not to cheat on a test becasue he is afraid of getting caught and facing consequences.
What stage of moral development does this refelect?
a. Obedience and punishment orientation
b. Instrumental purpose and exchange
c. Good boy/good girl orientation
d. Law and order orientation
__8. A person follow traffic rules because they believe it is important to maintain a functinal and orderly society.
Which stage of moral development is demonstrated?
a. Social contract and individual rights
b. Punishment/obedience orientation
c. Instrumental purpose orientation
d. Obedience to authority and rules
__9. An individual refrains from gossiping at work to maintain positive relationships with colleagues. What stage of
moral reasoning is evident?
a. Social contract and individual rights
b. Punishment/obedience orientation
c. Good boy/good girl orientation
d. Law and order orientation
__10. A person protest against an unjust law, arguing that it goes against fundamental human rights. Which stage of
moral development is reflected?
a. Universal ethical principles
b. Social contract and individual rights
c. Punishment/obedience orientation
d. Obedience to authority and rules
__11. When making ethical decisions based on reason, one is most likely to:
a. Rely on personal emotions
b. Consider logical arguments and evidence
c. Follow cultural norms without questioning
d. Act impulsively withouth thinking
__12. Impartiality in ethical decision-making involves:
a. Prioritizing personal interests
b. Treating all individuals equally and without bias
c. Favoring friends and family over others
d. Making decisions based on intuition
__13. When employing ethical reasoning, one should:
a. Ignore logical consistency
b. Based decisions solely on intuition
c. Consider the implications of actions and principles
d. Follow personal desires without reflection
__14. An individual refuses to participate in a corrupt business deal, citing a commitment to principles of justice.
What stage of moral reasoning is evident?
a. Universal ethical principples
b. Social contract and individual rights
c. Good boy/good girl orientation
d. Instrumental purpose and exchange
__15. A person supports a local charity bacause it aligns with societal expectations of community involvement.
What stage of moral development is demonstrated?
a. Universal ethical principples
b. Social contract and individual rights
c. Good boy/good girl orientation
d. Instrumental purpose and exchange
__16. A child refrains from hitting a sibling to avoid being punished by parents. What is the primary motivation
for the child’s behavior?
a. Instrumental purpose and exchange
b. Obedience and punishment orientation
c. Law and order orientation
d. Good boy/nice girl orientation
__17. A person volunteers at a local community center because they believe it contributes to overall well-being
of society. Which stage of moral reasoning is evident?
a. Instrumental purpose and exchange
b. Obedience and punishment orientation
c. Law and order orientation
d. Good boy/nice girl orientation
__18. An individual refuses to participate in an environmentally harmful project, emphasizing the importance of
preserving nature for future generations. What stage of moral development is reflected?
a. Universal ethical principles
b. Social contract and individual rights
c. Interpersonal accord and conformity
d. Obedience to authority and rules
__19. A child is given the option to share a toy with a friend. What is the likely motivation behind the decision?
a. Desire for approval
b. Fear of punishment
c. Understanding of fairness
d. Internalized moral principles
__20. A teenager refrains from skipping school to avoid suspension. What stage of moral development does this reflect?
a. Obedience and punishment orientation
b. Instrumental purpose and exchange
c. Good boy/nice girl orientation
d. Law and order orientation
__21. This is the stage where the behavior is determined by social approval.
a. Good boy/nice girl orientation
b. Punishment/obedient orientation
c. Individual interest
d. Social contract
__22. This is the stage where the behavior is determined by consequences.
a. Social contract orientation
b. Law and order orientation
c. Instrumental purpose orientation
d. Punishment/obedient orientation
__23. Conformity to social rules remains important to the individual.
a. Pre-conventional
b. Conventional
c. Post-conventional
d. Mid-conventional
__24. This is the highest stage of functioning.
a. Instrumental purpose orientation
b. Law and order orientation
c. Social contract orientation
d. Universal ethical principle orientation
__25. The individual moves beyond the perspective of his or her own society
a. Preconventional level
b. Conventional level
c. Post-conventional level
d. None of the above
__26. These principles are abstract and highly universal in applicationrq
a. Pre-conventional level
b. Mid-conventional level
c. Conventional level
d. Post-conventional level
__27. This is the stage where the individuals focuses on receiving rewards or satisfying personal needs.
a. Instrumental purpose orientatiion
b. Social contract orientation
c. Law andd order orientation
d. Human invention
__28. Rules imposed by authority figures are conformed to in order to-
a. Strengthen the law
b. Develop good moral conduct
c. Avoid punishment
d. All of the above
__29. The individual views laws and rules as flexible tools for improving:
a. Human development
b. Human purposes
c. Human ideas
d. Human invention
__30. According to Kohlberg, women seem to be deficient in-
a. Moral reasoning abilities
b. Moral development
c. Giving new ideas
d. All of the above
__31. An individual faces a moral dilemma where telling a small lie could prevent huritng someone’s feelings.
What approach align to ethical reasoning?
a. Telling the lie to avoid conflict
b. Considering the consequences of the lie
c. Following cultural norms
d. Prioritizing personal emotions
__32. A manager must distribute bonuses among employees. What ethical principle should guide this decision?
a. Favoring employees who are personal friends
b. Allocating bonuses based on individual needs
c. Distributing bonuses impartially based on perfromance
d. Following the manager’s personal preferences
__33. A person encounters a situation where breaking a promise could lead to a better outcome for all involved.
What should guide their decision-making?
a. Utilizing rational reasoning to assess consequences
b. Following personal emotions and intuitions
c. Adhering strictly to a predefined moral rule
d. Seeking guidance from cultural traditions
__34. A judge must decide on a case involving close friends. What ethical principle should guide the judge’s decision?
a. Prioritizing personal relationships
b. Applying the law impartially
c. Considering the judge’s emotional state
d. Following societal expectations
__35. A company is downsizing, and the HR manager needs to select employees for layoffs. What ethical approach
Should the manager take?
a. Deciding based on employees’ contributions and performance
b. Choosing friends to protect them form job loss
c. Following personal preferences
d. Adhering the cultural expectations
__36. A scientist discovers potential harm in a widely used product. What ethical action should the scientist take?
a. Suppresing the information to avoid panic
b. Evaluating the conseqeunces and reporting the findings
c. Acting based on personal emotions
d. Following established industry practices
__37. A gevernment official is responsible for allocating disaster relief funds. What principle should guide the allocation?
a. Focusing on the needs of the official’s hometown
b. Prioritizing personal preferences
c. Distributing funds impartially based on the the severity of the disaster
d. Following political affiliations
__38. An organization is designing a new policy. What ethical principle should be considered to ensure fairness?
a. Prioritizing the preferences of the leadership team
b. Following industry standards without critical evaluation
c. Utilizing rational reasoning to design a policiy that benefits all stakeholders
d. Adhering strictly to traditional practices
__39. A journalist discovers a controversial truth that could harm public perception. What ethical action should the
journalist take?
a. Suppresing the information to avoid public backlash
b. Acting based on personal opinions
c. Following popular beliefs
d. Evaluating the consequences and reporting the truth
__40. A university professor must grade final exams. What ethical principle should guide the grading process?
a. Favouring students with personal connections
b. Assessing each student impartially based on their performance
c. Prioritizing students who share the professor’s viewpoints
d. Following personal inclinations
__41. A doctor faces a difficult decision on whether to inform a patient of a potentially life-altering diagnosis.
What ethical reason should guide the doctor’s decision?
a. Suppressing the information to protect the patient’s feelings
b. Weighing the emotional impact and potential benefits of disclosure
c. Strictly adhering to medical protocols
d. Following personal beliefs without consideration for consequences
__42. A business executive must decice on layoffs to keep the company afloat. What ethical reason should guide this
a. Prioritizing personal emotions and empathy
b. Following industry norms without critical evaluation
c. Adhering to the company’s cultural traditions
d. Evaluating the financial consequences and potential benefits
__43. An environmentalist disovers a factory causing significant pollution. What should guide their decision on whether
to expose this information to the public?
a. Supressing the information to avoid negative emotions
b. Acting based on personal feelings toward the industry
c. Evaluating the conseqeunces and advocating for environmental responsiblity
d. Following established environmental regulations
__44. A judge must determine a sentence for a defendant. What ethical reason should guide the judge’s decision?
a. Applying the law impartially and without emotional influence
b. Weighing perosnal emotions and sympathy for the defendant
c. Following societal expectations without critical evaluation
d. Prioritizing the judge’s personal opinions on justice
__45. A teacher discovers a student cheating on an exam due to personal struggles. What should guide the teacher’s
a. Applying strict consequences to uphold the academic integrity
b. Considering the emotional context and addressing the root cause of cheating
c. Following school policies without considering individual circumstances
d. Prioritizing personal opinions on academic dishonesty
__46. A police officer faces a situation where using force may be necessary. What should guide the officer’s decision?
a. Following personal feelings toward the individuals involved
b. Adhering strictly to deparment polocies without evaluation
c. Prioritizing personal emotions over public safety
d. Utilizing reason to assess the level of force required for public safety
__47. A social worker must decide whether to remove a child from a potentially harmful home environment.
What ethical approach should guide this decision?
a. Following personal emotions and empathy
b. Strictly adhering to legal procedures without considering individual circumstances
c. Prioritizing the social worker’s personal beliefs
d. Evaluating the consequences for the child’s well-being
__48. A researcher discovers flaws in a widely accepted scientific theory. What ethical reason should guide the
researcher’s decision on whether to publish this information?
a. Suppressing the information to avoid controversy
b. Evaluating the consequences for the scientific community
c. Acting based on personal feelings toward the theory
d. Following established scientific protocols without questioning
__49. An individual faces pressure to conform to societal expectations that conflict with personal values. What ethical
reason should guide their decision?
a. Suppressing personal feelings to avoid social conflict
b. Evaluating the consequences of conformity on personal well-being
c. Strictly adhering to societal expectations without reflection
d. Following personal beliefs without consideration for social consequences
__50. A marketing professional must decide whether to advertise a product with exaggerated claims. What ethical
approach should guide this decision?
a. Prioritizing personal emotions and concerns about deceptions
b. Adhering to industry norms without critical evaluation
c. Evaluating the consequences for the company’s financial success
d. Following personal opinions on marketing practices

“Ngunit ang sinumang nagkukulang ng karunungan sa inyo, ay humingi siya sa Dios na nagbibigay ng sagana sa lahat at
hindi nanunumbat” - Santiago 1:5

Prepared by:
Mr. Junriv S. Rivera

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