Ramadan Interview

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We had four Muslim athletes answering the questions, their initials being SW, CF, MI and


We have combined their answers below:

Fasting during Ramadan can have various effects on athletes due to the changes in their eating
and drinking patterns. The absence of food and fluids during daylight hours can result in altered
energy levels, hydration status, and nutrient intake, which may impact an athlete's physical
performance and overall well-being. Some effects that we have felt may include:

1. Energy levels: Fasting can lead to decreased energy levels, as the body relies on stored
glycogen and fat for fuel. This results in reduced stamina, endurance, and overall energy
during training or competitions.

2. Hydration: The limited intake of fluids during fasting hours can lead to dehydration,
which may affect an athlete's performance, especially in activities that require intense
physical exertion and sweat loss.

3. Nutrient intake: Fasting can impact an athlete's ability to consume an adequate amount of
essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, which are crucial for muscle
recovery, repair, and overall performance.

4. Training schedule: Athletes need to adjust their training schedules to accommodate

fasting hours and ensure optimal performance during non-fasting periods. Training
intensity and duration may be modified to account for potential fatigue and reduced
energy levels.

5. Sleep patterns: Ramadan may also affect an athlete's sleep patterns, as early morning or
late-night meals may disrupt their regular sleep routines. Inadequate sleep can contribute
to decreased cognitive function, recovery, and overall athletic performance.

2. Have you noticed any changes in your energy levels or physical endurance during Ramadan? If
so, how do you manage these changes while maintaining your training regimen?
1. Adjust training schedule: I need to plan my training sessions during non-fasting hours,
such as early mornings or evenings, when you have consumed adequate nutrition and are
properly hydrated. This can help optimize my energy levels and performance.

2. Moderate intensity and duration: During fasting hours, I must consider reducing the
intensity and duration of my training sessions to avoid excessive fatigue. I focus on
maintaining consistency and quality in my workouts rather than pushing for maximum

3. Prioritize hydration: Hydration is crucial during non-fasting hours to compensate for the
limited fluid intake during fasting. I must consume sufficient water and hydrating fluids,
such as sports drinks, during the pre-dawn and post-sunset meals.

4. Optimize nutrition: During non-fasting hours, I prioritize nutrient-dense foods to support

your energy levels and recovery. Include a balance of carbohydrates, proteins, healthy
fats, and a variety of fruits and vegetables. I usually consult with a sports nutritionist to
develop a personalized meal plan that meets my nutritional needs.

5. Utilize pre-dawn and post-sunset meals: The pre-dawn meal (suhoor) and the meal after
sunset (iftar) are crucial for maintaining energy levels. I focus on consuming complex
carbohydrates for sustained energy release, along with lean proteins and healthy fats. I
include hydrating foods and fluids to replenish your body's water stores.

6. Listen to your body: Pay attention to your body's signals and adjust your training intensity
or volume accordingly. If you feel excessively fatigued or experience any discomfort, it's
important to prioritize rest and recovery.

7. Monitor sleep patterns: Adequate sleep is vital for recovery and overall performance. I try
to establish a consistent sleep schedule that accommodates your pre-dawn and post-sunset
meals. I create a conducive sleep environment and practice relaxation techniques to
promote quality sleep.

3. What strategies do you employ to balance the physical demands of training and competing
with the spiritual obligations and physical limitations imposed by fasting during Ramadan?
1. Prioritize rest and recovery: Fasting during Ramadan can affect my energy levels and
recovery. It's important to prioritize restorative sleep and allow for sufficient recovery
time between training sessions or competitions. I listen to my body and adjust my training
schedule accordingly.

2. Plan training sessions strategically: I schedule my training sessions during non-fasting

hours to optimize my energy levels and performance. I consider lighter workouts or focus
on technique, flexibility, and recovery exercises during fasting hours.

3. Adjust training intensity and duration: I admit that my energy levels may be different
during fasting, and thus I modify the intensity and duration of my training sessions to
prevent excessive fatigue. I focus on maintaining consistency rather than pushing for
maximum effort during this period.

4. Optimize nutrition during non-fasting hours: I use the pre-dawn meal (suhoor) and the
meal after sunset (iftar) to provide adequate nutrition for sustained energy release and
recovery. I consume a balanced meal that includes complex carbohydrates, lean proteins,
healthy fats, and hydrating foods.Hydration is crucial, especially during non-fasting
hours. I drink sufficient water and hydrating fluids between iftar and suhoor to
compensate for the limited fluid intake during fasting.

4. Have you made any adjustments to your diet or nutrition plan during Ramadan to ensure that
you have sufficient energy and nutrients to sustain your athletic performance?

1. Suhoor (pre-dawn meal): I focus on consuming a balanced meal that includes complex
carbohydrates, such as whole grains or fruits, to provide sustained energy release
throughout the day. I also include a moderate amount of protein from sources like lean
meats, poultry, fish, legumes, or dairy products to support muscle recovery and repair. As
well, I include healthy fats from sources like nuts, seeds, avocados, or olive oil for satiety
and overall nutrition. Hydration is essential, so I drink plenty of fluids, and consider
including hydrating foods like watermelon or cucumbers.

Iftar (meal after sunset): I break my fast with a balanced meal that includes a mix of
carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats to replenish energy stores and support recovery. I
eat a variety of nutrient-dense foods, such as whole grains, lean meats or plant-based
proteins, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. I also hydrate adequately by consuming
fluids and hydrating foods during the meal.

5. Are there specific training or competition schedules that you prefer during Ramadan to
optimize your performance while fasting? How do you adapt your routine to accommodate prayer
times and other religious obligations?

1. Adjust training schedule: I plan my training sessions during non-fasting hours, such as
early mornings or evenings, when I have consumed adequate nutrition and I am properly
hydrated. This can help optimize my energy levels and performance while fasting.

2. Prioritize prayer times: I incorporate prayer times into my training schedule and allow
sufficient time for prayers. I communicate with my coach and teammates to ensure that
my training sessions and competitions are arranged in a way that accommodates my
religious obligations.

6. How does the mental and emotional discipline cultivated during Ramadan, such as self-control
and patience, contribute to your overall performance as an athlete? Are there any specific ways in
which you believe it positively impacts your sportsmanship or mental resilience?

1. The practice of self-control and discipline during Ramadan can translate into improved
focus and concentration during athletic performance. By training oneself to resist
immediate gratification and maintain focus on religious obligations, athletes may develop
the ability to better concentrate on their training, techniques, and strategies. Fasting during
Ramadan requires perseverance and resilience, especially when faced with physical
challenges and hunger. This mental resilience can carry over to an athlete's mindset,
helping them cope with adversity, setbacks, and high-pressure situations in their sport.
The ability to stay calm, composed, and mentally strong during challenging moments can
positively impact performance.

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