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Mass Media and Communication


The Photo of Choice.

It might feel absurd that this is the choice of picture that I have brought forward when asked
to think about an impactful picture taken by me in my life. This picture was recently taken by
me when I went to watch the Eras movie in the cinemas. The person in this picture is Taylor
Swift, one of the biggest singers to ever exist on this planet, with multiple laurels to her

This photo is impactful to me for a plethora of reasons and idol worship is not one of them. I
may be appreciative of her music but it goes beyond that. I think this photo is as impactful to
me as it feels because this was the first movie that I went for alone. I was a little nervous,
ashamed even. Everyone was going to arrive in groups and here I was, shifting in my seat
with bated anxiety, waiting for the show to begin.

But as soon as the show began, all of these feelings went away. The magic of Taylor Swift is
such, it makes you fall in love with yourself again. This photo is impactful to me because with
every smile she gave to herself, I could feel the sense of self returning to my body. With
every song she sang, I could feel like I was coming full circle with revisiting different phases
of my life and hers being sung and being able to sing. I was able to finally be in a safe space
where I could truly be my own person and also feel a twinge of respect for who I had
transformed into in all these years. It's really not about her being a stranger on a stage who
sings for us, it's about how she makes us feel and the values she puts for us. She gives us
girls, who have been conditioned to accept dismissal, gaslighting, and mistreatment from a
society that treats their emotions as inconsequential, permission to believe that their interior
lives matter. That for your heart to break, whether it’s from not being able to crack the exam
you studied years for or by the memory of a scarf still sitting in a drawer somewhere or
because somebody else controls your life’s work, is a valid wound, and no, you’re not crazy
for being upset about it, or for wanting your story to be told.

This impactful photo symbolises more than just a musical performance; it represents a safe
space where I could authentically be myself, shedding the initial anxieties that gripped me.
Taylor Swift's influence goes beyond the superficial; it's about how she connects with her
audience on a profound level. She imparts a sense of value to our inner lives, challenging
societal norms that dismiss our emotions as inconsequential.

This impactful photo of Taylor Swift on stage is a powerful testament to the values she
advocates – self-love, acceptance, perseverance, and feminism. It serves as a reminder that
embracing our authentic selves and navigating life's challenges are not only valid but crucial
steps toward personal growth. Through her music and presence, Taylor Swift inspires us to
stand tall in the face of adversity, to cherish our individual narratives, and to unapologetically
celebrate the journey of becoming who we are meant to be.

As I reflect on the multifaceted impact of this singular image, it becomes clear that her
artistry extends beyond the stage. It infiltrates the very fabric of my life, encouraging me to
cultivate self-love, accept my vulnerabilities, persevere through challenges, and champion
the cause of feminism. This photo becomes a poignant reminder that the power of music,
and indeed any form of art, lies not just in the notes played or the words sung but in the
transformative effect it has on our souls.

Asmi Chaturvedi
13th January 2024

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