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Activity Sheets
Quarter 1
Quarter 1
First Edition, 2022

Copyright © 2022
La Union Schools Division
Region I

All rights reserved. No part of this activity sheet may be reproduced in any form without
written permission from the copyright owners.
Development Team of the Reading Enhancement Activity Sheets

Writers: Ivina C. Belecina Katherine Anne M. Gural

Verna P. Bermundo Jessica L. Huliganga
Gilbert A. Borja Kenneth R. Macalintal
Gina J. Cruz Annielyn A. Molina
Annelyn C. Dela Torre Janice B. Picardo
Regina J. Estrada Mijusa . Villanueva

Editor: SDO La Union, Learning Resource Quality Assurance Team

Cover Art: Eizenne Roxanne S. Pulmano

Illustrators: Ernesto F. Ramos Jr.

Rodel R. Rimando
Rogelio C. Runas Jr.

Content Evaluators: Belen C. Aquino, PhD

Racel S. Ordinario

Language Evaluators: Belen C. Aquino, PhD Ricel D. Mifa

Isidro G. Arada Jr. Racel S. Ordinario

Design and Layout: Emilyn A. Ulatan

Management Team:
Atty. Donato D. Balderas Jr. Vivian Luz S. Pagatpatan, PhD
Schools Division Superintendent Asst. Schools Division Superintendent
German E. Flora, PhD Virgilio C. Boado, PhD
CID Chief EPS in Charge of LRMS
Michael Jason D. Morales Claire P. Toluyen
Project Development Officer II Librarian II
Belen C. Aquino, PhD
EPS in Charge of English

Printed in the Philippines by: _________________________

Department of Education – SDO La Union

Office Address: Flores St. Catbangen, San Fernando City, La Union
Telefax: 072 – 205 – 0046
Email Address:
English 7 – Quarter 1-Week 1

Name of Learner: _______________________________________________________________

School Name:___________________________________District: _________________

Learning Competency: Distinguish between slang and colloquial expressions in

conversations. (EN7V-I-a-22)

Direction: Read and comprehend the texts/figures/illustrations/tables/graphics

below and answer the question/s that follows.

A Positive Change
by Gina J. Cruz

It was the first day of school. Lina saw her best friend Danilo and was so elated
to see him good-looking.
Nah ah! I just started
with a healthy diet and
Hey, Danilo! What‟s up? good lifestyle. I
You look so “hunk”! disciplined myself with
How‟d you do that? Did daily exercise. Being
you do some makeover? strong and healthy is my
You really did glow up! priority nowadays.

That‟s good! I can

share with you
some healthy tips
You‟re right, dude! and exercise
Maybe, it is also routines if you
time for me to start want to.
a healthy habit.

I am planning to
attend Zumba
sessions with our
Great! I will ask my pals this Saturday.
mom‟s permission, Perhaps, you
hoping she will let wanna come?
me come.

I‟m sure, she will.

Comprehension Check

1. Why did Lina feel so elated when he saw Danilo?

A. because he received an award
B. because he had become wealthy
C. because he looked so handsome
D. because Danilo fulfilled his promise

2. How did Danilo really glow up?

A. Danilo did some makeover.
B. He underwent cosmetic surgery.
C. He started with a healthy diet and good lifestyle.
D. He used cosmetic products such as skin exfoliates.

3. Which of the following conversations uses colloquial language?

A. “Hey! What‟s up?”
B. „I just started with a healthy diet.”
C. “I also disciplined myself with daily exercise.”
D. “I can share with you some healthy tips and exercise routines.”

4. “Perhaps, you wanna come?” What does the colloquial term “wanna” mean in
this sentence?
A. going to B. gone to
C. want to D. went to

Hey, Danilo! What‟s up? You look
so “hunk”! How‟d you do that? Did
you do some makeover? You really
did glow up!

Based on the comic strip above, what does the slang word “hunk” mean?
A. good-looking B. horrible-looking
C. nasty D. unattractive
English 7 – Quarter 1-Week 1

Name of Learner: _______________________________________________________________

School Name:___________________________________District: _________________

Learning Competency: Scan for specific information (EN7SS-I-a-1.5.2)

Direction: Below is a dictionary entry. Scan to answer the questions that follow.

Comprehension Check
1. What word in the entry means examination, inspection, study, scrutiny,
investigation and evaluation?
A. analogy B. analysis C. analyze D. anarch

2. The analysis of the new vaccine is successful. How was “analysis” used in the
A. adjective B. adverb C. noun D. verb

3. Scan and find the opposite of the word “amuse”.

A. bore B. calm C. chaotic D. softly
4. Which of these sets of guide words would be at the top of the page if the word
you are looking for is “anecdote”?
A. also and ample B. amuse and angrily
C. angry and antagonize D. anthem and apologize

5. Which of these sentences uses the word “analyze” correctly?

A. I agree with her analyze of the situation.
B. After careful analyze, she decided not to go.
C. The analyze must be deepen, if we are to gain any further conclusions.
D. We need to analyze the mathematical problem in order to get the
English 7 – Quarter 1-Week 1

Name of Learner: _______________________________________________________________

School Name:_________________________________________District: _________________

Learning Competency: Distinguish features of colloquial language and slang.


Direction: Read and comprehend the conversation below and answer the questions
that follow.

Danny: A Good Friend

by Regina J. Estrada

Danny: Hey bro, what‟s up?

Mario: I‟m quite drained. I had two major tests in school this morning.
Danny: Why worry, it‟s fine! I know you did well!
Mario: I dunno bro. I was not able to review my notes well.
Danny: Sorry to hear that. Do you wanna come over my house? Mother prepared
your favorite suman.
Mario: Oh really, sure! I‟m gonna be there in a few minutes.
Danny: Alright! See you then. Bye!
Mario: Bye!
Comprehension Questions:

_______ 1. Which among the words below is an example of a colloquial language?

A. Bro B. Drained
C. Dunno D. Gonna

_______ 2. I‟m quite drained. I had two major tests in school this morning. How does
the word drained use in this statement?
A. Colloquial B. Idiom
C. Jargon D. Slang

_______ 3. Hey bro, what’s up? What does the underlined expression mean?
A. How are you doing?
B. How old are you?
C. What do you want?
D. Where do you stay?

_______ 4. In formal conversation, what is the correct term for the slang word
A. Want to
B. What to
C. When to
D. Where to

_______ 5. Which among the statements below is the corresponding translation of

the slang word dunno?
A. I don‟t care.
B. I don‟t know.
C. I don‟t need.
D. I don‟t remember.
English 7 – Quarter 1-Week 2

Name of Learner: _______________________________________________________________

School Name:_________________________________________District: _________________

Learning Competency: Express appreciation for sensory images. (EN7LT-I-c-2.2.1)

Direction: Read and comprehend the texts/figures/illustrations/tables/graphics

below, and answer the question that follows.

A Walk through the Rice fields

by Annelyn C. Dela Torre

Arianne and her family went to visit her grandparents in the province. When they
arrived, her cousins, Juanita and Berto excitedly invited her to go with them and play
along the riverbank. As they were walking towards the river, she saw the beautiful
sight of a very wide expanse of green rice fields stretching before her eyes.
“Why did you stop suddenly?” her cousins asked curiously. “It‟s beautiful!”
she exclaimed. “Have you not seen a rice field before?” asked Berto.
“Not in real life, only in movies and on Facebook. I never thought it would be
this pretty,” she replied. “Alright, let‟s walk through the rice fields then,” cried
Juanita and Berto as they pulled Arianne‟s hand and led her eagerly towards the rice
As she finally stood in the middle of the fields, she gently caressed the stalks of
the palay grains still wet with morning dew. She just loved the course texture
of the palay on her palm.
She took a deep breath of fresh air filled with the musty scent of the earth and
the fragrance of the ripening grains. Suddenly, Berto plucked a handful of grains and
offered it to her. “Here, taste it. Like this,” Berto showed her as he bit into a small,
unripened palay grain. Its milky, white juice oozed out of its yellow-green coat.
Arianne did what Berto showed her. “It is sweet and still soft,” she said.
“That is because the palay is not yet ready for harvesting” explained Juanita.
“Oh, I see,” Arianne uttered with a smile as understanding dawned on her. Thinking
there and then, he thought to herself how lovely and peaceful it would be to live in a
place like this.
Comprehension Check:
1. Who visited her grandparents in the province?
A. Berto
B. Juanita
C. Her cousins
D. Arianne and her family

2. As they were walking towards the river, what did Arianne see?
A. the river
B. her grandparents
C. a handful of palay grains
D. a very wide expanse of beautiful, green rice fields

3. Instead of going to the riverbank to play, where did Juanita and Berto take
A. To the river
B. To the hills
C. To the rice fields
D. To the mountains

4. How did Arianne express her admiration of the rice fields?

A. She went along with her cousins happily.
B. She stopped and looked at the beautiful scenery.
C. She walked towards the rice fields with her cousins.
D. She used her senses to express her appreciation of the beautiful rice fields.

5. Which of the following statements shows details that uses sense of touch?
A. Its milky, white juice oozed out of its yellow-green coat.
B. She just loved the course texture of the palay on her palm.
C. Suddenly, Berto plucked a handful of grains and offered it to her.
D. She took a deep breath of fresh air filled with the musty scent of the earth
and the fragrance of the ripening grains.
English 7 – Quarter 1-Week 2

Name of Learner: _______________________________________________________________

School Name:_________________________________________District: _________________

Learning Competency: Skim for major ideas using headings as a guide.


Direction: Read and study the passage/picture below. Then, answer the
comprehension questions that follow. Encircle the letter of your answer.

The Good Leader

by Katherine Anne M. Gural

The Boy Scouts will be conducting a Tree Planting Activity at Barangay

Cataguingtingan, Purok 2, Rosario La Union. The trees to be planted are mango,
molave and narra. Juan, the leader of the group, decides to encourage other learners
to join the said activity.
On the other side, young people are not interested. They rather use their
cellphones and play computer games all day. Juan is having a dilemma on how to
convince others to be part of it. So, he makes a poster that will promote it and posted
it around their school campus.
As a result, many of the learners became aware of the importance of the
simple Tree Planting Activity and many have decided to participate.
Comprehension Check

1. Who is Juan as a leader?

A. empowers others B. has the ability to delegate
C. has self-discipline D. self-motivated

2. What is the initial response of the learners towards the Tree Planting Activity?
A. interested B. not interested C. motivated D. unhappy

3.What is the dilemma faced by Juan?

A. makes a poster for the program
B. teaches the learners how to plant
C. encourages learners to join the Tree Planting Activity
D. invites the learners to join the Boy Scouts of the Philippines

4. How did Juan convince others to join the activity?

A. He posted a video inviting everyone.
B. He posted a poster around their school campus.
C. He made a letter posted inside their classrooms.
D. He sent a text message to all the learners of the school.

5. What does the passage say about “The Good Leader”?

A. A leader gives command to her people.
B. A leader inspires others to join their goal.
C. A leader thinks of the success of a certain activity.
D. A leader encourages everyone to become a leader also.
English 7 – Quarter 1-Week 3

Name of Learner: _______________________________________________________________

School Name:_________________________________________District: _________________

Learning Competency: Use appropriate idiomatic expressions in a variety of basic

interpersonal communicative situations.

Direction: Read and comprehend the text and illustration below and answer the
questions that follow

Mel is talking to her adviser, Miss Rona about studying techniques.

Miss Rona: How are you doing Mel?
Mel: I suppose I‟m alright ma‟am.
Miss Rona: You don‟t seem alright to me. What‟s bothering you?
Mel: Well ma‟am, I've been up late studying for my English exam, and I'm terribly
exhausted. Being in high school is really tough.
Miss Rona: High school is easier than what you think. You simply need to learn the
ropes about studying. You can‟t continue like that on every exam.
Mel: What do you recommend ma‟am? I‟m all ears.
Miss Rona: Try doing a little bit of studying each week. That way, you don‟t have to
cram before the exam. To avoid distractions, you might also try studying with your
pals. That way, you won‟t have to study alone until the wee hours. You know, you can
ace the exam by studying smarter not harder. You should learn some ways to make
your high school life easier.
Mel: That‟s a great idea. Thank you Miss Rona. I‟ll get going then. I need to find my
friends and study with them.
Miss Rona: Okay. Good luck Mel.
Comprehension Check

1. What idiomatic expression was used in the conversation that

means to learn how a particular job or task is done?
A. ace B. all ears
C. the wee hours D. learn the ropes

2. What does the idiom “all ears” mean?

A. both ears B. listen inattentively
C. get the attention of someone D. to listen eagerly, attentively

3. “You can ace the exam by studying smarter not harder”? This sentence
means “do exceptionally well in exam by __________”.
A. hiring a tutor
B. cheating from your smart classmate
C. reviewing on the night before the exam
D. thinking of smart ways to review for the exam

4. What activity can you do in the wee hours?

A. hike B. sunbathe
C .do carpentry jobs D. review for an exam

5. Which among the sentences suggest a solution to avoid

cramming before an exam?
A. Studying with your pals
B. Studying a little each week
C. Studying on the day of the exam
D. Studying alone the night before the exam
English 7 – Quarter 1-Week 3

Name of Learner: _______________________________________________________________

School Name:_________________________________________District: _________________

Learning Competency: Use non-linear visuals as comprehensive aids in content

texts. (EN7RC-I-e-2.15)

Direction: Read and comprehend the story. After which, answer the comprehension
check and complete the flow chart below.

The Jealous Butterfly

by Kenneth R. Macalintal

One morning in summer, the chicken and the duck were playing and they
were great friends. Little butterfly was jealous. She attempted to keep them apart. “I'll
grant one wish to each of you,” said butterfly.
"I want to travel somewhere far away," chicken said. The little butterfly
granted the wish while smiling that the chicken had not wished for him to be able to
The duck, however, was not deceived. The little butterfly had no choice but to
fulfill his wish. "I hope that my friend will always find his way home, the duck said."
At the end, the little butterfly eventually came to the realization that she
shouldn't destroy a relationship in order to be happy and fulfilled.
Comprehension Questions:

_____1. Who are the characters in the story?

A. butterfly, dog and cat B. butterfly, chicken and duck
C. butterfly, snake and chicken D. butterfly, rabbit and monkey

_____2. When did the story happen? summer day B. one early morning Sunday morning D. one morning in summer

_____3. How would you describe the butterfly in the story?

A. angry B. boastful C. jealous D. lazy

_____4. How would you describe the chicken and duck in the story?
A. They were lovers.
B. They were enemies.
C. They were playmates.
D. They were great friends

_____5. What message can you get from the story?

A. Do what you want to satisfy yourself.
B. Wish everything and depend on your friends.
C. Always love your friends because they are the ones helping us.
D. Do not destroy a relationship just to feel happy and contented.

B. Let‟s do it more!

Instruction: Fill in the boxes of what is being asked based on the story that you have

1.Title: 2.Topic:

3.Characters: 4.Events:

5.Theme/Message of the story:

English 7 – Quarter 1-Week 3

Name of Learner: _______________________________________________________________

School Name:_________________________________________District: _________________

Learning Competency: Explain the literary devices used. (EN7LT- Ie-2.2.2)

Directions: Read, analyze and explain the content of the poem.

My Birthday Wish
by Ivina C. Belecina

As I look up into the sky

My mind wondered and soared high
Trying hard to keep myself calm
Hoping that no one gets harm
It makes life so blue and gray
Everyone is fighting to stay
I kneel down and pray,
Lord, please let COVID- 19 BE GONE FOREVER…

I asked myself with a sigh

Keeping every minute an eye
Extending help on each other palm
Building each other stronger arm
Driving this deadly virus away
Following health protocol in many way
I kneel down and pray,
Lord, please let COVID- 19 BE GONE FOREVER…
Number of infected cases is imply
People cannot help but to cry
Waiting for assistance to come
This pain inside is a bomb
Deafening silence is observed each day
What else we would want to say
I kneel down and pray,
Lord, please let COVID-19 BE GONE FOREVER…

Inevitable food shortage defy

Prices of commodities is high
Tears overflowed and destroyed my charm
Wishing for a miracle to come
Indeed it is the best gift on my birthday
Our life will be fruitful and gay
I kneel down and pray,
Lord, please let COVID-19 BE GONE FOREVER…

Comprehension Questions:

1. What is the birthday wish of the author?

A. To have pretty dress B. To be with his family
C. To recover from illness D. Covid-19 will be gone forever

2. On the second stanza of the poem it states that Covid-19 makes our life______.
A. Yellow and red B. Blue and gray
C. Black and white D. Green and brown

3. How does the author feel about Covid-19 virus?

A. Happy B. Angry
C. Worried D. Excited

4. Deafening silence is observed each day. The underlined phrase means_____.

A. Loud and clear B. Very loud
C. Soft but clear D. Very soft

5. Why is COVID-19 considered a serious problem?

A. It is a deadly virus B. It affects the life of many
C. It cause us pain D. It destroys relationship
English 7 – Quarter 1-Week 4

Name of Learner: _______________________________________________________________

School Name:_________________________________________District: _________________

Learning Competency: Determine the tone, mood, technique, and purpose of the
author.( EN7LT-I-f-2.2.3)

Directions: Read and comprehend the story below and answer the questions that
follow. Write your answer on a ¼ sheet of pad paper.

A Day in Rea’s Life

by Mijusa O. Villanueva

Rea wiped the sweat on her forehead as she carried the bag full of keychains
and ref magnets that she needed to sell for the day. It was a hot day, and she had not
sold any. She started to worry because she badly needed the money to buy her
sister‟s shoes, uniform, and bag as well as to provide for her daily allowance.
Time ticked slowly. One person came after another, yet her products were only
half sold. Soon, the night came, and she needed to pack up her things, head home,
and prepare for her and her sister‟s meals.
Sighing, she walked determinedly while uttering a small prayer hoping that
tomorrow may bring her better opportunities to earn more.
Comprehension Check

1. Who was worried while trying to sell her keychains and ref magnets?
A. Rea B. Rea‟s sister C. Rea‟s customers D.Rea‟s neighbors

2. Why was she worried?

A. because her sister was sick
B. because she was late to school
C. because she had not yet sold all her products
D. because her sister had not yet eaten her meal

3. How did she face the challenges in her life?

A. She remained worried because of her sister.
B. She was dedicated to continue making money.
C. She was discouraged and decided to stop selling her products.
D. She remained hopeful and determined that she would find better
opportunities to earn money.

4. How can the tone or mood of the story be described?

A. doubtful B. hopeful C. stressful D. worrisome

5. What is the purpose of the author?

A. To inform us how Rea and her sister‟s life every day
B. To describe the incidents that happened in Rea and her sister‟s life
C. To relate the events in Rea and her sister‟s life that bring inspiration
D. To show how Rea tries to overcome the challenges in her life
English 7 – Quarter 1-Week 5

Name of Learner: _______________________________________________________________

School Name:_________________________________________District: _________________

Competency: Give the meaning of signs and symbols (road signs, prohibited signs,
etc.) (EN7SS-I-g-1.2)

Direction: Read and comprehend the texts below and answer the questions that

See. Think. Go!

by Janice B. Picardo

Allan is a Grade-7 boy. He loves going to school on his bicycle. With this, he is
able to mingle with his friends as they drove together.
On their way to school, they saw the traffic light turn red. All of them stopped.
When the traffic light turned green, they proceeded. As they entered right through
the street heading to school, they noticed the sign, “No Left-Turn.” So, they used
another route instead. Happily biking, they saw a group of boys crossing along the
pedestrian lane. They stopped once more to give way to the pedestrians.
Allan reached the school safely. The bell rang. He was just right on time.
Comprehension Check

1. What did Allan do when the traffic light turned red?

A. He went on his way rightly.
B. He stopped as he saw the red light.
C. He thought of going straight or to stop.
D. He just waited until the other cars moved.

2. What did it mean for Allan when the traffic light turned green?
A. Go straight. B. Think of what to do
C. Stop for a while. D. Wait for a while.

3. What street sign that Allan saw on the street that meant “No Left-Turn?”

A. B. C. D.

4. Why did Allan like to ride on a bicycle in going to school?

A. Because he wanted to test his endurance
B. Because he wanted to mingle with his friends
C. Because he wanted to be on time in going to school.
D. Because he wanted to show his new bike to his friends

5. What did Allan see along the streets that helped him travel safely going to school?
A. traffic enforcers B. road signs and symbols
C. group of bikers D. group of bystanders
English 7 – Quarter 1-Week 5

Name of Learner: _______________________________________________________________

School Name:_________________________________________District: _________________

Learning Competency: Draw similarities and differences of the featured selections

in relation to the theme. (EN7LT-I-g-2.3)

Instruction: Read and comprehend the text below and answer the question/s that

La Union Fêtes
by Jessica L. Huliganga

La Union is a home of many festivals, in addition to the usual tourist

attractions like beaches and landmarks. One of these festivals is the remarkable Basi
Festival of Naguilian which is held every first week of May. The festival mainly
promotes basi, an organic wine from sugarcane, as a local product. Naguilianons
gather at the Naguilian plaza auditorium to celebrate and enjoy a variety of events.
Similarly, the town of Bauang comes alive to stage the colorful Baggak Festival
every month of April. “Baggak” means “morning star” and stands for the dawning of a
new day for Bauang. The locals go all out in their costumes as they celebrate this
These festivals among others portray the Ilokano spirit of unity and diversity
of culture. They are meant to rejoice special moments in our lives and reconnect us
with our family and community.
Comprehension Check

1. What is the main component of basi?

A. organic wine B. sugarcane
C. vegetable D. vinegar

2. Baggak” means “morning star” and stands for the dawning of a new day for
Bauang. What does “dawning” mean?
A. call to unite B. celebration of birth
C. ability to go down D. beginning of a period

3. What do the Basi Festival and Baggak Festival have in common?

A. Both are patronal festivals.
B. Both commemorate to gods.
C. Both are for political purposes.
D. Both promote culture and tradition.

4. What is the difference between the two festivals?

A. The theme of the festival.
B. The people who will attend.
C. The activities being performed.
D. The month it will be celebrated.

5. Why do we celebrate festivals?

A. to gain more taxes
B. to outshine other festivals
C. to exceed previous celebrations
D. to exhibit rich culture and traditions
English 7 – Quarter 1-Week 6

Name of Learner: _______________________________________________________________

School Name:_________________________________________District: _________________

Competency: Follow directions using a map. (EN7RC-I-i-14)

Directions: Read and comprehend the texts/ figures/ illustrations/tables/ graphics

below and answer the questions that follow.
Pedro Went to Town
by Gilbert A. Borja

After three years of staying in Manila, Pedro and his family decided to have a
short vacation in La Union. Pedro misses his hometown, Tubao where he grew up
with his best friend, Juan.
One morning, Pedro asked his parents to go meet Juan. Knowing that Pedro
would feel happy to meet his best friend after a long time, they granted his request.
Both friends agreed to meet at the new mall at the neighboring town at noon.
Pedro being not familiar with the place, got lost. So, he brought his phone out
called Juan for directions.
Juan told Pedro to get to the place through a jeepney ride from Tubao junction
to Agoo town proper. He may also choose to the tricycle going straight to CSI mall.
It took sometimes for Pedro before he reaches his destination. From a distance
he saw Juan with all smiles waving at him.
Comprehension Check:

1. Who are planning for a vacation?

A. Pedro and his family C. Juan and his family
B. Pedro and Juan D. Juan and his friends

2. What is Pedro's province?

A. Agoo B. La Union C. Manila D. Mindoro

3. How will Pedro reach his hometown?

A. by riding on a bike C. by riding on a tricycle
B. by riding on a jeepney D. by riding on a bus

4. What did Pedro use to locate his best friend, Juan.

A. He used a map C. He used a compass
B. He used a locators app D. He used a chart

5. What did Pedro realize about following directions?

A. Directions determined his exact location.
B. Directions guided him in reaching his destination.
C. Directions showed him the beauty of his hometown.
D. Directions led him to travel from one place to another.
English 7 – Quarter 1-Week 6

Name of Learner: _______________________________________________________________

School Name:_________________________________________District: _________________

Competency: Follow directions using a map. (EN7RC-I-i-14)

Instruction: Read and comprehend the text below and answer the question/s that

Way to Tuddingan Falls

by Jessica L. Huliganga

Are you looking for some adventure? Come and visit the magnificent 70-feet
waterfalls located at Tuddingan, Naguilian, La Union. Formerly called the Burayok
Falls, the falls is just about seven kilometers away from the town proper with a
23-minute ride which is accessible through public utility vehicles. Its access road is
through Naguilian-Bagulin Road.
Begin your road trip at the Naguilian Town Proper by taking a tricycle or a
jeepney ride bound for the town of Bagulin. Go along the road and you will pass by a
resort on the left side called Venice Resort. Go straight ahead and be mesmerized by
the lush greenery of the rice plantation by wide plains. Then, a tunnel of mango trees
will envelop your warm presence.
At the crossroads, take the second left lane and go straight ahead a bridge
connecting barangay Lioac Sur to Gusing Sur. Stay straight on this road until you
reach the jump-off point at Barangay Tuddingan; and from there, walk your way to
the falls.
People who intend to visit this natural wonder have the thrill of walking on a
700-meter cemented pathway with grills up to the hill overlooking the waterfall. The
path is lined with forest trees and shrubs and flowing water that will surely make a
relaxing breather during the short hike.
Comprehension Check

1. What means of communication are accessible in going to the falls?

A.tricycle and bus B. bicycle and bus
C.bus and jeepney D. jeepney and tricycle

2. Where does the road trip to the falls begin?

A. Lioac Sur B. Tuddingan Market
C. Bagulin Town Proper D. Naguilian Town Proper

3. What road will you take in the crossroads?

A. first left B. second left
C. first right D. second right

4. What is the importance of landmarks when going to the falls?

A. Landmarks serve as stopovers.
B. Landmarks can change directions.
C. Landmarks are good for picture taking.
D. Landmarks give a person points of reference to locate other places.

5. If you happen to go to the falls, how will you preserve its beauty?
A. Play music related to nature.
B. Make a campfire near the falls.
C. Create a shortcut trail up the waterfalls.
D. Bring bag to store wrappers or leftovers from food.

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