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Soal latihan pada topik : Electric potential and capacitor

Thread 3-1: verifikasi jawabab setiap soal PG berikut (20 soal)

Nama : Rian Sofian
NIM : 2702358462
1. An electron moves from point i to point f, in the direction of a uniform electric field. During
this placement:

A) the work done by the field is positive and the potential energy of the electron-field system
B) the work done by the field is negative and the potential energy of the electron-field system
C) the work done by the field is positive and the potential energy of the electron-field system
D) the work done by the field is negative and the potential energy of the electron-field system
E) the work done by the field is positive and the potential energy of the electron-field system
does not change

Ans: B
Difficulty: E
Step by step explanation:
The answer is B) the work done by the field is positive and the
potential energy of the electron field system increases.

In an electric field the electron moves at a constant velocity at right

angles to the field but accelerates along the direction of the field. You
should note that, charged particles move in parabolas if projected into
an electric field in a direction at right angles to the field. Charged
particles move in straight lines and accelerate or decelerate if
projected into an electric field along the direction of the field. Electron
is negatively charged and field is positively charged hence causing
attraction of electrons to the field. Unlike terms attracts.

2. A hollow conductor is positively charged. A small uncharged metal ball is lowered by a silk
thread through a small opening in the top of the conductor and allowed to touch its inner surface.
After the ball is removed, it will have:
A) a positive charge
B) a negative charge
C) no appreciable charge
D) a charge whose sign depends on what part of the inner surface it touched
E) a charge whose sign depends on where the small hole is located in the conductor

Ans: C
Difficulty: E

Answer & Explanation:

C) no appreciable charge
When the small uncharged metal ball is lowered into the hollow
conductor and touches its inner surface, it will experience a process
called electrostatic induction. The positive charge on the inner surface
of the conductor will attract negative charges in the metal ball,
causing them to move towards the point of contact. However, since
the metal ball is uncharged to begin with, it does not have an excess
of positive or negative charges. Therefore, when the ball is removed
from the conductor, it will not retain any significant charge. Any
charges that were induced in the ball will redistribute themselves
evenly throughout the ball, resulting in a neutral state. Therefore, the
correct answer is C) no appreciable charge.

3. If 500 J of work are required to carry a 40-C charge from one point to another, the potential
difference between these two points is:
A) 12.5 V
B) 20,000 V
C) 0.08 V
D) depends on the path
E) none of these

Ans: A
Difficulty: M

Step by step explanation:

Potential difference between any two points = work done over charge
Applying formula: V= W/Q
Given: W= 500J , Q= 40 C
Substituting this in above formula: V= W/Q
We get, V= 500J/40C (500/40 = 12.5)

Therefore , Potential difference, V= 12.5 V

(A) is the correct choice.

4. The equipotential surfaces associated with a charged point particle are:

A) radially outward from the particle
B) vertical planes
C) horizontal planes
D) concentric spheres centered at the particle
E) concentric cylinders with the particle on the axis

Ans: D
Difficulty: E

Step by step explanation:

The electric potential distinction between focuses A and B, VB−VA, is
characterized to be the adjustment in expected energy of a charge q
moved from A to B, divided by the charge. Units of potential distinction
are joules per coulomb, given the name volt (V) after Alessandro Volta.
Potential difference between two points, change V = 100V
Charge of particle, Q=2C
Magnitude of work done is calculated;
W = Q X change V
W = 2C X 100 V
W = 200J

5. The electric potential in a certain region of space is given by V = –7.5x2 + 3x, where V is in
volts and x is in meters. In this region the equipotential surfaces are:
A) planes parallel to the x axis
B) planes parallel to the yz plane
C) concentric spheres centered at the origin
D) concentric cylinders with the x axis as the cylinder axis
E) unknown unless the charge is given

Ans: B
Difficulty: E
6. Positive charge is distributed uniformly throughout a non-conducting sphere. The highest
electric potential occurs:
A) at the center
B) at the surface
C) halfway between the center and surface
D) just outside the surface
E) far from the sphere

Ans: A
Difficulty: M
The highest electric potential occurs at the center of the non-conducting
sphere because the positive charge is distributed uniformly throughout the
sphere. Electric potential is a scalar quantity that represents the amount of
electric potential energy per unit charge at a specific point in space. In this
case, since the positive charge is distributed uniformly throughout the
sphere, the electric potential at any point inside the sphere will be the same.
However, as we move closer to the center of the sphere, the distance from
the positive charges decreases, resulting in a higher electric potential. At
the center of the sphere, the distance from any positive charge is minimized,
resulting in the highest electric potential. Therefore, the highest electric
potential occurs at the center of the non-conducting sphere.
7. A total charge of 7  10–8 C is uniformly distributed throughout a non-conducting sphere with
a radius of 5 cm. The electric potential at the surface, relative to the potential far away, is about:
A) –1.3  104 V
B) 1.3  104 V
C) 7.0  105 V
D) –6.3  104 V
E) 0

Ans: B
Difficulty: M

Step by step explanation:

The expression for relative potential is a follows,
Here, point A is assumed to be on the surface of sphere and point B is
at infinity.
Potential at infinity is,
The expression for electric potential at surface is as follows,
Here, k is constant, Q is charge and r is radius of sphere.
Substitute necessary values.

8. The electric field in a region around the origin is given by where C is a constant. The
equipotential surfaces are:
A) concentric cylinders with axes along the z axis
B) concentric cylinders with axes along the x axis
C) concentric spheres centered at the origin
D) planes parallel to the xy plane
E) planes parallel to the yz plane

Ans: A
Difficulty: M

9. Eight identical spherical raindrops are each at a potential V, relative to the potential far away.
They coalesce to make one spherical raindrop whose potential is:
A) V/8
B) V/2
C) 2V
D) 4V
E) 8V

Ans: D
Difficulty: M
Step by step explanation:
If the radius of each raindrop was r then after coalescing the radius of
the raindrop R will be-
R = 2r
And if charge on each drop was q then after coalescing the charge will
be Q = 8q.
And the potential of each drop was
Now the potential after coalesce will be
Hence, option (D) is correct.

10. A particle with charge q is to be brought from far away to a point near an electric dipole. No
work is done if the final position of the particle is on:
A) the line through the charges of the dipole
B) a line that is perpendicular to the dipole moment
C) a line that makes an angle of 45 with the dipole moment
D) a line that makes an angle of 30 with the dipole moment
E) none of the above

Ans: B
Difficulty: E
11. A car battery is rated at 80 A  h. An ampere-hour is a unit of:
A) power
B) energy
C) current
D) charge
E) force

Ans: D
Difficulty: E

Ampere besaran Listrik.

12. Current has units:

A) kilowatt·hour
B) coulomb/second
C) coulomb
D) volt
E) ohm

Ans: B
Difficulty: E

Besaran arus adalah coloumb/second

13. Current is a measure of:
A) force that moves a charge past a point
B) resistance to the movement of a charge past a point
C) energy used to move a charge past a point
D) amount of charge that moves past a point per unit time
E) speed with which a charge moves past a point
Ans: D
Difficulty: E
Jawaban D

14. A 60-watt light bulb carries a current of 0.5 ampere. The total charge passing through it in
one hour is:
A) 120 C
B) 3600 C
C) 3000 C
D) 2400 C
E) 1800 C

Ans: E
Difficulty: M

Concept Introduction: Electricity is the basic concept of

We have been Given: Power of the bulb

current passing

time taken

To Find:
We have to Find: Total charge passing in the time.
According to the problem, we know

Final Answer: The total charge passing is

15. A 10-ohm resistor has a constant current. If 1200 C of charge flow through it in 4 minutes
what is the value of the current?
A) 3.0 A
B) 5.0 A
C) 11 A
D) 15 A
E) 20 A

Ans: B
Difficulty: M
B 5.0 A.
In this case, since we know the charge (1200 C), time (4 min
=240 s) and resistance (10Ω) which is actually not needed
here, we compute the current as follows:
Q= 1200C. and t= 4*60=240 second.
Then, for the given data, we obtain:
Then, answer is B 5.0 A .

16. Conduction electrons move to the right in a certain wire. This indicates that:
A) the current density and electric field both point right
B) the current density and electric field both point left
C) the current density points right and the electric field points left
D) the current density points left and the electric field points right
E) the current density points left but the direction of the electric field is unknown

Ans: B
Difficulty: E
Jawaban B

17. Two wires made of different materials have the same uniform current density. They carry
the same current only if:
A) their lengths are the same
B) their cross-sectional areas are the same
C) both their lengths and cross-sectional areas are the same
D) the potential differences across them are the same
E) the electric fields in them are the same

Ans: B
Difficulty: E

Two wires made of different materials have the same uniform current density. They carry the
same current if their lengths and cross-sectional areas are the same

18. In a conductor carrying a current we expect the electron drift speed to be:
A) much greater than the average electron speed
B) much less than the average electron speed
C) about the same as the average electron speed
D) less than the electron speed at low temperature and greater than the electron speed at high
E) less than the electron speed at high temperature and greater than the electron speed at low

Ans: B
Difficulty: E
If the wire is allowed to cool then it will decrease the resistance of a wire. During the collisions,
the average velocity of the electrons gets reduced which is termed drift velocity. Hence, in a
conductor, the electron drift speed is much less than the average electron speed

19. A wire with a length of 150 m and a radius of 0.15 m carries a current with a uniform current
density of 2.8 107 A/m2. The current is:
A) 0.63 A2
B) 2.0 A
C) 5.9 A2
D) 296 A
E) 400 A2

Ans: B
Difficulty: M


The current carried by the wire can be calculated using the formula:


where I is the current, J is the current density, and A is the cross-sectional area of the wire.

The cross-sectional area of the wire can be calculated using the formula:

A = πr^2
where r is the radius of the wire.

Substituting the given values, we get:

A = π(0.15 mm)^2 = π(0.00015 m)^2 = 7.07 × 10^-8 m^2

Now, substituting the given value of current density J, we get:

I = J * A = 2.8 × 10^7 A/m^2 * 7.07 × 10^-8 m^2 = 1.98 A (approx)

Therefore, the current carried by the wire is approximately 1.98 A.

20. The units of resistivity are:

A) ohm
B) ohm·meter
C) ohm/meter
D) ohm/meter2
E) none of these

Ans: B
Difficulty: E

Jawaban B.

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