Identifying Parts of An Essay (Practice)

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Each cluster below contains one topic, one thesis statement, and two supporting sentences.
Label each of them as follows:

T - Topic
TS - Thesis statement
S - Supporting sentence

Group 1
a. Films based on historical events are sometimes shown in class.
b. Making history more interesting
c. Some history teachers use innovative methods to increase student interest.
d. Instructors ask students to write short plays dramatising historical events.

Group 2
a. Eating vegetables helps the environment because growing veggies uses less energy than
raising animals.
b. Staying away from meat can reduce intake of fat and cholesterol.
c. Vegetarian diets
d. Vegetarianism benefits both the individual and the environment.

Group 3
a. Medicine
b. Antibiotics have enabled doctors to control many diseases that were once fatal.
c. Organ transplants have prolonged the lives of tens of thousands of people.
d. Advances in modern medicine have had great success in helping people.

Group 4
a. Parents can take steps to encourage their children to enjoy reading.
b. The adults’ own behaviour can influence children to become readers.
c. Parents can make sure the physical environment of the home encourages reading.
d. Reading

Group 5
a. Insects protect the environment by removing wastes and controlling disease-causing germs.
b. Insects are essential to the growth of many important crops.
c. Insects
d. Insects perform many helpful functions for human beings.

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