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(Ancient Greek: μέθοδος, methodos) literally means a pursuit of knowledge, investigation,

mode of prosecuting such inquiry, or system. In recent centuries it more often means a
prescribed process for completing a task. It may refer to:

 Scientific method, a series of steps, or collection of methods, taken to acquire

 Method (computer programming), a piece of code associated with a class or object
to perform a task
 Methodology, comparison or study and critique of individual methods that are used
in a given discipline or field of inquiry


An analysis applied to the methods in any application or research field is called methodology. It
is a systematic and theoretical process so that all the methods and principles associated with
the field of knowledge is explored well. This process collects information and data about the
particular subject and ponders it well, analysis is made and methods to find the solution is
found. It explains the definition of the process and how it is carried out; hence, the user knows
about the process well. It explains the way to reach the result is as important as the result.
 The vocabulary about grammar is emphasized.
 The four skills are worked from the beginning.
 Out loud reading
 Question and answer exercises
 Student self-correction
 Conversation practices
 Dictations
 Exercises to fill in blanks
 Paragraph writing

What Is Pedagogy?
Pedagogy is a method of teaching in which teachers teach, both in theory and in practice.
Pedagogy is shaped by educator's teaching beliefs and involves their understanding of culture
and different learning styles. It is essential for students to have meaningful classroom
relationships in order to build on prior learning.

Pedagogy refers to the way of teaching students, whether it is the theory or practice of
educating. It is a relationship between the culture and techniques of learning. The main aim of
pedagogy is to build on previous learning of the students and work on the development of skills
and attitudes of the learners. Pedagogy enables the students to get a thorough understanding
of the subject and helps them in applying those learning in their daily lives outside of the


The audio-lingual method consists of teaching a new language through reading a dialogue or
text and carrying out drills associated with it. According to this method learning a language
consists of getting to know its grammar and practicing its rules through different types of drills
until habits in the new language are formed and speech becomes spontaneous.
Through listening, imitating and performing controlled tasks, students acquire a new form of
verbal behavior. What is audio lingual method?
The essentials are: a) language learning is a process of habit formation, and good habits are
formed by giving correct responses b) since language is basically oral, spoken form is presented
before written form c) translation or use of the native tongue is discouraged d) students infer
the rules of the language through practice, so the approach to the teaching of grammar is
essentially inductive (as in the direct method).

Direct Method

This approach, also known as the ‘oral‘ or ‘natural‘ method, originated around the 1900s as an
alternative to the traditional grammatical translation method. At this time teachers were
starting to experiment with teaching and educational models as previous techniques were
failing to improve spoken communication.

The focus is on good pronunciation, with spontaneous use of the language, no translation, and
little grammar analysis.

The Direct Method is based on the direct involvement of the student when speaking, and
listening to, the foreign language in common everyday situations. Consequently, there is lots of
oral interaction, spontaneous use of the language, no translation, and little if any analysis of
grammar rules and syntax.

The focus of the lessons is on good pronunciation, often introducing learners to phonetic
symbols before they see standard writing examples.

Some characteristics of this method are:

 Lessons are in the target language

 There is a focus on everyday vocabulary

 Visual aids are used to teach vocabulary

 Particular attention is placed on the accuracy of pronunciation and grammar

 A systematic approach is developed for comprehension and oral expression


When – 1900 to 1930s approximately, some limited use into the 1970s
Focus – Everyday spoken language
Characteristics – Student learns by associating meaning directly in English
Supporters – Maximilian Berlitz, Carl Albert Krause

Grammar–translation method
The grammar–translation method is a method of teaching foreign languages derived from the
classical (sometimes called traditional) method of teaching Ancient Greek and Latin.
In grammar–translation classes, students learn grammatical rules and then apply those rules by
translating sentences between the target language and the native language. Advanced students
may be required to translate whole texts word-for-word.

Communicative approach

The communicative approach is based on the idea that learning language successfully comes

through having to communicate real meaning. When learners are involved in real

communication, their natural strategies for language acquisition will be used, and this will allow

them to learn to use the language.

Practising question forms by asking learners to find out personal information about their
colleagues is an example of the communicative approach, as it involves meaningful
What is TPR?

“Total Physical Response (TPR) is a method of teaching language or vocabulary concepts by

using physical movement to react to verbal input. The process mimics the way that infants
learn their first language, and it reduces student inhibitions and lowers stress. The purpose of
TPR is to create a brain link between speech and action to boost language and vocabulary

What is the PPP Method/Model?

Present, practice, produce otherwise known as PPP is an instructional model that

has been used for decades. In this method, you teach your students the grammatical
concept you want them to learn. Then you show them the language used in context.
Finally, you require your students to produce the language concept on their own. For
example, you might teach your students to add –ed to a regular verb in English to
show the past tense. Then, you would tell them about your day yesterday, making all
of your verbs end in –ed. Finally, you would have them tell you or each other about
their days yesterday using regular past tense verbs. This approach is possibly the most
common, and you will find this patter in many of your ESL texts.

“Silent way”

as a way of teaching a foreign language. Though we cannot claim that this approach is
everyone’s favourite due to its uniqueness and the need of an extra effort on the part of the
teacher, however, it is still a quite practiced one and has its loyal followers.

This approach was created by Caleb Gattegnoin in the 1970s. The main purpose of creating this
approach was to discourage teacher talk and encourage student involvement and student talk
more instead. Hence, the more the students talk the less problems with fluency occur.

The main concepts of this type of learning are:

1. Learning happens and is more successful if the learner discovers and inducts rather than
remembers by heart or repeats.
2. Learning is facilitated by physical objects, realia.
3. Critical thinking and problem solving are critical aspects to pay attention to in learning.

Suggestopedia is a teaching method, which focuses on how to deal with the
relationship between mental potential and learning ability and it is very appropriate to use in
teaching speaking for young language learners

suggestopedia is a method of teaching a foreign language in which students learn quickly by

being made to feel relaxed, interested and positive.[4]
Suggestopedia includes elements such as the use of relaxing music, art and the
additional importance that is given to the learning environment as well as the authoritative
behaviour of the teacher

The CEFR -The Common European Framework of Reference

is a system that is used to measure and describe language levels for foreign language
learners. It is ‘language neutral’ so it can be used for any language

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