A Review On Remedial Attempts To Counteract The Power Generati - 2020 - Renewabl

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Renewable Energy 150 (2020) 743e764

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Renewable Energy
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A review on remedial attempts to counteract the power generation

compromise from draft tubes of hydropower plants
Alexis Muhirwa a, Wei-Hua Cai a, b, c, *, Wen-Tao Su d, Quanzhong Liu a, **,
Maxime Binama a, Biao Li a, Jian Wu a
School of Energy Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, 150001, China
Laboratory of Thermo-Fluid Science and Nuclear Engineering, Northeast Electric Power University, Jilin, 132012, China
School of Energy and Power Engineering, Northeast Electric Power University, Jilin, 132012, China
College of Petroleum Engineering, Liaoning Shihua University, Fushun, 113001, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Hydropower plants provide an asset over other renewables of production flexibility. Away from the
Received 22 July 2019 turbine design point; detrimental off-load instabilities may compromise the power generation consis-
Received in revised form tency. During part-load operations; the draft tube swirl strongly couples the precessing motion of the
13 December 2019
vortex rope with the propagation of low-frequency pressure pulsations, further excessive fluid-structure
Accepted 30 December 2019
Available online 31 December 2019
interactions and power swings. To counteract that excitation; different attempts have been devised to
dampen local pressure amplitude and detune the instability frequency against the natural system
resonance. This article reviews strengths and weaknesses of those remedial attempts applied in the draft
Draft tube
tube. They have been categorized as (1) Structural passive methods of shape optimization, J-grooves,
Precessing vortex rope stabilizer fins, adjustable diaphragm, baffles, runner cone extension and flow deflectors; (2) Fluidic active
Pressure pulsations techniques of air and water supply and; (3) the hybrid flow control of different approaches. Frequent
Power swings problems for their optimized effectiveness are: proper dimensions against flow intrusion, vibration and
Remedial attempts efficiency; location and configuration; performance deterioration of pressure recovery and cavitation;
supply conditions of ancillary fluids; hydraulic/head losses; and the activation energy requirement.
Future CFD-assisted considerations mainly call for rare hybrid remedy, as no single method can
adequately address all instability problems from the draft tube.
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 744
2. Palliative structural attempts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 746
2.1. Geometric optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 746
2.2. Wall-mounted structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 748
2.2.1. Non-intrusive control of J-groove . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 748
2.2.2. Vortex generators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750
2.2.3. Stabilizer fins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 751
2.2.4. Baffles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 751
2.2.5. Adjustable diaphragm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 751
2.3. On-axis surge palliation of intrusive structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 752
2.3.1. The runner cone extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 752
2.3.2. Flow deflectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 753

* Corresponding author. School of Energy Science and Engineering, Harbin

Institute of Technology, Harbin, 150001, China.
** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: caiwh@hit.edu.cn, caiwh@neepu.edu.cn (W.-H. Cai),
liuquanzhong@hit.edu.cn (Q. Liu).

0960-1481/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
744 A. Muhirwa et al. / Renewable Energy 150 (2020) 743e764

3. Ancillary fluid injection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 753

3.1. Flow aeration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 754
3.2. Remedial flow watering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 757
4. Hybrid flow control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 761
5. Concluding remarks and future work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 761
Declaration of competing interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 762
Acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 762
Table of symbols and abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 762
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763

1. Introduction system with excessive vibrations [18,19].

Dominant high-frequency instabilities in rotor-stator interspace
Renewable energy resources are progressively contributing to are unavoidable because they are developed by the design concept;
the global production of electrical energy. Large-scale hydropower i.e. flow interactions based on blades number. Therefore; few at-
plants are extensively used to satisfy increasing demand and to tempts, such as MGV [20] and runner splitters [21], have been tried
benefit from outreaching features of hydropower. These are sus- in order to counteract the BPF instability. On the other hand; low-
tainability, storage reliability, environment friendliness, flexibility frequency instabilities are developed by the flow itself, i.e. the
to be regulated and the high efficiency that may reach 95% in vortex structure precession; and they strongly depend on the
Francis turbines. That best efficiency point is only achievable during operating point. That dependence of the flow unsteadiness has
optimal operating conditions [1]. The BEP is the runner design point been the reason to increasing flow control attempts for a safe and
that produces the axial flow in the draft tube with the lowest hy- efficient operation over a wider range of operations.
draulic losses. However, hydraulic turbines are rarely operated Successful control techniques should focus on elimination of the
under such load conditions. Thus; the regulation flexibility allows core instability, i.e. the quasi-stagnant zone at the draft tube
the turbine operation to be adjusted with a changing load demand. centerline, as the origin of the vortex precession [22]. Various
That load inconsistence is mostly caused by seasonal dependence of optimal control approaches have been suggested in order to disrupt
water reserves, periodical consumers requirement, intermittent the formation of on-axis breakdown phenomenon, as shown in
grid pairing with highly dynamic resources of wind or photovoltaic Fig. 1(c). This has been learnt from the flow stabilization achieved
energy, etc … [2]. Therefore, off-design operations are common by increasing the guide vane opening from PLO to BEP conditions:
operating conditions in hydropower plants. the acceleration of the axial flow at the cone center reduces the
Such maladapted runner operations result in downstream swirl stagnant zone and weakens the spiral form of the vortex break-
instabilities and consequent hydraulic losses become dominant down [23].
under part-load operating conditions, as shown by Q = QBEP < 1 in Some palliative attempts have been proven as countermeasures
Fig. 1 (a). The draft tube swirl instability is caused by its misadjusted that can be retrofitted into the system; others are under study for
radial distributions of axial and tangential velocities, the size of further improvements. They can be categorized according to: (i)
resultant backflow zones and the rotation of the vortex rope [3,4]. their phases, whether structural or fluidic attempts; (ii) intrusive or
Elbow-type draft tubes are often used in large-scale hydropower nonintrusive attempts: ones projected inside the controlled flow to
plants to achieve the anti-cavitation submergence with a high interact with it or conditioning the flow without interference; (iii)
trajectory-based pressure recovery. However, depending on the Direct or indirect attempts: ones dealing with the instability at its
forwarded swirl strength, its geometrical design involves adverse origin or at its advanced level; and (iv) active or passive methods:
pressure gradients and the strong curvature of the mean flow. the presence or absence of activating energy, respectively.
Further flow detachments and recirculation zones makes the Based on the operation principle, three approaches are exten-
design and optimization of the draft tube a challenging task [5,6]. sively used [24]:
The precession of the corkscrew-shaped vortex rope causes
large pressure fluctuations of low-band frequency. The latter is (i) Geometric optimization that seeks for the best performance
translated into resonant power fluctuations; as shown in Fig. 1(b). improvement of the baseline component over a wider range
Detrimental mechanical effects are axial and radial forces, excessive of operations by changing parametric dimensions. Only the
vibrations, fatigue and failure of the system structure [7,8]. Typical draft tube and the runner are replaced to counteract the draft
real-world accidents have been exemplified by Pejovic, Gajic [9]; tube surge.
and efforts to minimize flow instabilities caused by that vortex (ii) Adding suitable structures that reasonably hold the flow
precession have been under exercise since the development of steady by weakening the swirl content. Those are different
high-scale hydropower stations. runner cone extensions, J-grooves, fins, damping gates, baf-
The draft tube compromise is not only the local core instability fles, adjustable diaphragms, flow deflectors and swirl gen-
and forwarded inlet perturbations [13]; but also its backward erators for separation control. They reduce the tangential
instability propagation may remotely destabilizes the entire hy- momentum, i.e. the swirl intensity ðSw Þ. This is the ratio of
draulic circuit. The multiphysics in vortex rope dynamics and its axial fluxes for the circumferential momentum and the axial
interactions with the elbow curvature causes an asymmetric flow momentum; as shown in Equation (1). The previous, as en-
imbalance with a reversed synchronous wave of pressure [14]. ergy residue of turbulence, has been subjected to upstream
Upstream components have revealed significant low-frequency active control of the runner speed on swirl generators by
disturbances of Rheingans precession range in the vaneless space means of a magneto-Rheological brake [25].
[15], guide/stay vanes [16] and the spiral casing [17]. Therefore; (iii) Inlet fluid admission that increases the central axial mo-
certain load conditions may display those traveling low-frequency mentum so as to weed out the incipient dead water zone. The
instabilities as a dominant mechanism of the whole hydraulic injection of air or water is mostly applied along the draft tube
A. Muhirwa et al. / Renewable Energy 150 (2020) 743e764 745



Fig. 1. Head losses for individual components of a hydropower plant (a) [10], typical power spectra with low-frequency components from the draft tube flow (b) [11], and the
stability analysis on a planar distribution of axial velocity inside the Moody-type draft tube (c) [12].
746 A. Muhirwa et al. / Renewable Energy 150 (2020) 743e764

axis. However, other locations are used for the air injection,
such as the draft tube discharge ring, through structural in-
serts, runner cone tip and other runner parts [26]. The water
can be introduced along the draft tube axis by bypassing the
runner from the spiral casing or using the flow-feedback
scheme from the cone exit [27]. The most recent attempt is
a two-phase injection for advanced performance [28].
va vq r 2 dr
0 Fig. 2. Reversed flow patterns inside different diffuser geometries and increasing cone
Sw ¼ ðR (1)
angle [37,38].
R v2a rdr

where va ; vq are the axial and tangential velocity ½ m =s; r is the the viscous turbulent effects such as vortices and separations, an
local radius at a particular spot ½m, R is the local section radius. almost 90 curvature and a changing cross-sectional shape. These
Each countermeasure has its own benefits and side effects. Most require several design parameters to solve the tradeoff between
repeated problems are: (i) the failure to alter the frequency of in- hydraulic efficiency and construction cost. Modern draft tubes have
stabilities with further resonance risks, (ii) inefficiency in connec- a diverging volume along the conic diffuser (leg) and the straight
tion with their flow intrusiveness that adds in secondhand diffuser (foot); the elbow cross section is often kept invariable in
instabilities and structure vibrations, (iii) effective rate of fluid in- order to avoid high losses due to the friction [39]. The sharp-heel
jection, (iv) required activation energy and, (v) hydraulic losses. draft tubes, even up to 74 elbow design, have been tested [40].
Four decades ago; Thicke [29] has reviewed practical solutions for For structural reasons, one or more piers splits out the flow behind
instability problems in draft tubes. However, this was before the the elbow [41].
introduction of the CFD analysis in flow control with its contribu- Some designs without splitting piers include the transition zone
tion of cost-effective investigation in depth of the flow rather than after the elbow end as a waveless area transfer which contributes
the wall measurements of intrusive experiments. Being less time- the stabilization of the flow [42]. For turbines equipped with
consuming, the number of attempts has increased. This review shallow draft tubes, the radius of curvature is often shortened. This
article reshuffles most current remedial attempts by exploring the results in prolonged vortex rope that revolves in the wall vicinity,
strengths and weaknesses of each one. Attempts are discussed which may result in increased local pressure amplitudes [43].
according to their phases. The first part looks into structural efforts Separation zones developed by the vortex rope in the horizontal
of optimization and additional inserts. The second section reviews diffuser can be minimized by reducing its area ratio or, whether
the fluid admission, and the third one considers the combination of advantageous, eliminate the foot and elbow components by
different attempts. Recommendations for further work are finally coupling the runner with a conical type draft tube [36]. However,
suggested after concluding remarks. that diffuser type has a poor pressure recovery with high cavitation
risk and therefore, inappropriate for high-scale power generation.
The critical zone with high flow fluctuations is at the inner side of
2. Palliative structural attempts elbow [10]. Fig. 3 illustrates typical designs for the streamwise in-
crease of the area (factors of inlet area) for a standard and sharp-
2.1. Geometric optimization heel draft tube.
As shown in Fig. 3, draft tube area curves exhibit an initial
The draft tube function can be mentioned as driving out the flux diffusion extending up to the cone exit. There is not specific
smoothly, improving the damping of dynamic energy behind the expression applicable in determining the cone height. However,
runner and using the suction effect to recover the suction head. Wei, Choi [46] has suggested the height range for a better perfor-
These functions strongly depend on the geometric definition of the mance, as to Equation (2).
draft tube [30]. The aim of the draft tube optimization is to track the
highest attainable improvement in terms of static pressure recov- Ld  6ðDoutlet  Dc Þ (2)
ery, flow stability and efficiency [31]. Geometric optimization is the
more documented and continuously investigated method of all where Ld the cone length; Doutlet and Dc are the bottommost and
palliative approaches for instabilities reduction [32]. Design pa- uppermost draft cone diameter, respectively. The cone part is fol-
rameters such as shape, area ratio, length and inlet flow conditions lowed by a short region having a constant or decreasing area up to
have been optimized in order to attain a good pressure recovery, the elbow exit where the horizontal diffusion starts. That area
velocity reduction and flow uniformity [33]. variation seeks at reducing higher depressurization at the inner wall
As such; the draft tube shape is a crucial design parameter that
has a decisive role on its confined flow stability and the cavitation
surge [34]. The primary design purpose is to exclude the reversed
flow region so as to avoid many shear layers with attendant flow
unsteadiness. Fig. 2 illustrates typical performance trends for
different shape optimizations of a conic diffuser with regards to
backflow belt and separation patterns. The cone opening angle is a
critical parameter in the wall-bounded and on-axis flow control.
The latter is also affected by the downstream shape. The ideal range
of the cone angle is 5-90 [35]. For elbow-type draft tubes, usually
used for large-scale power plants; wider cone straddling that may
span to 150 are useful for improved pressure recovery [36]. Fig. 3. Draft tube shapes used in optimization: a constant elbow [44] and a sharp-heel
The draft tube design is difficult due to many factors; namely, draft tube of turbine [45].
A. Muhirwa et al. / Renewable Energy 150 (2020) 743e764 747

and higher collision pressures at outer elbow wall. That substantial influence on the flow asymmetry and can be reflected in upstream
water hammer due to the interrupted diffusion continuity accounts pressure fields [16,49]. Therefore, this confirms the elbow as the
for backwardly spread instability over the entire system. Therefore, origin of the backward wave propagation for the synchronous
strict optimization for that section is vital for the global stability. pressure component [14].
Fig. 4 illustrates typical parameterizations of the elbow contours The achievable energy recovery of the draft tube strongly de-
for a baseline draft tube of GAMM Francis turbine. It is done by pends on both the design and the magnitude of the velocity
modifying the generatrix of elbow geometry. Three criteria used for configuration forwarded by the runner. Inappropriately shaped
elbow curves are circle arc, logarithmic spiral and hyperbolic spiral discharge edge for hydraulic profiles corresponds to pressure ex-
formats. That geometric complexity results in high pressure vari- citations that may bring about hydro-elastic vibration [50]. The
ations along the elbow curvature and a non-uniform velocity dis- draft tube intake conditions can be correlated with the vortex
tribution caused by the swirling flow concentration of the bulk flow structure under part-load operations. Thus; not only the draft tube
to one side. Fig. 5 depicts the influence of the elbow design on the design, but also the turbine runner has a direct effect on the
velocity field. Using the combination of curves; the draft tube in enhancement of draft tube efficiency.
hyperbolic-logarithmic spiral format displays the best efficiency To that end, well-optimized inlet velocity distribution contrib-
whereas the one in logarithmic spiral format shows the lowest loss utes the flow uniformity by attenuating unwanted flow structures.
coefficient. The latter are secondary flows, overbearing swirl intensity, the
The serious problems of elbow flow are secondary flows. Werle - backflow and its recirculation zone as an adverse promoter for the
Legendre separation may give rise to sudden pressure drop and pressure gradient that worsens the pressure recovery [51]. The
hydrodynamic flow imbalances inside downstream channels. That analytical method of three different vortex systems has been used
accidental efficiency break-off appears when the discharge sur- to parameterize the velocity profile [52]. However, it could not
passes BEP, and it springs from runner upgrading without consid- capture the stalled zone at low discharge regimes. The fictitious
ering its downstream impact on the old draft tube flow [44]. The swirl-free velocity profile that embeds the kinematics of runner
elbow may also suffer a slow and chaotic transport of reversed flow outlet flow could reveal the central stagnation zone during off-
domain. The latter coexists side-by-side with a fast forward stream loads [53,54]. The best match between the runner and the draft
along the elbow segment and an unstable complex shear layer tube can be done through two coupling approaches [54]: (i)
between them [48]. Shear layers and oscillations of Dean vortices developing and comparing several runner geometries in terms of
developed by the centrifugal force of the elbow flow have an the overall efficient; (ii) the optimization of the swirling flow at the



Fig. 4. Parameterization for the different elbow-based draft tube designs [47].
748 A. Muhirwa et al. / Renewable Energy 150 (2020) 743e764





Fig. 5. Area diffusion curves for the four draft tubes and their corresponding streamlines and velocity contours [47].

intake of the draft tube for certain predetermined operating con- simulation for both modified runner and old draft tube. The prob-
ditions [55,56] or for multiple regimes [5], in order to proceed by lem of designing or refurbishing hydraulic turbine is the tandem
the blade design with a downstream agreement of the flow. optimization of the runner and the draft tube for a wider operation
Therefore; the rehabilitation should consider the robustness and range. The runner should be the best match for the given draft tube.
adaptive flexibility of refurbished solutions, so as to fulfill the po- Runner outlet flow should be optimized first, before proceeding to
wer requirement and look out for interactional constrains. designing and simulating runner blades. The pressure distribution
The optimum achievement of the draft tube shape is case sen- analysis along the runner blade suction implies controlling the
sitive. Fig. 6 illustrates typical optimization details of which, 10 cavitation performance [5,54].
geometric parameters are free (h1 ; h3 ; h4 ; d4 ; L1 ; L2 ; r1 ; r2 and
w). These may be set as variables of the objective function of one 2.2. Wall-mounted structures
performance indicator. The cone opening angle ðaÞ controls sec-
ondary flow such as wall separation or central backflow, h1 ad- 2.2.1. Non-intrusive control of J-groove
dresses the compromise of flow uniformity against hydraulic loss They are simple structure mounted at the inner surface of draft
caused by r1 and r2 . However, that loss can be lowered by h3 that, tube cone. The J-groove is the popular attempt of non-intrusive
in combination with L; L2 ; L3 ; h4 ; q, and h5 ; govern elbow-induced physical component that has been introduced in draft tube of hy-
secondary flows. Dimension d3 is fixedly dependent on the runner draulic turbines two decades ago [59]. It is a guide mounted in the
geometry [57]. There is no guaranty to reach the optimal flow tapered cone in order to control the flow rotation, as an effort to
distribution along the draft tube intake over the challenging wider suppress the draft tube surge by straightening the flow downwards.
operation range [51,56]. Even for metamodel optimization, the The central recirculation zone becomes narrow, which make the
optimum achievement depends on the problem structure and the vortex breakdown more bearable [46]. J-grooves are mounted in
design complexity [58]. the direction of pressure rise; i.e. under a parallel disposition with
Modern approach for runner optimization is choosing various the pressure gradient. This prevents the anomalous increase of the
runner modifications parameterized with 20e30 values, and then swirl intensity that may be overwhelming in the outlying zone and
let the evolutionary algorithm find an optimal design. A suitable directly cause structure vibrations [46,60].
coupling with an existing draft tube is through controlling the The flow admitted in J-grooves loses some of its angular mo-
velocity configuration beneath the runner or carrying out CFD mentum and gains more radial momentum. When re-admitted in
the bulk flow; that J-groove flow reduces the circumferential en-
ergy of the bulk flow as it flows down. The effect of weakening the
tangential component is supplemented by a reverse flow inside the
groove passage, which results in augmentation of axial velocity of
the main flow [59]. The axial velocity tends to increase towards the
axis, with a small increase in the wall vicinity [35]. Thus, reversed
flow inside J-grooves has a remote influence to prevent the on-axis
back flow.
One of J-groove strengths is that it can efficiently suppress the
cavitation PVR and pressure pulsations in the turbine without
affecting the turbine performance. The cavitation PVR has high
magnitude below the runner cone. Wall-mounted J-grooves reduce
Fig. 6. Typical optimization variables of the elbow draft tube [57]. that magnitude and the vortex rope is broken down into small
A. Muhirwa et al. / Renewable Energy 150 (2020) 743e764 749

vapor bubbles. Therefore, the cavitation vortex rope must disap-

pear at farther locations from the runner. Fig. 7 (LHS) compares the ð
shortening effect of J-groove on the cavitation vortex rope under vq dA
cavitation number of 0.1 [61]. fu ¼  pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (5)
A 2gH
The length of the vortex rope and associated amplitudes are
attenuated. The amplitudes in the frequency band close to the
runner rotation get suppressed. However, the effect of J-groove ptest  psat
installation does not shift the main vortex rope frequency [62]. By scav ¼ 1 2V 2
= (6)
eliminating the tangential velocity, J-grooves correct the flow angle
which stabilizes the draft tube flow. where A is the local area; v; v; V are absolute local velocity, area-
As formulated in Equations 3e5, measures to evaluate J-groove averaged velocity and upstream velocity; va and vq are averaged
effectiveness may be (i) flow uniformity (su Þ for local velocity components of axial and tangential velocities, ptest ; psat are abso-
flucturation (standard deviation), (ii) the normalized flow angle lute pressure and saturation pressure, respectively.
ðqu ) for studying its distribution along the draft tube and (iii) the J-groove performance depends on J-groove dimensions.
tangential velocity coefficient ðfu Þ to learn forwarded runner Compared to a deep narrow groove, a “Shallow J-groove” with
rotation. The flow uniformity becomes higher with the use of J- larger width has shown a good performance in reducing the swirl
groove. The pressure pulsation amplitude is dampened, but the intensity of the main flow [63]. Since there is no standardization
frequency remains unchanged, which explains the insensitivity of J- about common achievement within a wider range of flow rates, the
grooves on the frequency of DTPP. The highly oscillating vapor dimensions of J-grooves are usually obtained by a trial-and-error
volume with its large pressure pulsations get weakened by J-groove optimization [64,65]. Table 1 provides typical dimensions. The
[61]. When mounting J-grooves on the cone wall; the vorticity number and depth of J-grooves have insignificant influence on the
becomes confined towards the centerline which shrinks the dead turbine performance. Increasing groove number at the same depth
water zone and the developed vortex rope ends up straightened shows no influence on the turbine efficiency. However, the increase
with lesser twists. This evolves from a reduced core instability and of depth causes efficiency reduction with appearance of the flow
the drop in turbulence kinetic energy [60]. The prediction of cavi- recirculation in the conic zone and backflow downward without
tation occurrence can be done using the Cavitation number controlling the vortex flow [60].
(Equation (6)). A compromise in the flow stabilization of J-grooves is the pro-
vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi gressively increasing loss when the performance is getting

0 u
u ðv  vÞ2 dA , 1
improved. Fig. 10 shows the swirl intensity at deep PLO (0.493BEP)
t and at the BEP with 18 J-grooves uniformly distributed along the
su ¼ 1  vA  100% (3)
A circumference. Four J-groove designs are designated by groove
length*location normalized by the runner outlet diameter
(112 mm)*groove depth; i.e. case 1e4: 0.643*1.089*4; 0.33*1.089*4;
 0.464*0.536*4 and 0.464*0.536*2. The mitigation of swirl intensity
 vq dA A
is obvious; more importantly for case 1 and 2 at deep PLO. The
qu ¼ 90  arct ð (4) relatively low intensity of BEP operation is highly dampened by

va dA A case 2. Considering the minimum swirl number, as measure that
quantifies the best J-Groove design; the achievement is associated
to suffered loss in Fig. 8 (RHS). The better the performance achieved

Fig. 7. Experiment vs. CFD analysis of cavitation vortex rope: (a) without J-Groove; (b) with J-Groove; and the pressure pulsation spectra at four locations of the cone wall [61].
750 A. Muhirwa et al. / Renewable Energy 150 (2020) 743e764

Table 1
Typical investigated J-groove dimensions.

Referral authors Length [mm] Width [mm] Depth [mm] J-Grooves number

Anup et al. [60] 5, 10 13,16

Nguyen et al. [34] 280 44; 45, 46 14 12
140 46 14 12
210 23 14 12
280 46 5 12
Wei et al. [35] 280 23; 46, 69 14 12
280 46 5 12
210 46 14 12
140 46 14 12
Wei, Choi [46] 280 45.8 14
Kurokawa [63] 116 19 2 20
156 19, 29-39 4 20
Junichi Kurokawa [59] 30 11.3, 26.9 4 2

by J-Groove geometry on the swirl suppression, the larger the draft runner rotation; the reverse swirl is generated; which opposes the
tube loss. main vortex flow and slightly increases turbine efficiency. The
Benefits of J-groove attempts are as follows: (a) they are non- pressure pulsations due to PVR rotation and cavitation volume can
intrusiveness since the flow medium is not invaded, no second- be alleviated till 35% and 80%, respectively. This is possible thanks
hand instabilities of their own thus; (b) no efficiency deterioration to a decreased PVR eccentricity and increased core pressure [66].
by application of different groove shapes; (c) industrial-level
methods like the active air injection and passive technique of fins
2.2.2. Vortex generators
have to be adjusted as per the OP and their reliability is bound to
These are small blades/vanes or wings made up of small trian-
decrease finally. This is opposite for the flow straightener of J-
gular or rectangular fins, planted at the surface in arrays and often
groove with the purpose to break the vortex; (d) the swirl com-
in pairs, and tilted with an angle to the incoming efflux. Other
ponents of tangential and axial velocities can be dampened and; (e)
designs consist in angular or V-shape types and their height should
high cavitation performance can be obtained. By setting vortex-
be slightly higher than the boundary layer thickness. They keep the
control grooves on the runner cone in opposite direction to the
flow attached to the wall by mixing wake momentums, delay

Fig. 8. Swirl intensity distribution and associated loss in draft tube with J-Groove at deep PLO (a) and best efficiency point (b) [62].
A. Muhirwa et al. / Renewable Energy 150 (2020) 743e764 751

separation and break down the vortex core with More consistent about reshaping fins for cavitation mitigation, pressure recovery
velocity fluctuations despite the effect of local drag [67,68]. and swirl reduction at different swirl rates; the trapezoidal cross
Therefore, Vortex generators play the role of boundary layer ma- section has showed good results. It has been found that: (a) the
nipulators. The momentum thickness ðd Þ is defined as the mo- cone inlet periphery is the best position that helps in extending the
mentum loss in the boundary layer with respect to a uniform flow operational load range, (b) increasing height of fins may result in
and it has an important role in the pressure recovery. Its rate with the growth of asynchronous frequency and (c) the effectiveness of
the diameter ð d =DÞ may cause efficiency losses of 20% within a fins to weaken the swirl is likely to avoid pressure fluctuations of
range of 0.5e3%. Therefore, treating the boundary layer is one of natural frequency of the system. The latter is manifested by draft
crucial options for optimized pressure recovery [69]. tube vibrations, flow cavitation and fluctuating pressure recovery
The passive method of vortex generators has been numerically behind the elbow [75].
modeled, and tested for aerodynamic applications [70]. However, When fins cover a long distance into the controlled flow deeply
the adaptation in hydrodynamic systems needs more emphasis and enough to eventually enter into contact; they are referred to as
experiments on full-scale turbine models [71]. A CFD-driven splitters. Splitter plates are supposed to lower the swirl intensity or
tentative of H. C. Pan [72], have confirmed the increased turbine breaking the coherence in the vortex rope structure [75]. As their
performance in terms of pressure recovery and efficiency by firm disposition cannot be adjusted to the direction of flow in-
mounting several vortex generators closer to the inlet of a hydro- stabilities under changing flow rates; the effective flow rates for
turbine draft tube. 15 kinds of passive vortex generators at the splitters are strictly limited however excellent may be their design
section corresponding to the vortex onset could increase the effi- [78].
ciency and the static pressure recovery coefficient (4.37%) [31].
Solid vortex generators may enhance machine stability and the 2.2.4. Baffles
turbine efficiency, as well. This is possible by tracking the highest Baffles are new devices mounted axially on the wall in order to
optimization of vortex generator parameters such as the location, alleviate DTPP by hindering strong swirling flows. They reduce the
sandwiching interspace and the vane inclination angle [71]. There inlet tangential velocity of the draft tube flow and thereby, prevent
are some similarities between passive vortex generators, some- the formation of the vortex rope in the draft tube. As shown in
times referred to as vortex generator fins, with usual stabilizer fins Fig. 9(LHS); the wall boundary layer is improved by damping the
used for swirl intensity alleviation. The main differences are the tangential velocity in the baffle-intervention zone (around 0.7e1R/
size, the shape and the projection level inside the flow. higher Rw). Away from that zone; the circumferential velocity is increased,
projections may create adverse vortices to affect the whole flow which intensifies the viscous dissipation that prevents the forma-
domain rather than the intended boundary layer [31]. tion of the vortex rope. Therefore; the wake of the runner crown
cone with its further stagnation zone shrinks. The decrease in ve-
2.2.3. Stabilizer fins locity gradients reduces its effect of rolling-up shear layers and the
Stabilizer fins are structures mounted on the draft tube wall in a diameter of the helical vortex rope [79].
parallel disposition to the machine axis. They are rarely planted on Static pressure fields reveal that the vortex rope pattern un-
the runner cone; as well. Their function is to make the pressure dergoes a downstream transformation in terms of strength and
pulsation amplitudes more bearable by decreasing the high swirl diameter, which is followed by the amplitude reduction of pressure
intensity in the outlying zone of the draft tube. Hence, they are oscillations. With increasing protrusion, there is a gradual decrease
likely to show no improvement during high load operations where of the vortex rope size and the associated noise keeps waning. The
the axis-symmetric vortex rope is concentrated in the center. When vortex structure increasingly wobbles inside the cylinder with a
fitted with the elbow inner wall, they may improve the local flow dominating asymmetry till a critical state of 1cm insertion. At the
uniformity [73]. The compromise of fin location is that when optimum scenario of 1.5cm insertion, the vortex rope vanishes with
planted near the runner, they cause excessive loss; whereas they lowest pulsation amplitudes, and that amplitude mitigation is
may be ineffective in downstream locations [74]. associated with the optimal number of baffles, as shown in
Fins are old countermeasures; the earliest review dates five Fig. 9(RHS).
decades ago before the CFD introduction [75]. Further numerical
analysis evolution did not boost their analysis maybe due to their 2.2.5. Adjustable diaphragm
harsh losses. Important parameters leading to effectiveness of fins To solve the problem of flow intrusion of wall-mounted at-
are orientation, number, shape, size, and location [29]. Weaknesses tempts with their efficiency loss dependence on operating condi-
of thins are inefficiency, operational noisiness and the cavitation tions; an new approach has been suggested by Tanasa, Susan-
erosion that restricts their limited use to large turbine units. They Resiga [80]. It is a passive approach to introduce a flow throttling
may be efficient within a certain operation range, but surpassing diaphragm across the cone exit. The flow cross section is, thus,
that range, they cause large flow instabilities to become even un- adjusted by means of a flexible control of shutter-opening circular
desirable [76]. The efficiency maximization of stabilizer fins diaphragms. The induced axisymmetric flow causes the helical
through their geometry and location is a matter of trial-and-error vortex structure to be straightened to a bubble shape with reduc-
and the frequency does not necessarily change [77]. A good point tion of its eccentricity. That retreat of the stalled zone with efficient
is that the draft tube fins can reduce the synchronous pressure mitigation of the precessing helical vortex can be seen through
pulsations with insignificant influence on the asynchronous velocity profiles. The slight increase of on-axis flow minimizes the
component. However, the precession frequency may increasing swirl content. Therefore, the precession of the helical vortex and
slightly, typically by 10e15% [43]. Due to their effect in reducing the attendant pressure pulsations are controlled. The compromise of
volume of the vortex rope, fins are a recommended method to this method is between the pressure pulsation mitigation and the
eliminate cavitation-related draft tube resonance as well as power associated hydraulic losses that keep varying at different cone
swings [74]. Nevertheless, laying fins on the wall can initiate harsh sections with a changing diaphragm opening.
resonance as a result of rear cavities growth at operations of low There must a recommended range of shutter area ratio to
cavitation number [78]. Thus, the operational range and shape are maintain a good balance. Experimental validations on low-head
of high consideration. turbines have revealed the increase in overall turbine efficiency
An experimental investigation carried out by Nishi, Wang [76] and pressure recovery improvement under runaway operations
752 A. Muhirwa et al. / Renewable Energy 150 (2020) 743e764

Fig. 9. Radial distribution of tangential velocity at the two cone sections and influence of baffles number on the frequency spectra: 0, 2, 3, 4 baffles, (a to d: right) [79].

Fig. 10. Streamwise equidistant measurements: different diaphragm openings at the cone exit (LHS) and comparison with the flow watering attempt (RHS) [83].

[81]. By delaying the separation flow; the diaphragm progressively 2.3.1. The runner cone extension
increases the downstream wall pressure recovery, where the The runner cone extension is one of old inserts of the draft tube
lowest opening displays good results (Fig. 10 LHS). More recent [29]. This method does not reduce efficiency significantly, as in the
proof of a concept has carried out a comparative study with an on- case of fins. In addition to reduced lateral forces, there is another
axis 10% water jet suggested by Bosioc, Susan-Resiga [82]. The disadvantage of pressure recovery reduction; as some of the
diaphragm at the shutter area ratio of 50% lowers amplitudes more important recovery space behind the runner is occupied. Moreover,
than the water jet, as shown in Fig. 10(RHS). Beyond that opening, it is not possible to adjust the protrusion for different operating
the synchronous component becomes slightly dominant (10e50%) conditions [78]. The shape, length and diameter against the
with the growth of a bubble type structure. The decrease (80e90%) reduction of DTPP are main optimization aim. The obstruction of
in rotating component explains a progressive fading of the helical the backflow formation by the runner cone extension can be a
structure [83]. solution to cancel out the massive shear layers and get a more
If this approach becomes validated for practical use; an auto- uniform flow with a good pulsation damping during PLOs, but this
matic user-friendly mechanism that can be retrofitted on old draft may be ineffective during HLOs. An example is the attempt of initial
tubes should be used to synchronize the diaphragm feed with the cone with cylindrical extension [43]. There is a negligible effect of
GVO for a wider operation range. runner cone modifications on amplitude and frequency during the
full load oscillations that are mostly decided by the blade shape
2.3. On-axis surge palliation of intrusive structures
Spiral grooved runner cones can increase the axial velocity
beneath the runner cone and reduce the tangential velocity in the
The approach of central inserts is an inspiration from the old
diffuser [85]. The combination of runner cone extrusion with pe-
moody cone of bell-mouthed shape. It was used to streamline the
ripheral grooves has been compared with non-grooved extruded
flow past central zones of back flow. Thus; the hollow cylindrical
runner cone and a round-top runner cone of a bullet-like shape
tube between the runner cone and elbow, with radial struts fixing
[86]. The latter has been found to be the most effective in terms of
the structure to the wall, is an old approach. Concentric cylinders
dampened peak-to-peak pressure pulsations and improved cavi-
are no longer popular because of their caused efficiency loss and
tation performance. A little effect of runner cone design on the BPF
structure vibrations. The same problem applies for shaft extensions
can be observed and the cavitation performance may be good or
that may display promising results for some operating points, and
worse at different GVOs. For all the three modifications; the dis-
turn significantly inefficient at other operational points. The on-
tribution pattern of the vortex rope changes from single mode to
axis structural palliation may overcome the weak performance of
two interlacing structure, and the dominant frequency is lowered.
wall-fitted attempts during high-load operations. However, PVR
The low-pressure zone is narrowed, but the PVR becomes longer
radial forces are a big problem for the structure supports [43].
A. Muhirwa et al. / Renewable Energy 150 (2020) 743e764 753

with increased pressure differences. This may result in increased plates set axially in the draft tube, the swirl may involve radial
peak-to-peak amplitudes of downstream pressure fluctuations. forces. Moreover, their supporting structures cover the whole
As shown in Fig. 11; the ineffective GVO of 170 displays the diameter; which may involve severe structure vibrations.
opposite purpose of J-grooves for all runner extension attempts, Table 2 summarizes structural attempts and Fig. 13 shows their
except for the round top design. The cavitation performance normalized locations with respect to the cone inlet diameter (D) of
slightly increases with the GVO. Runner cone modifications have a typical reduced scale model of the Francis turbine. So measuring
little effect on turbine performance and can be simply imple- points are usually marked, as illustrated by Fig. 14 (RHS). The cone
mented on existing runners on site. The achievement of semi- angle is 5.40, the length-to-inlet diameter ratio is 1.7 and the cone
tapered extensions of runner cone depends on its length and area ratio is 1.3. For baffles, the real clearance between the inlet and
diameter. The optimum diameter is supposed to cover the backflow their position is 2.5m and their angular interspaces for 3 settings
area that varies between 2 and 8% of the draft tube diameter [87]. are as shown in Fig. 13.
Based on the runner cone extension done by Vevke [87], and Three decades ago marked a rapid increase of CFD applications
after noticing the caused mechanical failure of the bolt; a freely to hydropower. Likewise; palliative attempts increased due to the
rotating runner cone extension (Fruce) driven by the free vortex has cost and performance of investigation in the wall near/far field [90].
been suggested to avoid high amplitude DTPPs along the draft tube Table 2 provides more recent applications. The commercial code of
center. The purpose was to reduce the tangential velocity and 3D-Navier stokes CFD-solver ANSYS CFX seems common for nu-
pressure pulsation amplitudes by removing the forced vortex in the merical evaluation of attempts. No blade row simulation is recor-
center. At PLO, the extension length clearly has influence on the ded; but full turbine or draft tube simulations (initialized with
rotational speed of the Fruce. The Fruce has reached the runner runner outputs) have been used for attempts assessment on real
speed at 0.73QBEP, but it could not go beyond the runner speed. The turbine model or swirl generators [64,83].
Fruce did not achieve the dampening as it was hoped for. The Some works may carry out a selective study to choose a good
reason behind has been thought to be the used small diameter [88]. turbulence model that fairly fits the experiment readings. Turbu-
lence models; such as SST k-u, k-ε, realizable, RSM, SAS-SST and
2.3.2. Flow deflectors RNG k-ε; have been compared [28,60]. RANS equations with the
Flow deflectors are structures added in the conic section of the transition SST and RNG seem often used. SST two-equations allow
draft tube in order to break the continuity of flow instabilities. By good predictions over a wider field. RNG is responsive to streamline
destroying the coherence in the vortex procession, they act as curvature and higher strain rates with better handling of transi-
vertical splitter plates interconnected within, and with the draft tional flows at different turbulent length scales. RNG enhances the
tube wall by means of supports. Flow deflectors remarkably reduce swirling flows accuracy, as its modeling includes the swirl effect.
the flow eccentricity. This explains the streamwise reduction of Moreover, they both display a low cost in terms of computational
initial circumferential velocity. Breaking the vortex rope into pieces resources and simulation time with reasonable predictions of un-
affects its precession energy, which results into increased zones of steady flow behaviors [60,86]. The shallow depth of J-Groove re-
low pressure in the elbow. By adding flow deflectors; the problem quires high-accuracy boundary layer, which makes the two-
of resonance with further power fluctuations is prevented, as well. equation SST model a good choice. VLES may outperform the SST
This is due to achieved dampening in amplitudes and the corre- model [91]. For palliation studies involving cavitation modeling,
sponding upward shift in frequency of peak-to-peak pressure pul- ZGB model derived from a simplified RayleighePlesset equation
sations, as shown in Fig. 12. Therefore, most applications of this has been used [61]. A new multiphase simulation method that
approach are in tandem with other attempts to improve their accurately capture interface between water and vapor has been
performance shortage in avoiding high power swings. coupled with the modified PANS model. The latter is an improve-
Further studies should evaluate the negative side of their flow ment of original PANS that can abridge RANS and DNS [66].
intrusion on the turbine performance. Even though, they are thin
3. Ancillary fluid injection

The ancillary injection of one phase or two-phase fluid, at spe-

cific admission conditions, has been used as attempt to counteract
instabilities of the flow and consequent power generation fluctu-
ations. In hydraulic turbine draft tubes; air and/or water are used at
common inlet spots. The latter are the peripheral and the on-axis
inlet; monitoring point are usually set downstream at a distance
that is usually normalized by the runner exit diameter; as shown in
Fig. 14.
Central fluid injections are more frequently investigated due to
their effectiveness. The central water injection of 6% flow rate can
dampen PLO pressure pulsations till 75%, whereas peripheral in-
jections do not reach expectations. However, the power loss may
adapt to the achieved attenuation in pressure fluctuations, but the
reduced production is not that prohibitive for the palliation appli-
cation [92]. Few applications inject the fluid through the trailing
edge of wicket gates [93,94], at the cone wall with a tangential
injection of water jet [95], at the discharge ring [28] or continuous
circumferential slots on the runner crown [96]. Depending on the
amount of air; the asynchronous pressure component is reduced
Fig. 11. Distributions of pressure at GVO of 170 with four runner cones: (a) original one,
and, only small residues of synchronous wave persist [97]. The
(b) with a cylindrical extension (c) grooved extension and (d) the round-top type with similar suppression of surge components applies to water injection
a streamlined pyramid [86]. [82,98].
754 A. Muhirwa et al. / Renewable Energy 150 (2020) 743e764

Fig. 12. Time and frequency domains of pressure fluctuations near the cone intake [89].

Table 2
Recapitulation of most recent structural attempts.

Attempts Refs and tentative time CFD approach Advantages Disadvantages

Chen et al.[64]-2019 SST-SAS Non-intrusive: fairly intact Frequency components closer to

Chen et al.[61] 2018 RNG k-ε; ZGB performance; cavitation runner frequency may be
Chen et al.[62] 2017 SST suppression. Swirl mitigation by suppressed; but no shift of PVR
Anup et al.[60] 2016 RNG k-ε outlying tangential flow and axial frequency to detune resonance.
Wei et al. [35] 2013 RNG/SST k-ε component. Stabilizing flow angle, J-groove dimensions and number
flow uniformity: balanced governs the performance. Increased
tangential velocity with corrected energy losses by swirl mitigation.
eccentricity. Remote prevention,
shrinkage or stream-lining of on-
axis backflow. PVR is suppressed,
straightened or shortened.
Good flow uniformity. Weakened
pressure pulsations behind the
Fins Nishi et al.[76] 1996 e Reduced synchronous wave of Very inefficient in their off-design
Nishi et al. [77]-2002 e pressure pulsations operation range, rear cavitation
Under their operation range: the erosion. Noisiness, vibration, slight
cavitation volume is reduced, increase of PVR frequency.
resonance and power swings are
prevented. Local flow uniformity
when featured with the elbow wall.
Baffles Zhou et al.[79] 2019 RNG k-ε Boundary layer improved; The PVR frequency is not altered;
prevention of the vortex rope no resonance counteraction.
formation or reduction of its
diameter and noise. Increased
turbine efficiency. Pressure
amplitude reduction.
Tanasa et al. [83]-2019 e Controlled intrusion. Mitigated Compromise between DTPP
Tanasa et al. [81]-2016 RSM in Fluent code severe deceleration and stagnant mitigation and hydraulic loss.
Tanasa et al. [80]-2015 SAS in Fluent code zone. PVR is straightened (or a Frequency unchanged.
Adjustable Diaphragm bubble-type vortex) by eccentricity Synchronous wave slightly
reduction. The swirl strength is amplified.
minimized. Reduced asynchronous
amplitudes. Improved efficiency
Yu et al. [66] 2019 Modified PANS Good flow uniformity; alleviated Reduction of pressure recovery;
Gogstad et al. [88]-2016 e PVR eccentricity and evolution. impossibility to readjust the
Qian et al. [86]-2012 SST Pressure pulsations due to PVR extension as to the OP; the
rotation and cavitation induction performance on pressure oscillation
are dampened with a little and cavitation changes with the
efficiency rise. Massive shear layer GVO; peak-to-peak amplitude may
Runner cone modification
are omitted by covering the increase.
backflow zone. Little effect on BPF
oscillations in addition to the
reduction of PVR oscillations; the
dominant frequency may be

3.1. Flow aeration reduction, vibrations and efficiency of hydroelectric power plants
[99]. More specifically, it happens in turbines when the submer-
The air generated intrinsically, such as vortex-induced air, is gence of free air-core falls below a certain critical level [100].
generally considered negative for the operation, safety, discharge However, the extrinsic introduction of non-condensable air can
A. Muhirwa et al. / Renewable Energy 150 (2020) 743e764 755

Spiral Illustrative
Stay vanes cylindrical
Guide vanes extension
[46] 0.4D
[62] 0.53D
[46] 0.6D
[46] 0.8D 0.86D [79]
603.3 1200
Draft tube [61-62] 1.089D 1.2D 900
Ø=476.1 D

Fig. 13. Illustrative turbine model and normalized locations of structural attempts along the draft tube cone.

Fig. 14. Locations of air and water injection and the computational domain views with typical probe location [28,92].

counteract the draft tube pressure surge, when injected with spiral shape of vortex breakdown switches to bubbles and the flow
suitable fraction rate. That air may protect the downstream aquatic becomes axially projected. Other local injection spots are draft tube
habitat as well, where sites of low-level dissolved oxygen can occur wall, the runner cone with baffles, runner cone with a step and
in the reservoir before the turbine intake. Considering dynamic peripheral aeration at the discharge ring [103]. However, inefficient
behaviors; the air injection into water at the draft tube inlet pre- hollow inserts (crossing tube, tripod, and a snorkel fitted with the
sents no adverse influence over the unit operation [101]. By runner cone etc.) can be mounted inside the draft tube flow with
including a throttling system of heavy-duty spring-free valves and injection through-holes. The latter aerate targeted locations in case
by conducting extensive performance assessments; blowing the the inserts can be rigidly planted to prevent galloping [43,75].
flow is an old approach that has grown mature in industrial ap- Well-adapted air flow rates can cushion pressure fluctuations by
plications [102]. Recent efforts only try to better the performance increasing the vortex core pressure and weakening the axial pres-
with reduced efficiency loss or combining the aeration with other sure gradient. The mechanism of flow stabilization consists in
approaches. changing the vortex rope shape in connection with the amount of
Pivotal factors for effective aeration with acceptable loss are: (i) injected air, i.e. small amount of air keeps the corkscrew shape of
the location for air admission and (ii) the fraction of influx air rate the vortex rope, and high aeration rates forge its cylindrical shape
with respect to the water flow rate [78].The air supply below the [26]. Sufficient air supply eliminate the vortex rope; otherwise, the
runner through the crown cone tip or the shaft hole is the first resonance may take place since the natural frequency of the system
common solution to attenuate draft tube surging problems. The decreases with increasing cavity volume [36]. Even though the
756 A. Muhirwa et al. / Renewable Energy 150 (2020) 743e764

Fig. 15. Frequency domain for cavitating and non-cavitating flow (a) and aeration effect on cavitating flow (b): cavitation surge (s ¼ 3.3, LHS) and vortex rope behavior, (s ¼ 4.8,
RHS) [105,106].

aeration may not reduce the precession frequency; amplitudes coefficient are 0.5 and 1% airflow rates; 0.75% can be chosen
becomes alleviated, along with pulsations in the scroll case and the because of differences between two curves.
guide vanes. However; the BPF instability gets amplified in front of Deeper investigations into flow stability consist in involved
the runner, as a new rotor-stator interaction. This becomes a mechanism of vortexeair interactions using four terms of vorticity
compromise when choosing suitable air discharge [104]. transport equation; as shown in Equation (7). The mechanism of
The aeration eliminates the vortex rope behavior and the cavi- enhancing flow stability depends on changes of vorticity distribu-
tation surge, but the loss is increased and the turbine efficiency is tion and the vortex rope motion by aeration. The vortex dilatation
decreased by several percentages [105]. The adverse pressure term is predominant along the cavity interface at the diffuser inlet
gradient along the axial direction causes the main cavitation fre- and alters the vorticity field in zones of high density and pressure
quency (Type II), as illustrated in Fig. 15(a). Type I surge is caused by gradient. The vortex has a high stretching and dilation during the
the decreased rotation when cavitation appears: the cavitation vortex rope evolution, whereas the baroclinic torque term displays
chokes the main flow; which reduces the effective area. This hin- unimportant influence in the vortex evolution. However, the latter
ders the vortex breakdown and PVR behavior with further increase may increase during particular aeration volumes, which explains its
of axial flow and decreased swirl intensity [66,105,106]. As illus- little contribution in alleviating the swirling flow near the draft
trated in Fig. 15(b); at low cavitation number; natural or forced low- tube inlet. As depicted in Fig. 17; the viscous diffusion term shows
air rates suppress the cavitation surge. During high cavitation no effect [26].
number, low natural aeration alleviates PVR behavior, but low
forced aeration works for both situations.
The number, diameter of injection nozzle and the air flow rate
have an influence on turbine power loss and pressure recovery. To Du Vr  Vp  
obtain suitable choices for those values a methodology has been ¼ ðu:VÞv  uðV:vÞ þ m 2 þ g V2 u (7)
Dt rm
suggested and the ratio between the total loss and pressure re-
covery factor is as plotted in Fig. 16 [28]. As shown in Fig. 16 (a); where u is the vorticity, v is the velocity, gz1=Re is the kinematic
with increasing nozzle diameter, both the power loss and its co- viscosity and rm ðaa ra þð1 aa ÞrL Þ is the mixed density, (a : Volume
efficient based on pressure recovery increase. Thus, 1 cm nozzle fraction and subscripts a and L are for air and liquid respectively)
diameter is chosen to learn the power loss and its coefficient at that is assumed homogeneous.
three different OPs, Fig. 16 (b). Air injection at 66.6% QBEP does not Thus, proper volumetric fraction of air can enhance the vortical
improve the system performance due to greater fraction of power dilation by weakening the vortical flow, which alleviate draft tube
loss. At 86.2% QBEP, minimum values for the power loss and its pressure fluctuations.
A. Muhirwa et al. / Renewable Energy 150 (2020) 743e764 757


Fig. 16. Relative power loss versus airflow rate: for different nozzle diameter for 0.5%Q airflow rate at 66.6% QBEP(a); for 1 cm nozzle diameter at three OPs (b) [28].

3.2. Remedial flow watering BFF massive jet could prevent the vortex rope formation by
eliminating the quasi-stagnant central zone and changing the
Palliative water supply is a relatively new alternative that precession frequency, as shown in Fig. 18. That runner bypass is a
counteracts the pressure surge from its origin. A co-phase jet can- hydraulic loss to the energy production. Initially, it was hypothe-
cels out on-axis misadjusted flow components that give rise to the sized that those bypassing losses are compensated by contributed
precession of the vortex rope. The theoretical estimate has been elimination of severe pressure fluctuations and improved draft tube
early suggested in pump-turbines by Gearhart, Yocum [107]. The efficiency [108]. Further efforts have found a way to achieve the
flow taken from the spiral casing had to bypass the runner so as to palliation without the production loss. The flow is taken at a
be centrally discharged into the draft tube for surge elimination. downstream cone location to be reversely discharged at the cone
That tentative of bypass flow-feedforward (BFF) has been carried inlet; i.e. Flow-feedback method (FFB). The pumping energy can be
out by Blommaert [74] in the draft tube of hydraulic turbine. A also considered as a production loss; it should be well appreciated
rotating valve was used to regulate the antidote-like injection of for the FFB validation against the control scheme of BFF.
1e2% of the whole turbine discharge. The purpose was to eliminate Using the pressure gradient between the source and the sink of
self-induced instabilities and reduce the hydro-acoustic effect of control piping as driving force; the FFB becomes a self-regulating
vortex rope precession. However, that discharge fraction was not passive method. The plain FFB of 10% is backed by only 2% boost
enough to eliminate the vortex rope formation from its genesis. from the ejector pumps [98]. The FFB is considered as self-
Therefore; a well-approached novel scheme of palliative BFF has emanating approach since the water jet drives the runner and
been introduced by Romeo Susan-Resiga [108]; by using a highly subsequently controls the vortex rope downstream. For pumped
energetic water jet discharging through the tip of the crown cone. FFB, it is regarded as self-energizing because the activating energy
Since then, extensive studies to improve its performance have been is internally generated [109]. As the control channel of FFB fetches
carried out on Francis turbines, pump turbines and swirl generators the water downstream, the overall turbine efficiency is improved
improved for the swirling flow control [98]. by corrected BFF hydraulic losses.
Most importantly, palliative water supply shows a good per-
formance during higher part-load operations. This critical oper-
ating range displays a high PVR eccentricity that sometimes
involves the shock phenomenon. . Thus; the following problems
may be counteracted: (i) damage of bolts connecting the draft tube
and further runner hub removal, (iii) runner blades breakdown, (iv)
labyrinth seal damage, and (v) bearings deterioration [98].
To disrupt the stalled zone and prevent cumbersome dynamics
of vortex rope; the dead water zone ought to be eliminated or
Fig. 17. Distribution of the vorticity (a) and its four terms: Stretching (b), Dilation (c), ejected downstream. That interference of the crown cone wake is
Baroclinic torque (d) and viscous diffusion term (e) near the draft tube inlet for:
caused by the jet velocity imparted to the central flow. The axial
Qair ¼ 0 (I); 1% (II); 2% (III); 4% (IV) [26].
758 A. Muhirwa et al. / Renewable Energy 150 (2020) 743e764

have used a dose of 1e2%Q [74]. When approaching the BFF

concept, highest volumetric losses within the jet range of 1e28%Q
No jet have been analyzed [114]. Further improvements of the FFB injec-
tion have used jet ranges between 10 and 12%Q with pressure
amplitude reductions of 30%e70%, respectively. The effective
threshold has been found to be 10%Q [115].
The active FFB supplied with a richer jet (12%Q) can thoroughly
remove the vortex rope. The asynchronous pressure component
becomes insignificant with much lower synchronous fluctuations.
On the other hand; the passive FFB approach mitigates the vortex
rope pressure fluctuations and leaves the asynchronous compo-
nent. However, both FFB schemes enhance the pressure recovery
Jet and, the pressure fluctuations amplitude with the dominant fre-
quency are reduced [98]. The latter achievements have been proven
using 11 bypassing jet rates from 5% to 14% Q. The jet rate of 11.5%Q
delimits the partial from full injection ranges; i.e. dominance of
rotating and plunging component, respectively; as shown in Fig. 20
(LHS) [82]. Fig. 20 (RHS) compares the pressure recovery between
baseline swirl and full injection control of 14%Q at three equidistant
cone sections. The pressure recovery expression is as to Equation
Fig. 18. Axial velocity contours displaying the mitigation of the stagnant zone:
0.91QBEP (LHS) and 0.7QBEP (RHS) [22].
p  pi
Cp ¼  (8)
r:v2 2
momentum around the centerline is increased; and shearing effects
along the interface between the backflow zone and the main flow where Cp is the pressure recovery coefficient, pi is the mean pres-
are decreased [22,109]. Before the jet control; the central backflow sure at the inlet cone section, p is the local mean pressure, r is the
zone (dark) is relatively large, and decrease by axial momentum density, and v is the throat velocity computed using both discharges
injection as shown in Fig. 20. The reversed flow ejection improves of the primary and jet flows.
the energy conversion efficiency with a good pressure recovery To mitigate the plunging component that can remotely propa-
[110]. Up to 50% increase of energy conversion can be achieved; gate all over the entire hydraulic system; a 3D-numerical attempt of
which contributes a wider load operation range. The performance pulsating axial water jet has been suggested. However, this is not
hill chart of Francis turbines may then display a general flattening yet validated on physical models [116]. Not only the reduction of
trend during PLO with good efficiencies [111]. the plunging component; some jet ranges may also prevent the
The ejection of the breakdown region is concurrent with the resonance phenomenon. As found by Feng, Wu [89]; the jet rate
wall detachment of the outlying flow. The point of reattachment governs the shape of the low-pressure zone from spiral (0e0.01Q)
downstream defines the ejection distance of the dead water zone to cylindrical form (0.03e0.05Q). Low fractions (1%Q) slightly
[109]. The wall separation is sensitive to the discharge. High dis- amplify DTPP with small frequency reduction. Further increase in
charges fill up the central region, which reduces the wall shear admission rates (3%Q) lowers the DTPP amplitude together with
stress along the draft tube wall. The optimal discharge has a wholly the main frequency. However; at 5% rate, the main frequency hits
attached flow [112]. The active method of FFB may cancel out that its higher values whereas the pressure pulsation amplitudes keep
dependence of the wall performance on the jet discharge by means falling, as shown in Fig. 21. Thus, the range of 0.03Q-0.05Q can be
of its boundary layer treatment [109]. Thanks to that efficient use of considered as the best range for amplitudes mitigation and reso-
the draft tube volume; shorter and compact discharge cones can be nance prevention, since the main PVR frequency seems to deflect
used without pressure recovery impairment. This may somehow from the natural generator frequency.
contribute hydropower plants affordability with bettered perfor- To energize the highly decelerating on-axis flow and eject the
mance over a wider load flexibility [113]. dead water zone farther; there are two way to treat the axial mo-
Adding an on-axis linear momentum intends at counteracting mentum (mass  velocity) of the jet: high-velocity low-discharge
usual interactions between the backflow and the main flow. To that jet, i.e. faster and light injection [110] or low-velocity large-
end; major effectiveness parameters are: the jet location, velocity discharge jet, i.e. slow and massive injection [82]. Two corre-
ratio, size ratio (jet radius against backflow size). The common sponding tradeoffs are the dead water cross section that can be
location of admission is through the tip of the runner cone along ejected with further wall detachment and volumetric losses,
the draft tube axis. respectively. It has been demonstrated that the best approach is of
The effective jet rate with respect to the main flow discharge higher discharge jet with lower velocity; since hydraulic losses can
(Qjet/Q) has significant implications on axial momentum, as shown be avoided by the FFB scheme [109]. From Equations (9) and (10);
in Fig. 19 (LHS). However; increasing jet rates imply linearly in- the choice of jet velocity depends on the turbine head and the jet
crease of the required activation power (loss), while the dissipation radius plays a major balancing role between the jet velocity and
of power in the diffuser decreases. Therefore; the determination of discharge [22,110].
optimum jet fraction involves the overall energy balance. As qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
depicted in Fig. 19 (RHS); the summation of those optimization vjet z 2gðH  hl Þ ¼ z 2gH (9)
factors displays the minimum discharge fraction as an optimal jet
rate that do not impair the machine efficiency [110]. Higher jet rates
may shift the stalled zone away of the conic diffuser without Qjet ¼ pR2jet vjet (10)
affecting the overall turbine efficiency [82]. Preliminary BFF trials
where vjet is the jet velocity, Qjet is the jet discharge, H is the
A. Muhirwa et al. / Renewable Energy 150 (2020) 743e764 759

Fig. 19. Axial velocity distributions and diffuser dissipation with jet power at different rates of water supply [110].

Fig. 20. The repartition of pressure pulsation modes vs jet rates and the streamwise comparison of energetic performance between uncontrolled swirl and the full water control of
14%Q [82].

Fig. 21. Effects of palliative flow watering with changing rates near the draft tube intake [89].

turbine head, hl corresponds to hydraulic losses through the Fig. 22.

penstock and bypass channel, z is the total loss coefficient along A recent attempt uses continuous slot jets on the runner crown
the jet supply, R is the jet radius. Jet radii equivalent to 10% and 50% to produce angled water injections of different momentum fluxes
of the runner crown radius can reduce the loss coefficient by 14 and introduced in opposite direction to that of the main swirl flow. The
50%, respectively. Larger jet radii eject higher jet discharges and purpose is to manipulate the boundary layer at the crown with a
more ejection/reduction of the reversed flow region; as shown in small bypassing flow rate (less than 0.03Q and 0.04Q). This controls
760 A. Muhirwa et al. / Renewable Energy 150 (2020) 743e764

Fig. 22. Inlet axial velocity profiles for different jet radius with their corresponding effects on the dead water zone at flow rates of 0.91QBEP (a) and 0.7QBEP (b) [22].

the vortex rope size, on-axis recirculation zone, turbulent struc- scale and simulation details. Navier-Stokes equations were used for
tures and associated velocity fluctuations with pressure pulsations. the spatial low-pass filtering between resolved and modeled flow
Factors like the momentum flux, position and the injection angle of field. The near-wall eddy viscosity scaling of WALE-SGS is suitable
slot jets, govern the achieved effectiveness in preventing the without applying a damping function [92]. The hybrid URANS-LES
breakdown or shrinking the PVR size. They depend on the oper- strategy has been used for boundary layer manipulation at the
ating conditions and further optimizations should consider their runner crown. This removes the requirements of fine resolutions as
FFB configuration [96]. Table 3 shows typical fluid attempts LES is known to be very expensive for wall-bounded flows at
recently tried out. practical Reynolds numbers. The turbulence model of DDES-SA
In addition to numerical approaches in Table 2; High-fidelity LES offers best results in predicting high swirling turbulent flow
has been rarely used due to the precision requirement of meshing where the precession effect is remote from the wall [96]. DES model

Table 3
Recapitulation of most recent fluid attempts.

Attempts Refs and tentative time CFD approach Advantages Disadvantages

Mohammadi et al.[28]- 2018 SST k-u; 2-phase models Low-air rates can suppress PVR Increased loss and several percent
Luo et al. [26] - 2017 SAS and SST; mixture multiphase behavior (swirl) and the cavitation reduction of turbine efficiency.
Nakashima et al.[105]- 2015 SAS surge Slight/no frequency shift as PVR
Muntean et al.[117]-2013 e Enhanced stability mechanism with rotation speed may not be changed.
increasing aeration rates: helical to New rotor-stator interaction is
cylindrical PVR shape. created that may lead to amplified
Asynchronous pressure component BPF at high excitations.
Flow Aeration is reduced and small residues of Deteriorated dynamic behavior at
synchronous waves. Reduced low- lower discharges.
frequency pressure amplitudes in Costly installation due to auxiliary
the scroll case and the guide vanes. equipment (extra piping and a
Noise reduction thanks to air compressor). Complex retrofitting.
compressibility for peripheral
injection. Improved dynamic
behavior at high PLO.
Altimemy et al. [92] e 2019 LES-SGS model Non-intrusive technique. Central Peripheral injection seems
Foroutan et al.[22]- 2014 Baseline standard k-ε model, DES injection tackles instability at its ineffective at PLO and increase
anasa et al.[98] 2013 e origin with a suppressed periodic pressure amplitudes at the blade
Bosioc et al. [82] 2012 e vortex rope precession and exit.
Javadi et al.[96] Hybrid URANS-LES with RSI engulfing vortex filaments. Though the pressure pulsation
2016 Negligible effect on generated amplitude is reduced, the signal
power. decomposition alerts dominant
Preventing the shock phenomenon plunging component propagating
Flow watering
and the vortex breakdown. in the entire system during full
Reduced precession frequency and injection range.
amplitude. Large discharge is a hydraulic loss in
Improved local energy conversion BFF. The pumping energy in active
Enhanced overall efficiency in self- FFB is a loss. Auxiliary equipment
emanating FFB that becomes self-
energizing from source-sink
pressure difference.
A. Muhirwa et al. / Renewable Energy 150 (2020) 743e764 761

has been used for 3D unsteady simulations initialized by 2D- individual measures. A typical search has been carried out by Feng,
axisymmetric steady simulations with the turbulence modelling of Li [120] to tame a strongly fluctuating turbine output power.
two-equation standard k-ε and two-layer zonal model for near wall Original draft tube optimizations of extended runner cone, damp-
treatment [22]. Some attempts, such as pulsating jets and vortex ing gates and flow deflectors have been investigated. Prolonged
generators adopted from aerodynamic systems, only rely on nu- runner cone changes the vortex rope shape and slightly reduces the
merical simulations. Their potentiality should be assessed on draft amplitude with poor change of the fluctuation frequencies.
tube prototypes. Damping gates can reduce the tangential velocity whereas flow
deflector can reduce the vortex eccentricity. Both measures some-
how eliminate the vortex rope and change the fluctuation fre-
4. Hybrid flow control quency. As shown in Fig. 23; the main frequency of pressure
fluctuations has displayed different changes.
No single cure-all remedy can address all draft tube instabilities Although all optimization attempts reduce the pressure ampli-
[118]. Few studies have tried to optimize the mitigation of the draft tude; flow deflectors are more effective in both the amplitude and
tube surge by combining strengths associated with different ap- main frequency of DTPP. It has been demonstrated that extended
proaches. Flow watering schemes reduce DTPP originated by the runner cone and flow deflectors can reduce the backward propa-
vortex rope. Therefore, it is more effective during high part-load gation of main draft tube instabilities till the spiral casing. There-
rather than low part-load operations. Adding in a low-rate aera- fore, flow deflectors perform well in entire system stability by
tion; the two-phase “air-water” may achieve a good performance avoiding resonance and output power fluctuations.
for both PLO ranges; more clearly during low part-load operation Water supply and flow deflector can be effective in damping the
[119]. Beyond 0.7QBEP discharge; the air injection is more effective fluctuation amplitude and deflecting the main pulsation frequency
with improved dynamic behavior than both the water injection and from the natural frequency of generator; thereby, prevent the
the two-phase hybrid control. Very large discharges (0.81QBEP) may resonance phenomenon. This simultaneously prevents the fluctu-
display small influence. Below that range; the aeration deteriorates ation problem of power output. However, the flow watering out-
the dynamic behavior, which may give rise to mechanical problems. performs flow deflectors in mitigating pressure pulsation
However, the two-phase control of air and water outperforms in- amplitudes. The air admission technique cannot alter the pressure
dividual watering and aeration of the flow [28,117]. Table 4 sum- fluctuation frequency thereby, failing to fix output power oscilla-
marizes the suitability of each approach at specific OPs. tions. However; considering the reduction of pressure amplitudes,
Even though, the aeration contributes the amplitude and fre- water injection alone outperforms combined expedients [89]. In
quency reduction of DTPP; the aeration rate is subjected to a strict addition to well-optimized attempts, further advanced schemes of
regime range. This is because of the upstream influence of aeration hybrid control would consider a newly suggested method of tan-
in increasing pressure pulsations due to BPF in front of the runner dem runners for upstream swirl adjustment [121].
[82]. The difference between on-axis injections of water and air is
that the objective of water supply is to mitigate or prevent the
vortex breakdown without a necessity to change the compliance 5. Concluding remarks and future work
throughout cavitating domains as it is the case for the aeration
[108]. Attempts to counteract compromising draft tube surging effect
Compounded structural attempts are rare to find. However, the on the power generation have been herein reviewed. To mitigate
choice may be inferred from comparative studies performed on the swirl instability and suppress the core instability; passive and

Table 4
Results from three injection modes.

OPs (%) Flow watering Flow aeration Hybrid control: air þ water injection Effective injection Efficiency increase (%)

66.6 e e 1.5% for air; loss reduced to 21% Hybrid control 1.5
86.2 From the flow watering; From the flow aeration of 0.75%, Compared with the lone aeration; The aeration alone 2.3
the loss reduction of 3.2% the loss reduction of 23% loss increase of 4.5%
100 e From the flow aeration of 0.75%, Equivalent results for aeration The aeration alone 4.3
the loss reduction of 17% and hybrid control

Fig. 23. Effectiveness of attempts optimization in frequency and time domains [120].
762 A. Muhirwa et al. / Renewable Energy 150 (2020) 743e764

active methods have been devised. Passive methods mainly include flow watering. Further deep investigations would use WALE-
geometric optimization, wall-mounted structures or on-axis in- SGS modeling of near-wall eddy viscosity scaling to predict
serts, and those diametrically positioned across cone sections. The the aftermath caused by the intrusion of wall-mounted at-
optimization of the draft tube shape redefines the flow stability by tempts. The second choice may be Hybrid URANS-LES to reduce
means of on-axis recirculation zone and wall detachments. The the computational cost. CFD coupled FSI simulations are rec-
critical part for optimization is the elbow section due to its design ommended to associate propagative system interactions with
and upstream propagation of synchronous instability. Structural the altered flow features.
appendages are J-grooves, stabilizer fins, adjustable diaphragm,  Some attempts pave a way towards real applications in hy-
stationary and freely rotating modifications of the runner cone, draulic turbines. Others may seem far from realistic and eco-
baffles, flow deflectors, damping gates and vortex generators. The nomic for full-scale prototypes, whether old or new designs.
majority of wall-mounted structures aim at weakening the swirl Attempts relying on numerical simulations should be validated
strength and/or counteracting the critical core activity. Compro- on physical models. Their performance transferability to full-
mising issues have been the location, configuration and the scale prototypes should be learnt in order to predict their
required projection into the flow medium that may involve feasibility.
secondhand instabilities and excessive vibrations. Adjustable and
non-intrusive attempts may be a solution. To counteract the
instability at its inception, attempts based on on-axis flow control Declaration of competing interest
have been suggested. These are runner cone extensions and active/
passive axial injection of air and water. Their purposes are the The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest regarding
crown wake interference, quasi-stagnant zone ejection, shear the publication of this article.
layers reduction and vortex precession weakening. The common
feature is to create a stable axisymmetric core in the cone center
with reduced pressure pulsations amplitudes and/or frequency. Acknowledgement
Typical challenges have been the fluid supply conditions, cavitation
performance, hydraulic loss, efficiency deterioration and pressure This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation
recovery. These require optimization of attempts or advanced of China (51606050, 51506037, 51976043), Chinese Postdoctoral
hybrid palliation for an extend operation range. Science Foundation (2016M591527), Heilongjiang Postdoctoral
The following guidelines and recommendations can be inferred: Found (LBH-Z16057) and Natural Science Foundation of Hei-
longjiang Province (E2017038).
 Effective control of the swirling flow should address the main
cause of self-induced instabilities that is limited in space, i.e. the
momentum deficit near the axis, rather than the effects of a Table of symbols and abbreviations
well-developed vortex rope that are scattered in a vast domain
of the draft tube. BEP Best Efficiency point
 Successful watering attempt needs a massive interference that QBEP Best Efficiency discharge
intensely forces the instabilities genesis out of the conic part. PLO Part load operation
Therefore; the momentum repartition in the controlling jet HLO High load Operation
should be high discharge-low velocity jets, rather than low OP operating point
discharge-high velocity jets. This favors the flow-feedback over GVO Guide Vane Opening
the bypass feedforward schemes with activation energy loss and MGV misaligned guide vanes
bypass hydraulic loss, respectively. Such byproduct losses PVR Precessing Vortex Rope
should be cancelled out or sufficiently made inconsequent with RHS Right Hand Side
respect to the efficiency. LHS Left Hand Side
 Proper flow parameterization at the runner exit and shape J-groove Jet groove
optimization for the runner and draft tube are essential refur- DTPP Draft Tube Pressure Pulsations
bishment procedures for overall efficiency. CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics
 A user-friendly control strategy with a mechanism that contin- RSM Reynolds Stress Model
uously adjusts the palliative action according to the varying load SST Shear Stress Transport
demand is recommended. RNG Renormalization Group
 Attempts with a high attenuation of resonance risk, such as flow LES Large Eddy Simulation
deflectors, need more analysis in terms of side effects caused by VLES Very Large Eddy Simulations
their flow intrusion. Other new techniques, such as baffles and RANS Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations
adjustable diaphragms, need that contrastive study. WALE-SGS Sub-grid Scale modeling of Wall-adapting Local Eddy-
 As no single attempt can address the flow unsteadiness over a Viscosity
wider operation range; it is recommended to focus on rare Hybrid URANS-LES Unsteady Reynolds-Averaged
hybrid control schemes. The choice would include few attempts NaviereStokeseLarge Eddy Simulation
proven to shift the frequency with reduced resonance risk. Non- DDES-SA Delayed Detached-Eddy Simulation coupled with the
intrusive attempts would be useful in avoiding secondhand in- SpalarteAllmaras
stabilities and on-axis attempts would sort out the problem at ZGB ZwarteGerbereBelamri cavitation model
its embryonic stage. PANS Partially Averaged Navier-Stokes turbulence model
 To appreciate the effectiveness of an attempt with a quasi- DNS Direct Numerical Simulation
periodic state, CFD simulations for much longer flow time are FSI Fluid-structure interactions
recommended. In covered literature; the high-fidelity of LES has BPF Blade Passing Frequency
been used once by a more recent work on assessing the resolved FFB Flow-feedback scheme
non-uniformity of the flow versus the hydraulic loss caused by BFF Bypass Flow Feed-forward scheme
A. Muhirwa et al. / Renewable Energy 150 (2020) 743e764 763

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