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30 Affirmations

For Every Day

01. I am free to be myself

02. I am aligned with energy of abundance

03. My heart is always open

04. Each day is a gift and i gratefully accept it

05. I let go all my resistance

06. I am balanced mentally and physically

07. I accept myself unconditionally

08. I am a prosperity magnet

09. All my relationships have a purpose and they fulfill me

10. I listen to my intuition and trust my inner guide

11. I inhale confidence and exhale love

12. I am aligned with my purpose

13. I am full of vitality

14. I am the master of my own thoughts

15. I am open and receptive to all wealth that life brings to me

There is no timeline to
explore each step.
Someone might do it
all at once, someone
needs to reflect on
30 Affirmations
For Every Day
16. I radiate love and others reflect love back to me

17. The universe supports me in every possible way

18. I forgive myself for any mistake i’ve made

19. My body is relaxed. My mind is calm. My soul is at peace.

20. I trust myself to make the right decision

21. It’s easy and natural for me to be prosperous and successful

22. Life is full of love and i find it everywhere i go

23. Everything happens for a reason. Every experience in my life helps me grow

24. I love all aspects of my body

25. I am the creator of my own life

26. I am forgiving. I replace anger with love

27. I am enthusiastic about every second of my life

28. I am in alignment with my true divine self

29. I inspire people around me

30. I take time to make my soul happy

There is no timeline to
explore each step.
Someone might do it
all at once, someone
needs to reflect on

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