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Nisaul Khairati1, Asyraf Huda2

MTsN 1 Model Banda Aceh
Jalan Pocut Baren No. 114, Kec, Kuta Alam, Kota Banda Aceh, Provinsi Aceh

The purpose of this study was to determine the potential of
pineapple peel (Ananas comosus) as a natural toothpaste base
material to refresh the mouth. This research method is experimental
research. Experimental research is a study conducted to find the
effect of something that is done intentionally by researchers. The
results of the analysis of toothpaste are the color of toothpaste which
Keywords: has a percentage of SS = 40% and S = 0% while TS = 60%. The
aroma of toothpaste has a percentage of SS = 100%, S = 0% and TS
= 0%. The texture of toothpaste has a percentage of SS = 80% and S
= 0% while TS = 20%. The taste of toothpaste has a percentage of SS
Pineapple Peel.
= 86.67% and S = 0% while TS = 13.33%. And the feeling of
comfort when used in toothpaste has a percentage of SS = 80% and S
= 0% while TS = 20%.

Corresponding Author:
Nisaul Khairati1, Asyraf Huda2
MTsN 1 Model Banda Aceh
Email: nsaulkhrti2@gmail.com, asyrafasyrafhuda@gmail.com

Nearly 90% of Indonesia has cavities, swollen gums and abscesses, which are due to the
fact that most indonesians have an average tooth-rubbing equally in the wrong way, while this
would affect dental health. The tooth is a small white structure found in the human mouth and is an
important organ of the body's digestive process [1]. Dental and oral health is crucial. One of the
important microorganisms often found in the human mouth is streptococcus mutans [2]
The bromelin enzyme on the skin of a pineapple has been proven to hinder the growth of
streptoccocus mutans bacteria. In addition to its nutritional properties, flavonoids in the skin of
pineapples also play a role in the antibacterial. Flavonoid is an actual substance found in all parts of
a plant. The flavonoid compound that is a phenol compound can lead to blocking the synthesis of
cell walls. Hence flavonoid is a potential antibacterial component.
In addition to the compounds of bromelin and flavonoids in the pineapple skin are also
found in tannins. The tank's action mechanism as an antibacterial is to inactivate the adhesion of
microbial cells on the cell's surface. Steroid mechanisms as antibacterial are linked to lipid
membranes and a sensitivity to component steroid that causes leaks on pineapple skin formulating
as toothpaste.
The pineapple (ananas SUS l) is one of the very complex fruits, rich in minerals both
macro-ro and micro-, organic matter, water and vitamins. Chlorine, iodine, phenol and bromelin
enzymes in pineapples have the effect of suppressing the growth of bacteria. The pineapple has its
parts removed like leather. The pineapple skin has uneven texture (like the eye) and has tiny spines.
The pineapple skin contains vitamin c, carotenoid, fiber, anthocyanin, flavonoid, and liposom

National Science Fair for Indonesian Adolescents

enzymes. Alkaloids work as antibacterials through synthetic cell walls that would cause lysis in cell
walls Bacteria may stunted bacterial growth.
In the study [3] pineapple skin ethanol extract has been able to impede the growth of
streptoccocus mutans bacteria at a 6.25% concentration. The immediate use of the pineapple skin is
less effective because the extract cannot last long, so it is developed in a toothpaste formula from a
pineapple extract. A half denser of toothpaste is used to clean the surface of the teeth and refresh
the mouth [4]. Toothpaste serves to promote good health in teeth, such as preserving cavities, gum
disorders, as well as freshening the mouth.
Self-made toothpaste formula at home with easy ingredients to find such as pineapple peel,
lemon extract, mint leaves, green tea, cloves oil, and salt. This toothpaste is an appropriate
ingredient for brushing your teeth daily because of its fine natural ingredients, such as the skin of a
pineapple that helps strengthen your teeth and is also effective in safeguarding the health of your
mouth and gums. Lemon extracts, their clove citation, brighten the teeth, and citric acid content are
capable of combating bacteria in the mouth. Then there is the believed mint leaf that makes
breathing much fresher thanks to its distinctive aroma. Then there is green tea, the concentration of
polyphenols in green tea prevents plaque from sticking to the surface of the tooth, also reduces the
risk of cavities. Oil of cloves, the properties of eugenol, which helps to relieve toothache because it
has an antiinflammatory properties. And finally there's salt that helps to inflamed gums, and
Bacteria need moisture to thrive, so without sufficient water they cannot grow properly.
The natural toothpaste from the pineapple skin waste is better than the toothpaste with many
chemicals in it. Chemicals common to toothpaste and harmful are carobment, diethanolamine
(dea), fluoride, formaldehyde-hyde, and paraben. Chemicals derived from seaweed are commonly
used asa compound Thickends. But unfortunately, the agency has proven to cause inflammation of
the intestines and to affect the development of cancer cells in the body. Diethanolamine in
toothpaste is a substance used to make toothpaste but risk causing eye and skin irritation.
Diethanolamine (dea) reacts with another substance capable of producing liver cancer.
Fluoride is a mineral in this toothpaste that is used to amplify the tooth's enamel and at the
same time help prevent cavities. But a study has revealed that fluoride ingested can cause bone
cancer in men and neurological disorders. Formaldehyde-chemicals are substances that release
formaldehyde Hyde Hyde which is capable of being absorbed through mouth membranes and
causing skin and mouth irritation to trigger other allergies, the paraben being a natural chemical
compound used asa fragrance in toothpaste is thought to interfere with endocrine and cause cancer
and reproductive problems.
The pineapple skin toothpaste has several components of the compound material such as
pineapple skin extracts, cmc-na, calcium carbonate, glycerin, na-lauryl sulfat, nipagin, nipasol, and
aquadest. Brush at least three teeth a day in the morning, at night and at night. Even if done three
times a day, brushing one's teeth is not enough because they cannot properly clean the sides of the
teeth, especially if rushed or in a wrong way. Also, be sure that the toothbrush used has a soft
bristles with a right to the size of our mouth. Where possible, use fluoride toothpaste to help
prevent tooth decay and cavities. If the teeth are not properly washed, then the remainder of the
food attached to the mouth will form a layer of biophylll called dental plaque [5]. A greater buildup
of dental plaque would diminish the aesthetics, as well as the pathological nature of which causes
calculus and dental caries [6], which is why we should brush our teeth as often as possible.

The method of research to be used is experimental research. Research on experimentation
is a study conducted to determine the consequences of something that researchers have done
2.1 Time and place of research
This research was done in the science lab MTSN 1 banda aceh, on March 26, 2023.
2.2 Population and samples

National Science Fair for Indonesian Adolescents

The research population will be tested on all teachers-teachers MTSN 1 banda day 114.
This study sample will be tested on all teachers-teacher a and teacher's room b MTSN 1 banda day
of 15 people.
2.3 Data collection techniques and tools
The method used in this study is an experimental method of organoleptic assessment.
According to [7] experimental methods are research methods used to seek the influence of a matter
in a systematically controlled condition. In the organoleptic assessment of the toothpaste color,
taste, texture, and scent already match sni standards 8861:2020. Data collection techniques and
tools with organoleptic assessment will be presented in appendix 1.
After filling out the organoleptic test tubes, the panelists are lined up with one toothbrush
and one toothpaste to test the mixture. After that, the panelis will load the angkets on the scale of
the liquid. It consists of positive statements of ss =3, s =2 and ts =1, and consists of negative
statements of ss =1, s =2, and ts =3. Then, researchers will open the interview by asking panelis'
responses to the taste, scent, color, texture, and comfort with the use of the pineapple skin paste
(ananas SUS) to refresh the mouth.
2.4 Data analysis
• Organoleptic test tray
• Guidelines for open-air interviews
The data processing method is to give one toothbrush and one pineapple skin paste to try,
and then after test researchers will give an angket to all panelists and interview how they feel about
the color, aroma, texture, taste, and comfort of the pineapple skin paste. Researchers will then
begin to process the data as they did in the studies.
Data analysis in this study USES the percentage formula with the equations in this way.
P = f/n x 100%
P = percentage
F = = frequency score for the pineapple skin toothpaste (ananas SUS)
N = number of panels
The analysis done in the study is a percentage calculation with a hedonic scale organoletic
test on the pineapple skin toothpaste with parameters of color, aroma, texture, taste, and comfort
when applied.


3.1 Results
This pineapple skin toothpaste works to freshen the mouth. Like charcoal, which can
whiten teeth and mint leaves, which can invigorate the mouth. In this study several elements will
be tested for such, color, scent, texture, taste and comfort when used. Fifteen people are being
tested, among other things:
Here is the color percentage of the pineapple skin toothpaste that is served at table 4.1 below.
Table 4.1 percent color on pineapple skin toothpaste

Jawaban Jumlah jawab Skor jawab Persentase
SS 6 18 40%
S 0 0 0
TS 9 27 60%
Based on table 4.1 above can be explained that the color on this pineapple skin toothpaste is
not much liked and has a percentage of ss = 40% and s = 0% as if ts = 60%.
Next comes the percentage of the fragrance on the pineapple skin toothpaste served at table 4.2
Table 4.2 percent scent on pineapple skin toothpaste

Jawaban Jumlah jawab Skor jawab Persentase
SS 15 45 100%
S 0 0 0
TS 0 0 0
Based on table 4.2 above can be explained that the aroma on this pineapple skin toothpaste is
widely liked and has a percentage as big as ss = 100%, s =0% and ts =0%.
The texture percentage on the pineapple crust is served at table 4.3 below.
Table 4.3 percent of texture in the pineapple skin toothpaste

Jawaban Jumlah jawab Skor jawab Persentase
SS 12 36 80%
S 0 0 0
TS 3 9 20%
Based on table 4.3 above can be explained that the texture of this pineapple skin toothpaste
is widely liked and has a percentage of ss = 80% and s = 0% while ts = 20%.
Next up is the percentage of taste in the pineapple skin toothpaste served at table 4.4 below.
Table 4.4 percent taste in pineapple skin toothpaste

Jawaban Jumlah jawab Skor jawab Persentase
SS 13 39 86,67%
S 0 0 0
TS 2 6 13,33%
Based on table 4.4 above can be explained that the taste in this pineapple skin toothpaste is
popular and has a percentage of ss = 86.67% and s = 0% while ts = 1333%.
Finally, the percentage of comfort that comes with the pineapple skin toothpaste served at table
4.5 below.
Table 4.5 percentage of comfort when applied to pineapple skin toothpaste


Jawaban Jumlah jawab Skor jawab Persentase
SS 12 36 80%
S 0 0 0
TS 3 9 20%
Based on table 4.5 above you can explain that the comfort of the toothpaste this pineapple
skin is well-liked and has a percentage of the ss = 80% and s = 0% while ts = 20%.
3.2 Discussions
From research that had already been done with a lot of positive and negative comments,
other than having a bad color because of the color produced by charcoal, the taste and smell were
still sweet and good because of having mint leaves, green tea and the clove smell produced by the
pepsodent clove. Analysis of the toothpaste is a color on the toothpaste that has a percentage of ss =
40% and s = 0% as ifts = 60%. The scent on a toothpaste that has a percentage as ss = 100%, s =0%
and ts =0%. Texture on a toothpaste that has a percentage as with ss = 80% and s = 0% while ts =
20%. Taste in toothpaste has a percentage of ss = 86.67% and s = 0% while ts = 1333%. And the
comfort of the toothpaste has a percentage as big as ss = 80% and s = 0% while ts = 20%. Many

National Science Fair for Indonesian Adolescents

panelists disliked the color of the toothpaste because it had a black color caused by charcoal, and
had a rough texture like scrub because it contained a pineapple skin and one of the panelists had a
bruised tooth for having a rough texture. But panelists still enjoy the toothpaste because it has a
pleasant aroma, flavor, and flavor on it. The mint and green tea that give the toothpaste its aroma
and fresh, tasty flavor and comfort because of the Himalayan salt and after it has been washed
clean and fresh, the kind that makes the panelis like the pineapple skin toothpaste.
This study is similar to a study [8] that makes a toothpaste using a pineapple skin and says
that it is ideal for making toothpaste to refresh the mouth. The study [9] that makes a toothpaste as
a mouthpiece also states that a dried pineapple skin or a juice from it is a good choice for teeth
cleaning. Research conducted by [10] also states that the pineapple skin is a natural alternative to a
used toothpaste solution.

While researchers want good quality toothpaste, there is still a shortage in the toothpaste
both in color and texture, this is because the researchers' carelessness did not grind it lightly, and
the time that caused the researcher to hurried - rush to do this study because of repeated research
and poor results. And this is the end result of this research.

I Nisaul Khairati and Asyraf Huda offer a great thanks to our mentor, Nurmahni Harahap,
who has helped us with the research and has proposed many Races including the naphsia to engage
in the race.


[1] Suryanegara, 2000.

[2] H. N. N. Triyani Sumiati, "Aktivitas dan Evaluasi sediaan pasta gigi ekstrak bonggol dan kulit nanas
terhadap antibakteri Streptococcus mutans penyebab plak gigi," 2019.
[3] Anggreni, 2012.
[4] Mason, pp. 1-9, 2000.
[5] Fatmawati, pp. 1-9, 2011.
[6] Tahmourespour, 2010.
[7] Sugiono, "Metodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D," Bandung:Alfa Beta, 2018.
[8] Raisha, "efektivitas antibakteri ekstrak etanol kulit nanas pada sediaan pasta gigi dengan menggunakan
gum arab," 2017.
[9] Harmely and Fifi, "Formulasi Pasta Gigi Bromelain Kasar Dari Batang Nanas (Ananas comosus)
Sebagai Pembersih Gigi," vol. Vol. 1 No. 1, 2009.
[10] Yuliastri and W. Ode, "’Formulasi Pasta Gigi Herbal Ekstrak Daun Sukun (Artocarpus altilis) Dan Uji
Aktivitas Antibakteri Terhadap bakteri Streptococcus mutans''," 2019.

Name : Nisaul Khairati
Place / Date Of Birth : Banda Aceh, 16 July 2009
Gender : Women
Religion : Islamic
Job : Student
Address : Kp. CotCut Kec. Kuta Baro, Aceh Besar
Tertiary Eduacation
a. SD : Min 9 Banda Aceh
b. SMP : MTsN Model Banda Aceh
Name Of Father : Syamsuddin
Job : Teacher
Name Of Mother : Surizan
Job : Teacher

Name : Asyraf Huda

Place / Date Of Birth : Banda Aceh, 21 Juni 2009
Gender : Men
Religion : Islamic
Job : Student
Address : Kp. Lambaro Skep Kec. Kuta Alam, Banda Aceh
Tertiary Eduacation
a. SD : SDN 35 Banda Aceh
b. SMP : MTsN Model Banda Aceh
Name Of Father : Erman
Job : Self-Employed
Name Of Mother : Rosmini
Job : Teacher

National Science Fair for Indonesian Adolescents

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