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Name: _______________________ Grade & Section: ______________________

I. State your answer

1. A number is divisible by 2 if________________________________________________________.

2. A number is divisible by 3 if________________________________________________________

3. A number is divisible by 6 if________________________________________________________.

4. A number is divisible by 4 if________________________________________________________.

5. number is divisible by 10 if____________________________________________________.

II. Encirlce the letter of correct answer.

6. What is the GCF of 30 and 45?
a. 5 b. 6 c. 15 d. 30
7. Write 0.0004 in words Find the LCM of 4, 5,and 10?.
a. 10 b. 20 c. 30 d. 40
8. What is the greatest common factor of 72 and 40
a. 8 b. 9 c. 10 d. 11
9. A number is divisible by 5 if______________.
a. ones digit is 0 or 5 c. the number ends with 0, 2, 4, 6, 8
b. the number ends with 0 d. ones digit is only 5

III. Underline the answer that makes each sentence correct.

10. Twenty is (divisible/not divisible) by ten.

11. Three hundred is (divisible/not divisible) by five.

12. Nine hundred ninety is (divisible/not divisible) by two.

13. One hundred six is (divisible/not divisible) by five.

14. Ten thousand four hundred two is (divisible/not divisible) by two.

IV. Find the common factors and GCF of the following numbers.
15 -16 ) 24 32 17 - 18) 4 6 20

V. Solve each expression using the correct order of operations.

19 - 20. 10 + 5 × (9 − 4)

V. Solve the problem and used the (PMDAS) Do the AGONA in answering (5 points)

Samuel was helping his mother in their store when a delivery man delivered 2 kilograms of meat at P100 a kilogram. If the delivery
man gave him a change of P300, how much is Samuel`s money?

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