Beginner Chapter 1 1.1-1.5 - Achmad Haqqul Yaqin

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Name : Achmad Haqqul Yaqin

1.1 Where are you from?
(1 A)
1. = B
2. = C
3. = A
(1 B)
Katie = Ireland = Dublin
Steve = Australlia = Melbourne
(2 A)
 I’m Carmen, I’m from Spain
 Where are you from?
 Are you from Sydney?
 Yes, I am
 No, I am Not
(2 B)
I’m Carmen
I’m from Spain
Are you from Sydney?
(2 C)
(3 A)
Conversation 1
A: Hello, I’m Janet
B: Hi, I’m Oscar. Nice to meet you.
A: You too. Where are you from?
B: I’m from Colombia.
A: Oh, Where in Colombia?
B: From Bogota.
Conversation 2
A: Hello, I’m Kasia.
B: Hi, I’m Peter
A: Nice to meet you.
B: You too. Where are you from?
A: I’m from Poland
B: Are you from Warsaw?
A: No, I’m Not. I’m from Gdansk.
(4 A)
- 1 : Russia
- 2 : China
- 3 : the UK
- 4 : Brazil
- 5 : the USA
- 6 : Germany
- 7 : Turkey
- 8 : Italy
(4 B)
(4 C)
1. Russia
2. China
3. UK
4. Brazil
5. USA
6. Germany
7. Turkey
8. Italy

(5 A)
a) I’m Karin
b) Hi, I’m Tony Ferrari
c) Are you from Italy
d) No, I’m American. I’m from Washington D.C.
e) Are you a student?
f) Yes, I am.

(5 B)
1 = a,b
2 = c
3 = d
4 = a,b,d,f
5 = a,b,c,d,e,f
6 = d

(5 C)
1. Hi, I’m Bao, and I’m a teacher in China
2. Hi, I’m Sylvia. I’m Russian. Are you from Beijing?
3. No, I’m from Shanghai. Are you from Moscow?
4. Yes, I am. I’m a student.

(6 A)
(7 A)
America-Washington D.C.

1.2 Arrivals
(1 A)
1. A teacher
2. A waiter
3. A doctor
4. A singer
5. An engineer
6. A businessman/business woman
7. A taxi driver
8. An actor

(1 C)
1) A teacher
2) A waiter
3) A doctor
4) A singer
5) An engineer
6) A businessman/business woman
7) A taxi driver
8) An actor
(3 A)
(2 A)
A : Are you a teacher ?
B : No, I’m a student, an English student. Are you an actor ?
A : No, I’m a singer, an Italian singer
(3 A)
Sonia is a tourist that she was student from italy. She was a business student at Columbia
(3 C)
First time in
Name Job Country
New York
Wei Zhang Computer Berijing Yes
Jsck Brown Actor/waiter Australia No
Maria Silvia Brazil No

(4 A)
1. Wei Zhang is a computer engineer.
2. She’s an English teacher.
3. It isn’t my first time in England.
4. Is it a good university? Yes, it is.

(4 B)
He, She, It From Italy
Is Not
From China?
A Teacher?
Your first time
Yes Is

No Is not/Isn’t

Where Is He/She/It From?

(4 C)
1. He isn’t actor
2. He is Steven
3. Is he from Hindia?
4. Is it first time here?
5. Yes, it is
6. Where’s she from

(5 A)
1. Ellie Turner’s from Liverpool in the UK. She is a teacher at UCL. It’s a big university
in London. She’s in New York for a conference.
2. Yong-joon is from Korea. He’s a taxi driver in Seoul, the capital. He is in New York
on Holiday. He’s Happy to be here.
3. Monika is a businesswoman from Ottawa in Canada. She is in New York on Business.

(5 B)
1. Is Ellie from the UK?
2. Is She a Doctor?
3. Is UCL in New York?
4. Is Yongg-Joon Japan?
5. Is He in New York on Holiday?
6. Is Ottawa in Canada?

6.3 How Do You Spell….?

(1 B)
Sound Letter
1 Name /ei/ A, H, J, K
2 Meet /i:/ B,C,D,E,P
3 Ten /e/ F,L,M,N
4 Nine /ai/ I,
5 No /ou/ O
6 You /u:/ Q,U
7 Car /a:/ R

(3 A)
1. A
2. B
3. C

(3 B)
First Name Surname Room Number
1 Michael Thompson 10
2 Allen Byrne 379
3 Anabella Alneida 124
(4 A)
First Name : Michael
Surname : Thompson
Nationality : American
Phone Number : 0523 419
Email :

(4 B)
1 A : What’s are your first name?
B : Michael
2 A : How do you spell/say that?
B : M-I-C-H-A-E-L
3 A : What’s your phone number?
B : It’s ow/oh five three two, four one nine
4 A : What’s your email address?
B : It’s mike at/it bmail point/dot com.

(4 D)
1. What’s your phone number?
2. What’s your email address?

(5 A)
Phone number : It’s 083141476227
Email addresss :

(6 A)
A : And your first name?
B : It’s Allen
A : A-L-L…. Is it A-N?
B : No, e, E as in England. A-L-L-E-N.

3.4 Around The World

(4 A)
Name : Catarina
1. Where are you from? Positano in Italy
2. Is It big? No, It Isn’t
3. Is it Old? Yes, It Is
4. What’s your job? I’m an Hotel Receptionist
5. Where’s your job? My Job in Dublin
6. Is English Important to you? Yes It is
7. What’s good about (name of city or country)?
It’s very beautiful mountain and sea.
(6 B)
Hello people, Let me introduce My Self, I Am Achmad Haqqul Yaqin, You can call me
Yaqin. I’m From Sunan Ampel Surabaya College. Usually most people say about me that
I was different with other. I think it’s just plain because other people can do like me. In
Fact, All of my activity for preparing me to take my nice dream in future. Now I wil Ask,
Do you think, what will you do for future? May be, only a few people think it. One of
them, Study abroad is my best dream.

3.5 Lock Back

(1 A)
A : Are you from Beijing?
B : No, I am not
A : Are you from Madrid?
B :Yes, I am
A : Are you from Mexico City now?
B : No, I’m not
A : Are you number five?
B : Yes, I am

(2 B)
America-Washington D.C.

(3 A)
1. Waiter
2. Taxi Driver
3. Engineer
4. Doctor
5. Actor
6. Teacher
7. Singer
8. Businesswoman

(4 A)
1. Warsaw’s in Turkey
No, It Isn’t, It’s in Poland.
2. Maria Sharapova’s from Japan
No, She Isn’t, She is from Brazil
3. The Blue Mosque’s in Argentina
No, It Isn’t, It is in Istanbul, Turkey
4. Heidi Klum’s from China
No, She Isn’t. She is from Germany
5. The Great Wall’s in Spain
No. It Isn’t. It is in CHina
6. Toyko’s In Italy
No It Isn’t. It is in Japan
7. Rafael Nadal’s from Colombia.
No, It isn’t. It is a Spanish
8. The Taj Mahal’s in Mexico.
No, It isn’t. It is in India
9. Brad Pitt’s from Libya
No, He is’nt. He is from America
10. J. K. Rowling’s from Russia
No, She isn’t. She is from UK (English)

(5 A)
1. Phone
2. Telivision
3. Camera
4. University
5. Restaurant
6. Email
7. Football
8. Chocolate
9. Inforrmation
10. Internet

(6 A)
1. What’s your firs name?
2. How do you spell your name?
3. Where are you from?
4. What’s your phone number?
5. What’s your email name?

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