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Read the passage carefully and then sequence the events in the correct order by writing

numbers from 1-5.

The Time Traveler's Journal"

In a small attic filled with dusty books, twelve-year-old Max stumbled upon an
ancient journal that claimed to unlock the secrets of time travel. Intrigued, Max spent
weeks decoding the mysterious instructions within its pages. One stormy night, as
lightning crackled outside, Max recited the incantation mentioned in the journal.

To Max's astonishment, the room blurred, and suddenly, he found himself in a

bustling medieval marketplace. Wearing unfamiliar clothes, Max navigated the crowded
streets, trying to make sense of his surroundings. A kind blacksmith offered him shelter
and explained that Max had traveled back in time.

As Max adjusted to his new reality, he encountered knights, wizards, and dragons.
Each encounter brought him closer to understanding the power of the mysterious
journal. Determined to return home, Max faced challenges, solved riddles, and even
befriended a wise old sorcerer who held the key to unlocking the portal back to his time.

One day, with the sorcerer's guidance, Max recited the incantation once more.
The world around him blurred again, and when the haze cleared, he found himself back
in the attic, the ancient journal closed before him. Max, now a time traveler, marveled at
the extraordinary adventure he had just experienced.

1. ______ Max discovers an ancient journal in the attic.

1. _______ Max recites the incantation and travels back in time.
2. _______ Max encounters knights, wizards, and dragons in a medieval marketplace.
3. _______ With the sorcerer's guidance, Max finds the portal back to his time.
4. _______ Max, back in the attic, reflects on his extraordinary time-traveling

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