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Day 1 (3 Jan, Tue)

Time Programme Venue (SMM) People Involved Remarks
(No SMM)
CMs to be present with classes to take
Morning Assembly Respective classrooms Facils to help usher Sec 1s to their
0800-0830 Hall P, VPs, YH, S1 CMs
- Whole sch address (20 mins) through Zoom respective classes in hall before going
back to their class (facils report on Day 1
at 7.30am)

P's address Respective classrooms

0830-0900 Hall P, VPs, YH, Top 2, S1 CMs CMs to be present with classes.
- Sec 1's address (10 mins) through Zoom

YH address + Camp ICs (Top 2) address

Respective classrooms
0900-0930 - Orientation Prog briefing Hall P, VPs, YH, Top 2, S1 CMs
through Zoom
- Expectations for orientation
CMs' Time
- Welcome by CMs S1 CMs, Facils, Facil ICs
Led by CMs.
- Collection of EZ link cards (for FAS students)
0930-1030 Respective classrooms Respective classrooms CMs can pass the time to Facils to start on
- Class contact list (SL teachers will walk around if
icebreakers if they end this segment early.
- Distribution of timetable no lessons)
- Confirmation of dietary requirements
Facils to have recess at this timeslot too.
Facils to help usher students to their
classes 5 mins before recess ends. Some
1030-1100 Recess Canteen Canteen Top 2, Facil, Facil ICs
station at canteen, some along walkway
and some at classrooms. Ensure that each
classroom at least 1 facil inside.
Class Time 1
- Ice breakers
Facils, S1 CMs, Facil ICs
- Distribute class ID (bandanas), sharing of class Led by Facils.
1100-1200 character (why was this character chosen) Respective classrooms Respective classrooms CMs are encouraged to join in the ice
(SL teachers will walk around if
- Distribute Sec 1 booklets breakers as players.
no lessons)
- Get to know my facils & classmates (allocate groups
of 5 if SMM)
Facils to have lunch at this timeslot too.
Facils to help usher students to their
classes 5 mins before lunch ends. Some
1200-1230 Lunch Canteen Canteen Top 2, Facil, Facil ICs
station at canteen, some along walkway
and some at classrooms. Ensure that each
classroom at least 1 facil inside.
Class Time 2 Facils will lead this segment. Set of slides
- Get to know my school (school song, pledge and Facils, subject teachers, Facil are provided for them to show the lyrics,
cheer) ICs routines and school management. Facils
1230-1330 - HEART routine, aabbc routine Respective classrooms Respective classrooms to use PLD (ensure fully-charged) and
- Important people in school that students should (SL teachers will walk around if whiteboard markers (in case). Subject
know no lessons) teachers may bring their laptops for facils
to use.
Class Time 3
- Introduction of camp finale night (share what will Facils, S1 CMs / subject
happen and judging rubrics) NOTE: rubrics are not teachers, Facil ICs
Can be done on Day 2 (Wed) if insufficient
1330-1400 found in S1 booklet or facil booklet. Camp finale Respective classrooms Respective classrooms
time from above.
ICs to share over WhatsApp. (SL teachers will walk around if
- Simple brainstorming of camp finale performance no lessons)

Can use S1 booklet for reference.

S1 CMs, Facils, Facil ICs
- CMs to check in and close the first day of camp. If there is excess time, CMs can pass it to
1400-1430 Include reminders on things to bring for the next day. Respective classrooms Respective classrooms the facils to continue prep for camp finale.
(SL teachers will walk around if
- Inform students reporting time and venue for next
no lessons)
day. Relevant to theme: "Tell me about one
new friend you made today", "What do you
look forward to in this new school?"

Day 2 (4 Jan, Wed)

Time Programme Venue (SMM) People Involved Remarks
(No SMM)
CMs to be present with classes to take

Facils to help usher Sec 1s to their

respective classes in hall before going
back to their class for CMs to take their
attendance (facils report on Day 2 at 7.30
0800-0830 Morning Assembly Hall Respective classrooms
As assembly is in school hall, facils are to
be properly attired for assembly (no
bandanas etc).

Facils can go to their S1 classes after

morning assembly. Have GDLSS
shoelaces and paracords (with Logs
comm) ready.

CMs' Time
- Profiling Survey conducted by CMs (5 iPads per
S1 CMs, all comms except Facils to standby in classrooms and help
0830-0900 class for students w/o phones - iPads will be rotated Respective classrooms Respective classrooms
campfire comm S1s if they have any technical difficulties.
amongst classes)

Facils: Toy story song and try everything

Class Time 4 dance. Songs and sound effects used for
- Energizers/ Check in (1/2 hour) camp finale performances should be
Subject teachers, all comms
0900-1030 - Making of paracord buddy (45 mins - 1 hour) Respective classrooms Respective classrooms finalized. Send to Hannah.
except campfire comm
- Camp finale practice (i.e. cohort song, cohort dance,
cheers, class performance, etc) (1/2 hour) Logs, GM and Safety comm: start
prepping games for Adventure Race #1
All comms that are excused to take turns
All comms except campfire and have recess at this timeslot. Facils to
1030-1100 Recess Canteen Canteen
comm help usher students to their classes to hall
5 mins before recess ends.
Safety ICs to prepare a set of slides so
that it can be presented during the briefing
over Zoom (at conference room).
Respective classrooms Respective classrooms All comms except campfire
1100-1115 Safety ICs’ briefing for Adventure Race
through Zoom through Zoom comm, CMs
Facils should be with classes. GMs ready
at stations with logs comm to help out.
Safety members at game stations.
Facils should be with classes. GMs ready
at stations with logs comm to help out.
Safety members at game stations.
Respective venues around Respective venues around All comms except campfire
1115-1300 Adventure Race! #1
sch sch comm, subject teachers
Once adventure race ends, facils to
release S1s for lunch. Remind them to
report back to classrooms after lunch.
Facils to have lunch at this timeslot, after
that to usher students back to classes 5
All comms except campfire mins before lunch ends.
1300-1330 Lunch Canteen Canteen
comm, subject teachers
GMs, logs and safety comm pack up +
prep for next day games.
Class Time 5
- Continue with camp finale prep (plan for catwalk -
S1s should plan what recycled items to bring, cohort
song, cohort dance, cheers, performance) GMs, logs and safety comm to take turns
All comms except campfire
1330-1400 Respective classrooms Respective classrooms to have lunch at this timeslot. Go back to
comm, subject teachers
OR class at 1400.

can have more time for reflection + remind S1s things

to bring for next day.
- Facils to check in and close the second day of camp.
Include reminders on things to bring for the next day
especially catwalk and stayover items.
- CMs to check with S1s who are staying back in
school on Fri (Note: Students are strongly encouraged
to return home and rest before returning to school on
1400-1430 Fri afternoon. Exceptions would only be made for
Respective classrooms Respective classrooms Facils, S1 CMs
students who stay very far from school).
- For those S1s who do not intend to go home on Fri
10am before investiture, they need to pack in their
school uniform and school tie.
- Facils to inform students reporting time and venue
for next day.
- S1s are staying over for the first time. Facils should
encourage them!

Day 3 (5 Jan, Thurs)

Time Programme Venue (SMM) People Involved Remarks
(No SMM)
Facils do not need to report early to usher
Respective classrooms S1s. They should be in their own classes
0800-0830 Morning Assembly Respective classrooms
through Zoom for morning assembly and head to the S1
classes after.
Class Time 6
- Energizers/ Check in (encourage those who may be
Facils should take time to check-in with
afraid of staying over etc.)
0830-0930 Respective classrooms Respective classrooms S1 CMs, Facils the Sec 1s on their fears of staying over
- Camp finale practice (i.e. cohort song, cohort dance,
etc. and encourage them.
cheers, class performance, etc)
- Plan catwalk - how to dress up facils
Respective classrooms Facils to go back to classes and go to S1
0930-1030 SMT Engagement Hall S1 CMs, HOD (SM)
through Zoom classrooms at 1100.
1030-1100 Recess Canteen Canteen

Ally to collate all individual mugshots and

class photos. Follow-up with those facils
Class Time 7 + Photo-taking
who have not sent. Once all photos are in,
- Camp finale prep: practice cohort song, cohort
please send them to Ms Teow.
dance, cheers and class performance (all songs and
sound effects used should be already finalized) All comms except safety and
Hannah to collate all songs and sound
1100-1230 - Sec 1 photo taking (individual mugshots) - taken by Respective classrooms Respective classrooms campfire comm, S1 CMs /
effects used by classes for their
facils and send it to Ally for collation subject teachers
performances. Once all are in, please
- Whole class photo (to be shown for Investiture
send to Campfire comm.
march-in) - taken by facils and send it to Ally for
Logs and GM comm: Start setting up

Facils, logs and GM comm to take turns to

have lunch at this timeslot too. Crucial to
be on time as Adventure Race starts at
All comms except safety and
1230-1300 Lunch Canteen Canteen campfire comm, subject
Facils to help usher students to their
classes 5 mins before lunch ends. Some
station at canteen, some along walkway
and some at classrooms. Ensure that each
classroom at least 1 facil inside.
Sec 1s to report back to classrooms after lunch.
Facils to check attendance before bringing them to
the various game stations. DO NOT LEAVE
FOR. Inform teachers which station games your
class will be going and where are the venues.
Facils should be with classes. GMs ready
All comms except campfire at stations with logs comm to help out.
Respective venues around Respective venues around comm, subject teachers (till Safety members at game stations.
1300-1500 Adventure Race! #2
sch sch 1430), S1 CMs (1430
onwards) Once Adventure Race ends, facils to bring
S1 back to classrooms.
Facils with classes + Ally to collate all best
camper full names by 1600 and send to
Class Time 8 - Final Prep / Shower Time
Ms Teow and Arya/ Xu Kai (so that they
- Final camp finale prep: practice cohort song, cohort
can add to script). To follow-up with facils
dance, cheers, class performance
All comms except safety who do not send by 1600.
- Inform Sec 1 layout of camp finale and where the
1500-1615 Respective Classrooms Respective classrooms comm, ODAC helpers, S1
class will be sitting at
CMs GMs and logs comm pack up.
- Facils to finalize best campers (1 boy and 1 girl) from
each class - send full names to Ally before 1600
Campfire and logs comm to start prepping
- Dress up facils for catwalk (DO THIS LAST)
for camp finale (a few ODAC students will
be helping).
Classes to take turns to shower.

Shower cubicles in each male and female

Canteen - 8 showers, 1 hose.
Shower Time / Class Time 8 - Final Prep ISH level 2 - 2 showers, 1 hose.
- Classes can take turns to start showering from 1500
Canteen Canteen Facils, Campfire, Logs comm,
1615-1730 onwards. Facils: Can hurry Sec 1s but please don't
- 1A, 1B and 1C (3 classes) to use ISH toilets bang on doors violently etc.
- 1D to 1H (5 classes) to use canteen toilets
Campfire and logs comm prep for Camp
Finale (a few ODAC students will be
helping). GMs and safety comm no need
to stay, to be dismissed at 1615 or after
packing games.
Food will be ordered - budget only for 70
student helpers:
PC, Facils, Campfire, ODAC helpers, GBC

Facils: Makan cheer - Logs ICs to borrow

loudhailer from PE store.

SL Teachers, YH, S1 CMs, -----------------------------------------

1730-1830 Dinner (to end at 1815 and clean up by 1820) Canteen Canteen PC, Facils, Campfire comm,
ODAC helpers, GBC helpers 1800: Campfire, ODAC students and GBC
students to do final prep for camp finale.

1815: PC to start ushering parents in and

give out bottled water (TBC).

1820: Facils to bring Sec 1s to their sitting

arrangement at parade square, give out
light sticks and hype them up.
Camp Finale
- Principal's Opening
- Individual Performances
- Catwalk by Facils Best campers (1 boy, 1 girl) given per
- Cohort Song and Dance class.
SL Teachers, YH, S1 CMs,
Camp Closure Parade square Respective classrooms Best performance: Ruler of The Toys
1830-2030 PC, Facils, Campfire comm,
- YH/Camp IC Address Wet weather: Hall through Zoom Award
ODAC helpers, GBC helpers
- Prize-giving Ceremony:
1) Best Class Performance Emcees: Arya and Xu Kai (Campfire
2) Best Campers (2 from each class) comm)
- Cohort Picture
- Individual class photo-taking with Facils
- Photo-taking with parents
To end Camp Finale by 8.30pm.
Logs ICs to return loudhailers after Camp
After Camp Finale, Facils to gather Sec 1s. Check Finale.
attendance (some may not be staying over) and
inform CMs. Bring Sec 1s to classrooms to take PC, Campfire and Logs comm to clean up/
belongings and head to sleeping venues to wash remove all deco. Once done, PC can
up. Once settled, please wait for a teacher to come shower and stayover. Rest of members
to the sleeping venues. DO NOT LEAVE SEC 1s (facils, campfire, logs comm) dismissed.
Everybody to upload pictures and videos
onto a Google Drive.

Fitri and Hoi Ning to do up CAMP RISE

video montage and send by next day
Girls: Hall Girls: Hall PC (optional to stay), SL
2130 Lights Out 10am (so that teachers can have a look
Boys: ISH level 2 Boys: ISH level 2 teachers, S1 CMs
first + prevent technical difficulties).

Camp finale ICs to finalize Investiture

music playlist and share with SL teachers
and YH.

Day 4 (6 Jan, Fri)

Time Programme Venue (SMM) People Involved Remarks
(No SMM)
Wake Up PC to wake up earlier to wash up.
- Wash up and pack up Girls: Hall Girls: Hall PC (optional to stay), SL
- Clean up sleeping area Boys: ISH level 2 Boys: ISH level 2 teachers, S1 CMs Facils to report to sch by 7.30am to help
Eshan to lead. PC and facils to demo.

Light Mass Exercise (till 0750) PC (optional to stay), SL When Sec 1s are settled at parade
0730-0800 ISH level 1 ISH level 1
- Sec 1s to return to classrooms after exercise at 0750. teachers, S1 CMs square, PC and facils are to go back to
their classes for attendance-taking and
morning assembly.
Rest of the levels will be having morning
Respective classrooms CMs will be with classes to assembly in classrooms. PC and facils can
0800-0830 Morning Assembly Respective classrooms
through Zoom take morning attendance only leave classrooms after morning
0830-0920 Cohort Breakfast Canteen Canteen YH, S1 CMs, PC, Facils Student leaders to lead makan cheer.
CCA Fair Briefing and YH Time Respective classrooms
0920-1000 MPH YH, S1 CMs, PC, Facils
- 20 mins for CCA Fair Briefing through Zoom
Classrooms will be opened for those who
stay far from school.

PC to help out with investiture deco from

Dismissal at 10am (Sec 1s to report to classrooms
Respective classrooms Respective classrooms 2pm to 3.30pm.
by 3.30pm)
Sarah and Aapeksha to rehearse script
and do mic check from 2pm onwards with
GBC students.
Respective classrooms
1530-1615 Investiture Briefing and Rehearsal Hall
through Zoom
Respective venues around Respective venues around
1615-1730 CCA Fair
sch sch
Report back to class
1730-1800 Respective classrooms Respective classrooms
- CMs to check for grooming and attire
Investiture - Badging Ceremony + CMs'
Emcees for investiture: Sarah (Logs
Engagement with Parents
comm) and Aapeksha (GMs comm)
- P's address Respective classrooms
1800-1930 Hall
- Video montage of Camp RISE through Zoom
Video montage of Camp RISE will be done
- Cohort song
by Fitri and Hoi Ning (Campfire comm)
- CM engagement with Parents

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