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Feature Name Feature Type Feature ID

1 EPS Bearers for Conversational Voice (QCI1) Basic LTE10
2 Multiple GBR Bearers Basic LTE587
3 ERAB Modification GBR Basic LTE1321
4 Robust Header Compression (RoHC) Basic LTE11
5 Emergency call Handling Basic LTE572
6 SRVCC to UMTS Basic LTE872
7 SRVCC to GSM Basic LTE873
8 Support of QCI 2, 3 and 4 Basic LTE496
9 TTI Bundling Enhanced LTE907
10 Extended VoLTE Talk Time Enhanced Enhanced LTE1406
11 Controlled UL Packet Segmentation Enhanced Enhanced LTE571
12 RLF Triggered Handover Enhanced Enhanced LTE1617

13 QCI1 specific RLF re-establishment Control Enhanced Enhanced LTE1569

14 Dedicated mobility thresholds for SRVCC Enhanced LTE2112

15 Service based mobility thresholds Enhanced LTE64
16 VoLTE Uplink Range Boosting Advanced LTE2098
17 QCI1 Establishment Triggered Protection Timer Advanced LTE2430
Licence Status
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FDD Cells
S.No. MOC Parameter
Internal Value
1 LNBTS_BEARER actConvVoice 1
2 LNCEL_AC maxNumQci1Drb 100
3 LNCEL_AC addNumQci1DrbRadioReasHo 15
4 LNCEL_AC addNumQci1DrbTimeCriticalHo 15
5 LNBTS_QCITAB qciTab1delayTarget 80
6 LNBTS_QCITAB qciTab1drxProfileIndex 2
7 LNBTS_QCITAB qciTab1dscp 34
8 LNBTS_QCITAB qciTab1lcgid 1
9 LNBTS_QCITAB qciTab1maxGbrDl 256
10 LNBTS_QCITAB qciTab1maxGbrUl 256
11 LNBTS_QCITAB qciTab1pdcpProfIdx 101
12 LNBTS_QCITAB qciTab1prio MRBTS-20, SBTS-2
13 LNBTS_QCITAB qciTab1qci 1
14 LNBTS_QCITAB qciTab1qciSupp 1
15 LNBTS_QCITAB qciTab1resType 0
16 LNBTS_QCITAB qciTab1rlcMode 1
17 LNBTS_QCITAB qciTab1rlcProfIdx 101
18 LNBTS_QCITAB qciTab1schedulBSD 1
19 LNBTS_QCITAB qciTab1schedulPrio 5
20 LNCEL_PS actDlsVoicePacketAgg 0
21 LNCEL_PS ulsMaxPacketAgg 1
22 LNBTS voiceSuppMatchInd 2
23 LNCEL_PS actDlsOldtc 1
24 LNCEL_PS dlsOldtcTarget 98
25 LNCEL_AC maxGbrTrafficLimit 75
26 LNBTS_BEARER actMultBearers 1
27 LNBTS_BEARER actMultGbrBearers 1
28 LNBTS_BEARER actEnhAcAndGbrServices 1
29 LNBTS_BEARER actPdcpRohc 1
30 LNBTS_BEARER pdcpProf101rohcmaxCid 2
31 LNCEL_PS actTtiBundling 1
32 LNBTS_QCITAB qciTab6enforceTtiBundling 0
33 LNBTS_QCITAB qciTab7enforceTtiBundling 0
34 LNBTS_QCITAB qciTab8enforceTtiBundling 0
35 LNBTS_QCITAB qciTab9enforceTtiBundling 0
36 LNCEL_PS eUlLaLowMcsThr 1
37 LNCEL_PS eUlLaLowPrbThr 1
38 LNCEL_PS ttiBundlingBlerThreshold 15
39 LNCEL_PS harqMaxTrUlTtiBundling 12
40 LNCEL_PS ttiBundlingSinrThreshold 10
41 LNCEL_PS ttiBundlingBlerTarget 12
42 LNCEL_PS ttibOperMode 0

43 LNBTS_QCITAB qciTab1enforceTtiBundling 1
44 LNBTS_QCITAB qciTab5enforceTtiBundling 0
45 LNCEL_PS actUlLnkAdp 5
46 LNCEL_PS ulsMinRbPerUe 3
47 LNCEL_PS ulsMinTbs 72
48 LNCEL tddFrameConf
49 LNBTS actSrvccToWcdma 1
50 LNCEL_HC threshold2aQci1 40
51 ANRPRW AND LNRELW srvccAllowed 0
53 LNCEL_HC threshold2WcdmaQci1 30
54 LNCEL_HC measQuantityUtra 1
55 LNHOW b2threshold1UtraQci1 30
56 LNHOW b2Threshold2UtraEcn0Qci1 (U2100) 20
57 LNHOW b2Threshold2UtraEcn0Qci1 (U900) 20
58 LNBTS_BEARER actERabModify 1
59 LNBTS_BEARER actNonGbrServiceDiff 1
60 LNCEL_PS actQci1eVTT 1
61 LNCEL_PS qci1ThroughputFactorUl 16
62 LNCEL_PS qci1ThroughputFactorDl 16
63 LNCEL_PS qci1HarqMaxTrUl 5
64 LNCEL_PS qci1HarqMaxTrDl 5
65 LNCEL_PS qci1UlTargetBler 20
66 LNCEL_PS qci1DlTargetBler 20
67 LNCEL_PS qci1ReconStopTimer 10
68 LNCEL t310Qci1 1000
69 LNCEL n310Qci1 10

70 LNBTS preventPsHOtoWcdma 1

71 LNBTS actRLFbasedRCR 1
72 LNBTS rlfBasedRCRdefault 1
73 LNADJ rlfBasedRCRsupported 1
74 LNCEL_DRX drxProfile2drxInactivityT 4
75 LNCEL_DRX drxProfile2drxLongCycle 40
76 LNCEL_DRX drxProfile2drxOnDuratT 4
77 LNCEL_DRX drxProfile2drxProfileIndex 2
78 LNCEL_DRX drxProfile2drxProfilePriority 40
79 LNCEL_DRX drxProfile2drxRetransT 4
80 LNCEL_PS qci1ProtectionTimer 40
81 LNBTS_QCITAB qciTab5drxProfileIndex 4
82 LNBTS_QCITAB qciTab5dscp 46
83 LNBTS_QCITAB qciTab5lcgid 0
84 LNBTS_QCITAB qciTab5pdcpProfIdx 1
85 LNBTS_QCITAB qciTab5prio MRBTS-10, SBTS-1
86 LNBTS_QCITAB qciTab5qci 5
87 LNBTS_QCITAB qciTab5qciSupp 1
88 LNBTS_QCITAB qciTab5resType 1
89 LNBTS_QCITAB qciTab5rlcMode 0
90 LNBTS_QCITAB qciTab5rlcProfIdx 1
91 LNBTS_QCITAB qciTab5schedulBSD 1
92 LNBTS_QCITAB qciTab5schedulPrio 9
93 LNBTS_QCITAB qciTab5schedulType 0
94 LNBTS_QCITAB qciTab5schedulWeight 40
95 LNBTS actServBasedMobThr 1
96 LNCEL_HC threshold2InterFreqQci1 36
97 LNHOIF threshold3InterFreqQci1 36
98 LNHOIF threshold3aInterFreqQci1 32
99 LNBTS_BEARER pdcpProf101snSize 1
100 LNBTS_BEARER pdcpProf101tDiscard 2
101 LNBTS_BEARER rlcProf101snFieldLengthDL 1
102 LNBTS_BEARER rlcProf101snFieldLengthUL 1
103 LNBTS_BEARER rlcProf101tReord 10
104 LNBTS_QCITAB qcitab2delayTarget 80
105 LNBTS_QCITAB qcitab2drxProfileIndex 2
106 LNBTS_QCITAB qcitab2dscp 34
107 LNBTS_QCITAB qcitab2enforceTtiBundling 0
108 LNBTS_QCITAB qcitab2l2OHFactorDL 16
109 LNBTS_QCITAB qcitab2l2OHFactorUL 35
110 LNBTS_QCITAB qcitab2lcgid 2
111 LNBTS_QCITAB qcitab2maxGbrDl 2048
112 LNBTS_QCITAB qcitab2maxGbrUl SBTS-840, MRBTS-2048
113 LNBTS_QCITAB qcitab2pdcpProfIdx 102
114 LNBTS_QCITAB qcitab2prio MRBTS-40, SBTS-4
115 LNBTS_QCITAB qcitab2qci 2
116 LNBTS_QCITAB qcitab2qciSupp 1
117 LNBTS_QCITAB qcitab2resType 0
118 LNBTS_QCITAB qcitab2rlcMode 1
119 LNBTS_QCITAB qcitab2rlcProfIdx 102
120 LNBTS_QCITAB qcitab2schedulBSD 1
121 LNBTS_QCITAB qcitab2schedulPrio 7
122 LNCEL_PS actSrb1Robustness 1
123 LNCEL_PS dlSrbCqiOffset -20
124 LNBTS ncqiDTX 0
125 LNCEL_PS taTimer 6
126 LNCEL_PS ilReacTimerUl 0
127 LNCEL_PS qci1ProtectionTime 40
128 LNCEL actQci1RfDrx 1
129 LNCEL_DRX qci1DrxOffThreshold 90
130 LNCEL_DRX qci1DrxOnThreshold 110
131 LNCEL_DRX drxProfile4drxInactivityT 500
132 LNCEL_DRX drxProfile4drxLongCycle 320
133 LNCEL_DRX drxProfile4drxOnDuratT 10
134 LNCEL_DRX drxProfile4drxProfileIndex 4
135 LNCEL_DRX drxProfile4drxProfilePriority 20
136 LNCEL_DRX drxProfile4drxRetransT 16
137 LNCEL_DRX drxSmartProfile4drxInactivityT 100
138 LNCEL_DRX drxSmartProfile4drxLongCycle 320
139 LNCEL_DRX drxSmartProfile4drxOnDuratT 10
140 LNCEL_DRX drxSmartProfile4drxProfileIndex 4
141 LNCEL_DRX drxSmartProfile4drxProfilePriority 20
142 LNCEL_DRX drxSmartProfile4drxRetransT 8
143 LNCEL_DRX drxSmartProfile4drxShortCycle 80
144 LNCEL_DRX drxSmartProfile4drxShortCycleT 1
145 LNCEL_DRX drxSmartProfile4smartStInactFactor 4
146 LNBTS actRrcConnNoActivity 1
147 LNCEL actDrx 1
148 LNCEL actSmartDrx 1
149 SDRX drxSmartProfile2drxLongCycle 40
150 SDRX drxSmartProfile2drxShortCycle 40
151 LNBTS srvccDelayTimer NA
152 LNCEL a2RedirectQci1 0
153 LNHOIF a3OffsetRsrpInterFreqQci1 30

154 LNBTS actIMSEmerSessR9 1

155 MPUCCH addEmergencySessions 45

156 ANR nrLimitInterFreq 256

157 ANR nrLimitIntraFreq 256
158 ANR maxNumX2LinksIn 256
159 ANR maxNumX2LinksOut 256
160 WCEL IncomingLTEISHO 1
161 RNFC srvccenabled 1

162 LNBTS qciTab9drxProfileIndex 4

163 LNBTS actHOtoWcdma 1
164 LNBTS actHoFromUtran 1
165 LNBTS actIfHo 1
166 LNBTS actLTES1Ho 1
167 LNBTS actRedirect 1
168 LNBTS actUeBasedAnrInterFreqLte 1
169 LNBTS actUeBasedAnrIntraFreqLte 1
170 LNBTS actUeBasedAnrUtran 1
171 LNCEL inactivityTimer 10
172 LNCEL cellSrPeriod 2
173 LNCEL n311 0
174 LNCEL raContResoT 7
175 LNCEL t304InterRAT 6
176 SIB n310 7
177 LNCEL t304intralte 6
178 LNCEL actVoipCovBoost 1
179 LNCEL ulsMinNumCoverageLimitationStateCheck 10
180 LNCEL ulsPhrQci1Hyst 5
181 LNCEL ulsPhrQci1Low 0
182 LNCEL tPeriodicPhr 1
183 LNCEL addGbrTrafficRrHo 5
184 LNCEL addGbrTrafficTcHo 10
FDD Cells TDD Cells
GUI Value Internal Value GUI Value
1 1 1
100 100 100
15 15 15
15 15 15
80ms 80 80ms
2 2 2
34 34 34
1 1 1
256 kbps 256 256 kbps
256 kbps 256 256 kbps
101 101 101
1 1 1 LTE10 - EPS Bearers for Conversational Voice (QCI1)
Enable 1 Enable
101 101 101
100ms 1 100ms
5 5 5
1 1 1
supported 2 supported
1 1 TRUE
0.98 98 0.98
75 75 75
1 1 1
1 1 1 LTE587 -Multiple GBR Bearers per UE
1 1 1
1 1 1
LTE11 - Robust Header Compression (RoHC)
2 2 2
1 1 1
1 1 1
15% 15 15%
12 12 12
1 10 1
6% 12 6% LTE907 - TTI Bundling
LTE907 - TTI Bundling

blank blank

1 1 TRUE
eUlLa 5 eUlLa
3 3 3
72 72 72
2 2
1 1 1
-100 32 -108
Allowed 0 Allowed
PSandCS 0 PSandCS
-110 24 -116 LTE872-SRVCC to UMTS
EcNo 1 EcNo
-110 24 -116
-14dB 20 -14dB
-14dB 20 -14dB
1 1 1
LTE1321 -ERAB Modification - GBR
1 1 TRUE
1 1 1
1.6 16 1.6
1.6 16 1.6
5 5 5
LTE1406-Extended volte-direct Talk Time
5 5 5
2% 20 2%
2% 20 2%
1 10 1
1000ms 1000 1000ms
LTE2430 -QCI1 specific RLF re-establishment
n10 10 n10

NonVoiceOnly 1 NonVoiceOnly LTE2162-SRVCC for networks deployment not supporting PSHO

1 1 1
1 1 TRUE LTE1617- RLF Triggered Handover
1 1 TRUE
4 4 4
40 ms 40 40 ms
4 8 8
2 2 2
40 40 40
4 4 4
40s 40 40s
4 4 4
46 46 46
0 0 0
1 1 1
5 5 5
1 1 1
1 1 1
100ms 1 100ms
9 9 9
40 40 40
1 1 1 LTE2112
-104 28 -112
-104 28 -112
-108 38 -102
12 bit 1 12 bit
300 ms 2 300 ms
10 bit 1 10 bit
10 bit 1 10 bit
50 ms 10 50 ms
80 ms 80 80 ms
2 2 2
34 34 34
16% 16 16%
35% 35 35%
2 2 2
2048 kbps 2048 2048 kbps
SBTS-840, MRBTS-2048 2048 2048 kbps
102 102 102
2 2 2
Enable 1 Enable
102 102 102
100ms 1 100ms
7 7 7
1 1 TRUE
-2 -20 -2
0 0 0
10240ms 6 10240ms
Disable 0 Disable
40s 40 40s LTE 2430 QCI1 establishment Protection Timer
1 1 TRUE
9 90 9
11 110 11
500 500 500
320 320 320
10 10 10
4 4 4
20 20 20
16 16 16
100 100 100
320 320 320
10 10 10
4 4 4
20 20 20
8 8 8
80 80 80
1 1 1
4 4 4
1 1 TRUE
Enable 1 Enable
Enable 1 Enable
40 40 40
40 40 40
NA 6 3
Disable 0 Disable
15 30 15

1 1 1 Emergency call Handling

45 45 45 Emergency call Handling

256 256 256

256 256 256
256 256 256
256 256 256
enabled 1 enabled 3G parameter
Enabled 1 Enabled 3G parameter

4 4 4
1 1 TRUE
1 1 TRUE
Enabled 1 Enabled
1 1 TRUE
Enabled 1 Enabled
1 1 TRUE
1 1 TRUE
1 1 TRUE
10 10 10
20ms 2 20ms
n1 0 n1
64ms 7 64ms
8000ms 6 8000ms
n20 7 n20
2000ms 6 2000ms
1 1 1 LTE2098
10 10 10 LTE2098
5 5 5 LTE2098
0 0 0 LTE2098
20sf 1 20sf LTE2098
5 LTE497
10 LTE497

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