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IPC (511 sections) BNS (356 sections)

Offence Sections Punishment Sections Punishment

Abetment in India of offences outside India 108A 47
Abetment outside India for offence in India -- 48
Criminal Conspiracy 120A two years or upwards 61 two years or upwards
Conspriring / organising - 7
years to life imprisonment +
Organised Crime (includes syndicate as well as economic ₹5 lakhs fine
-- -- 109
offences) Harbouring / concealing - 3
years to life imprisonment +
₹2 lakhs fine
5 years to life imprisonment with
Terrorist act -- -- 111
fine of ₹5 lakhs
Sedition/ endangering sovereignty or unity
124A 3 years to life 150 7 years to life
and integrity of India
Promoting enmity between different groups / offence
153A 3 years/ 5 years 194 3 years/ 5years
committed in place of worship
Rioting 146 2 years 188 2 years
Obstruction - 1 month Obstruction - 6 month
Disobedience to public servant order 188 221
Danger to human life - 6 months Danger to human life - 1 year
Threat of injury to public servant 189 2 years 222 2 years
Punishment for false evidence 193 3 years 227 7 years
Causing disappearance of evidence of offence
-if a capital offence 7 years 7 years
201 236
-if punishable with imprisonment for life 3 years 3 years
-if punishable with less than ten years' imprisonment 1/4 of longest term 1/4 of longest term
IPC (511 sections) BNS (356 sections)
Offence Sections Punishment Sections Punishment
Deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage
295A 3 years 297 3 years
religious feelings
Disturbing religious assembly 296 1 year 298 1 year
Uttering words with intent to wound religious feelings 298 1 year 300 1 year
Capital punishment or life
Capital punishment or life If 5 or more persons commit
Murder, Punishment for murder 300, 302 99, 101 murder on the ground of race,
caste or community, sex, place of
birth, language, personal belief
or any other ground
Culpable homicide not amounting to murder
-with intention to cause death 304 life, 10 years 103 life, 5-10 years
-without intention to cause death 10 years 10 years
Dowry death 304B 7 to life 79 7 to life
Capital punishment or life Capital punishment or life
Child or insane person 305 105
imprisonment imprisonment
Abetment of suicide 306 10 years 10 years
Attempt to die by suicide 309 1 year Not present --
Attempt to die by suicide with the intent to compel or
restrain any public servant from discharging his official not present -- 224 1 year, community service
Assault with intent to outrage modesty of woman 354 1 to 5 years 73 1 to 5 years
Sexual harassment 354A 3 years, 1 year 74 3 years, 1 year
Assault with intent to disrobe a woman 354B 3 to 7 years 75 3 to 7 years
IPC (511 sections) BNS (356 sections)
Offence Sections Punishment Sections Punishment
First conviction 1-3 years First conviction 1-3 years
Voyeurism 354C 76
Subsequent 3-7 years Subsequent 3-7 years
First conviction 3 years First conviction 3 years
Stalking 354D 77
Subsequent 5 years Subsequent 5 years
- one person 7-10 years 7-10 years
- more than one person, or minor 10 years to life imprisonment 10 years to life imprisonment
- more than one minor 370 14 years to life imprisonment 141 14 years to life imprisonment
Imprisonment for remainder of Imprisonment for remainder of
- minor on more than one occassion
life life
Imprisonment for remainder of Imprisonment for remainder
- police officer involved
life of life
Rape 375 63
Punishment 376 10 years to life 64 10 years to life
-for rape on a woman under 16 years of age 376(3) 20 years to life 65(1) 20 years to life
20 years to life or capital 20 years to life or capital
-for rape on a woman under 12 years of age 376AB 65(2)
punishment punishment
-for gang rape 376D 20 years to life 70(1) 20 years to life
Imprisonment for remainder of
-for gang rape on a woman under 16 years of age 376DA --
Life imprisonment or capital
-for gang rape on a woman under 12 years of age 376DB --
Life imprisonment or capital
-for gang rape on a woman under 18 years of age -- --
Unnatural sexual offences 377 10 years -- Not mentioned
IPC (511 sections) BNS (356 sections)
Offence Sections Punishment Sections Punishment
3 years (first time); second time,
1-5 years.
Theft 378 3 years 301 Property value less than ₹5000
and returned in first time, shall
be punished with community
Extortion, punishment for extortion 383, 384 3 years 306 7 years
Criminal breach of trust, punishment for criminal breach
405, 406 3 years 314 5 years
of trust
Forgery, punishment for forgery 463, 465 2 years 334 2 years
Sexual intercourse after false promise to marry -- -- 69 10 years
3 years; included in the chapter
Husband or relatives subjecting wife to cruelty 498A 3 years 84 for offences against women and
2 years (or community service)
Publishing of alleged copies - 2
Defamation 499 2 years 354
Sale - 2 years
Statements leading to mischief
- conducing to public mischief 3 years 3 years
505 351
- promoting enmity, hatred or ill-will between classes 3 years 3 years
- committed at place of worship 5 years 5 years

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