VTM V5 - Aurora Sanguines Urban Legend 1 - STV

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Aurora Sanguine’s

Urban Legend 1
Urban Legends Book 1 contains two spooky story hooks for any setting and chronicle of VtM. Just
use them as you see fit to scare your players – or just to create a story of mysteries in a world already
so full of them.
Hope you have as much fun using these hooks as I had writing them!

The Crooked Girl WHAT HAPPENED
“Have you heard about the Crooked Girl?” he Crooked Girl is a Nosferatu
Neonate, even if she probably
“The urban legend? My friends barely speak of anything
doesn’t know the meaning of
else, really... Can’t believe people actually think things like
neither of these two words. She
that are real...”
have not always been the Crooked
“I don’t know for the others, but this is true.”
Girl though. Once she was cute
“Yes, yes...” and kind, and most importantly –
“I’m telling you the truth!” alive. One night, her smile struck something in the
“Let me guess: a friend of a friend saw her, right?” dead heart of a powerful Elder. Much to his shame,
“...” he found himself acting like a reckless fledgling
“I’m right, am I?” again, drinking her sweet – oh so sweet! – blood,
“Not a friend of a friend. Me.” and then Embracing her on a whim, maybe guided
“Stop joking. You know I don’t believe in ghost stories and by some memories long forgotten of a similar lady of
that sort of crap.” centuries before. Or perhaps rediscovering a glimpse
“I saw her.” of something he thought was long lost. Whatever
“Ok, ok. I’ll play along. Where did you see her? And what the human awakened in him didn’t last more then a
did she do?” night though; with the sun sinking again behind the
“She did the same thing she does with everyone. She horizon, politics and scheming regained their grip
followed me home.” on the old monster’s heart, and the unfortunate girl
“Oh, so now the Crooked Girl is at your place?!” was left to her own device, with no memory of what
happened to her and no concept of what she was.
“... No.
Still with her gothic lolita elegant dress on, tattered
and ruined as she was inside and outside, she went
She is right here.” back to her boyfriend’s flat, lost and still in the pro-
cess of rebirth in the Nosferatu’s dark glory.


Her lover called her monster and tried to hurt her attention by both media and police. SI doesn’t seem
with a knife. She exited the place not long after that, to have start moving to investigate the case yet, but if
covered in blood and in deep cuts that would have things keep escalating they could.
never healed. But what if...
Now she keeps looking for her boyfriend, because of What if one of the characters becomes this sweet
course her boyfriend – her true boyfriend – would Nosferatu’s new boyfriend?
have never said such horrible things to her...
Like a ghost made flesh, the Crooked Girl stalks the The Crooked Girl doesn’t know what she is, and
places she used to frequent with her lover, hoping her humanity is almost totally destroyed, to the
to find him. This will never happen of course, but point that it would be extremely difficult to make
every now and then she meets someone who in her her understand her situation now. She would prob-
opinion looks like him – and for her that’s enough. ably not even care. If the coterie is really determined
This helps her dream for a little while. though, even the seemingly impossible can happen...
Unfortunately, her dream is an unsuspecting and Regardless of the coterie’s intention, the blood
innocent mortal’s nightmare. in her veins is powerful, making the deceptively
frail-looking gothic lolita a formidable opponent.
The Crooked Girl shows herself to her new “boy-
friend” in the streets when he is alone and asks him
if he is her love; the answer doesn’t really matter be-
cause she will start stalking the poor mortal regard-
less of anything he says or does (usually just fleeing
in terror). In the beginning, nothing major will hap-
pen – just a vague feeling of being watched and fol-
lowed – to the point that the man will probably start
to think he had just dreamed the whole encounter
with the nightmarish creature. Things will get worse
quickly though. Objects getting misplaced around
the house, people close to him finding small scraps
of paper with death threats in their closet or on the
bed – and many more creepy events. In the end, the
Nosferatu will reveal herself, like she did so many
nights before to a person long forgotten to her.
Once again, it doesn’t matter how her “boyfriend”
actually reacts; she starts visiting him almost every
night, demanding to live together with him “like
the used to” and stalking him everywhere he goes
(at least during the night). When more than if the
man wins his terror and tries to escape or to get rid
of her, she simply kills him. In this way, a new victim
is added to the increasingly popular urban legend of
The Crooked Girl and the endless search for love of
the unfortunate vampire starts again...

There are many ways to involve the coterie in this

tragic tale.
The easiest way is to simply have the Sheriff (or the
vampire responsible for keeping Kindred in line in
the city) ask the coterie to investigate. In fact, the
Crooked Girl’s urban legend is growing in popular-
ity, and the domain’s rulers are not happy with the


-The characters find and successfully kill the Nosfer- Can’t believe that... It’s 2020 and I find myself writing a
atu. Successfully dealing with this threat makes them fucking letter to send a message. But what else can I do? I
gain status in the city, but they will probably also don’t trust my phone anymore. I’m scared of my phone. I
have to start covering the many Masquerade breach- destroyed it, but I doubt this will be enough. They will find
es she left behind – together with a nosy journalist
me. They find anyone eventually.
who was investigating the legend and now is a little
Attached to this letter there’s my bank account informa-
too interested in the characters involvement in this.
tion. I’ll write you who give it to. Hell, you’re probably
-The characters decide to take the Crooked Girl
going to keep the money, aren’t you? But guess what? No
with them. It isn’t very likely she will ever return the
fucking choice. No one wants to even reply to my messages.
woman she was before, but with time and patience
Not that I blame them. Not after what happened in the
she could regain at least a portion of her humanity.
last week.
The coterie gains Allies 1 (The Crooked Girl). The
Nosferatu will probably put the coterie in a lot of If you don’t hear from me in a week or so, that’s it. You
troubles and has the unnerving habit of spying on probably won’t. Hell, why I accepted this damned job in
them all the time, but she will also be incredibly the first place?! I didn’t even have a stupid e-mail before
useful in an emergency – when she is not the one all of this!
creating said emergency. Please, PLEASE... don’t investigate what happened.
-The coterie finds somehow the Neonate’s Sire – an Please. You’re the only person in this fucking world I care
important Elder with a lot of influence in the city. about – the only monster, I mean. Don’t want this shit to
How they will handle this information could make happen to you and your friends too.
them gain powerful allies – or turn their un-lives in Just go take the money and bring them to the address
hell. written on the card. Don’t ask why it has blood stains. I
stopped asking myself a lot of things lately.


ne of the coterie’s members finds
in their Haven a strange letter,
written by one of their Kindred
allies. Any attempt to contact
them after reading it will fail: it is
as if the Kindred simply vanished
after delivering the message. The
only thing the coterie knows – or can find out ask-
ing other vampires – is that they have been tasked
to make mail communication secure for Kindred;
in fact, someone contacted them saying they have
found a reliable way to do so and they were working
with this mysterious contact. This was two weeks
ago. The contact who promised to make commu-
nications safe for Kindred is only known with the
pseudonym “Red Circle” and, as to prove their
claims, they only communicate via social media (a
fake twitter account).


The Red Circle is actually a Tremere coterie former- schemes, but it’s hard to do that when the Prince
ly banished and hunted down by the Pyramid for saws videos showing you violating the Masquerade.
their experiments in merging media and magic – The coterie can choose to ignore completely the
something the Elders considered too risky. Now that letter, but if they investigate on their ally’s disappear-
the clan has other, more pressing problems, they ance or try accessing to their bank account, they will
found themselves once again able to experiment – probably attract the Red Circle’s attention.
usually to unsuspecting Kindred’s detriment. They
usually promise Kindred to make their social medias WHAT COULD HAPPEN:
secure to communicate (the social medias, not the -The coterie finds out what the Red Circle is and
PCs or phones), and then they use those same social that they have a FB group working like a virtual
medias to make their employer the unsuspecting Chantry. The Tremere don’t react well to threats but
subject of tests of mystical nature; if this causes an they love making deals and in general clever think-
entire domain to become a target for SI – or worse... ing. With diplomacy and a good bargain, the charac-
- they don’t necessarily care. They just want to know ters can discover they are keeping the coterie’s ally in
how much they can do using media as a magical Torpor in a warehouse, while they think what to do
instrument. with them. The Red Circle will let them free – for
The Tremere in the last ten or so years have worked now. However, they are very unlikely to completely
hard on a ritual permitting them to successfully let go of such interesting individuals like the coterie
“haunting” a target’s social media accounts: they and their allies...
can create actual illusions (fake videos or posts) that -With the use of occult powers and investigation
disappear after a while – but usually for when they skills, the characters figure out how to cancel the
vanished they already created much damage. The ritual that affect the social media of their allies.
Red Circle thinks this is only the beginning though, They are safe for now, but they acquire Enemy 1
and keeps experimenting, believing this is the true (Red Circle). With time and effort, a Thaumathurgy
future of magic. To perform the ritual, the Tremere scholar could even try to replicate the ritual – with
only need for their target to willingly give them what consequences is to be seen.
access to their social media accounts. They cannot -The Red Circle finds the characters fascinating and
simply steal the passwords; the subject of the ritual decide to make them their next target. They will do
has to give them on their own free will. In order to anything to have them willingly give their social me-
obtain this consent, the Tremere tell they need them dia passwords, and their methods will grow increas-
to make the sites safe, or any other convincing lie ingly deadly and creepy the more the coterie refuses.
they can think of.

This is exactly what happened to the coterie’s ally.

They gave permission to them to get access to their
social media following the Prince’s orders to test this
supposedly safe communication, and the Red Circle
started to do what they do best: causing havoc.
They posted tweets visible only to the target’s closest
mortal contacts containing info about vampires
society; the poor Kindred’s instagram account start-
ed to post pics of scenes of them feeding – despite
never taking them and the scenes not having even
happened; they frantically tried to no avail to delete
them, only to find out later that apparently they
were the only one who could see those pics; the
Prince even received a video from their Facebook
account with them threatening to kill one of her
mortal relatives, even though they never recorded
anything like that! They tried to expose Red Circle’s


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