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Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to find out the effects of playing online games to the selected students of Kaligtasan National
High School.

Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions:

1.What is the status of playing online games of the selected students of Kaligtasan National High School in terms of:

1.1 No. of game/s being played

1.2 No. of hour/s spend in playing
1.3 No. of days spend in a week of playing

2.What is the level of academic achievements of selected students of Kaligtasan National High School in terms of:

2.1 Performance Tasks

2.2 Reading Comprehension
2.3 Written Outputs

4. Is there a significant relationship between the online games and academic achievement of selected students of
Kaligtasan National High School?

Statement of the Hypothesis

There is significant relationship between the online games and academic achievement of selected students at
Kaligtasan National High School.

Scope and Delimitation

This study was focused on the relationship between online games and academic achievement of selected
students of Kaligtasan National High School

The researcher used self-made questionnaires which consisted of two parts The first part dealt with online
games in terms of number of hours playing online games, number of days spend in playing in a week and number of
game/s being played, while the second part was about academic achievement in terms of performance tasks, reading
comprehension and written outputs.
Other factors that influence academic achievement were not included in this study.
From the total of __ enrolled students at Kaligtasan National High School during school year 2022-2023, only
__ students were chosen to be respondents of the study.

Definition of Terms
To facilitate beeter understanding of this study, the following tems were operationally defined.
Academic Achievements. This refers to the academic outcomes that indicate the extent to which a student has
achieved their learning goals. In this study, it refers to the level of achievements of the selected students in academic
outcomes in terms of performance tasks, reading comprehension and written outputs.

Number of Days. It refers to the frequency of playing online games of the students in a week.
Number of Games. It refers to the various types of online games being played by the students.

Number of Hours. It describes the frequency of playing online games by the students in a day.

Online Games. It refers to the games that are played online or with the use of internet like mobile legends, call of
duty, clash of clans and etc.

Performance Tasks. It refers to any learning activity or assessment that asks students to perform to demonstrate their
knowledge, understanding and proficiency like participating in reporting activities and solving mathematical problems.

Reading Comprehension. It describes the ability of students to read the text, process it, understand its meaning and to
answer the questions correspond to its text.

Written Outputs. It refers to all activities done by writing. Making essays, paragraphs, and answering quizzes are included in
written outputs.

Significant of the Study

The result of the study would give advantages to the following:

Teachers. This study will give information to the teachers of Kaligtasan National High School regarding the effects of
online games in academic achievements in terms of performance tasks, reading comprehension and written outputs.
Parents and Guardians. In this study, parents and guardians will know and understand the effects of online games to
their children’s academic achievements. They will also know how frequently does their children playing online games.

Students. This will help the students of Kaligtasan National High School to be aware on the effects of online games to
their academics. They will be informed enough to lessen and prevent online gaming.

Future Researchers. It would be a useful material for future studies in a sense that it will impart findings about the
impact of online learning to the students. Moreover, it can be used as a reference for future researchers.

Conceptual Framework

Online Games of Selected Students Academic Achievement of Selected

in Kaligtasan National High School Students of Kaligtasan National High
in terms of: School in terms of:

a. No of hours spent in playing

a. Performance Task

b. No of days spent in a week in b. Reading Comprehension


c. Written Outputs
c. No of game/s being played
The figure above shows the framework of the study which represents the dependent and independent variable.
The independent variable is the status of playing online games in the selected students of Kaligtasan National
High School which includes the number of hours spent in a day, number of days in a week spent on playing online
games, and the number of online games being played. While the dependent variable is the level of academic
achievements of selected students which includes performance tasks, reading comprehension and written outputs.
The one headed arrow indicates the hypothesis relationship between the online games and academic
Theoretical Framework

Interactivity Theory is written to address the various design and interactivity issues involved in multiplayer
games, and begins by defining interactivity on three different levels; player to player, player to game, and player to
computer. By under-standing these different types of interactivity, developers can identify the factors that affect each,
and learn which techniques and methods to use in their own game designs. These factors also provide a basis for
continuous evaluation during the development process, and can be used to critique online game design in general.
Online Game Interactivity Theory is a must-have reference for any game developer needing to make their online
games completely interactive.

The Interactivity Theory is related to this study because it explain how the design of an online games being
created and qualifications it must have in order to be interactive in many players. Online games hook a lot of players if
its have a creative graphics and preferences that a player can enjoy.

Walberg’s theory of academic achievement posits that psychological characteristics of individual students and
their immediate psychological environments influence educational outcomes (cognitive, behavioral, and attitudinal)
(Reynolds & Walberg, 1992). Further, Walberg’s research identified nine key variables that influence educational
outcomes as: student ability/prior achievement, motivation, age/developmental level, quantity of instruction, quality of
instruction, classroom climate, home environment, peer group, and exposure to mass media outside of
school(Walberg, Fraser, & Welch, 1986). In recent decades, studies of learning environments have been concerned.

One of the factors that affects the academic achievements of a student is mass media. Mass media is not only
for communicating and information. It also includes online games and other entertaining platforms. As an alignment to
this study, if a student possesses its self to mass media and its variety platforms, it may affects his/her academic

Game Theory studies interactive decision making where the outcome for each participant or player depends in
on the actions of all. If you are a player in such a game, when choosing your course of action pr strategy, you must
take account the choices of others. But in thinking about their choices, you must recognizes that they are thinking
about of yours, and in turn to take into account your thinking about their thinking and so on.

This theory is related to this study because players of online games have a positive impact when it comes tp
decision making. At a younger age, they will able to learn how to be considerate and think others for better result. This
is not only support the behavioral of a student but it can contribute widely in performance in academics in terms of
cooperation to build a teamwork


This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies relevant to the current investigation. This
helped the researcher in conceptualizing the variables included in the study. The review also enabled the researcher in
determining the extent at which previous researches explored this topic which serves as the spring board for the
current research.

Foreign Literature

Online Games defined as to games that are played over some form of computer network, most often the
internet. Online games can range form simple test-based games to games incorporating complex graphics and virtual
populated by players simultaneously.( the world, there are various types of online games that
caught the attention of every gamers because of its entertaining concepts ,creative graphics and different genres.

These are the types of online games played by millions of people world wide from adults to children to teens:
PUBG Mobile; are battle field and shooting game, League of Legends and Mobile Legends; are battlefield games,
Clash of Clans and Minecraft; are world building and war games, Call of Duty and Counter Strike; are shooting

Walker (2022), stated that Americans, especially gen-zee, share the largest amount of time spent in playing
various types of online games. They spend more than 3 hours in a day just for playing.

It shows that students or what we called gen- zee are more prone in different online games. They can be able
to consume a larger time just for playing. Students might have enjoyed the game that’s why they have to consume 3
hours or more for various online games. In this case, they will not able to spend that much time if the game is kind a
boring. Their amount of time spent in playing relies on the entertainment, aspects and graphics of the game that gives
them enjoyment and resulting to larger amount of hour they will able to consume in playing.

Various types of online games are in all over the world that also have different graphics and features. Each
country has online games that most of their population are addicted too. According to Walker (2022), American
respondents spend more time in playing Call of Duty Mobile than other popular games. Roblox and Minecraft tie for
second. Hamstead (2023), stated that PUBG Mobile also one of the most popular online game in USA, China, India,
Russia and Turkey.

It correlates to this study because various types of online games in different country hook their citizen to play
spend more time playing it. The time spend in playing depends on the graphics and creativity of the games. Call of
Duty Mobile have spectacular graphics to enjoy by the player. They can even play multiplayer in order to have bond
with friends, the reason why it played by a lot of Americans. Most of the battlefield games are the most attractive
games nationwide. According to data collected by Active Player (2023), PUBG Mobile, on the other hand, garners
about 23.6 Million average daily players. The main reason why PUBG Mobile become popular is the entertaining
gameplay and graphics. It easily pulls its players into the game mechanics with some of the best graphics. The reason
why it is playing around the world by many countries.

Due to the widely spread of online games around the world, many students are encouraged to download or
play more than one of games. According to Clement (2022), across the Asia, there are 1.48 billion gamers. Lot of
students being encouraged to play by those creative graphics of each game.
It is parallel to this study because the more the online games the students tend to download, the more time
needed in order to consume in playing. Yet, there is an impact in student if he/she played excessively. It can lead to the
brain being revved up in a constant state of hyperarousal. It includes difficulties in paying attention, following
direction and frustration.

As the student downloads more than one game, there are tendency to spend more time on playing it rather than
to study their lessons. According to Jaruratanasirikul et al., (2017), playing online games (five hours or more per
session) resulted in school grades below 3.00 average. It involves uncontrollably for many hours. Jongco (2022),
stated that students use online games to relieve them of their stresses but the excessive number of online games
resulted in worsened learning ability, unable to concentrate and poor academic performance.

It shows that the more the online games they download, the more the time they needed to spent in order to
play each of it. As a result, students don’t have enough time for studies and may affect their grades to have a lower
average. It is true that online games gave them enjoyment when they feel stress and boredom. But if student can’t able
to control or manage his/her time, academic necessity might be neglected. It includes homework or assignments,
recitations, reading comprehension, quizzes, performance activities like group works. If student doesn’t have
concentration in studies, he/she will not able to focus on a activities or lesson. The game will distract the mind of the
student in the middle of the class, even he/she doesn’t play.

Performances of the students also involved in the effects of online games. There tasks like solving
mathematical problems, group activities and even some reporting tasks. According to James (2022),many students
who play online games are so influenced by the games they play online that they transfer their virtual characters into
the real world. They now get acquainted with solving problems like their evil heroes in the game, and this aggressive
game induced behavior becomes a habit for them. This leads to the absence of real human friends, the inability to be
real and solve real problems, to communicate, and to be involved in society. Jaruratanasirikul et al.,(2017), stated that
online games lead to decreased performance through promoting violence.

It correlates to the present study because online games not only affect the grade average of the students but
also the social interaction they needed to apply in academic performance tasks. Instead of cooperating on some group
activities, students choose to be alone and act awkwardly with their classmates. Yet, in solving problems, they can
quickly solve it but with the aggressive behavior they adopted in the heroes of the game they played. Other online
games possess violence that a student might adopt. The communication and interaction might change. They can truly
interact by their fellow gamers but personal social lives and relationships might suffer.

Local Literature

In the Philippines, online gaming is an emerging industry. The country ranks 29th in game revenues across the
globe. The rise of excessive online gaming is emerging in the Philippines, with 29.9 million gamers recorded in the

According to Garcia, Jarabe & Paragas (2018), online gaming can have a negative influence on school
performance by displacing time that would have been spent in other educational activities such as reading and
homework. Many of the students spend hours a day playing online games, it becomes a primary source of
entertainment for them that leads to forgetting to forget the role of being a student.

Most of the people in Philippines spend much of their time in these top 2 online games in the Philippines. The
DOTA(Defense Of The Ancient) and Mobile legends that are very popular now. These games can also be very time-
consuming, leaving addicted gamers with less time to focus on their education or career.

According to Earl Carlo Filipinos and the local professional gaming scene that it built up around the game of
Dota 2 is a love (Dota) is a direct descendant of one of the world’s most famous custom maps to ever grace the
Warcraft 3 engine. Dota 2 is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) video game developed and published by Valve
Corporation. The game is a sequel to Defense of the Ancients (DotA), which was a community-created mod for
Blizzard Entertainment's Warcraft.III: Reign of Chaos and its expansion pack, The Frozen Throne. Dota 2 is played in
matches between two teams of five players, with each team occupying and defending their own separate base on the
map. Each of the ten players independently controls a powerful character, known as a "hero", who all have unique
abilities and differing styles of play. During a match, players collect experience points and items for their heroes to
successfully defeat the opposing team's heroes in player versus player combat. A team wins by being the first to
destroy a large structure located in the opposing team's base, called the "Ancient”. According to Urlanda et.,al(2018),
DOTA 2 has an effect not only on the academic performance of the students but also on their time management and
budget allocation. Getting too much attention on playing games can develop a big impact on an individual daily

Before the other types of online games emerged, DOTA 2 have been popular for the students. Even though its
being played over computer network, students cant stop themselves to play because of its enjoyable graphics. The
reference shows that there is an effect of playing DOTA 2. in academic performances of the students and also in the
their time management. DOTA also contains unique graphics that lead them to spend more time on playing rather than

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game designed for mobile phones.
The two opposing teams fight to reach and destroy the enemy’s base while defending their own base for control of a
path, the three "lanes"known as "top", "middle" and "bottom", which connects the bases. In each team, there are five
players who each control an avatar, known as a "hero", from their own device. Weaker computer-controlled
characters, called "minions", spawn at team bases and follow the three lanes to the opposite team's base, fighting
enemies and turrets.Mobile Legends: Bang Bang” is a mobile MOBA. Unlike games such as DOTA 2 or League of
Legends (LOL), you will only need a compatible mobile phone to run the game . Lopez (2017) People have to admit
that many of us loves to have some fun playing online games in solo play or with their friends and nd with a strategy
Multi-player Online Battle Arena kind of a game you’ll sure be hooked up with it for hours. Cooperation and
teamwork This is obvious especially in games like multiplayer online battle arena famously known as MOBA. The
key to winning this game is cooperation and teamwork. Without these two essentials, it is almost impossible to win. If
the student is fond of playing this kind of games, then there are higher chances that he will learn to cooperate with his
teammates even out of the game.

It shows that there positive effects of playing mobile legends in terms of cooperation especially in group
activities in school. Students can build teamwork not only for games but also for academic performances. Though
mobile legends have positive effects, it also have negative effect. Mobile legends can easily played because its
emerged on the smartphones, because pf that student are more prone to play whenever they want.

PUBG Mobile

PUBG Mobile is still one of the biggest battle royale games out there, despite releasing way back in 2017.
PUBG stands for PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, which was the game's original name before it was changed in
July 2021 to just PUBG: Battlegrounds.While the name change may seem redundant as the PUBG acronym already
has 'Battlegrounds' in it, the change was made so that future games and other media could easily be differentiated from
the original title.Nowadays, there are two games in the “PUBG Mobile: Stimulus Campaign” category for players to
choose from, one is a well-known classic mode, and the number of starters is larger. , Games Longer time, players
may have to wade through mountains in order to win. The other model is the entertainment model that has just been
put on the line. Its characteristics are exactly the opposite of the classic model. There are only dozens of people in the
beginning, and the initial security zone is not large, and the fighting rhythm is faster. Of course, the entertainment
mode and the classic mode still have some similarities. For example, in the entertainment mode, the player can also
choose the team mode or the single modeIn this game, players are having a battle with 99 other players to be the sole
survivor. They must scavenge for weapons, supplies, and vehicles to survive when fighting with other players.
Customize your character by purchasing unique and rare costumes using Unknown Cash.
PUBG Mobile is one of the popular games played not only by other countries but also here in the Philippines.
There are over one million monthly users of PUBG Mobile here in the Phillipines. Like other foreign citizen said, it
was a entertaining game compose of widely creative graphics. This game is also a battlefield and adventure game
that’s why most of the people especially students are tend to play and spend most of their time in this game. According
to Statista Research (2022), 39% of the surveyed online gamers stated spending between one to two hours on one
gaming session as of April 2022. On the other hand, six percent of the respondents says they played it more than five


Minecraft is a 3D sandbox game created by Swedish game developer Markus "Notch" Persson. It is
maintained Studios, which in turn is part of Mojang Studios, a part of Xbox Game. From its creation,
Minecraft was developed almost exclusively by Notch until Jens "Jeb" Bergensten started working with him and has
since head of its development. It features music by Daniel "C418" Rosenfeld, Kumi Tanioka and Lena Raine and
paintings by Kristoffer Zetterstrand. Initially released as what is now known as Minecraft the game was fully released
on November 18, 2011.Since its release, Minecraft has expanded to mobile devices and Minecraft focuses on allowing
the player to explore, interact with and modify a dynamically-generated map made of one-cubic-meter-sized blocks. In
addition to blocks, the environment features plants, mobs and items. Some activities in the game include building,
mining for ore, fighting hostile mobs and crafting new blocks and tools by gathering various resources found in th
game. The pilot release of the application is exclusive in the Philippines and is now available for download through the
Google Play Store. Students and teachers can access the platform by signing in using their Microsoft 365 school
accounts. In March, the Minecraft: Education Edition Team launched a mobile pilot with the Philippines' Department
of Education to bring mobile access to 23 million Filipino students.Aug 9, 2022More than 65,000 participated in the
pilot in public and private schools across the country, integrating Minecraft: Education Edition as part of teaching
instruction to increase academic engagement and drive learning outcomes. Mark Anthony Sy, who heads the
Department’s Education Technology Unit, told the Manila-based Inquirer: “The game-based approach is something
that we need to consider, to [encourage] critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and logical reasoning [in] solving]
local issues and problems.” This pilot program in the Philippines was instrumental in allowing us to bring Minecraft:
Education Edition on mobile to learners everywhere, and we appreciate the partnership!

In Philippines, this game have a positive impact on a academic of students. They use this game not to just
build and discover, but also to boost the critical thinking skills of the students. Many schools use this as entertaining
platform that contribute learning in different field and aspects of academics. Its not like battlefield, but this game aims
for discovery and invention. This game might be helpful in every students to create and expand their imagination when
it comes to inventions.

Foreign Studies

Today's world is one that is largely composed of technology. In a relatively short span of time we have been
immersed in a world of high-definition Clash of Clans, Rules of Survival, mobile Legends, "green" cars, outrageous
thrill rides, 3-Dtechnology, etc. But no area of technology has become as prominent as that of online gaming.
According to Anand (2007),the penetration of online games into the United States alone is huge, with at least 90% of
homes having children that have played rented or owned) video games. This is a record level that continues to
increase. 55% of console players and 66% of online players are over 18. The college demographic seems to be the
major group of gamers simply because they have a lack of parental supervision and they have more flexible schedules,
allowing for more play time(Anand, 2007).

Around the world, many people hooked by the outstanding graphics of different online games. Unlike games
played by offline, people choose to enjoy playing online because they can communicate with their friends while
playing and even invite them to join their virtual world in games. This cause the online games to spread worldwide. As
seen in the survey, most of the players are 18 years old that have lack of parental supervision that tend to control their
time whenever they want to play. They have their own rule when it comes to hours or days they wanted to spend.
The players/gamers are not only adults but also teenagers and kids, commonly,students.It might affect their
academic achievements if they chosen to spend their time in playing instead of studying. One study done by
Anand(2007) found a negative correlation between the amount of time spent playing online games and the GPA and
SAT scores of students. This means that GPA and SAT scores decreased as time spent playing increased.

Online games have a negative effects on academic achievements of the students towards the written tests
scores.If the student spend more time in playing, it will have a tendency for the student to get a low score on written
tests.GPA or the Grade Point Average and SAT know for written tests, are highly affected of excessive playing online
games. Instead of reviewing and preparing for the tests, students cant take off the online games in their minds. As a
result, they can get lower GPA and written test scores below the passing scores.

A study conducted by Wood, Griffiths, and Parke (2007) included open-ended questions that encouraged
participants to report different feelings about playing online games. Some of the negative consequences indirectly
related to school performance, in that participants reported often missing lectures, skipping homework,etc.

Academic performances of the student also affect by excessive playing online games. Instead of doing
homeworks,and even writing their lectures, students choose to play online games. They feel laziness in doing such a
academic activities that might help their performances in school to improve. Students might have kack of sleep and
cannot put his/her focus at the lesson. Students cant also participate when it comes to group works because of
tardiness. The time that should be spend instead of studying, students tend to play. They almost forgotten their home
works and cant even write some lectures about their previous lesson,

Local Studies

Online games have always been a thing here in the Philippines, and because of that, many people have
accomplished a lot in E-sports community, most notably in the 2019 Southeast Asian Games, where the team of
Philippines garnered three gold medals. Online games play a huge part in every lives of Filipino. For students ,It
serves them as a leisure activities and even their stress reliever.

Based on the facts of Visda, &Yaranon (2017), online games are hard to resist, particularly if it’s only
around the environment. Students find it. happy and enjoyable and they eventually forget their tasks and problems, but
it does a bad effect to them, which is called addiction.

Online games gives lot of platform to enjoy, the reason why most of the people are being hooked to play
online games.It also have different genres that any age can play. Aside from that it can be played multiplayer together
with your friends and classmates reason why it has to be enjoyable. Creative graphics of each o a game have really
impact on a player. If its kind a boring, then a player spend lesser time.But if it enjoyable and entertaining, player will
spend most of his/her time just playing that game. They find it more interesting rather than studying. Because of the
enjoyable platforms of online games, students doesn’t have time for their homeworks and can even forget their
problems and tasks that might affect their academic achievements.

Based on the study conducted by Cabrillos et.,al, as the respondents being assessed, it is clear that the
Academic Performance of the students is affected when they played online gaming. It affects their academic
performance in terms of attendance, oral participation, and performance task. To sum up, with the result, the
respondents’ academic performance in terms of attendance affects the most with the total grand mean of 2.15 which
means "poor"in the verbal interpretation. On the other hand, the oral participation and performance task of the
respondents got "fair" in the verbal interpretation which is not most likely affected despite their involvement in
playing online games.

In school, some of the student felt sleepy which means they spent their time all night long in playing online
games.There are also students who's cant even go at school because they are late that will result for their absence.The
study shows that online games also affect the attendance of the students.It they are absent,they are no longer to
participate orally in school in comes of performance tasks.They cant concentrate if they have lack of sleep or they cant
get over about the last game they played. A lot of academic performances have to be affected if student played online
game excessively. Performance at school have a huge effects on one’s grade. It is more than written tests.Theres
undoubtedly online games affect the students performance if students will able to get along with games.
A study done by Candilas (2019),the results confirmed that there is a positive significant relationship
between electronic media exposures in science fiction and adventure to student-participants’ reading comprehension
skills in terms of sequencing events, predicting outcomes, and identifying themes.

There are positive effects of playing online games in reading comprehension.Students can easily understand
if there is something in conflict in the story that have been read. Online games can boost up the ability to think of one
person when in comes to decision making. It helps the student to quickly define the possible outcomes of the story or
even in sequencing it.. They can also reflect whats going on the story by identifying the themes. They can even
pronounce correctly those words that might appear in the game and discovered it as a new word. Not all of the online
games are all about aggressiveness and war.There games that will help them to predict and create solution that they

Chapter III
Research Methodology

This chapter presents the research design used, research locale, respondents of the study, research instruments
, reliability of the instruments, data gathering procedures, and the statistical treatment of data.
Research Design
The research employed the quantitative non-experimental design utilizing correlational technique. According
to Frankel and Wallen (2009), correlational no citation. Research is a research design which purpose is to find out the
relationship between two or more variables and their cause and effects. This design was used since the main purpose
of the study is to determine the impact of online games in academic achievements of selected Senior High School
students at Kaligtasan National High School.

Research Locale
The study was conducted at Kaligtasan National High School (KNHS). KNHS is a public secondary located
at Kaligtasan, Bongabong, Oriental Mindoro. The school has 35 teaching and non-teaching personnel and total of 706

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study were the 125 out of 182 Senior High School students from Kaligtasan National
High School during S.Y. 2022-2023. The researchers had chosen the Senior High School students because they are
more prone to gadgets and different online platforms especially online games. They will understand the questions
stated in the questionnaire and will be able to determine the impact of online games to their academic achievements.

Sampling Technique
The respondents was selected using simple random sampling. In this sampling technique, each of unit in
the population has an equal chance of being chosen regardless of what other subjects have or will be selected.
The following table present the distribution of the respondents in this study.

Table I. Distribution of Respondents

Total Number (N) Sample Taken (n)
Newton 21 15
Plato 31 22
Socrates 39 20
Einstein 20 14
Piaget 37 23
Freud 34 23
Total 182 117

Research Instrument
Questionnaire was used as the main instruments in gathering data for this study. The selected students
responded to two sets of questionnaires.
The first set dealt with the demographic profile of the respondents, frequency of playing online games and
online games played by the respondents.
The second set was a frequency scale test that dealt with the level of academic achievements of the selected
students in terms of performance tasks, reading comprehension and written outputs.

Reliability of the Instrument

The test-retest was utilized in this study. The researcher administered the self-made questionnaire to the
selected Senior High School students who were not part of the actual sample in this study. After 10 days interval, the
administered the same questionnaire to those respondents. Pearson r was employed to compute the reliability of the

Table II. Reliability of the Self-made Questionnaire

Variable Result
Computed R-value Interpretation
1. Performance Tasks Reliable
0.96 Very high correlation
2. Written Outputs Reliable
0.70 High correlation

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher sought approval first through a letter addressed to the school principal to allow them to
gather the needed data. The researcher then personally administered the questionnaire.
The researcher made sure that each item was clearly explained to the students’ respondents for better
understanding. After the researcher tabulated, transcribed, presented, analyzed, and interpreted the gathered data.

Scaling and Qualification of Data

The table presents the scale used in the qualification of data. This scale has its corresponding statistical
limits and interpretation. The scale is presented below.

Table 3. Scaling for the Interpretation of the Students

Numerical Scale Statistical Limit Academic Achievement

5 4.50-5.49 Always
4 3.50-4.49 Often
3 2.50-3.49 Sometimes
2 1.50-2.49 Seldom
1 1.00-1.49 Never

Statistical Treatment of Data

The following formulas were use in this study.
1. Weighted Mean
This was used to determine the average value of data is health habits of selected Senior High School
students in Kaligtasan National High School.

2. Ranking
This was used to analyze ranking questions. It involves determining which answer choice is most
preferred by binding average of all the responses with respect to the values assigned to each rank.
3. Chi-square Test
This test was used to determine the relationship of online games and academic achievements of Senior
High School students of Kaligtasan National High School.
4. Frequency and Percentage Distribution



This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of data collected by the researcher in order to answer the

research questions.

1.What is the status of playing online games of the selected Senior High School students of Kaligtasan National

High School in terms of:

1.1 No. of online games being played

Table 1.1 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of selected Senior High School students in terms

of kinds of online games being played.

The results shows that the Mobile Legends is the (most) online game which played by 86 or 73.50% of the


Most of the respondents played Mobile Legends. Unlike other mobile games that require a desktop, PC or

laptop to open, Mobile Legends can be accessed both on a computer and mobile phone. According to Rossell (2021),

Mobile Legends had an average of 78 million monthly players. It shows that around the world, people have chosen to

play Mobile Legends and enjoy its entertaining and creative graphics.

The Plant Vs. Zombie and Slither io got a lowest number of players. Each game has only one or 0.85% of the


Other student might not enjoy the Slither io. According to Shalker (2020) this game have two types of lag that

is currently riddled: The graphical and server.

The lag are the major cause why this game isn’t enjoyable for most of the people. Plants Vs. Zombie, on the

other hand have also trouble in game. Hart(2021), stated that Plant Vs. Zombie is legitimately bad. The levels of the

game become insanely difficult and there is also microtransaction. The Arena Mode of the game has to be the one of

the worst that requires a long period of time of waiting. As a result, many of the players felt boredom and

Table 1.1 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Online Games Played by Selected Senior High School

Students of Kaligtasan National High School in Terms of Kinds of Online Games

Kinds of Online Games Frequency Percentage

1.Mobile Legends 86 73.50%

2.Call of Duty 20 17.09%

3.PUBG 20 17.09%

4.Clash of Clans 18 15.38%

5.Garena: Free Fire 5 4.27%

6.Dota 2 4 3.41%

7. League of Legends 6 5.13%

8. Minecraft 42 35.90%

9.Valorant 3 2.56%

10.Emily Wants 1 0.85%

11.Ball Pool 2 1.71%

12.Plants Vs. Zombie 1 0.85%

13.Online Chest 1 0.85%

14.Pay Math 2 1.71%

15.Genshin Impact 2 1.71%

16.Candy Crush 3 2.56%

17.Slither io 1 0.85%

The frequency and percentage distribution of the number of games being played by the selected Senior High

School students are presented in Table 1.1.1.

Out of 117 respondents, 67 or 57.26% of the respondents are playing only one online game. The 22

respondents or 8.55 abled to play 4 or 3.42% of respondents played 5 online games while only 0.85% of respondent

played 6-7 online games.

The 57.26% or 67 respondents played only 1 online game. One reason why they play only one games,

because they don’t have anything else to play and can’t afford anything else. Other games have a high graphics that

makes the player spend money enable to buy skin or maps for the game. Another reason is, their device cant able to

handle lot of applications especially high graphics games that have bigger capacity.

People who played 6-7 online games are not contented to only one online game. They tend to find out other

more creative and unique graphics of games. They felt boredom if they have only one games on their mobile phones.

(Lee & Choi, 2012).

Table 1.1.1 1 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Online Games Played by Selected Senior High School

Students of Kaligtasan National High School in Terms of Number of Online Games

Frequency Percentage
No. of Online Games

1 67 57.26%

2 22 18.80%

3 11 10.26%

4 10 8.55%

5 4 3.42%

6 1 0.85%

7 1 0.85%

8 0 0

9 0 0

10 above 0 0

1.2 No. of Hour/s spend in playing.

Table 1.2 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the number of hour/s spend in playing by

selected Senior High School students of Kaligtasan National High School.

Among 117 respondents, 89 or 76.09% are playing online games in 1-3 hours. There are 22 or 18.80 of

respondents played online games in 4-6 hours, which 2 or 1.71% of respondents played online games in 7-9 hours. The

last 4 or 3.42% of respondents played online game in 10 hours or more.

Most of the respondents have chosen 1-3 hours when it comes to hours spend in playing. Other might have

household chores that should be done. Furthermore, as a student the rest of their time is spent in studying or doing

their homework. According to Walker (2022), Gen-Z spent 1-3 hours each in a week playing online games. These 1-3

hours serve as their resting or leisure time after their necessary things to do. Only 2 or 1.71% of the respondents

played around 7-9 hours. According to Severin (2022), 7.6 hours per week, the average gamer plays just over one hour

every day on average. He stated also that gamer spend a lot of time playing depending on a graphic and preferences of

the game. It its genre is enjoyable for the game , then the game will be able to spend a huge time playing it.

Table 1.2 1 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Online Games Played by Selected Senior High School

Students of Kaligtasan National High School in Terms Number of Hours Spend in Playing

No. of Hours Frequency Percentage

1-3 89 76.07%

4-6 22 18.80&

7-9 2 1.71%

10 above 4 3.42%

1.3 No. of Day/s spent in a week

Frequency and percentage distribution of the number of day/s spent in playing online games by selected

Senior High School students of Kaligtasan National High School are presented in the Table 1.3.

Out of 117 respondents, 41 or 35.04% of the respondents are spending one day in a week playing online

games. The 23.93% or 28 of the respondents are spends 2 days in playing in a week while 22 or 19.66% of the
respondents are playing online games in 3 days of a week. 5 days of playing in a week got only 2 or 1.71% of the


According to Anderson(2019), 18 years old or older played online games at least once a week. Therefore, it

means that most of the people are playing in just one day in a whole week. Affiliated with this, most of the people

have only on day in week for their leisure time commonly students, Their whole week is spend in attending schools or

jobs. Yet, many people also spend more than one day in week, just playing online games. Even one is an student, if

he/she got hooked by online games he usually played, he/she might cant endure to play in just one day. They might

enjoyed their chosen online games that’s why their whole day is not completed without playing each of it.

Table 1.3. Percentage and Distribution of Online Games in Terms of Number of Day/s Spent in a Week of


No. of Day/s Frequency Percentage

1 41 35.04%

2 28 23.93%

3 22 19.66%

4 10 8.55%

5 2 1.71%

6 3 3.42%

7 9 7.69%

2 .What is the level of academic achievement of selected Senior High School students of Kaligtasan National

High School in terms of :

2.1 Performance Tasks

Table 2.1 presents the mean rank distribution of the level of academic achievements in terms of performance

tasks of selected Senior High School students with an average mean of 3.67 describe as often.
Based on the table, cooperating in groupworks got a highest rank with a mean score of 3.64 describe as often.

Participating in group activities got a mean score of 4.33 while participating in reporting activities garnered a mean

score of 4.20 which placing second and third respectively. Concurrently, joining in different school contests got the

lowest mean score which is 2.46 describe as seldom.

Joining different school contest garnered the lowest mean score. Its really hard to perform in the front of many

people in order for the students to show up their talents. It is difficult for them to express their skills and abilities that

appropriate for that contest.

According to American Heritage School, most of the student are afraid of public speaking or performances.

They might worry about disappointing their viewers or classmates. Especially if they are used to be alone and isolate

their selves like those students who always on their phone and too busy to socialize with others. Yet, joining school

contest will surely help them to gain confidence and boost up their performances in academics.

The result in the table also shows that cooperating groupworks is mostly performed by the respondents. It is

one of the biggest factor of performance tasks. Cooperating and building up teamwork in one group can surely help

students to finish their work in the given a lotted time. “Two heads are better than one “said by John Heywood that

means people who working in a groups are more likely to come to a correct decision than they could if they’re alone.

However, social isolation possibly cause the students to get lower performance in academics. Due to mass

media and various internet platforms, they are tend to exclude their selves to others . As a result, they tend to do alone

their given tasks.

Table 2.1 Mean and Rank Distribution of the Academic Achievement of Selected Senior High School Students

of Kaligtasan National High School in Terms of Performance Tasks

Items Description
Mean Rank

1.I participate in reporting 4.33 2 Often


2.I participate in acting Often

4.20 3

3.I participate in solving Often

3.63 6
math problems

4.I participate in dancing Sometimes

3.25 8

5.I participate in Science Often

3.56 7

6.I participate in recitation 4.09 4 Often

7.I join in different school Seldom

2.46 10

8.I make poster/drawings 2.85 9 Sometimes

9.I cooperate in group Often

4.34 1

10.I raise my hand if I know Often

3.90 5
the answer to question

Overall Mean 3.66 Often

2.2 Written Outputs

The mean and rank distribution of the level of academic achievements of selected Senior High School students

in terms of written outputs showing an overall mean of 2.97 describe as sometimes are presented in the Table 2.2

According to the table, making an English paragraph got the highest rank with a mean of 3.47 describe as

sometimes. The use appropriate spelling, capitalization and punctuation in writing paragraphs or sentences got a mean

score of 3.43 describes as sometimes. Making English paragraphs and writing a summary of a story have a mean of

3.32 and 3.26 which describe as sometimes. Getting high score in science quizzes got the lowest mean score of 2.91

describes as sometimes.
Making an English paragraph garnered a highest mean score. It shows that most of the respondents are have

capabilities to make English paragraph. According to University of New Castle (2023), paragraphs play an important

role in writing because it provide a framework for organizing your ideas in a logical order. Respondents can even

write paragraphs in English because English is a easiest language to learn by Filipinos. They can enhance their skills in

English through social media, websites, TV shows and other online platform that they commonly visited. (Chad,2012).

Students are most inclined to internet right now. They are very smart in operating analyzing every aspects

online, knowing they spend a lot of their time on those online platforms. Therefore students already adopted languages

and actions online. Foster (2021), stated that social media helps students to be influence by English language that

resulted in appropriating existing vocabulary. Through this, they can improve a lot in writing using English language.

For most of the respondents, getting high score in Science quizzes might be difficult that’s why it got the

lowest mean score among all the item. According to Caduceus (2022), Science is a challenging subject because of its

high cognitive and psychological demand, Science requires the students to understand other subjects, memorize

complex and often abstract concepts.

Students might be struggling to memorize a lot of scientific names, elements at periodic tables, names of the

prominent contributor in field of Science and etc. that might included on their Science quiz. They can’t also remember

its right spellings that’s why they got low scores in quizzes .

Table 2.1 Mean and Rank Distribution of the Academic Achievement of Selected Senior High School Students

of Kaligtasan National High School in Terms of Written Outputs

Items Description
Mean Rank

1.I can make English essay 3.32 4 Sometimes

2.I can make English Sometimes

3.47 1

3.I can make poems/poetry 3.25 7 Sometimes

4.I can get perfect score in Sometimes
2.91 10
Science quizzes

5.I can write notes, letters, Sometimes

3.36 3
or reports in English

6.I can write a good Sometimes

3.12 9

7.I can write a summary of Sometimes

3.26 6
a story

8. I can use appropriate

spelling, capitalization and Sometimes

3.43 2
punctuation in writing

paragraphs or sentences

9. I can write in quickly in Sometimes

3.21 8

10. I can use appropriate

vocabulary and word forms 3.31 5 Sometimes

in writing

Overall Mean 2.97 Sometimes

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