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Carmel Convent Sr. Sec.

Assessment -5 (Jan 2022)
Subject : Science
Class : IX Max Marks : 25

Date: 25/01/2022 Time Allowed : 1 hour

a) The question paper contains four sections .( A,B,C,D)-Overall 17 questions.
b) Attempt all the questions .
c) Do not disturb the sequence of answering the questions .
Section A [ 1x9=9 ]

Case 1: Sir Issac Newton is generally regarded as the most original and
influential theorist in the history of science. Newton transformed the structure of
physical science with his three laws of motion and the Universal Law of
gravitation. The Universal Law of gravitation successfully explained several
phenomena which were believed to be unconnected.

1. State the Universal Law of gravitation. 1M

2. What happens to the force between two objects, if the mass of one object is 1M

3. What is the relation between Universal gravitational constant ‘G’ and acceleration 1M
due to gravity ‘g’ ?

Case 2 : A mason builds walls, from these walls a room and then a collection of
rooms to form a building. So, the building block of the huge building is a brick.
Similarly, the building blocks of all matter are atoms. Atoms of most elements are
not able to exist independently. Atoms form molecules and ions. These molecules
or ions aggregate in large numbers to form the matter that we see, feel or touch.

4. What is the atomicity of oxygen in a molecule of Ozone? 1M

5. Give the symbol of Oxygen, as proposed by Dalton. 1M

6. What is the Ratio by mass of Magnesium and Sulphur in a molecule of Magnesium 1M

Sulphide ?

Case 3 : COVID -19 is an infectious disease .Common symptoms include fever

,cold,cough ,fatigue,loss of smell and taste .While the majority of cases result in
mild symptoms ,some progress to acute respiratory distress syndrome .The time
from exposure to onset of symptoms is typically around the days but may range
from two to fourteen days.

Page: 1
The infectious agent is primarily spread between people during close contact
,most often via small droplets produced by coughing ,sneezing and talking .The
droplets usually fall to the ground or onto surfaces rather than travelling through
air over long distances .It is most contagious during the first three days after the
onset of symptoms ,although spread is possible before symptoms appear and
from people who do not show symptoms .Recommended measures to prevent
infection include frequent hand washing ,maintaining physical distance from
others ,use of face cover and quarantine ,According to the WHO ,there are no
available vaccines nor specific antiviral treatments for COVID -19.

7. What causes COVID -19? 1M

8. State the differences between infectious disease and non-infectious disease? 1M

(2points )

9. What are the two approaches to treat an infectious disease? 1M

Section B [ 1x3=3 ]

10. Using the Criss Cross method, give the formula of Aluminium Chloride. 1M

11. State the Law of Conservation of Mass. 1M

12. Calculate the Formula Unit Mass of Potassium Sulphate, K2SO4. 1M

[ At.masses; K = 39u, S = 32u, O = 16u ]

Section C [ 2x2=4 ]

13. Account for the following; 2M

(a)All bodies lose their weight at the centre of the Earth.
(b)A stone falling towards the Earth also attracts the Earth with the same force.
But, the Earth is not seen moving towards the stone.

14. How many atoms and molecules are present in 124g of Phosphorus (P4) ? 2M

Section D [ 3x3=9 ]

15. The weight of an object on the surface of the Earth and Moon is 588N and 98N 3M
(a)Find its mass on the Earth.( g = 9.8 ms-2).
(b)What is its mass on the Moon ?
(c) Calculate the value of ‘g’ on the Moon.

16. Write the full form of AIDS .List four modes of transmission of virus of this 3M

Page: 2
17. Write the Symptoms when following organs are targeted by microbes.( Two 3M
symptoms of each of the following)
a) Lungs b) Liver c) Brain

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