IT-Unit 1

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Unit 1 : Information Systems and Management

Definition of Computer: A computer is an electronic device that accepts data from the user,
processes it, produces results, displays them to the users, and stores the results for future usage.
Data is a collection of unorganized facts & figures and does not provide any further information
regarding patterns, context, etc. Hence data means "unstructured facts and figures".
Information is a structured data i.e. organized meaningful and processed data. To process the
data and convert into information, a computer is used.
The term "computer" is derived from the Latin word "computare" which means to calculate.
A computer is designed to execute applications and provides a variety of solutions through
integrated hardware and software components. It works with the help of programs and represents
the decimal numbers through a string of binary digits. It also has a memory that stores the data,
programs, and result of processing. The components of a computer such as machinery that
includes wires, transistors, circuits, hard disk are called hardware. Whereas, the programs and
data are called software.
It is believed that the Analytical Engine was the first computer which was invented by Charles
Babbage in 1837. It used punch cards as read-only memory. Charles Babbage is also known as
the father of the computer.

Characteristics of The Computer

The characteristics of the computer system are as follows

A computer works with much higher speed and accuracy compared to humans while performing
mathematical calculations. Computers can process millions (1,000,000) of instructions per
second. The time taken by computers for their operations is microseconds and nanoseconds.

Dr B.Anjan Kumar
Computers perform calculations with 100% accuracy. Errors may occur due to data
inconsistency or inaccuracy.
A computer can perform millions of tasks or calculations with the same consistency and
accuracy. It doesn’t feel any fatigue or lack of concentration. Its memory also makes it superior
to that of human beings.
Versatility refers to the capability of a computer to perform different kinds of works with same
accuracy and efficiency.
A computer is reliable as it gives consistent result for similar set of data i.e., if we give same set
of input any number of times, we will get the same result.
Computer performs all the tasks automatically i.e. it performs tasks without manual intervention.
A computer has built-in memory called primary memory where it stores data. Secondary storage
are removable devices such as CDs, pen drives, etc., which are also used to store data.

Dr B.Anjan Kumar
Components of Computer
A computer is an electronic device that accepts data, performs operations, displays results, and
stores the data or results as needed. It is a combination of hardware and software resources
that integrate together and provides various functionalities to the user. Hardware is the physical
components of a computer like a processor, memory devices, monitor, keyboard, etc., while
software is a set of programs or instructions that are required by the hardware resources to
function properly.

Components of a Computer
There are basically three important components of a computer:

1. Input Unit
2. Central Processing Unit(CPU)
3. Output Unit

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1. Input Unit:
The input unit consists of input devices that are attached to the computer. These devices take
input and convert it into binary language that the computer understands. Some of the common
input devices are keyboard, mouse, joystick, scanner etc.

 The Input Unit is formed by attaching one or more input devices to a computer.
 A user input data and instructions through input devices such as a keyboard, mouse, etc.
 The input unit is used to provide data to the processor for further processing.
2. Central Processing Unit:
Once the information is entered into the computer by the input device, the processor processes
it. The CPU is called the brain of the computer because it is the control centre of the computer.
It first fetches instructions from memory and then interprets them so as to know what is to be
done. If required, data is fetched from memory or input device. Thereafter CPU executes or
performs the required computation, and then either stores the output or displays it on the output
device. The CPU has three main components, which are responsible for different functions:
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), Control Unit (CU) and Memory registers

A. Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU): The ALU, as its name suggests performs mathematical
calculations and takes logical decisions. Arithmetic calculations include addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division. Logical decisions involve the comparison of two data items to see
which one is larger or smaller or equal.
 Arithmetic Logical Unit is the main component of the CPU
 It is the fundamental building block of the CPU.
 Arithmetic and Logical Unit is a digital circuit that is used to perform arithmetic and
logical operations.
B. Control Unit: The Control unit coordinates and controls the data flow in and out of the
CPU, and also controls all the operations of ALU, memory registers and also input/output
units. It is also responsible for carrying out all the instructions stored in the program. It
decodes the fetched instruction, interprets it and sends control signals to input/output devices
until the required operation is done properly by ALU and memory.
 The Control Unit is a component of the central processing unit of a computer that direct s
the operation of the processor.
 It instructs the computer’s memory, arithmetic and logic unit, and input and output devices
on how to respond to the processor’s instructions.
Dr B.Anjan Kumar
 In order to execute the instructions, the components of a computer receive signals from the
control unit.
 It is also called the central nervous system or brain of the computer.
C. Memory Registers: A register is a temporary unit of memory in the CPU. These are used to
store the data, which is directly used by the processor. Registers can be of different sizes(16
bit, 32 bit, 64 bit and so on) and each register inside the CPU has a specific function, like
storing data, storing an instruction, storing address of a location in memory etc. The user
registers can be used by an assembly language programmer for storing operands, intermediate
results etc. Accumulator (ACC) is the main register in the ALU and contains one of the
operands of an operation to be performed in the ALU.

Memory attached to the CPU is used for the storage of data and instructions, and is called
internal memory The internal memory is divided into many storage locations, each of which
can store data or instructions. Each memory location is of the same size and has an address.
With the help of the address, the computer can read any memory location easily without having
to search the entire memory. When a program is executed, its data is copied to the internal
memory and stored in the memory till the end of the execution. The internal memory is also
called the Primary memory or Main memory. This memory is also called RAM, i.e., Random
Access Memory. The time of access of data is independent of its location in memory, therefore,
this memory is also called Random Access memory (RAM).
 Memory Unit is the primary storage of the computer.
 It stores both data and instructions.
 Data and instructions are stored permanently in this unit so that they are available
whenever required.
3. Output Unit :
The output unit consists of output devices that are attached to the computer. It converts the
binary data coming from the CPU to human understandable form. The common output devices
are monitor, printer, plotter, etc.

 The output unit displays or prints the processed data in a user-friendly format.
 The output unit is formed by attaching the output devices of a computer.
 The output unit accepts the information from the CPU and displays it in a user-readable

Dr B.Anjan Kumar
Computer hardware and software
Hardware is any physical device or equipment used in or with a computer system
(anything you can see and touch)
External hardware
 External hardware devices (peripherals) – any hardware device that is located outside the computer.
 Input device – a piece of hardware device which is used to enter information to a computer for
 Examples: keyboard, mouse, trackpad (or touchpad), touchscreen, joystick, microphone, light pen,
webcam, speech input, etc.

 Output device – a piece of hardware device that receives information from a computer.
 Examples: monitor, printer, scanner, speaker, display screen (tablet, smartphone …), projector,
head phone, etc.

Internal hardware
 Internal hardware devices (or internal hardware components) – any piece of hardware device that is
located inside the computer.

Dr B.Anjan Kumar
 Examples: CPU, hard disk drive, ROM, RAM, etc.
Computer software
 Software – a set of instructions or programs that tells a computer what to do or how to perform a specific
task (computer software runs on hardware).
 Main types of software – systems software and application software.
Application software
 Application software – a computer program that provides users with tools to accomplish a
specific task.
 Examples of application software: word processing, spreadsheets, presentation, database
management, Internet browsers, email programs, media players, accounting, pronunciation,
translation, desktop publishing, enterprise, etc
System Software
System software – it is designed to run a computer’s hardware and application software, and
make the computer system available for use. It serves as the interface between hardware,
application software, and the user.
 Main functions of system software – allocating system resources, managing storage space,
storing and retrieval of files, providing security, etc.
 Main types of systems software – operating system, device driver, utility software, programming
software, etc.
Operating system (OS) – a software that controls and coordinates the computer hardware devices
and runs other software and applications on a computer. It is the main part of system software
and a computer will not function without it.

Dr B.Anjan Kumar
 Main functions of an operating system – booting the computer, managing system resources
(CPU, memory, storage devices, printer, etc.), managing files, handling input and
output, executing and providing services for application software, etc.
 Examples of operating system: Microsoft Windows, Apple iOS, Android OS, macOS, Linux, etc

What is a programming language?

A programming language defines a set of instructions that are compiled together to perform a
specific task by the CPU (Central Processing Unit). The programming language mainly refers to
high-level languages such as C, C++, Pascal, Ada, COBOL, etc.

Each programming language contains a unique set of keywords and syntax, which are used to
create a set of instructions. Thousands of programming languages have been developed till now,
but each language has its specific purpose. These languages vary in the level of abstraction they
provide from the hardware. Some programming languages provide less or no abstraction while
some provide higher abstraction. Based on the levels of abstraction, they can be classified into
two categories:

o Low-level language
o High-level language

The image which is given below describes the abstraction level from hardware. As we can
observe from the below image that the machine language provides no abstraction, assembly
language provides less abstraction whereas high-level language provides a higher level of

Dr B.Anjan Kumar
Low-level language

The low-level language is a programming language that provides no abstraction from the
hardware, and it is represented in 0 or 1 forms, which are the machine instructions. The
languages that come under this category are the Machine level language and Assembly language.

Machine-level language

The machine-level language is a language that consists of a set of instructions that are in the
binary form 0 or 1. As we know that computers can understand only machine instructions, which
are in binary digits, i.e., 0 and 1, so the instructions given to the computer can be only in binary
codes. Creating a program in a machine-level language is a very difficult task as it is not easy for
the programmers to write the program in machine instructions. It is error-prone as it is not easy
to understand, and its maintenance is also very high. A machine-level language is not portable as
each computer has its machine instructions, so if we write a program in one computer will no
longer be valid in another computer.

Assembly Language

The assembly language contains some human-readable commands such as mov, add, sub, etc.
The problems which we were facing in machine-level language are reduced to some extent by
using an extended form of machine-level language known as assembly language. Since assembly
language instructions are written in English words like mov, add, sub, so it is easier to write and

As we know that computers can only understand the machine-level instructions, so we require a
translator that converts the assembly code into machine code. The translator used for translating
the code is known as an assembler.

High-Level Language

The high-level language is a programming language that allows a programmer to write the
programs which are independent of a particular type of computer. The high-level languages are
considered as high-level because they are closer to human languages than machine-level

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When writing a program in a high-level language, then the whole attention needs to be paid to
the logic of the problem.

A compiler is required to translate a high-level language into a low-level languag

What is the role of information technology in business?

The IT department is at the epicentre of the building and maintenance of communications
networks for businesses small and large. Not many companies, big or small, could survive
without a good IT department making them imperative to a business’s day to day existence.
From sending an email, to changing a password, accessing databases and everything in between
IT are there to help every step of the way. IT in business is ultimately to help the business be
more efficient and productive. It has a number of different roles including but not limited to:
 Helping the company be more productive, time = money.
 Optimising business performance
 Safeguarding data and troubleshooting
 Saving the business money
 Improving customer experience, satisfaction and communication
 Streamlining communication systems
 Enhancing managerial decision-making
 Helping the business expand globally
 Providing staff access to company information
In this article, we are going to look at hat is the role of information technology in business and
what makes this department so important to have a safe business.

Dr B.Anjan Kumar
Importance of Information Technology in Business
5 Reasons for accelerated business growth
The importance of information technology in business is explained in further segments.
Subsequently, the technological revolution is improving businesses in the following five primary
1. Information technology is giving businesses the tools to solve complex problems.
Improved hardware (more memory, sharper visual displays, faster processors, etc) combined
with smarter applications (Mindmapping software like X Mind, collaborative software like
Kanban boards, organizers like Google calendar, etc) are making it easier to research data, and
analyze it. As well as plan scalability. Many tools are available to solve complex problems.
2. Information technology is allowing businesses to make better decisions.
Consequently, good decisions in business are constructed on solid market research. This can be
performed by engaging teams through video conferences, reviewing public sentiment on social
media and industry forums, and using online surveys to receive customer feedback. There are
also tools like Google Analytics and Microsoft CRM Dynamics.
3. Information technology is improving marketing.
In addition, internet marketing using online advertising methods (SEO, PPC, Facebook Ads) are
far more accurate way than conventional marketing of identifying target audiences, discovering
their needs, and building a marketing campaign to influence them to buy. It’s difficult to check
how many people read a newspaper ad. However, it’s easy to figure out how many people
clicked on an online banner.
4. Information technology is improving customer support.
Moreover, customers are receiving support from multiple channels telephone, emails, social
media platforms, webinars, and so on. Additionally, customer relationship management system is
helping businesses in understanding customer behavior.
5. Information technology is enhancing resource management.
Also, cloud computing is allowing a company’s employees to use any device anywhere in the
world to access their enterprise-level software.

Dr B.Anjan Kumar

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