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1. Parts of a sentence
Subject and Predicate
- Subject: What is being discussed (the theme of a sentence)
- Predicate: Something new about the subject

subject predicate

auxiliary as predicatio
operator n
Operator, auxiliary, and predication
Operator: hoạt tố (“do” – auxiliary verb) form câu phủ định, câu hỏi, hoặc nhấn mạnh
I don’t love you.
Do you love me?
Please, do sit down

He is a doctor
He isn’t a doctor
Is he a doctor?
 “To be” is a special verb in English.

I’ve got a new house.

I haven’t got a new house.
Chỉ khi động từ “have” mang nghĩa sở hữu thì ta có thể sử dụng một cách đặc biệt như
một động từ tobe:
I have a new house.
 I haven’t a new house.
Sentence elements:
1. Subject (S)
2. Verb (V)
3. Complement (C)
- Subject complement (Cs): complete the subject
- Object complement (Co)
4. Object (O)
- Direct object (Od)
- Indirect object (Oi)
5. Adverbial (A)
- V
- S+V
- S + V + Cs:
She is a teacher.
She looks beautiful.
- S + V + O + Co:
I find it interesting.
You make me happy.
You can call me Hang.

- Call (V) me (Oi) a taxi (Od).

- S+V+A
She dances everyday.
You work very hard.
You live in London.
I will go shopping when I have time and money.
2. Categories of verbs
Types of verbs corresponding closely to the different types of O and C:
+, Intensive V: V+Cs (linking verbs)
+, Extensive V:
Intransitive (without O, C)
Transitive (with O): monotransitive (Od), ditransitive (Od + Oi), complex transitive (O +
Types of verb corresponding to aspectual contrast of “progressive” and “non-
progressive” (thể tiếp diễn và thể không tiếp diễn)
+, Stative (non-progressive)
+, Dynamic (progressive)
3. Categories of Adverbal
4. Types of sentence structure (2.10 – P.16)
5. Element realization types
Verb element (always a verb phrase):
+, Finite: showing tense, mood, aspect, voice
+, Non-finite: showing aspect, voice only
S realized by:
+, noun phrase 9simplest form: pronoun)
+, a clause
Cs, Od, Co: realized by the same range of structures as S
Cs, Co: also realized by adj phrases
Oi realized chiefly by noun phrases, not realized by “that” clauses
A: realized by adverb phrases, noun phrases, prepositional phrases, clauses (finite/non-
6. Parts of speech
7. Proforms
8. Questions and Negation
BTVN: lay 2 vi du moi cau o trang 16
Ex 11, 5, 6, 8, 9

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