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Project number: SAS-2023-2310-0044

Microencapsulation formulation of natural ingredients

for cosmeceutical and nutraceutical application

Submitted by: Kavya Motiani

Matriculation Number: 19034364

Supervisor: Chiradip Chaterjee

School of Applied Science

Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sciences

August 2023
Project number: SAS-2023-2310-0044

Table of Contents

Table of Contents ii

Abstract iii

Acknowledgements iv

List of Figures 2

List of Tables 3

Chapter 1 4

Introduction 4

1.1 Background Information 5

1.2 Objective and Scope 6

Chapter 2 Materials and Methods 6

Chapter 3 Results and Discussion 14

Directions for Future Studies 20

Chapter 4 Conclusion 21

Project number: SAS-2023-2310-0044

Lycopene microcapsules were prepared by a spray drying system method using plant-based proteins
(GA and GB) and pectin. Where lycopene was mixed with soya bean oil to enhance the oxidative
stability/ bioavailability of lycopene. Effects of various factors such as, the ratio of GA to GB, the
amount of lycopene oil, pectin, homogenization time, inlet temperature, pH of the feed and yield of
encapsulation were examined. Four best samples with yield ranging from 35.53% to 49.50% were
taken for further analysis based on their yield and colour. The results showed that encapsulation yield
were affected by the homogenizing time, ratio of GA to GB, amount of lycopene oil added. The
optimal conditions were determined as follows: 300ml GA, 7.5g GB, 3.75g pectin, 6.2 pH and inlet
temperature of 160C. Further, the scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis showed that the
microencapsulated lycopene had a regular spherical shape with a particle size distribution of 3-8 um.
This study can be used to enhance the application of lycopene in the food industry.

Microencapsulation; lycopene; spray-dryer; homogenization; scanning electron

microscope (SEM).
Project number: SAS-2023-2310-0044


First and foremost, I would like to extend my deepest appreciation to the supervisor Dr
Chiradip Chatterjee for his guidance, expertise and continuous encouragement
throughout this study. His feedback and unwavering support helped in completing the
study successfully.

I would also like express my heartfelt gratitude to the TSOs Ms Nuratikah Bazilah and
Ms Amirah Ayub for always being supportive, for guiding the team and teaching the
proper use of equipment. I also want to thank all the other TOs who supported with other
quality control tests.

Last but not least, I want to thank my teammates for being extremely corporative and
supportive to one other. The enthusiasm and collaborative team spirit created a positive
environment. The team’s commitment to the study ensured we completed the study on
time. I am privileged to have had the opportunity to work with such dedicated
Project number: SAS-2023-2310-0044

List of Figures
Figure 1. Skeletal structure of lycopene 3
Figure 2. Weighing lycopene mixed with soy bean oil 4
Figure 3a. Weighing GB 5
Figure 3b. Mixing GA, GB and pectin using a spatula 5
Figure 4. Measuring pH of the liquid feed 6
Figure 5. Spray drying in process 7
Figure 6a. Microencapsulated lycopene in the cyclone 8
Figure 6b. Collecting dry microencapsulated powder 8
Figure 6c. Weighing the dry microencapsulated powder8
Figure 7. Measuring the moisture content of the sample8
Figure 8a. Coating the SEM stub with platinum in vacuum 9
Figure 8b. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) 9
Figure 9a. Electron microscope 10
Figure 9b. Microencapsulated powder samples placed on the slides 10
Figure 9c. Zoomed image of the microencapsulated powder under the light microscope 10
Figure 10. Measuring the viscosity of the samples 11
Figure 11. Water activity meter 11
Figure 12. Sample I- showing the two different colors 13
Figure 13. (A) Sample I (B) Sample H2 13
Figure 14. Sample 3 15
Figure 15. Sample H1 16
Figure 16. Sample H2 16
Figure 17. Sample I 17
Figure 18a. Stability test observation before placing the samples in the stability chamber 17
Figure 18b. Stability test observation after taking the samples from the stability chamber 17

List of Tables

Table 1. Best four samples from the study 12

Table 2. Effect of temperature on the yield 13

Table 3. Effect of homogenizing time on the yield 14

Table 4. Effect of adding alkaline on yield…………………………………………...15

Project number: SAS-2023-2310-0044

Chapter 1


The aim of this study was to develop a microencapsulation formulation of lycopene

using plant proteins (GA and GB) and pectin as raw materials in replacement of
maltodextrin. To achieve microencapsulation, a spray dryer was used as the main
equipment in this study.

1.1 Background Information

Microencapsulation is a process that involves enclosing or encapsulating small solids

or liquids within a protective coating. This enhances the stability of the core material
and protects from degradation, ensuring it stays effective and useful for a longer time.
Microencapsulation can reduce off flavors produced by certain vitamins and minerals,
permit time release of the nutrients, enhance stability to extremes in temperature and
moisture, and reduce reactivity of nutrient with other ingredients [1]. In this study
microencapsulation is used to coat lycopene by using spray-drying method.

Spray Drying is one of the most common methods used for microencapsulation in
food industry[2]. The process involves converting a liquid feed into dry powder by
atomization. Where the liquid feed is a homogenized mixture of the core material and
the coating material[3]. The liquid emulsion is fed into the feed system and is passed
into the drying chamber where the liquid is atomized into tiny droplets using the spray
nozzle, creating a large surface area for rapid evaporation. Hot air is concurrently
introduced into the chamber facilitating the evaporation of the liquid from the
droplets, leaving behind dry particles in the cyclone and the collecting beaker[3].

The liquid feed is a homogenized mixture of the core material and the coating
material where the core material is lycopene. Lycopene is a red carotenoid, found in
various fruits and vegetables such as, tomato, watermelon and pink grape fruit giving
them their red characteristic[4]. Lycopene has gained significant attention in recent
years to have potent antioxidant properties, which means lycopene helps the body’s
cells from the damage caused by free radicals, free radicals can lead to oxidative
stress which can cause chronic diseases such certain cancers, cardiovascular disorders
[4][5]. By neutralizing free radicals, lycopene helps reduce the risk of cellular damage
and related health issues. However, despite the benefits of lycopene the of the
presence of unsaturated bonds in molecular structure of lycopene makes it highly
unstable prone to attack by oxygen molecules, leading to the formation of free
radicals [6].

The conjugated system (fig. 1) in lycopene also contributes to its vibrant red color.
However, these same double bonds [7] also make it vulnerable to degradation by
light, particularly UV light, which can break down the molecular structure and reduce
its color intensity and efficacy [8]. Moreover, lycopene's chemical structure can

Project number: SAS-2023-2310-0044

undergo isomerization under certain conditions, leading to changes in the arrangement

of its atoms. This isomerization can occur in response to pH variations or chemical
reactions, affecting its stability and bioavailability. Thus, making lycopene more
susceptible to oxidants, light and heat [9]. Therefore, to overcome this lycopene must
be protected in some forms from chemical damage before its application in the food

Figure 1. Skeletal structure of lycopene

Lycopene is usually encapsulated with maltodextrin, which is a highly processed

polysaccharide obtained from rice or potato. The production of maltodextrin involves
extensive processing, which can raise concerns about the presence of chemical
residues or additives used during the manufacturing process [10]. Maltodextrin has a
high glycemic index, which means it can cause a rapid spike in blood sugar levels
when consumed. This can be especially concerning for individuals with diabetes or
those trying to manage their blood sugar levels, as it may lead to sudden fluctuations
in insulin and glucose levels. [10]. Some individuals may experience digestive
discomfort or gastrointestinal disturbances after consuming maltodextrin, especially
when consumed in large quantities. These symptoms may include bloating, gas, and
diarrhea. People with sensitive digestive systems may be particularly susceptible to
these effects [11]. Using plant-based protein instead of maltodextrin to encapsulate
lycopene offers several advantages, particularly from a nutritional and health
perspective such a Plant-based proteins generally have a lower glycemic index
compared to maltodextrin, which means they cause a slower and more gradual
increase in blood sugar levels after consumption. This can be beneficial for
individuals with diabetes or those looking to maintain stable blood sugar levels [12]

1.2 Objective and Scope

The objective of this study is to observe the quality of microencapsulation when

Maltodextrin is replaced with plant-based protein, GA (a liquid, hydrophobic) and GB
(a solid, hydrophobic).

Biocompatibility: Plant-based proteins are more biocompatible with many active

ingredients, including lycopene, due to their natural origin. They tend to have fewer
interactions or adverse effects on the encapsulated compounds, resulting in better
stability and preservation of the bioactivity of the encapsulated material.

Project number: SAS-2023-2310-0044

Chapter 2 Materials and Methods

2.1 Raw materials
Lycopene (lipophilic), core material was mixed with soy-oil, Pectin is a
polysaccharide used as a emulsifier and a thickening agent, GA and GB which are
plant proteins provided by the collaborator
2.2 Preparation of the liquid feed
2.2.1 Weighing and Measuring the Ingredients
A digital weighing balance (CY 1003 Precision scale from Aczet) was used to
measure out, a clean measuring cylinder (500ml) was used to measure 300ml of GA,
7.5g GB (fig. 1.2a) and 3.75g pectin in separate weighing boats. Followed by
dissolving 1g of in 10ml of soy oil. Such that the ratio of lycopene to oil is 1:10.
Given that lycopene is a hydrophobic compound, mixing the lycopene with oil
enhances its solubility and stability.

Figure 2. Weighing lycopene mixed with soy bean oil

(a) (b)
Figure 3. (a) Weighing GB (b) mixing GA, GB and pectin using a spatula

Project number: SAS-2023-2310-0044

2.2.2 Mixing core material and encapsulating material

The measured amounts of GB and pectin were mixed in a 500ml clean beaker where
measured amount GA was gradually added and mixed with a clean spatula until a
relatively uniformed solution was obtained, without any visible lumps or aggregates
(fig. 3b). This was homogenized for 1 minute using IKA T25 digital ULTRA-
TURRAX. Lastly, 1g of lycopene-oil was added and the mixture was homogenized
again for 2 minutes to ensure a uniform distribution of all components. The final
liquid feed should be smooth and free from any visible lumps.
Homogenization is critical to achieve consistent and reliable results during the spray
drying process.

2.2.3 Balancing the pH

A magnetic stirrer was placed in the beaker with the liquid feed, to ensure there is no
sedimentation. The pH of the liquid feed is then measured using a calibrated pH meter
(LAUA F-71 Horiba), fig. 4. Necessary amount of alkaline solution is added
accordingly to obtain a pH of 6.1
The calibration of the pH meter was done, firstly by rising the pH electrode with
distilled water to remove any residual traces of previous solutions, wiping the pH
electrode with delicate task wipes (kimwipes). Immerse buffer solutions of pH 4, pH7
and pH 10 one after the other. With each buffer solution wait for the reading to
stabilize (“pH” stops blinking)

Figure 4. Measuring pH of the liquid feed

2.3 Setting up the spray-dryer

The spray-drying of the feed was carried out in a BUCHI mini spray dryer. Before
loading the sample feed, the spray-dryer was ensured to be clean from any residues or
contaminants from the previous experiments. After switching on the spray dryer, the
compress air meter is set to 40 atm, the inlet temperature is calibrated at 150°C and
the aspirator is gradually increased to 100%. Once the target temperature achieved,
the spray dryer was left to stabilize at this temperature for about 10 minutes. This dry
run ensures thermal stability and prevents any sudden temperature fluctuations during

Project number: SAS-2023-2310-0044

the experiment, which could influence the microencapsulation process. The liquid
feed is then loaded into the feeding system of the spray dryer where pump is set at
10% and nozzle cleaner at 6. The liquid feed will go through atomization and form
into micro droplets, a these microdroplet pass the drying chamber the solvent in the
encapsulating mixture evaporates rapidly due to the high temperature in the system.
This process leads to the solidification of the encapsulating agents (GA, GB, and
pectin) around the lycopene droplets, forming microcapsules that encase the active
ingredient. The spray-dried micrcapule are then separated from the drying air in the
cyclone chamber and collection vessel.

Figure 5. Spray drying in process

2.4 Collection of microencapsules

The dry microencapsulated powder is collected from the cyclone and the collection
vessel using a long brush, fig. 6(a) and (b). The collected dry microencapsulated
powder is weighed using a digital weighing balance (CY 1003 Precision scale from
Aczet), fig. 6 (c).

Project number: SAS-2023-2310-0044

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 6. (a) microencapsulated lycopene in the cyclone (b) collecting dry microencapsulated
powder (c) weighing the dry microencapsulated powder
2.5 Analysis

2.5.1 Yield of the microencapules

The yield was calculated using the following equation;
dry microencapsulated powder (g)
×100 %
total of all raw material before spray drying( g)

2.5.2 Moisture analysis

The sample moisture content was recorded using MOC63u Unibloc Shimadzu
moisture analyzer (fig. 7). Moisture content is an important factor as it indicates the
drying efficiency and shows the stickiness of the encapsulated lycopene. The test was
conducted on all the samples and the results were recorded to analyze the drying

Figure 7. measuring the moisture content of the sample

2.5.3 SEM analysis

Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) is a powerful imaging tool employed to
investigate the morphology and structure of microencapsulated particles. Small
Project number: SAS-2023-2310-0044

amounts of the samples were placed on one surface of a double- sided adhesive tape
ensuring that the sample sticks to the SEM stub. The SEM stub is coated with
platinum under vacuum using a JOEL JFC-1600 auto fine coater (fig. 8a), the coating
prevents the sample from charging that can occur when the electron bean interacts
with the sample surface, resulting in a better-quality SEM image. Four best samples
were selected based on their colour and yield and observed using JEOL a Jeol SEM
JSM-6701F. The evaluation of the samples were done on the smoothness of the outer
surface of the microencapsules and the particle size.

(a) (b)
Figure 8. (a) Coating the SEM stub with platinum in vacuum (b) scanning electron
microscope (SEM)

2.5.4 Light microscope

The same four sample tests were observed under the light microscope to analyze the
surface morphology.

Project number: SAS-2023-2310-0044


(b) (c)
Figure 9. (a) electron microscope (b) microencapsulated powder samples placed on the slides
(c) zoomed image of the microencapsulated powder under the light microscope

2.2.5 Viscosity analysis

Measuring the viscosity of the microencapsulated lycopene helps evaluate lycopene
dispersion or suspension. Conducting viscosity tests on the microencapsulated
lycopene dispersion provides a means of quality control, ensuring that the product
meets the desired viscosity specifications and is suitable for its intended use. In this
test 0.5g of each of the four samples were mixed with 100ml of water, which was then
transferred into a falcon tube and reading observed using IKA ROTAVIC lo-vi
viscometer (fig. 10).

Project number: SAS-2023-2310-0044

Figure 10. Measuring the viscosity of the samples

2.5.6 Water activity (Aw)

METER Aqualab PRE, Benchtop Water Activity Meter was used to measure the water
activity of the samples. The equipment was calibrated using 0.760 water activity
(6.00mol/kg of NaCl in H2O) at 25C. Each of the four samples were placed in the cup
ensuring the surface is fully covered.

Figure 11. Water activity meter

2.5.7 stability test
Small amounts from the four best samples were each transferred into a small vial,
filled upto 25% of the vial and placed in the stability chamber for 42 days at 40C and
70% humidity. The changes in the colour were observed before and after.

Project number: SAS-2023-2310-0044

Chapter 3
Results and Discussion
After repeating the experiment several times with changes in different parameters, four
best samples were studied closely to draw a conclusion. The sample were selected based
on the colour of the encapsulated lycopene and relative yield.

Temperature Lycopen colour Encapsulation pH Moisture

(°C) e oil (g) Yield (%) content
Sample 150 3.5 27.88 6.54 4.36

Sample 150 2 39.30 6.50 6.95


Sample 150 2 34.57 6.50 5.96


Sample 160 2 38.84 6.54 5.69


Table 1. Best four samples from the study

3.1 Encapsulation Yield

3.1.1 Effect of inlet temperature

Increasing the inlet temperature from 150°C to 160°C while keeping the other factors
unchanged, an increase in yield was observed. The highest yield was obtained from
sample I where the inlet temperature was set to 160. While the other parameters were
kept same as sample H1. The homogenizing time and speed was also kept the same for
both the samples. However, sample I showed two different colors of the encapsulated
powder upon collection, where the colour of lycopene collection from the collecting
chamber was darker as compared to the encapsulated lycopene from the cyclone – shown
in figure 1. The reason for this was unclear however, it could be due to lycopene being a
compound which is heat sensitive thus, increasing the temperature causes the lycopene in
the cyclone which is exposed heat for longer period of time compared to the collecting
chamber has a lighter colour indicating degradation of lycopene. Hence, increasing the
temperature above 150°C was not ideal.

Project number: SAS-2023-2310-0044

Figure 12. Sample I- showing the two different colors

(A) (B)
Figure 13. (A) Sample I (B) sample H2

Temperature Lycopene oil Alkaline Encapsulation

(°C) (g) (w/wo) Yield (%)
Sample I 160 2 w 49.50
Sample H1 150 2 w 45.47
Table 2. Effect of temperature on the yield

3.1.2 Effect of homogenizing time and order of homogenization

A light increase in yield was observed in the order of homogenization. In the preparation
of sample F1 firstly, GA and pectin were mixed and homogenized for 40s, added GB and
homogenized for 60s and lastly homogenized for 60s after adding the lycopene giving a

Project number: SAS-2023-2310-0044

41.42% yield where sample F2 was homogenized for 60s after mixing GA,GB and pectin
followed by another 60s after adding the lycopene oil resulting a comparatively higher
yield of 41.81%. Other factors were kept same, results are summarized in the table below.
Temperature Lycopene Alkaline Encapsulation Homogenizing
(°C) oil (g) (w/wo) Yield (%) time (s)
Sample 150 1 w 41.42 GA+pectin, 60s
F1 +GB, 60s
+ lycopene oil,
Sample 150 1 w 41.81 GA+GB+Pectin,
F2 60s
+lycopene oil,
Sample 150 1 w 35.81 GA+GB+pectin,
G1 60s
+ lycopene oil,
Sample 150 1 w 37.41 GA+GB+Pectin,
G2 120s
+lycopene oil,
Sample 150 1 w 39.56 GA+GB+Pectin,
G3 180s
+lycopene oil,
Table 3. Effect of homogenizing time on the yield

The homogenizing time was further increased from sample G1 to G3 keeping the other
parameters same. The yield of sample G1 dropped by 7.7% compared to sample F3.
Further increase of the homogenizing time showed an increase in the yield compared to
sample G1. Define parttern of homogenizing time was not found however, the highest
yield was seen with homogenizing time of 60s after mixing GA+GB+pectin and 60s after
adding lycopene oil.
3.1.3 Effect of adding alkaline solution
The below table shows that adding alkaline to balance the pH of the liquid feed resulted
in lesser yield than compared to the same experiment being conducted with no alkaline
added. No conclusion could be drawn out as not enough tests were conducted.
Temperatur Lycopene Alkaline pH Encapsulation
e (°C) oil (g) (w/wo) Yield (%)
Sample A 150 0.75 w 6.52 33.40

Project number: SAS-2023-2310-0044

Sample A 150 0.75 w/o 5.74 37.99

Sample B 150 1 w 6.53 34.57
Sample B 150 1 w/o 6.08 38.84
Table 4. Effect of adding alkaline on yield

3.2 Quality of encapsulation

3.2.1 SEM analysis

The SEM image showed the presence of uniformly shaped microencapsules with
spherical morphology. The size of microencapsules were observed to be in size ranging
from a small as 0.8 micrometers to 8.1 micrometers with an average size of 3-5
micrometers. There are no crack open or collapsed microcapsules (fig. 14a) which means
there is no lycopene leakage from the microcapsules and that the encapsulation matrix
provided by the plant-based proteins (GA and GB) were effective protection against
environmental factors that may compromise the stability and functionality of lycopene.
some large microencapsules were seen in sample H2 (Fig. 16a & b), larger microcapsules
may suggest that the encapsulation is incomplete or a higher ratio of encapsulating
material to the core material.

The microencapsulated lycopene is observed as clumps as the sample were not dried in
an oven prior to SEM analysis to retain is spherical shape. Completely drying the
microencapsulated lycopene could collapse its exterior coating and possible lycopene
The narrow size distribution observed in the micrographs indicates a consistent and
reproducible microencapsulation process.

(a) (b)

Figure 14. Sample 3 (a) magnification x1000 (b) Magnification x250

Project number: SAS-2023-2310-0044

(a) (b)


Figure 15. sample H1 (a) magnification x2000 (b) magnification x250 (c) magnification x1000

(a) (b)
Figure 16. sample H2 (a) magnification x1500 (b) magnification

Project number: SAS-2023-2310-0044

(a) (b)
Figure 17. sample I (a) magnification x1500 (b) magnification x250

3.2.2 Storage stability

The results after exposing the microencapsulated lycopene to high temperature (40) and
high humidity (70%) it was observed that samples 3, H2 and I retained their original
color whereas sample H1 faded into pale white. This suggest that sample H1 failed to
maintain its stability and retain the lycopene. There is no enough evidence to confirm
why sample H1 failed the stability test however, the moisture content of sample H1 was
noted to be higher (6.95% moisture content) compared to the other three samples (table
1). The other three samples were able to retain their colour and thus, indicating the
microencapsulated lycopene is stable.


Project number: SAS-2023-2310-0044


Figure 18. Stability test observation (a) before placing the samples in the stability chamber
(b) after taking the samples from the stability chamber

Directions for Future Studies

Further, the effectiveness of replacing maltodextrin with plant-based proteins can be
studied but repeating the experiment by analyzing the parameter in depth such the
morphology of the lycopene microencapsule can be using atomic force microscopy
(AFM), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) to analyze the morphology, size distribution, and
crystallographic properties of the microcapsules. The stability test can be further
enhanced by conducting long term stability studies where other factors such as light can
also be evaluated.

Project number: SAS-2023-2310-0044

Chapter 4

Lycopene microencapsules were successfully prepared by a spray-drying method using

plant based protein and pectin to encapsulate lycopene. The colour of microencapsules
were in the shades of pink (table 1) and an average encapsulation yield of 35.15%. The
encapsulation yield could be affected by various factors such as the ratio of lycopene and
the plant-based proteins (GA and GB), inlet temperature, homogenizing time and other
factors which were not covered in this study therefore, there is no sufficient data to
conclude the factors affecting the encapsulation yield. The well-defined spherical
morphology and uniform lycopene distribution within the microcapsules analyzed by the
EM suggest that the encapsulation process was efficient and resulted in stable structures.
The optimal conditions in this study were: inlet temperature of 160, homogenizing time
60s with the encapsulating materials (GA+GB+Pectin) and 60s after adding the lycopene
oil, pH 6.54, 2g of lycopene-oil, 300ml GA (7.5g, 3.75g which resulted in the highest
encapsulated yield (38.84%). This study proves that maltodextrin in lycopene
encapsulation can be replaced with plant based proteins which are much healthier and
thus promote the application of lycopene in the food industry.

Project number: SAS-2023-2310-0044





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Figure 1. Image


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