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Guru Tegh Bahadur Institute of Technology, Delhi

(AffiliatedtoGuruGobindSingh IndraprasthaUniversity, Dwarka,NewDelhi)

Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

Book Report


(Paper code: AIDS 215)

Submitted by –
Submitted to –
Name : Piyush
Name: Ms. Seema Singh Enrollment No. : 02113211922
Assistant Professor Branch : AI & DS
Session : 2022-2026

I extend my heartfelt appreciation to Dr. Seema Singh, my esteemed mentor and guide,
for her unwavering support and invaluable feedback that have been indispensable in the
completion of this insightful book report on "Inspiring Thoughts" by Swami
Vivekananda. Dr. Singh's expertise and encouragement have not only deepened my
comprehension of the subject matter but have also inspired me to approach literary
analysis with a heightened level of insight.

I would like to express my gratitude to the faculty at Guru Tegh Bahadur Institute Of
Technology, whose commitment to nurturing a passion for literature has been a constant
source of motivation. The academic environment provided at the college has played a
pivotal role in refining my analytical skills and shaping my approach to literary critique.

I also extend my thanks to my peers for their invaluable contributions during thoughtful
discussions, offering diverse perspectives that have enriched my understanding of the
profound teachings found in "Inspiring Thoughts." The collaborative exchange of ideas
has undeniably added depth and breadth to this report.

Furthermore, I acknowledge the profound influence of Swami Vivekananda's work,

"Inspiring Thoughts." His timeless wisdom and transformative insights into life and
spirituality, as evident in the provided extracts, have served as a wellspring of inspiration
for this analysis. I am grateful for the profound teachings and philosophical reflections
shared by Swami Vivekananda, which have greatly enriched my exploration of the
profound thoughts contained in his work.
Table of Contents
 Genre and Background of "Inspiring Thoughts"
 Author's Significance
 Overview of the Book's Structure and Topics
 Key Themes Explored within the Book
Character Analysis
 Swami Vivekananda: The Central Figure
 Characterization through Teachings
 Relationships Explored: Individual and the Divine
Theme Analysis
 Theme 1: Self-Realization
o Exploring One's True Nature
o Overcoming Limitations and Fear
o Quotes Illustrating the Theme
 Theme 2: Inner Strength and Resilience
o Facing Challenges and Developing Inner Strength
o Cultivating Courage and Mental Discipline
o Quotes Highlighting the Theme
 Theme 3: Living a Purposeful Life
o Setting Goals and Pursuing Dreams
o Breaking Free from Mediocrity and Striving for Excellence
o Quotes Encouraging a Purposeful Life
 Theme 4: Service to Humanity
o Importance of Serving Others and Contributing to Society
o Developing Compassion and Empathy
o Quotes Emphasizing Service
 Theme 5: Karma and Responsibility
o Understanding the Principle of Cause and Effect
o Taking Responsibility for One's Actions
o Quotes Highlighting Karma and Responsibility
Style and Tone of Author
 Direct and Concise Style
 Conversational Tone
 Use of Anecdotes and Figurative Language
 Authoritative yet Compassionate and Encouraging
Plot Analysis
 Structure of the Book: Thematic Sections
 Progression of Topics and Themes
 Plot Devices: Quotes, Anecdotes, and Rhetorical Questions
Critique and Evaluation
 Strengths: Universal Appeal, Clarity, Inspirational, Emphasis on Self-
improvement and Service
 Weaknesses: Lack of Narrative, Repetitive Quotes, Limited
Context, Potential Bias
 Overall Evaluation: Powerful and impactful book with timeless wisdom and
a positive influence
 Summary of the Book's Key Message
 Lasting Impact and Legacy of "Inspiring Thoughts"
 Final Thoughts and Recommendations
Title: Inspiring Thoughts
Author: Swami Vivekananda
Publication Date: Various editions available, originally published in the late 19th/early 20th

Genre: Inspirational quotes, Spirituality, Self-Improvement


"Inspiring Thoughts" by Swami Vivekananda is a compilation of timeless

teachings that transcend the boundaries of time and culture. This spiritual guide
carries the profound insights of Swami Vivekananda, a revered Indian philosopher
and spiritual leader of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Swami Vivekananda
played a pivotal role in introducing Indian philosophies of Vedanta and Yoga to
the Western world and is renowned for his impactful speeches at the World's
Parliament of Religions in 1893. This collection, compiled posthumously, serves as
a testament to his enduring legacy and continues to inspire seekers on their
spiritual journeys. The genre of the book aligns with spiritual and philosophical
literature, making it a beacon for those seeking profound insights into life's purpose
and the nature of existence.
"Inspiring Thoughts" encapsulates the essence of Swami Vivekananda's teachings,
offering a comprehensive guide to self-realization and spiritual growth. The book
is structured systematically, with each section delving into specific aspects of life
and philosophy. The teachings cover a wide range of topics, including the power of
positive thinking, the importance of self-discipline, and the unity of religions.
Swami Vivekananda's words guide readers through a transformative journey,
encouraging introspection and providing practical wisdom for navigating the
complexities of life. The narrative, though not linear, forms a cohesive exploration
of spiritual principles, creating a harmonious flow of insights that resonate with
readers across cultures and backgrounds.

"Inspiring Thoughts" by Swami Vivekananda unfolds as a timeless compendium of

spiritual wisdom, offering readers a profound roadmap to self-realization and inner
growth. The systematic structure of the book reveals a thoughtful organization,
each section serving as a gateway into specific facets of life and philosophy. The
teachings encapsulate a diverse array of topics, from delving into the
transformative power of positive thinking to emphasizing the crucial role of self-
discipline in one's spiritual journey. One of the remarkable features of the
compilation is its exploration of the unity that underlies various religions,
demonstrating Swami Vivekananda's commitment to fostering a sense of harmony
among diverse belief systems.

As readers immerse themselves in the pages of "Inspiring Thoughts," they embark

on a transformative journey guided by Swami Vivekananda's profound insights.
The narrative, while not confined to a linear trajectory, weaves together a
harmonious exploration of spiritual principles. This cohesive flow of wisdom
resonates universally, transcending cultural and geographic boundaries. Swami
Vivekananda's words become a companion for readers navigating the intricate
tapestry of life, offering not just philosophical musings but practical wisdom that is
applicable to the challenges and intricacies of daily existence. The book's narrative
style, characterized by its depth and resonance, ensures that readers from diverse
backgrounds find a common ground in their quest for spiritual understanding and
personal growth.
In the absence of traditional characters, "Inspiring Thoughts" draws readers into an
intimate encounter with the central figure, Swami Vivekananda. Through the
teachings that echo his profound insights, Swami Vivekananda emerges as a
character characterized by a rare blend of wisdom, compassion, and an acute
understanding of human nature. His motivations, as conveyed through the
teachings, reveal a deep-seated desire to uplift humanity and provide spiritual
guidance to individuals on their unique journeys. What makes Swami Vivekananda
a compelling character within the context of the book is the evident evolution of
his understanding of life's intricacies. As the teachings progress, readers witness a
development in Swami Vivekananda's perspectives, showcasing a continuous
exploration of timeless principles that govern the very essence of human existence.
The relationships explored in the text, while not interpersonal in the conventional
sense, delve into the profound connection between the individual and the divine,
underscoring the universal interconnectedness that binds all beings in the tapestry
of existence. Swami Vivekananda's character, therefore, becomes a dynamic and
evolving presence, guiding readers on a contemplative journey toward self-
realization and spiritual understanding.

Theme 1: Self-Realization:

The book's most central theme revolves around the pursuit of self-realization.
Vivekananda emphasizes the inherent divinity within every individual, urging
readers to recognize their true nature and unlock their full potential. He challenges
the limitations of self-doubt and fear, encouraging a courageous exploration of
one's inner world. Quotes like "Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached"
and "You have to grow from the inside out" serve as rallying cries for this journey
of self-discovery.

Theme 2: Inner Strength and Resilience:

Navigating life's challenges requires resilience and inner strength. Throughout the
book, Vivekananda emphasizes the importance of overcoming fear, weakness, and
negativity. He provides practical guidance on cultivating courage, developing
mental discipline, and facing setbacks with unwavering determination. Quotes like
"Take risks in your life. If you win, you can lead; if you lose, you can guide" and
"The greatest sin is to think that you are weak. You are infinite power; you are the
image of God himself" empower readers to overcome obstacles and emerge

Theme 3: Living a Purposeful Life:

Vivekananda encourages readers to live lives with meaning and purpose. He

emphasizes the importance of setting goals, pursuing dreams, and making a
positive impact on the world. He challenges readers to break free from mediocrity
and strive for excellence in all their endeavors. Quotes like "All the power is
within you; you can do anything and everything" and "The purpose of life is to
grow and become more than what you are" inspire readers to live a life of purpose
and fulfillment.

Theme 4: Service to Humanity:

Beyond individual growth, Vivekananda emphasizes the importance of serving

others and contributing to the betterment of society. He encourages readers to
develop compassion and empathy for those less fortunate and dedicate their talents
and resources to alleviating suffering. Quotes like "They alone live who live for
others" and "If you want to find peace, do not seek it for yourself but work to
bestow it upon others" embody this call to service, reminding readers that true
happiness lies in giving back to the world.

Theme 5: Karma and Responsibility:

Vivekananda underscores the concept of karma, the principle of cause and effect.
He emphasizes that our actions, both good and bad, have consequences that shape
our present and future lives. This theme encourages readers to take responsibility
for their choices and strive to live a life of integrity and compassion. Quotes like
"What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you
create" and "Each action, every word, every thought, is a cause, and will have its
effect" remind us of the power we hold to shape our own destinies and contribute
to a more just and compassionate world.

Quotes that Highlight the Themes:

1) "The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to
2) "Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached."
3) "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."
4) "Dare to be kind."
5) "We are all parts of the one universal Self."


 Direct and concise: Vivekananda uses simple language and avoids overly
technical or complex vocabulary. This makes his message accessible to a
wide audience.
 Conversational: The tone feels as if Vivekananda is speaking directly to the
reader, creating a sense of intimacy and connection.
 Anecdotal: He frequently uses personal stories and anecdotes to illustrate
his points, making them more relatable and engaging.
 Emphatic: He uses repetition and rhetorical questions to emphasize key
ideas and encourage reflection.
 Figurative language: He employs metaphors, similes, and other figures of
speech to add depth and beauty to his message.
 Authoritative: Vivekananda speaks with confidence and
conviction, drawing on his vast knowledge and experience.
 Compassionate: He expresses genuine care and concern for his readers'
well-being and spiritual development.
 Encouraging: He uses positive and uplifting language to inspire and
motivate readers to reach their full potential.
 Hopeful: He believes in the inherent goodness of humanity and encourages
readers to have faith in themselves and the world.
 Passionate: His love for humanity and his desire to share his wisdom shine
through in his writing.
Overall, the style and tone of Swami Vivekananda in "Inspiring Thoughts" are
characterized by clarity, simplicity, and warmth. He writes in a way that is both
informative and engaging, making his message accessible and impactful for a wide
range of readers.
The book is divided into various thematic sections, each focusing on a specific
aspect of life, such as:
 Self-Realization: This section emphasizes the importance of understanding
one's true nature and achieving enlightenment.
 Inner Strength and Resilience: This section focuses on overcoming
challenges and developing inner strength.
 Living a Purposeful Life: This section encourages readers to set
goals, pursue dreams, and contribute to the world.
 Service to Humanity: This section emphasizes the importance of serving
others and contributing to social progress.
 Universal Interconnectedness: This section reminds readers of the oneness
of all beings and the interconnectedness of the universe.
 Karma and Responsibility: This section explores the concept of karma and
the importance of taking responsibility for one's actions.
The book doesn't follow a linear narrative, but the thematic sections build upon
each other, creating a sense of progression.
 Early sections: Focus on individual growth and self-awareness, laying the
foundation for further development.
 Middle sections: Expand into serving others and living a life with
purpose, showcasing the application of self-knowledge.
 Later sections: Explore the broader concepts of universal
interconnectedness and karma, emphasizing the responsibility that comes
with self-realization.
Plot devices:
Instead of a traditional plot, the book utilizes various literary devices to engage
readers and convey its message:
 Quotes: The central element, each quote provides a concise and insightful
message on various aspects of life.
 Anecdotes: Personal stories and anecdotes illustrate key points, making
them more relatable and memorable.
 Metaphors and similes: These figurative language devices add depth and
beauty to the message, making it easier to understand and remember.
 Rhetorical questions: These encourage readers to reflect on the message
and apply it to their own lives.
 Universal appeal: The timeless wisdom contained within the book
resonates with people from all walks of life, regardless of their cultural or
religious background.
 Clarity and accessibility: Vivekananda's writing style is
direct, concise, and easy to understand, making his message accessible even
to those unfamiliar with complex philosophical concepts.
 Inspirational and motivating: The book is filled with powerful quotes and
anecdotes that can inspire readers to overcome challenges, pursue their
dreams, and live a life of purpose.
 Emphasis on self-improvement: Vivekananda encourages readers to take
responsibility for their own lives and continuously strive for personal growth
and development.
 Focus on service to others: The book promotes a sense of social
responsibility and encourages readers to contribute to the betterment of the
 Organized structure: The thematic sections provide a clear structure and
make it easy for readers to find specific areas of interest.
 Literary devices: The use of metaphors, similes, and rhetorical questions
adds depth and beauty to the message and makes it more engaging.
 Lack of narrative: For some readers, the lack of a traditional plot structure
might make the book feel fragmented or lacking in direction.
 Repetitive quotes: Some readers might find that certain quotes are repeated
throughout the book, making the message feel redundant at times.
 Limited context: While the quotes themselves are powerful, the lack of
context can sometimes make it difficult for readers to fully understand their
meaning and implications.
 Potential bias: As the book is a collection of quotes from a single
individual, it reflects Vivekananda's own perspective and may not be
representative of all spiritual or philosophical traditions.
Overall Evaluation:
Despite its limitations, "Inspiring Thoughts" by Swami Vivekananda remains a
powerful and impactful book. Its timeless wisdom, clarity, and inspirational
message make it a valuable resource for anyone seeking personal growth, spiritual
guidance, and motivation to live a meaningful life. The book's impact lies in its
ability to awaken self-awareness, inspire action, and promote positive change in
the world.
"Inspiring Thoughts" does not have a conventional conclusion, as it is a collection
of quotes rather than a narrative. However, the final quote in the book offers a
fitting and powerful summation of its overall message:
"Fear not; we are all travelers in the wilderness of this world."
This quote encapsulates the key themes of the book: self-realization, inner strength,
living a purposeful life, service to humanity, universal interconnectedness, and
karma. It reminds us that we are all on a journey together, facing challenges and
opportunities for growth.
Despite the uncertainties and hardships we may encounter, the book encourages us
to remain fearless and hopeful. It reminds us of our inherent strength and potential,
and inspires us to live with purpose and compassion. Ultimately, "Inspiring
Thoughts" leaves us with a profound sense of optimism and the belief that each
individual has the power to make a positive impact on the world.
While the book itself may end, its message continues to resonate long after the last
word is read. It serves as a constant source of inspiration and guidance, reminding
us to strive for excellence, embrace our true nature, and contribute to the
betterment of humanity.
Primary Sources:
 Vivekananda, Swami. Inspiring Thoughts. Various publishers, various
Secondary Sources:
 Agarwal, Satya P. Swami Vivekananda: A Life and His Message. Sterling
Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2002.
 Burke, Marie Louise. Swami Vivekananda in the West: The Chicago
Lectures. Advaita Ashrama, 2001.
 Chattopadhyaya, Harindranath. Swami Vivekananda in India. Oxford
University Press, 1998.
 The Complete Works of Swami
 Ramakrishna Mission:
 Vivekananda Kendra:
 Vedanta Society:

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