One Paper Msqs by Imtiaz Shahid (2020)

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For Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Subject Specialist, CSS, PCS, PMS, M.A., BS Honours, University Entry Tests, All Screening Tests, NTS, PTS, OTS, BTS, UTS, STS, JTS, CTS, MTSP, and all other allied examinations 1000s Most Frequently Asked Questions from Previous Papers Pakistan Studiés aera yet) si clebei fetieg= sist CONTENTS Instructions for MCQ Answer Sheet IGENERAL KNOWLEDGE) 2, General Information 3. What and Where 4. World Geography 5. ‘Seven Continents of the World a. 6. Notable Plateaus 2 i 8. 9. Famous Grasslands of World 23 Famous Mountain Passes Notable Deserts Oceans of World Famous Seas Famous Islands of World 13. Famous Gulfs & Bays of World 26 - ——— 14. Famous Straits of World 27 45. Famous Canals of World 28 Famous Lakes 28 Notable Waterfalls 29 Notable Seaports 29 Important Rivers 30 Famous Glaciers 32 Important Volcanoes 22. Highest and Lowest Points Geographical Locations 24. Countries: Capitals, Currency & Area 25. Changed Names of Places 40 26. Popular Names 43 27, Cities Associated with Industries 47 28, Names of Parliaments | 29. important Official Places oI Important Airlines 7, Important Airports News Agencies of Some Countries Nobel Prize 62 34, Highest Military & Civil Awards oF 35. Intemational Borders & Lines = 8 fae International observance 70 37. _ Nicknames of Famous Personalities 74 38. Personalities aE Books & Literature 83 Organizations of the World 88 The United Nations 93 The World Records 43, Abbreviations, Acronyms and Terms pes __PeO@ang NUmVON, Be yee ee 44, Sports 130 45 Political Science 136 faker 138 47. General Knowledge & Current Affairs: Frequently Asked Questions. from Previous MCQs Papers 444 48. Branches of Science 201 49. Universe 203 50. Earth 208 | 51. Human Body 210 53. Food and Nutrition zie 54. Diseases 220 (55. Phobias 22 Physical Sciences Chemistry Physics Scientific Instruments Se ee 0. Units of Measurement 245 i, Everyday Science: Frequently Asked Questions from Previous MCQs Papers 247 62. ‘'T, Computer and Internet 268 tga. More than 100 Keyboard Shortcuts. ~~SCSC) Alast day of Universe {c) Aname of film {d) None of the above Pinpoint the correct statement? (2) Ganada hos maple leaf on its } Grew pe deg eur Cin ic) Synagogue is Jewish piace of wors! (a) Abottnese (3 Sila was epaca laboratory tunched i 1973. Italo (a) USSR (o) USA (¢) Britain 3 China In which year Shy Lab did brock up in the nd fell back to the earth? @ ia 1970 tc) 1980 id) 1979 ‘Tha majoty of Kure Popuation’ i ving in: Afghani Turkey @ iraq {eh Jordan Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by United Nations on: 49. 51. 57, (c) 19 Decamber 1951 (@) 10 December 1952 tare called the members of i group of bath Burunel and fetes (a) Barbs (&) Hutu {e) Bantu (©) Somatia Ikhwan-us-Safa, secret Sraonizaton, Was founded in; ad fa) Baghdad Iraq 8 Basra, iraq {e) Tehran, Iran” (@) Ankara, Turkey Antheopology iS the study of man, Keptomania? sad (a) study of human behaviour {(B) study of child behaviour (c) an irational urge to steal (@) irrational urge fo eat “Guru Granath Sahib" is the Sis, “Gita ot Vedas te ney Rook of is the holy book of (>) Confucius (e) Jews {@) none of these Which term denotes ‘Palestinian uprising’? fa) HAMAS: {b) PLO (e).Intikada (8) Intifada The largest ethnic group in Cambodia is: (a) Cambodian (b) Khmer (c) Bantu (6) Rouge Kurds are fightir jainst Turkey, which os they. fought in ly for self-government? (® Iran (b) Kuwait (¢) Iraq (¢) Syria ‘Long March’ was the historic 9600-km yin 1934. Wha undertook the ‘Long jarch'? (a) Chinese Communists ) Soviet Red Army (c) Both of them (¢) None of them With 1970s unsuccess! iety that is: to contro! pnt eee unded le Sly n 1980'S (a) Mafia (b) Vikings (¢) Interpol (d) Freemason Which charter King John finalized at Runnymede in 12157 at he {c) Magna Carta (a) None of these The websites ending with .pk wil be based in: (a) Pakistan fb) Peiking (¢) Paris 8 none of these When did Mercury Pi first_ manned space Seams of oe carry the first American into space? 61. er. 70. General information = 3 Sth May 1961 (b) Sth August 1961 {) Sinntay 1960 (3 Sinaul tect the upsurge in racial and political enone Western Europe of the early i ea Nazis (b) Neo-Nazism uropean Nazis {2} Fosdem {d) Modem Nazis je Alfred Bernhard Nobel started Nobel Prize, did he belong? To which country ae fa) German ) 8 Netherlands (d) USA ‘The first Nobel prizes were awarded on: {a) 10December 1904 ) 10 December 1903 ic) 19 December 1901 {d) 10 December 1902 What was Pan-Islam, originated in 1880 in Empire? » Ree eee ter uniting the istemic ‘Nations Movement for uniting the Arabic Nations % Movement for uniting te tslamic Asian ing Caliphate What those laws are called that God gave to Moses (Musa)? (a) Ten Commandments (b) Commandments (5) Seoas comuarrdnees (8) Ten Sacred Commandment Titanic struck an iceberg and sank during her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York City, USA in the North Atlantic, Mention the date? (2) efor 810) 14 Andi 1912 (c) (Apri 1911 (@) 14 April 1913 Whats Tou de France? ‘tench road race for professional §) recs nee tees Protessional motorcyclists © French road race for professional is () French road race for professional bus drivers. ‘ Vostok I carried first man in space. Vostok 6, last of series of Russian spacecraft, took first women Valentine Tereshkova into ‘space. When Vostok 6 was launched? a 16 June 1962 +} 16 June 1963 . (c) 16.June 1961 — (d)_ 16 June 1960 Series of scandals in America in 1972 involving President Richard Nixon and his administration is called: (a) We ‘scandal {b) Nixon indal § Serial Scandal (¢) None of these 4 74, 75. 79 80. 81. 85, 87, General Knowledge sian (Iranian) religion which Namo the. Por the Parses (Parseas) Matives today srr (>) Buddhism + eee sisters a Taoism is true? taNet grannies the seaport of Egypt (0) Dickson is the seaport of Malaysia (ce) Seattle is the seaport of USA (d) Allof these dwelt in igloo you would be am camer “3 ae (3) Fronen o ae ‘What is Blitzkrieg? (a) Sudden military offensive {b) Homible attack * is the i PS Sera ttn wt (a) Poland ib) USA (c) Russia id) Romania Which countries share the water of C: Whi re er of Caspian (a) Iran, Russia, Azerbaijan (b) Iran, India, Pakistan (c) Russia, USA, India (2) Pakistan, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan When was the second Islamic Summit ‘conference held in Lahore, while the first was held in 1969 at Rabat? fa) 1972 (b) 1971 (c) 1974 (¢) 1973 Term the newly bom babies joined together by a fold of skin? ( Michelangelo Siamese-twins (c) Siamese {d) clones Russian equivalent of American Pentagon is: (a) Cahokia & Kremiin (e) Guiana {@) none of these Marie Curie is that female scientist who twice won Nobel Prize. What the female astronomer Caroline Hershel discovered? (a) Isotopes (b) six comets (c) Lens. (d) none of these The lens at the end of the compound microscope is called objective. What was first seen by compound micrascope? (2) Protozoa (b) Proton (©) Bacteria (¢) Neutron Ronald Amundsen was the first man who feached at South Pole on 18" December 1911. What Francisco Femandez introduced in Europe in 1803? (a) Tea (0) Cotfee (6), Tobacco (8) Prone of these 92. When mobile phone was started? (a) 1985 (by 1 (c) 1980 @) 1977 93. The study, theory, and practice of prison management and criminal tehablitaton (a) Criminology (b) Crime management (¢). Criminal sciences (d) Penology 94. What is-the length of India China border? {a} 3380 km (b) 4,380 km (e) 2380 km (8) 5,380 km 95. Cyprus gained independence trom Britain in 1960. When was It divided into two parts > ‘Turkish Republic of Northem Cyprus and Greek Cyprus? fa) 197 e 1965. (c) 1960 a) 1974 96. ~ Taxidermy is the art of stuffing of birds and animals and Philately is; {a) hobby of stamp collecting Mt form of Abstract art (c) Zeal of travelling (@) none of these 97. Louis & Mayer of Metro Goliwin-Mayer found Academy Award in 1927, How has it been nicknamed since 1931? (a) US Award (b) Oscar Award (c) Gold Award (@) Louis Award 98, AD. means ‘in the year of our Lord’, What is referred by A.C? (a) After the death (b) Afterward (6) Events that took place after the birth of (@) Events that took place after the death of Christ 9. ar escmierred by the term 8.6.7 (a) Events took place before the (0) Biante ck ploce fter the Christianity after the Christian Ac) Evects took place before death of the (2) Events took birth of Event place before the 100. Who became the first black president of ‘Sauth Africa, his party was banned in 1961 and he was given life isonment? Bec (c) Eddi Amin (d) Martin Luther King 101. ‘Amal’ is radical Lebanese Shi'ite military force. Who estat itin 19708? (a) Abu Musa (b) Hassan Bana 106. 110, 14, 12. (ey Abu Sadr (4) Musa Sadr the belief that renal Pe eng? 0" Subordination to 3) 4 (0) Femi {2 Sogregation (3) none-ot hese Mention the nickname of Mentypped on Hitcahinea yomaceme mat {a) Fat Soy (b) Daisy cutter {e) Big Giant (d) Sharp boy spalfour Dectaration” hel ies ce as i it . : eer wes, prepared in March 1917 {a) 2 November 1917 fo) 2 November 1918, (c) 2 December 1917 (a) 2 November 1919 5. What is Baptist? (a) Areligion (o) A branch of the Christianity {c) Abranch of the Jewish religion {d) A branch of the Buddha religion ‘Which of the following statement is true? (@) Legend of Robin Hood is associa ik tne Sherwood foreatin Englona (b) Legendry hero Wiliam Tell Legandry iam Tell belongs to (e) none of these (@) both of these _ When the Yugoslavian city Skoplle was earthquake? (a) 1960 3 1963 (c) 1980 (d) 1970 |. Who founded Buddhism in India? oy ® Guatama Buddha (c) Ashoka {d) Alexander the Great . What is bootlegging? (a) form of smuggling (0) form of drug e (ce) form of Indian religion (d) none of these (aren Sang setches ing () Ast of making maps and charts (¢) An of making pots (d) Art of making charts When id Challengers, one of 4 space shutle programme of NASA, two astronauls Become te rar human beings fy freely in space? fay dune 3, 1985. (B) January 28 1 (e) Janvary 28, 1985 {e) January 26, 1987 Pick ment? . (a) Rut ri staerncola is used in Waly’ cy General information = -& Venice (b) Hydaspes River is now called the Jhelum River +(e} both of these ——(¢)_ none of these 4113, Which religion Chinese people practise? a) Confucianism —(b) his ic) Sociatism (@) Narvon 114, Term the use of military expeditions in Western Europe from 11" to 14” against Musim? fa) Holy War (b) Crusades {e) Holy Attacks (d)__ Holy expeditions 445. The word dinosaur means ‘terrible’ Lizard. ‘The heaviest dinosaur was of 51 tons and 24 m from head to tail. Name R? (a) Brocricasurus {b) Dignoline (c) Dre Vosuraus (¢) None of these 116, {o) Ship {d) Legend 417. Which language was davised in 1887 as an international language by Ludwig L. fa) Esperanto b) German 3 Gieengtsn 3 US english Term kiling and forced expulsion of one group by anather particularly of n Bosoia-Herzegovina? 118. + ethnic 119, over a over over a over a 420. Fresco is a method of painting on plaster usually a wall), What is the meaning of ‘resco? (2) Plaster {by New (c) Fresh (a) Wet wall Which craft is heavier than air and flies in similar way to an aeroplane but has no ‘engine? 3 Helicopter (b) Slider (c) Glider (d) None of these Greenwich Mean Time was established int fb) 1880, id) 1892 423, Greenwich is situated near, fa) New York (b) Tokyo 121. 122, 6 General Knowledge fe) Paris 124, What is Greenwich ) Standard (9) London sped for eakaating time al (a Northern he (oy Standard. time for + eakulstng time all in USA (@) Standard fime for calculating time: all over the world (2) Standard ‘time for calculating time in 125. Which of the following Poa posern statement is true London? 596 people were ©) Ha of Oe cy was but in 4086 by 2 ire 126. What is called agricultural trend that has gieally increased crop production in akistan, India, and Turkey? (a) Agra Revolution (S) AgroRevektos” (c) Agro nm (@) Asian Revolution 127. What is calles the killing of at may ‘million Jews by Nazis in Second (3) Mass killing (b)_ Ethnic cleansing (c) (d) Holocaust Jews cleansing 128, Mane the youngest elected president of i ire Tran (y) John F. Kennedy: (6) Andrew Jackson (3) None of these 129. Homer was the greatest poet ofthe Jangué namel (Greek) Latin (©) Engish a) Spanish 130, Research and Study that are closely related to history are call & Pevmeth [b) y (c) Archaeolagy 3 None of hese 131. The first ong distance telephone line was inslalled in 1684 between: (a) California and Maryland {b) Beston and New York {c) Texas ans Virginia {d) None of the above 132. The wireless telegraphy was pioneered in 1894 by. ey {a) Wiliam Thomas (b) Rose {¢) Gulieime Marconi (d) Grane Ties 133. In which language the Holy Qur'an was first transiaied? (a) Arabic (b) Persian {ce} Latin (6) None of them 134, “Shadow Cabinet” is; (a) A specializes of critics formed by the opposition partyin the parieraeg (©) Some ministers very close to the Prime (©) Cae ‘announced by the: m: ly in the parkament before forming ‘govemment (d)_Nane of the above 135. USA condita ‘on how many states? 52 fb) 55 8 50 (6) 49 136, India consists on how mame ates? a) 2. (b) id) 29 137, Which is the largest state (Population Wise) of India? {a) Keratia (b) Uttar Perdesh (c) Madhia Pardesh (d) None of these 138. Name the economist whose. theory of ation describes that ven see faster than the means of support? (a) Thomas Robert Malthus (b) Adam Smith c (c) Keynes. (d)_ None of them 139, Which Indian state is called communist state? a) UtarPerdesh —(b) Kerala ic) Madras (d) None of these 140. Which he the second largest oil consumer intry in the world? @ Japan b) Russia c) China id) India 141, Whois the founder of Wikileaks? {9} my Wates Rown Descartes Bill Gates @) aula ‘Assange (Australian) 142, Which country suffered the maximum in Wotd war Ww? (a) b) (c) Japan 8 nee 143. ‘Naxalites' movement is in: (a) India i) lepal (¢) Srilanka Bangladesh 144, Which of the following states share the water of “Aral Sea” (d) Iran and Turkmenistan 145, “Fi le" is the place of worship for: . oe b) Buddhist c) Parsi (d) Shinto 148. Which of the following American Presidents 447 148. has cemained in office for more than 12 Beton {b) Franklin looseveit {c) Theodore Roosevelt (@) Eisenhower “Magna Carta’ is: fa) A basic docum ) Sonstittion eat ot oth. eet (b) An organization of Afican fe) Awar museum in Moscow oe {@) None of the above Who was the Preside: werl? At of USA during World (a) Woodrow Wilson (b) {¢} Abraham neon (ah noes amet 10.New Zealand was the Feat country in the wer 151. 152. 153. 154, 185, a fo grant women the right to vote, in 1) but women did not get the ight fn fr fs New Zealand legislature until; (a), 1930 b) 1920 (e947 (d) 1919 East Timor was. the colony of Portugal betore | Indonesia's counassy. vier Indonesia captured (a) 1920 1975, (ce) 1940 a) 1890 ‘When Taiwan separated from China? fa) 1949 (o) 1954 (e) 1961 (¢) 1970 On Minicoy Island which pair of countries have dispute? {a) India and Maldives ) India and Nepal ) Nepal and Sri Lanka a Sri Lanka & Bangladesh Which statement is true? z a) ‘American Naval Base ‘Diego Gare is in Indian Ocean ) Ananean Nov Naval Base “Diego Garcia" Is @ American mhaval Base “Diego Garcia” is in traq iene the first ui who made: silk about a ie fb) Japan 3 cha {3} india Chach nally written in ‘ Poems OGY rade {e) Turkish (a). Sindhi . The Muslim leader who advised the, Muslims: nol o partcpate in the meetings of all India a congress was ‘Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad 161, 165. 167. 168. Genoral Information = 7 3 Sir Syed Ahmed Khan id) Aliana Muhammad Iqbal Which statement is correct? {a) Cessation of hostilities between two countries is known as Détento (b) Condominium is an area, over which more than ane extemal power rules (c) None of these id) Both of these New Zealand's Mr, Don McKinnon was the first secretary general of {a) Commonwealth (b) UNO (d) Asia Watch 1. What are “Negroid’, “Mongoioid", ‘Aryan’, and the "Caucasian"? (a) Ancient nations (8) Losding human races (c) Wars.of 18" contury (d) Seaports Which of the following animals can hear ultrasonic: sound? (a) Cat (b) Rat (e) Bat () Squirret The acid rain destoys vegetations because i 7 Suiphucc acid (b) Ozone ic). Carbon monoxide(é) Nitric acid |. The Bolshevik Revolution is associated with (a) France (2) Germany (c) Russia (¢) England |. Who is the founder of Wikipedia? {o) sammy Wales a Sone Descartes None of the above A mobile. phone: senda. and receives thessages throug 4 Sound waves (b) Micro waves (c) UN waves (d) Radio waves . neon used inoecoreig lighting? o 8 } Nitrogen d) oe Tip apical cat: Wee nearly (a) Califomia en) 3H Way eed Paris (France) Wy bic Ue aman of eclectic bs iF] (a) Tungsten 8 Titanium (c) Iron (4) none-of these: The meters installed in our homes measure the electricity in: (a) frequency (o) KW (ce) KWH (a) metre 8 170. 171. 172. 73. 174. 175. 176, v7. 178. 179. 180. General Knowledge atue of Liberty was o Tre Siekpeople irom which county? France ) Greece {2} Great Betain {@} Switzerland faction Ulster Unionists wants {0 retain British rule in: ‘a} Easter Ireland {8} Western ireland (e} Northem Ireland (a) Falkland Pariament in which no party has majority 1s failed "Hung Padiament. What is “Ant Semis"? (a) Suspended parliament (©) Animosity towards Jews {c) legal pariament {d), Animosity towards Muslims ‘The Monroe Doctrine was intended to: (a) Safeguard peace in Europe (b} Enforce freedom of navigation on the High Seas ic) Safeguard American interests id) None of these Inwhich year Suez Canal was nationalized? (a) 1956 {b) 1958 (c) 1868 (d) 1954 Who led Pakistani Cricket Team in World Cup 2011? (2) Shahid Afrigi = (b).- Misbah ul Haq (@) ‘Salman Butt (c) Yaunas Khan Pakistan fies of the tropic zone of? (a) Cancer (b) Equator (ce) Capricorn (3) 846 W (c) 768 W who as (3) (b) (9 Molotov (d) None of these Who introduced the principle of the Doctrine of Lapse? (8) Clive @ Comwallis (c) Hastings ) Dalhousie Where Das Man Palace is located? (a) Saudi Arabia —(b) Indonesia (c) Kuwait (@) Sri Kanka |. What do you unders eerie ) Between themselves: c) On the way {d) None of these . Martin Cooper is known far his invention of 183. 184. 185, 189. 190. 191, 193. (0) Digital Camera (0) Solar Energ (c) X-Ray (a) Mobile Phone. Ryanair is an airline of tt Uinanae'is te nameet oer (a) Australia {b) France (c) China {d) Germany ‘The foundation stone of the Sikhism: holiest "Golden Temple” at : anid oy een {a) Guru Nanak b) Khawja Ghareb Nawaz ic) Acharya Rekeshprasad id) Hazrat Mian Mir The doctrine of WahdatulWajood was nted by! ic) Ibne Yazid (d) Sheikh Sirhindi . Before Referendum Sythet was the part of fb) Bihar a ‘Assam (c) Chitagong, (@) UP Which Pakistani prime minister visited china first? (a) Liagat Ali Khan (o) Hussaln Shaheed Sunarwardi (¢)_ Khawaja Nazimuddin {¢) Muhammad Ali Bogra Mullah Do Piazza was & (a) Religious reformist in Shah Johan's era (b) Akbar’ chief advisor and one of Navratnas (c) Amystical character of Tasleem hosharba (8) None of these ich bank provided 80 million loans for Whi making 1" budget of Pakistan? ® UBL. (b) NB (ce) MCB {d) Habib Bank When the banks were nationalized in Pakistan? (a) 1974 b) 1972 {c) 1973 (d) 1974 Where is Kellar Kahar situated? is Sialkot (b) Chakwal (c) Murree (¢) Jehlum When Pakistan introduced National Identity fa) 1971 (b) 1972 Hs 1973 1974 Who first pioneered the idea of # blood bank? (a) Booker T, Washington {b) George Washington Carver (c} Jonas Salk (d) Charles Drew 194 198. 197, 198. 202. only US President Uectoral votes Who received alt ne (a) George Washington & James Monroe (e} Andrew Johnson {d) Theodore Roosevelt “Dark ages" refers to the decline of science and culture, Which period a Agee? pul an end 10 ) Enlightenment 8 indus Revokiton (@) Renaissance Napoleon Is known as “Man of Destiny” and dion Lae rere eat ir is called the (a) Prince Bismarck (0) US President Fora (c) Lenin (d) Karl Mark The only US ‘ pasar US foe Fanart fihe lected a) George Washington 8 loon Monroe (c) Andrew Johnson {d) Franklin D. Roosevelt With which war is the name of Florence f ntingale associated? ‘Werld War I(b) "World War Il & Crimean Ward) Battle of Leipzig UAN stands for nt Access Number (b) Universal Access Number (c) Universe Access Number (@) None of the above |. Which is the most populous state in the USA? Washington ) Alaska: Catone (6) Flonda Which is the largest area wise state in the usa? (a) Washington eC) Fenda } Catto Democracy Wall is pi ke (3 Sepe {8} Shine Japan ists in Israel have discovered 20000 years old village under the mud of:- Dead Se (b) Red Sea i Blind Dolphins are es in which river of fo) Sete) fb) Chenab fa) (ec) hue id) Sindh (Indus) President of USA ding the Gul War? (a) George Bush (0) Jimmy Carter € Cre Gitoe (G) Howard Tat 208. 210. an 212. 213, 214, 218. 218. General information — 9 During the Second World War, which of these islands was swarded @ medal for fo) cyprus (b) Maka (0) Jereoy (@) Hawait Which of these imaginary fines is mainly {ay Eauot (0) Ineatona te Lire (c) Tropic of Capricorn 8 Tropic of Cancer . Cetes the President of USA during World ‘War li? {a) Franklin D, Roosevelt Who was the President of USA at the time of creation of Pakistan? (a) Franks D Roosevelt () Henry Truman cy Abraham Linoain $ None of these ‘Who among the Sein: ener was first to come to | stablish trade rene yn er cout % (a) Duteh (b) British (@) Portuguese (d)_ French Wise of the, -folloning, is the sweetest & ‘Sucrose ®) Glucose Fructose (d) Maltese In nuclear reactors, graphite is used as alan: {a) Fuet {b) Lubricant (c) Moderator {d) Insulator ‘The dinosaurs first appeared Tha: incanins: Seat on the earth {a) Permian (b) Jurassic (c) Cretaceous (4) Triassic ‘The ‘Aurora Borealis’ occurs in the: 8 Exosphere (b) lonosphere (c) Ozonosphere (d) Stratosphere The Island of Socotra belongs to: (a) Yemen {b) UAE (c) Oman (8) Saudi Arabia |. The line Ape Bearing Oe Boe bor ‘of equal height (at ste @ "isotherm (c)Isohyat (d) Contour . Gunpowder consists of a mixture of: § Sondand TNT fb) TNT and charcoal c) Nitre, sulphur and charcoal (d) Sulphur, sand and charcoal ‘Widal test’ is used for Meena erro (¢) Yellow fever (4) Cholera ‘The Fourteen Points were enunciated at: (a) The conference of Westphalia b) The conference of Versailles (¢) The end of World War It (8) None of these “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” was the slogan (2) the ‘American War of independence (b) The French Revolut c) The Russian Ociobor Revoluton (d) None of these 221, Apartheid is (a) An international association (b) Amedical term (c) A ploy of ec racial discrimination (d) None: 219, 220. 222, wecoer Macca (a) 1960 {b) 196 (e) 1962 (¢) 1984 223, Which President of USA ordered to crop the atom por on Nagasakl and Hiroshima (a) Franklin D. Roose: (@) None of these ‘SIM stands for: ( is} Single in-line module {0} Single tring merry (¢) Subscriber identity module (¢) None of these: '5.American's plan of ‘Greatest Middle East iniietive Pion for purpose (a) Democracy {b) tp of eat (©) Kingship {¢) None of these: 226.Which Musi country has lowest per capita income? © (a) Somatia ) Kenya (©) Uganda ‘a Afghanistan 227. Spartly islands are disputed between China and: (a) Vietnam (b) Malaysia (©) Philippine (2) All of above 228.Which country ed roi inventions after USA, folast two dead b) Switzerland como = RR 220 Brae education system was introduced by (a) Blinds {b) Deat (c) Dumb (9) All of above 230) nic month Of Hindi Year is. called brother of (a) Chate (6) Magn (3) Phagen 231.Second largest ethnic group in Afghanistan, after Pushtun: {a} Uzbek (bo) Hazaras. (c) Tajik (@) Tazters. 232 Religion Shintoism is followed in: tok (b) Thailand (c)_ Nepal (a) Japan 233, Which country's Constitution is not in a written form? (a) USA (b) Denmark (c) New Zealand — (D) United Kingdom 234, What is Holocaust? Killing of Jews during World War | Kiling of Jews during World War || (c) Killing of Germans (d) Killing period of American during war 235. Word “Tsunami belongs to epee (a) Japanese (by Us (e) Englisn (a) Greek 236.Where was Gabari Mosque situated? (a) Ayadnya(U.P) (b) Agra {c) Debit (4) Calcutta 237.Gandhara civilization was. situated between the rivers: (a) Chenab and Jhelum (b) Ravi and Chenab (c} Jhelum and Kabul (¢) Indus and Jhelum 238. Walch oo Pek Leader suppérted ‘Pakistan Ps) lacharia 9) Auliian Ass MK. Gandi (s) (ala Lajpat Rai }. Gandhi's son which a sae oricas a (3) Ram Ramdas "alain a op Sit eet ‘accor its ht was 29028 028 foot (eee hetreys i 29031 feet (8849 metro {b) 29042 feet 2852 move (d) 29038 feet (4851 g2e0 ners 241, poet wat i Fra we Sand wer oly in costly dered Dead Sea as thd catient idte bt itis incorrect)? (a) Assal lake 3 Bosporus Strait & Bea Dead sea A place where where government records are kept is called: (a) arte! b) (8 wetoe*” Gauge 242, 243. 244 248, 246: 247, Who 248. 249. 251. 253, Eagle is the national emblem of: (a) Pakistan (©) India fe) Spain (¢) Germany China's Ts‘al Lun invented something closer to modern paper in 105 AD. Now from which substance paper is made? (a) Sea substances (b) Chemicals (c) Water and Salt (d) Trees What is "Good Friday"? (a) (bay if fasting in observance of Christ's b) Oey rs mou in ( Chests ene observance of (c) Bonotmese (@) None of these Which of the following isfare known as pioneers of Pop music? {a) Elvis Presiey (b) Bill Hi © baen 8 Non of train (oh Hest ofthe Roman Catelc Chueh (b) Head of the Protesiants (c) Head of the US Catholic church (d) Head of the English Church Who invented the printing? {) French (b) Egyptians (c) Chinese Which of the following is the largest Pyramid built in ancient fore '3) Great Pyram % Pharaoh Evang s ac Giza High mid at Gi 8 igh Hon Frag Mai cero . wnat is “Saint Vitus Dance"? (a) AGame (o) AHerb ‘s) ‘An Egyptian dance Adisease Term belie! in superiority of one’s own race ‘oF ethnic group’ (a) Ethnics (bo) Racism (c) Superiors (4) Culturist The rea ) Sticky liquid that emits from plants (8). Sbeky lauig that ents from ish (c) Sticky liquid that emits from whale @) Sicky viavia that emits from elephant pated Islands (also calied Islas Malvinas) F) Rerea @ S Germany Britain (d) France . tis formed the famous company of Rolls @ Charles Rolle (Q) Frederick Royoe 3 {3 Sotvofinem {3} None of mem F ‘Other Federal Papers 255. ig fae cf indian religion Sikhism is: Ashok ® Gu Gu chen Nanak Guru Ak Guru Set Sei ‘A mass of ice originating in mountains in Shawls above the snowine ip called: (a) Mountain River (b) Glacier (c) Lakes and water falls (d) None of the above 257.Name the secret agency of Afghanistan OS 256. (a) Gestapo Ni (c) SAWAK (8) None of these 258. Hinchiam is state religion of {a) I {b) Bhutan © Nepal (d) None of the above 259. Treaty of serves was concluded in: (a) 1979 (b) 1920 (c) 1924 (a) 1922 260.Statue of Liberty was gifted by France to US in the year: (a) 1886 (b) 1696 {c) 1906 (d) 1976 361.Oldast Monarchy of the world is: (a) (b) Norway (c) Japan (d) Nepal 262. Rohingya's crisis is brewing in Myanmar: (a) Rakhine (b) ‘Yangon 42 General Knowredge {e) Shan (d) Sagaing 263. Boston tea party is a landmark in the history of US, when did it ocour: (a) 1770 (o) 1773 (e) 1774 (@) 1780 264,What is the name of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima (a) Fatman (b) Little boy {c) Obnoxthe (¢) US bomb Ans\ a 2 a 3% b 7 3 104 8 3 a 3 ob Tf oc | (105. b 4 ¢ 3 a 7 a 106. 4 § ¢ 3. ¢ 7%. a 107, b 6 a 4 a 7 c 108 b 1 «¢ 4. 6 7 d 109. a 8 b 4 b 7% a 10 0 & a 4 ¢@ 7 b Mb 0m a 44 b&b 78 Od 2, ¢ oc 64% Bb O78 ob ONS 120 D468 bl OBO 14, 1% ¢ 47% BOB oc 4d 48 ce) 682 18, 1% a 4 8 8 a 17% a 16 d 50d 86 118. a 7 a 5b BS 8 % a 82 oe 86. 120, © 1 b $8 a a7, a. 6 2b S54 a 8B, 122. € 2 8 655d 88 1. 226 56 6 90 124. ¢ 2 ob SF at 125. a 24 5a 92. 126. b 235. 3. bl 98, d ©. b 94. b 61 oc 88 s 62. a (86. é 6 ob oT b a 98. c 5 ¢ . a z c 8 3 wound ebomoeseserro s 8 wc 2 a to, a s 131, 3. b 64. 132, 3a 65. 89, 133, an 100, 134, Ss @. 101. 135, . © 102, 136, is the name of Bill 2S ey pil and Melinda Gat 266. British fought opium wer 137. (a) (a) () K eos esaannenceananekecasascowwoancES ten eeoees Gates NGO es Foundation Melina and Bill Foundation {c) Bath aand b (d) None of the above Japan Russia 2 aveacocroomapeoceoooesoaadooeseeBO TO war with b) Ching {5} None of these waoncvacomsoasbaroaTeToAsoooOoNCeooE soccseeToOrTTOOMTADOBoOOADAwOO 10. WHAT AND Kremlin is a fortress where are peomieae offices, palaces and chu purches ja) Japan (b) China & Russia (d) Thailand Centre of Tamil Nados of Sri Lanka is: (@) Canady {b) Colombo (©) Jafana {d) None of these ‘What is Kremlin? (a) Offices of Russian Government (b) Offices of Sri Lankan Government (6) Building in Japan used for theatre (4) ‘None of these Babar's tomb is situated in: (a) Agra (>) Denti (¢) Kabul (@) Lahore Which of the following wonders of word is shisied in iraq? fa) Hanging gardens (0) Colsasue of Rhodes (c) Taj Mahal (¢) The Pharos of Alexandria WHERE Hee sae sale be 42, Series of mountain ranges Caucasus is a fb) Tehra located in: e Gairo 8 Istanbul {a) Georgia (b) Amare Benghazi is a city in: (c) Reerbalan (@) these a (a) Iraq (b) Syria 43, Alma-Ata ss fais chy OF Kazakhstan, t (c) Morocoo {@) Libya con ean Greenwich is located in: {o) Fa (a) Green Land (b) England ® —? Wiarooes er cai IS): Erne, (a) New City pr : ha the river Don flows, (a) Thailand (b) Germany 14. In which country () China (9) South Korea font of 127ONT Russia. Mount Klimenjoo is tocated {@) Georgia {@): Austraiia (a) Kenya ‘anzania ‘ (3 Usands on cia 7 18. Though which Sointren ver Euphreins Hows, Hanging gardens in Babylon were located in a & Lebanon modem dey ‘ iS) Weq & Jordan fa) Syria syria. & Iraq tay ies {8} Breer ‘orden & Jordan & Syria . What is common between Turkey and Russia? {a) Both have not sea port ©) c) (6) Both aren Asia & Europe The Ganges is a sacred river for Hindus. and rims flock to the shrines on its banks. Most portant area in tls regard is: (a) Calcutta b} {c) Lackhnow (3) Jann Israet ion Heian ot 1250km, ne — 0 which country did it actually ae Sa fb} Jordan (c) Egypt (6) Palestine \hen Palestinians gained imite autonomy in Gaza skip (2km long. and. én wide piece of land) {ay 1993, teat {) 1996 Lake Superior, Lake sediaen, Lake Huron, Lake Lahee take Mie ae are ne ee jan lies ent within the United States, Where other four ate iocated? 14 General Knowledge (@) US-Mexico border — (b)_ US-Hawaii border (ce) US-Canadian border (d)_ In Canada a eae is the highest mountain system in ‘the we its. th is: (a) 2,470 km 2,000 km (©) 1,410 km (¢) 1,600 km 22. USA film industry Hollywood is located in California's city: (A) San Diego (8) San Francisco (C) San Jose: (O) Los Angeles 23. On 6 August 1945 first ever atomic bomb was dropped at Hiroshima that is the city of: (a) Japan (b) China (c) France (d) Russia 24, Which of the following is the largest latitude circle on earth? (9) Bau Gauator ) Nother Hemisphere {d) none of these 25, What is the reason of the importance of the fock that is kept in Golden domed mosque in Jerusalem? (a) Abraham prepared to sacrifice his son (2) Frophet Mohammad (PaUH) made tis {c) Both of hem (d) None of them 28. Which countries have dispute over ownership of the Persian Gulf islands, Greater and Lesser Tunbs? a} tran & UAE ‘ran & Iraq () URE & Egypt (6) UAE E Kowat 27, The possessions of Sakhalin island's aera wealth is the matter of dispute between Russia and: (a) Afghanistan (b) Japan (©) I (¢) China 28, In Massachusetts America’s first university Harvard is located. When it was established? (a) 1436 (b) 1836 (©) 1636 (9) 1736 29. Kurl Islands (Japanese —Chishina Russian Kuni'skive aoe, | from te wad kunt, “to smoke"), are the subject of lerrtorial cispute, held | oy Russia but claimed Be Japan. How vol Island: eet crlinder se em (a) 96 ) 70 {8 6 30. tha mech gapil ©f Poland that is located on i cd 31. What ancient Greeks Called betwee? igs and Euphsios thal ow en (o) Warsaw (8) Cracow 32. 33. B 37, 39, 40. 41. 43. (a) Baghdad (b) Karhala {c} Mesopotamia (d)_ Kula Ireland or trish: Free ae} a calle st ae (d)_ None of them which the Mississippi river flows? (gun Anica (0) Ausvalia (c) Austria (a) USA Which is the biggest oil field of Iraq? (A) Kirkuk oll field (8) Mosat oil field (C) Basracil field (D) None of these Where the volcanic peak Koh-i-Sultan is «located? is India (b) Pakistan lege! (a) Sri Lanka |. Which strait separates England fram France? (a) Dove Strait (b) Dutch Strait {e) Dover Strait (4) none of these In which continent Deccan Plateau is located? (a) Asia b) Europe (¢) Africa (d) Australia Namib Desert is located in South-West Africa. What is its area’? (a) 10,000 sq km (e) 12,0000 sq km (@} 15.0000sq km (d) 14,0000 sq km in short American state Pennsylvania is referred as: (a) Pen (b) Pa () Penny (d) Py Which of the following statement is true? fa) as river Perko the capital of Hungry, judapest is (2) On ver Siene Paris is located (d) None of these The ee Passage i is called: (a) Under way } Ground Secret way i} Subway - When did Japanese aircrafts attack on in firecican Navel Base Pearl Harbour, located {a) {December 1842 7 December 1841 f T December 1945 10 January 1942 The Dae cans ters iy ee Department of which state ‘Arington is sinec? ei New York (a New Yor wy Rasiecioa De Where the Takia Makan ae Toklimakan) located in China. What is its & ste tet dangerous desert word itis the largest desert in Asia & itis the dost y 7 What & Where? = 18 4g, Hindenburg is the Boundary line between; 57. Where the desert Dasht--Lut is located? (a) France and Germany ue 2) ee and Garman (2) israel {8 Palatine {Gina ona Panistan 58, Woerats“Exysoe Palace? we i a 6 Cereretet isons of oat bull on Ry Spain {8} Germany penreee b) Amager 59. Route through which silk was brought from & iss Cee bass ‘Chins to Europe in return for trade goods was 47 Which canal links Red Sea with oars i Chwisirone rd. 0) Pewcne . (3) SikRood (a) Central Road {8 Rhine Canal (d) Suer Gagan! 60. Name the area(s) crossed by Sik Road in 28, woere river Rhine is located? (Samarkand (b) Gobi Desert (al Saee {e) Antioch (8) Allof these a Western Europe 61, Island St. Helena is famous. as place of exile (@) Central Europe of Napoleon who died there in 1821. Where sh iat ls he paation of Aral See? {a) Pacific Ocean (b) Indian Ocean O) Gerecas — (G) EastAsa {2} Atlantic Ocean (¢) Red Sea So) oN) OOS: 62 Who acquired the Suez Canal trom the 50. Rocky Mountains or Rockies is the largest ‘Ottoman ruler of Egypt in 18577 ica enue (a) Frances (@) Britain (a) South America (b) East America ie) Us {a}. Spain fo Kor Aneee fe) Coie 63, Prompting an Invasion by Britain, France and ot. Which statement i sue?’ Israel, who nationalized the Suez Canal in (a) Cathy Pacific is an Island tose? : (b) Cathy Pacific is an inlet of Pacific Ocean (s) President Hosni Mubarak (c) Cathy Pacific is a lake in China. (b) President Anwar Sadaat (d) none of these (c) President Kamal Pasha 52, The mountain range in north-eastern (a) President Gamal Abdel Nasser Aighanistan near the Pakistan border is 64, Name the largest island in indian Ocean? called: fa) Suez b) Karla (a) Pamirs (b) Sefid Kon {c) Madagascar (d)_ None of these (c) Karakoram (¢) Himalya 65. In a city of India the Qutub Minar is 53, Among thie Seven Wonders of the World located’ which one is located in Istanbul? fa) Hyderabad = (b) New Delhi erase aba nag he fount 66, Where the rive €) Church of Saint Sophia ) Chea Re (d) none of the above @ Vietnam {d) none of these SM Where the headquarters of Universal Postal ¢7. Sumatra, an island, was the centre of a Hindu iene cs sh tint etcart Fiaudiis pes. Wiese ie ocata? jeme (a) a fal (c} Geneva. 8 None of these {e) Bhutan 8 tachects §5. Which statement is true? 68. Mughal hah Jehan built Taj Mehal (9) Sealand Yard Bish Comin “forthe wo” Mumia‘ Mabot "Ware ie" investigation iment located? (by pevlend Yard is US Criminal (3h Calcutta Agra nvestigatio riment i (6) Scotaed Yard’ is. Canadian Criminal (9) New Deh ee Investigation Department 69. Diego Garcia is a: i i (a) Scottand Yard is British colony a famous iy Se ‘Which of the f ment is true? ( tench surface to Sea Missi (a) Palk Sean Scoaales inde from Sri Lanka (C) United States military base in Indian ® Messina Strait separates Italy from Sicily (Ci, Oaen Depitas island between Russia (C) oth of these 70. Where the river ‘Thames’ flows? (9) none of these is) aoe, Punjab region 4 , {@) Souther England 16 General Knowledge (b) lreland (6) Northern England {9) Germany 71. Where Thar Desert is located? (a) Northwest India (b) East Pakistan {c) bothofthese —(¢) none of these 72, Tibet is, an autonomous. region of China in central Asia. Its capital is: (a) Lhasa fo) Tibet City (¢) Kiang id) Tie Pie 73. Eiffel Tower is located in Paris and Paris is the city off (a France {b) Germany (c) Italy (d) Sweden ‘74, Tigris River is located in Southwest Asia. lis length is: (2) 375m b) 4,275 m (¢) 4.875m. id) 4,600. m 78. Whate the Mount Olympus is located? (a) Germany (0) France (e) Russia (6) Greece 76, Name the mountain range in Russia that is regarded as the boundary between Europe and Asia? 6 jee fa) Caucasus Upper {8} fener tree {3} Une 77, ‘Volga’ is the longest river in Europe. What is its length? (a) 3.685 km {b) 5,685 km (6) 4.685 km (4) 6.685 km 78. Which of the following statement is tue? (a) Wall Street in New York is famous ‘Stock Exchange Market {b) Wall Street in New York is: famous far car mark ~ (c) Wall Street in New York is famous for its height (2) Wall Street in Chicago is famous for Stock Exchange Market 79. Which of the following statement is true? (a) Fleet Street in London is famous for tailoring and Jewellery shops treet in Glasgow is famous for Ana and Jewellery shaps (ec) [eet treet in Londén is famous for film us (4) Fleet Street in London is. fam Asian inhabitants uniter ae 80. Between which two countries located? two West Bank is (8) Israel & Jordan {b) Israel & Lebanon {c) Jordan & Lebanon (¢) Egypt and Jordan 81. Since eonhe year West Bank, territory of been occupi een (d) 1987 82. Wateriog is located in: (0) Franee {b) Belgium (c) Switzetand —(@)_.UK official of the President of tha %3. Tea ewhie Huse: widen cine ct USA a is situated? (a) New York (o) Washington {c) Chicago (@) Washington OC |. River Zambezi flows in: i = a) ‘South Africa (b) Southeast Africa 8 Central Africa (4) Central Asia 85. Which area in the worid is called The Frigit zone? (a) within the polar circle area around the (b) within he polar circle area around the North Pole (c) both of these 8 none of these a . US. David was established as Shangri- eS teas by resident | treain 0. Roosevelt, who nam . \dise in James Hilton's novel Lost Horizon. President Hary S. Truman made i the official sidential retreat in 1945, and President Bwght D, Eisenhower renamed it Camp David in 1953 for his: (a) granddaughter (b) grandmother (c} son (d) grandson 87. Guanténamo Bay, with its airfields and extensive supply, repair, and training facilities, is the chief U.S. naval base in the West Indies. In which country it is located? (a) Jamaica (b) Puerto Rico (¢) Cuba (8) Antigua 88. Tartus is the of whi (9) demalea a gyaeety? (@) req (2) Lebanon 89. The Statue of Liber sta Bay plats of Liberty stands 93 m (905 t) tall lew York H; . designed by French sculptor Fives Bartholdi “and commemorating t Sentennial of U.S. independence from Britain. This statue was given a oi ; (2) Sermany 3 ae e) France (6) Belgium 80. Victoria Falls are located in south central Africa, on the Zambezi River, on the border abwe and: (e) Chad a) Zz (c) South Africa 8 fanble 51. The house of U.S. Congress i D.C. ison anil populanyvcategs VonNaton. (a) Camp David (b) Shangri La (©) Coptolnin” = {Gare 82. Between which countries named McMohan line is situate? °°" bes (a) India & Bhutan —(b) Ne {2) India & Bhutan (b) Nepal & India in wich actly i the Wat Ste 93 we rire * vet in New. to bis fp) Banking and Finance {c) Defence {a} titeracy arts 3s, Wrich ofthe folowing wonders ofthe ancant in the present day teey ie “Temple of Artemis. (b) ing Gardens of bt } Reus oles, of Babin {@) Nane of the above 98. The word's biggest cl rfing Sas Anette ry “Abvadan” is in: (b) kag (c) iran (¢) Kuwait 98. Which of the following citi Gold Mines? 9 Sine Carina (a) Kondy (>) San Francisco Johannes! Ge iovene 87. "Paris" igetuated onthe bank of ver: 9. Rhine (b) Thames c)Seine we Danube 98. Pinpoint the correct ar (a) New Englend is {he nome of a region in (b) New wv England is the centre of Europe (c)New England is the industrial zone in New England is an islond ond ¢ is an and 3 @ tourist Sekaseton the Atlantic Ocean 99, Hawaiian Istands are situated in: fa) Atlantic Ocean (b) Pacific Ocean {c) North Sea (¢} Bay of Biscay {O.eyrenaes separates oa to from: a al 8 Meroeoo td) Switzerland 101. vet countries are situated around the Black {a} if Syria, Bulgaria 5 eatin < I yf (@) Lebaron, Sy, ¢ Cyprus, Turkey 102, ncieate the land-lecked countries among the follow (a) ‘Cantal African Foepsibie Zs — Malawi b) Zambia, Botswana, Magnolia (¢) Uganda, Somalia, Cha‘ (8) Niger, Mali, Liberia 103, Fare of Tate Square in Egypt Fs earl Square in Bahr fala 5d Gives existe 3) Libya is due to: st governments: (b) biggest of the respective countries: (c) fae cere gnomme os (¢) none of the above Wnaté Whero? = 17 104, Blackwater’ belongs to: Russia (b) China ic) USA Fn 405.Asia's one of two principal areas sof Hct ‘opium production, located at the crossroads of Central, Seuth, and Western Asia is called: {a) Golden Crescent {b) Golden Mine {c) Golden Triangle (@) Gold Heaven 106.Golden Crescent overlaps three nations, Abeniees, Pakistan, and: (2) tran (o) China (c) Tajikistan (9) Uzbekistan 107.Besides Golden Crescent Asia's main iliet (a) Golden Square: b) (¢) Golden Moon (d) Golden Triangle 108, i! Golden Triangle overlaps the mountains of four countries of Southeast Asia; Burma, Vietnam, Laos, and: (a) Hong Kong Mongolia le) Thailand id) Cambodia 100:The largest pln producer province. of Alghanista (a) numer (c) Badakhshan (bo) Nangarhar {d) None of these 110. 14, 112, 113, 114. 116, 197, 198, 19. 21, 22. are. Helmand is the world's largest - Producing region, tesponsiole fort °MO™ (2) 45% of the world's total production (b) 55% of the world’s total production (©) 65% of the world's total preduction {G) 75% of the world’s total production Dome of Rock is located in: (a) Jerusalem (b) Lebanon {¢) Jordan (a) “Iraq ‘Broadway Sireet’ is famous for: (a) Bankir Stock ey Cinema Halls (8) Shopping Centres ceo craet Saou for (a) News: ‘and press agencies offices (b) Stock Exchange a () Cinema Halls (6) Shipping Centres Fleet Street’ is situated in; (a) New York (b) London (©) Karachi (4) Mumbai The historic site “Mehrgarh” was discovered con the right bank of the: (@) Indus river b) Kabul river (e) Bolan river (é) Hub river ig alteat Sod ‘only Survived wonder i: ai fs of Ei (b) Banging Garden of Babylon (c) Pharaohs lighthouse (d) None of these Oxford and Cambridge universities are located in Britain. Where is the Harvard University located? @ Germany (0) France ic) USA (¢) italy Where the “Golden River" flows? {a) Cairo, ae a Calcutta, India (c} Alaska, Canada (d) none of these Famous bridge Golden Gate is located in: (a) SanFrancisco (>) (e) Hawaii (d) Russia Which country’s president's official residence is “Queen's House"? (a) President of Sri Lanka eens ic} resident. ium (0) British Prime Minister Mention the part in London that is famous {or public meeting and assemblage? a Downing Street (b) Hyde Park (c) Hyde Street (¢) Red Square Where the Red Square is located? (2) Washington BC) Boling (6) New York (8) Moscow 123 Where is Golden Gate situated? (@) San Francisco (USA) (b) London (Britain) (c) Tomade (Canada) (@) Paris (Franca) USA fm industry Hollywood is located in; 1248, (a) sand (b) Virginia 3 Caner (3) New York 125. Which is the biggest oll field of iraq? (a) Kirkuk oll field —(b) Mosal oll field {c) Basracilfield — (d) None of these 126.Silicon valley is known for IT industry is located: (a) New York (0) Virginia (c) California (¢) Alaska 127. AlAzhar University is located in; Egypt's city Cairo (8) SRtBI rat's ety Makkah (c) Turkish eity Ankara (d) Iraq's city Baghdad 128,Where the Fortress of Grenada, known as imra, is located? Greece b) rag 8 Japan d) Spain 129.Wnatis lps? ie hipaa (a) Australia's mountain {Epes gest noon yen ©) Asia's largest mountain systam id) None of these 130.Name the northernmost region of the world? (a) Oceania (b) “Arctic (c) North America (d) New World 131. Mention the Nerth Africa's mountain range? (a) Alps (b) Atlas Mountains (c) Appalachians (d) None of these 132. The largest single tock in th rid, with the Jength ‘of km, Height of 348m, wath of 2.5km, (8) "Aves Rock (b) Atta: a) Ayers is Rack {c) Salt Rock (d) None of these ‘133. Name the capital of ancient Babylonia? (a) Baghdad ) Little Babylonia (c) Hilla (d) Babylon: *Erpestos What 9 Bee a ct ‘uphrates, one Wonders of the World? , 5 {a) Strange shaped mountains {b) River E tes (c) Fertile tand (8) Hanging gardens 135.In Bermuda Triangle many ships and planes are vanished without any evidence of any Unusual phenomenon, Wnere this triangle is located? (a) AllanticOcean —(b) Arctic Osean. c) Dead Sea (3) Arabian Sea we pete, en a0 he Met fa) Ausieal (0) } New Zeatane {3} ce uekingham palace is the 137 Gap and Queen. Where is Kettcreae™ omish What & Whore? 19 143. Boring Strait is botween USA: (0) US ond Canoga {b) US and Russia {c) Russia and Poland {@) None of these 144.Urel mountsin located i {a) London (0) Glasgow ic) Manchester 3 St James Park 8 eae iy sen. weave is Kohte-Joal? 148, Liverpoo! is @ town in a) tn i (a) USA ) Betgivm (e Beadl - & Saudi-Arab (c) UK {d)_ None of the above 139. Where is Koh-e-Adam ‘i Pp (ie tb) Tuney 148. Mout Toe cae Par, (c) esi (d) Sti Lanka (c) Egypt (d} tsraet 140.Sharm ai fesor of; 147, Normandy fo} Sucthrep (©) Egypt (a) Gortany (b) France (e) Sudan (3) Syria (c) Belgium (a) England 441. The length of Siachen in miles: 1 of (a) 24 mies (0) 47 mites Of USA (c) 347 mies (4) none cf the above Senay {3}. None of the above 142.Siicon valley is known for IT industry is 149, Mount Sinai is in (a) New York (b) Virginia 8 eon 8 iene (6) Calvemia = (@) Anak nee Answer Key 1 6 é b 8b Te M56 | 14. 24 a c Sc 78 0 16a (135.8 30 ob a d 60. d 7 a Wee 136. a aoe a b 81. c= ; 137. a 5b a d 62 b OBI. . 138, 6 c c a a ee) 120,a 139.4 hoe a © @ c ad ib 140. b aoc b a ee ) Wed 14. a 2 c dg 6 . 142. ¢ 10 ¢ a c od 8 a 143. b Ma b ee 0 tad. d 20d c 50, ¢ 69. 88. ob 145. ¢ Boa 8 si, a 70. 89. ¢ 146. c ob dé 52 Tt. 90. b 128d 0147. b he ie She Thoe- Ste 12000 148 a 6. a pi. ea Te aah eg 730.b 148, a 7 b e 55. a 4, ¢ $3. b 131. b 1 @ a 56. 7 4 4b 132. a 1% a. Se 27d OR 133. 4 obbeoebeee WORLD GEOGRAPHY {hat are called deep trenches on ocean loor (2) Ocean Piain —(b)_ Abyssal Plain (c) Alluvial Plain (d) Swamp By which element the acid rain is produced? (3) Sulphur dioxide (b) Nitrogen oxide (c) Bothofthem — (d) None of them ‘What is Alpine? (a) A mountainous region (b} High mountainous regions (c) Dense forests (d) A kind of forest Term the middie level thick grey clouds that cover the sky? (a) Altocumulus —(b)_Altestratus (c) Cumulus (d) Cumulonimbus Term the suitable land for growing crops? (a) Agro-tand (b) “Rural (c) Argi-tand (d) Arable ‘What is called large group of Islands? fa) Arable ) Lagoon ql (c) Archipelago (d)- Vacuum Why a valley in California, USA, is called Death Valley? (a): one of the highest place in the world (b) one of the lowest place in the world (c) one of the dirtiest place in the world (d)_one of hottest place in the world Where the Arctic Circle or Latitude is located that marks boundary of the zone where the sun never sets during the June Solstice and never rises during the December Solstice? (a) Approximately 66° 30 north of equator (b) Approximately 66° 30 south of equator (c) Approximately 50° 30 north of equator (d) Approximately 66° 30 south of equator What is called that region which receive little rainfall and has a high rate of evaporation? (a) Arable Desert (c) Arid (d) Semi-aid Shimmering display of shifting coloured lights in the sky is called: (a) Spectrum (b) Aurora tc} Splinter (4) None of these What is called Low area of Land? (a) Bay (b) Bad land (c) Basin (d) Bedrock 12. 14. 16, 19, 20, 21. Part of an ocean or take that is’ pas ‘surrounded by land is called: ay (a) Port (b) Bay {c) Bayon (d) Beach Which parts of the world Berin separates? 9 Sai (a) Asia from Europe (b) Asia from North America (c) Russia from Europe (d) none of these ‘What is "Bedrock"? (a) The upper layer of the earth (b) The Middle layer of the earth (c) ‘The solid rock of the earth (4) A deep point in a mountain What does mean by “Bore"? (a) An animal : (b) Awave caused by tides (c) Awave cause by air (9) To extract water from earth Area of land that extends into a large body of water is called: (a) Straight (b) Cape (c) Bay (d) Aquifer What is Cataract? (a) Large waterfall (b) Large rush of water (6) Both of them (d) None of them Deep, steep-sided clefts on earth's surface are called: (a) Cirque (b) Chasm (c) Crust (4) Crater Land that borders the sea is called: (2) Coast. (b) Coastal () Coastline (d) Allofthese Term the natural stream of water that is ~ generally smaller than a svar? (a) Creek (b) Channel (c) Canal (d) None of these Alll of the oceans are linked by a clockwise flow around the South Pole. This flow is called the; (a) Antarctic gyre c) both of them, “Cresrents” is: (a) Movement of canal water (b) current wheel {d) none of them (o) Movement of lak {e) Movement of seawater’ (4) Large-scale movement of sea water Desiccation is: (2) Losing af productivity {b) Losing of water or moisture (6) Losing of minerals (G)_ Losing of upper layer of soil Eastern Hemisphere includes: (a) Europe and Asia (®) Africa and Austratia (c) all of these (9) none of these Imaginary line of latitude that circles gio at geaetnest direction pt tween th sou ois sad” North Pole and the =quator b) Li (e) Lineotawvision {} Haine 26, What is called the proces: ich surface ofthe earthi¢womsaway? 0) 2B 24. 28. (a) Hurricane Windstorm (c) Cyclone (@) Erosion 27. Fracture in the earth's crust is called: (a) Break (b) Crack {8 Une ot tacture (@) Pout 28. What is called the low at the base of a mountain? (a) Lower hill (b) Foothill (6) Bottom-hill (d) Vatey 29. The northern pole (earth’s extreme northem point) is jocated over the frozen Arctic ‘Ocean. Where South Pole (extreme southern point) is located? (a) Qver the continent of Atrica (b) Over the continent of Northern America (c) Over the continent of Antarctica (d) Over the continent of Asia 30. Whatis Equinox? Grassy Land —(b) Forest 3 Magma @ Shortest Day a | model of the earth is called: . (a) Dimension (b) Map {e) Globe id) Hemisphere 32. What is called an area of ocean that is partly surrounded by the land (a) Gulf (b) Bay {c) Coast (8) Beach 33. Term the half of the earth? fa) Half pole (0) Hi ic) Both of them (d) None of them 34. Grographic rainfall is linked to; {a) ie (b) Mountain (c) Land (@) Soil 35. By which. elements the innermost core of earth is made? (a) Iron (0) Nickel (6) Both ofthem (d)._None of them 7 38, a 42, 4a. 45, 46. 4. 48, World Geography = 21 ‘Ar00. of jana emater than continent an completely surrounded by water is called. (a) Sub continent —(b) Island (c) Archipelago = (¢)_ Atoll ‘When the Earth's axis is titled towards the sun then sun is. positioned directly ever the Tropic of Cancer, What this process is called? {a} Trop Sobitce b) December Solstice (c) Cancer Solstice (@). June Solstice ae the area completely surrounded by land’ (a) Landside {b) Lockland {c) Landlocked {d) Landtorm Tem the distance of a point on the earth's surface in relation to the equator? (0) Latitude () Longitude te) Meridian {d) None of these Teim the aistance of @ point on the earth's surlace in relation to where it ies east or West of prime meridian? (a) Lat (b) Axis: {e) Longitude (a) Axiom ‘The Meander is: (a) agrassy ates (b) a barren area (e) abeng in ariver (d) a bend ina canal Name the basic type of cloud that is. also ‘called the rain cloud? ‘ {2} Nenborsatie (ey, abs (c) Stratus (@) Cumulus What is Pass? (a) Transport route in mountain range {b) narrow channel between two areas of land in water {c) both of these {d) none of these ‘A Peninsula is an area of land surrounded by water on: (a) two sides oy four sides (c) two sides d) three sides ‘Earth's crust is divided into large and rigid segments, What these segments are called? (a) Steps (o) Plain (c) Plateau (d) Piate Name the large and nearly level area of elevated land? (a) Plateau (b) Plain ic) Massif (6) Ground Term the oergrom forest growing in the regions with high rainfall? {a) Marshland {(b) Tropical forest (c) Savannah (d) Rainforest Usually damming rivers make natural or artificial lakes. What is it called? 8 Rapids, (b) Pond (c) Reservoir: (d) Lake 4g. 51. 82. 53. 55, 57. 59, 60, General Knowledge What is call satace fe scents" level of the a) Sea level Dead {c) Surface level g ree Name the land that bord dy of (a) Beach shore ey? {c) Bothofthem — (4) None of them Term the narrow body of water that connects twa larger bodies of water? (2) Canal {b) Channel (o} Tributary (¢) Strait What is called the highest point of the mountain? (a) High (b) Summit (c) Altitude (d) Cap ‘Term the climate that is neither very cold nor very hot? (a) Tropical {b) Sub-tropical () Temperate (d)_ None of these Tide is rise and fall of sea level as the result of forces between: (a) Earth (6) Moon (c) Son (9) allofthese Term the small stream that flows into a larger stream, river or lake? fa) Mouth (b) Delta {c} Tributary (2) Streamline Where is located Tropic of cancer which is the pargile! of latitude? (a) 20, 20 north of equator (b) 23° 27 north of equator (ce) 23° 27 south of equator (d) 20° 20 south of equator Tropic of Capricorn is the southemmost at which sun appears directly overhead, When this process occurs? (a) During July solstice b) During January solstice (c} During August solstice {d) During the December solstice Term the disturbance alang the Ocean floor that can be an earthquake, a landslide or volcanic eruption? (a) EL-Nino (b) Bulk-wave (c) Tsunami () Giant wave Typhoon is: (a) Tropical cyclones that form in Arctic Ocean (b) — eyclones that form in Pacific (c) Tropical cyclones that form in Indian i Ocean Tropical cyclones that form in Southern Ocean ‘Term the vegetated area that is permanently per (a) Freshland dei Gr 61 62, 65. 67. 70. 1. 72. Which of the following part of continant befitting y rhb ar pal world? fa) North Asip ) South Asia (c) Western Asia (d) North Eastern Asia Horticulture is a: {@). Cultivation of flowers and fruits {b) Growing of small plants {e) Cultivation of spices {é) Savanna grassiand Place in river or sea where water moves swiftly in circulation motion is called (a) Circular 'b) Whirtpool {c} Tide {d) Wave ‘Tsunami comes from the Japanese meaning your and: fay creulst {b) Whirlpool (c} Tide (a) Wave Lines drawn parallel to the equator are called z (9) Latitudes 9 Longitudes (c). Merigians (d) None of these Lines. joining places of equal temperature are {0} somerme te Isohytes (c) Isomeres id) Isobars Places experiencing equal impact of an earthquake are called (a) Snow lines (3 Seismic lines (c) tsobars (d) Belts When the days and nights are equal the ‘rays of the sun directly fall on the: (a) Equator {b) Tropic of Cancer {c} South Pole {d). North Pole Which of the following rivers crosses the Equator twice? (b) Congo (d) Ganga SEVEN CONTINENTS OF THE WORLD ‘What is the area of Asia? {a) 11, 390, 989 Sq. Km (b) 33,390, 959 Sq. km (c) 22, 390, 959 Sq. Km (d) 44, 390, 959:Sq. km Asia is about 30 percent of the world's total land area, Its peoples account for three-fifths of the world’s population, How many countries are there in it? fa) 50 (b) 48 {c) 38 (d) 28 ‘Which term geographers use to refer Europe and Asia as a single continent? end ASS es Se eee

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