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Psychology of Motivation

Unit No. 7
Definitions of Learning
• Gardner Murphey “the term learning covers every
modification in behaviour to meet environment requirements”

• Henry P. Smith “learning is the acquisition of new behaviour

or the strengthening or weakening of old behaviour”
Characteristics of Learning
1.Change in behaviour is relatively permanent
2. Continuous life long process
3. Universal process
4. Purposive & goal oriented
5. Involves reconstruction of experience
6. It is transferable from one situation to other
7. Helps in teaching-learning process
Elements of Learning
• Learner
• Learning experience
• Learning process
• Learning situation/environment
• Teacher
Types of Learning
• Skill learning
• Perceptual learning
• Conceptual learning
• Associative learning
• Appreciational learning
• Attitudinal learning
• Behaviorism 2. Cognitivism 3. Social Learning Theory 4. Social
Constructivism 5. Multiple Intelligences 6. Brain-Based Learning
1. Behaviorism
It is confined to observable and measurable behavior.
Behaviorism classical conditioning (Pavlov): a stimulus is
presented in order to get a response.
Operant conditioning (Skinner): the response is made first
then reinforcement follows. It is about feedback/reinforcement.
Behaviorism In The Classroom: Rewards and punishments.
Responsibility for student learning rests on teacher. Lecture-
Based and highly structured
2. Cognitivism
• Knowledge is stored cognitively as symbols.
• Learning is the process of connecting symbols in a
meaningful and memorable way.
• Cognitivism In The Classroom: Inquiry-Oriented projects,
provide opportunities for the testing of hypotheses, curiosity
is encouraged, stage scaffolding
3. Social Learning Theory
• Learning takes place through observation and sensorial
experiences. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Social
Learning Theory is the basis of the movement against
violence in media and video games.
• Social Learning Theory In The Classroom: Collaborative
learning and group work, modeling responses and
expectations, there are opportunities to observe experts in
4. Social Constructivism
• Knowledge is actively constructed. Learning is a search for
meaning by the learner.

• Social constructivism in the classroom: Experiential

activities, personal focus, collaborative and cooperative
5. Multiple Intelligences
• All people are born with 8 intelligences: 1. Verbal-Linguistic
2. Visual-Spatial 3. Logical-Mathematical 4. Kinesthetic 5.
Musical 6. Naturalist 7. Interpersonal 8. Intrapersonal

• Multiple intelligences in the classroom: delivery of

instruction via multiple mediums, Student-centered
classroom, authentic assessment, self-directed learning
6. Brain-based Learning
• Brain is a parallel processor. Whole body learning a search
for meaning.
• Conscious and unconscious processes and threat every brain
is unique.
• Brain-based learning in the classroom: Opportunities for
group learning, regular environmental changes, multi-sensory
environment, opportunities for self-expression and making
personal connections, community-based learning
7. Humanist
All students are intrinsically motivated to self actualize or
Learning is dependent upon meeting a hierarchy of needs
(physiological, psychological and intellectual).
Learning should be reinforced.
Transfer of learning
• It is An act of moving something or some to another place.
• Transfer of learning plays a very important role in our day to
day life. It is rare that the situation in which we learn is
identical to the situation in which we apply and use that
• Education is preparation of life . Whatever we learnt in the
school, we are expected to apply that same in life. For
Example:-we learnt arithmetic in the classroom and apply it
while shopping.
Transfer of Learning (Con…)
1. Peterson:-”Transfer of learning is generalization, for it is
extension of idea to a new field”.
2. Guthrie and Powers:- ”Transfer of learning may be defined
as a process of extending and applying behavior”.
Purposeful Utilization of previous knowledge Helpful in
adjustment Utilization of mental capacities Development of
insight Effect
Transfer of Learning (Con…)
• Effective methods of teaching should be used for increasing
the possibilities of transfer.
• Emphasis on correlation co-ordination between theoretical
knowledge and practical, use of practice, use of illustrations
and audio-visual aids, attitude of transferability special
attention towards intelligent students, use of generalization.
Transfer of Training
• Transfer of training is effectively and continuing applying the
knowledge, skills, and/or attitudes that were learned in a
learning environment to the job environment.

• Closely related to this concept is Transfer of Learning the

application of skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes that were
learned in one situation to another learning situation
• The concept of intelligence goes back to the Latin verb
intellegere, meaning the acquirement, processing and storage
of information.
• From this point of view, intelligence is restricted to the
cognitive, mental abilities of the human being.
Intelligence (Con…)
• Intelligence is the aggregate or global capacity of the
individual to think rationally, to act purposefully and to deal
effectively with the environment.
• Intelligence is the ability to master the knowledge and skills
needed to succeed with in a particular culture.
Types of Intelligence
• In order to capture the full range of abilities and talents that
people possess, Gardner theorizes that people do not have just
an intellectual capacity, but have many kinds of intelligence,
• Musical intelligence
• Interpersonal intelligence
• Spatial-visual (ability to perceive the visual information),
• Linguistic intelligence
Creative and Critical Thinking
• Thinking creatively often requires exploring new
possibilities, finding unique angles, and using unconventional
• Critical thinking is more focused on a logical and rational
process of evaluating that which exists already.
Benefits of Critical Thinking
Six Benefits of Critical Thinking
• It encourages curiosity.
• It enhances creativity.
• It reinforces problem-solving ability.
• It's a multi-faceted practice.
• It fosters independence.
• It's a skill for life, not just learning.
Logical Reasoning
• Logic: It is a branch of philosophy that concerns analysis of
inferences and arguments.
• It is the use and study of valid reasoning. A proper or
reasonable way of thinking about understanding something.
• An inference involves forming a conclusion that is based on
some evidence.
Problem solving
• Problem solving is a cognitive processing directed at
achieving a goal where no solution method is obvious to the
problem solver.

• Critical thinking defined “Purposeful mental activity that

helps formulate or solve problems, make decisions, or fulfill
a desire to understand.”

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