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Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy

ISSN: 1476-4172 (Print) 1476-4180 (Online) Journal homepage:

The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness

of fractional CO2 laser in acne scars and skin
rejuvenation: A meta-analysis and economic

Fereshteh Ansari, Fatemeh Sadeghi-Ghyassi & Barmak Yaaghoobian

To cite this article: Fereshteh Ansari, Fatemeh Sadeghi-Ghyassi & Barmak Yaaghoobian (2018):
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of fractional CO2 laser in acne scars and skin
rejuvenation: A meta-analysis and economic evaluation, Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy,
DOI: 10.1080/14764172.2017.1400173

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Published online: 31 Jan 2018.

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The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of fractional CO2 laser in acne scars
and skin rejuvenation: A meta-analysis and economic evaluation
Fereshteh Ansaria, Fatemeh Sadeghi-Ghyassib, and Barmak Yaaghoobianb
Iranian Evidence Based Center of Excellence, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Iran; bResearch Center for Evidence Based Medicine, Tabriz
University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran


Introduction: Fractional CO2 has many indications in medicine including in treatment of acne scars and Received 26 October 2016
rejuvenation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety, efficacy, and cost-effectiveness of Fractional Accepted 29 October 2016
CO2 Laser in comparison with other methods of rejuvenation and acne scar treatment. Materials and KEYWORDS
Methods: Several databases including Medline, OVID, EMBASE, CINHAL, SCOPUS, Web of science, CRD, and Fractional CO2 laser;
Cochrane were searched. After conducting the search and evaluation of selected publications, critical rejuvenation; acne scar;
appraisal was done and eligible studies were accepted for inclusion in the systematic review. Results and systematic review
Discussion: From 2667 identified publications two of the trials were eligible. The effectiveness and compli-
cations of Fractional CO2 laser were comparable with Er:YAG but Fractional CO2 laser was 14.7% (p = 0.01)
more effective than Q-Switched ND:YAG laser. Cost affectivity of this method was the same as other
alternative lasers. In conclusion Fractional CO2 laser is an effective and safe method for curing of several
kinds of skin diseases. Nevertheless there was not sufficient evidence to support its advantage. This device
has equal or lower price in comparison to competent technologies except for the non- fractional ablative
CO2 laser that has the same or lower price and comparable effects.

Introduction acne is between 70% and 87% in the overall population (7).
Acne lesions affect around 90% of adolescent people and 12%
The CO2 laser have been developed in 1964 by Patel and collea-
of older ones. The prevalence of acne scar is approximately
gues (1). This laser can emit energy at wavelength of 10,600 nm
1% of the adults (8).
and the target chromophore of this laser is water. Water exists in
Fractional CO2 laser has also been used to treat facial
all kind of soft tissues and therefore CO2 laser can be applied for
rhytids and photodamage since its first development in 2004
both pigmented and non-pigmented tissues. Furthermore, a single
(5). Despite the wide and long lasting use of fractional CO2
CO2 laser equipment can be applied for a variety of clinical
laser in rejuvenation and acne scars there are not sufficient
purposes from incision to vaporization and coagulation. The
documents to support its clinical application and preference
irradiance of a laser beam decreases in an inverse square ratio to
to other alternative medications. The aim of this review was to
the beam diameter, so the irradiance and intensity of the CO2 laser
evaluate the safety, efficacy, and cost- effectiveness of
equipment can be alternated by focusing and defocusing the
Fractional CO2 Laser in comparison with other methods of
beams (changing the beam diameter) without any modification
rejuvenation and acne scar treatment.
of output power. These unique characteristics of CO2 laser made it
from the most popular and appropriate lasers for skin diseases (2).
This laser has been used widely in dermatology including
Materials and methods
in the case of skin lesions (2,3), warts and toenail disease (2).
However patients may experience difficulties like oozing and We selected two most popular applications of fractional CO2
crusting in first few days and erythema, infection, pigmentary laser and designed the clinical questions based on them: (i) P:
changes and scarring later after laser therapy (4). patients with acne scars, I: fractional CO2 laser, C: other
Mansion (2004) developed a new generation of CO2 laser methods of acne scar treatment, O: scar healing, complica-
called fractional CO2 laser. In this new technique, laser beams tions of the treatment method and patient acceptability- (ii) P:
are fractionated into micro-beams which ablate the skin in the patients with wrinkles, I: fractional CO2 laser, C: other meth-
shape of separated columns surrounded by normal unda- ods of rejuvenation, O: wrinkle healing, complications of
maged skin so that reepithelization could be achieved faster treatment method and patient acceptability.
and with less complications (4). Several databases including Medline (via pub med),
One of the most popular indications of fractional CO2 laser OVID, EMBASE, CINHAL, SCOPUS, Web of science,
is in the case of acne scars (2,5,6). The overall prevalence of CRD (HTA and NHS EED), and Cochrane (CENTRAL,

CONTACT Barmak Yaaghoobian Research Center for Evidence Based Medicine, School of Medicine, Tabriz University of Medical
Sciences, Tabriz, 5166614766 Iran.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at
© 2018 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

DARE, and four other databases) were searched according The article of Cho (2010) was excluded due to high risk of
these two clinical questions. We also used Google and bias and small sample size.
Google Scholar search engines for finding other related In Manuskiatti et al. study, fractional CO2 laser was com-
sites and matters. Hand searching was also conducted. pared with Er:YAG laser in treatment of atrophic acne scars in
We did not limit our search by language and time and 20 female patients. The treatment effect which was assessed by
searching the literature ended in October 2015. both physicians and patients, had not shown any difference
All the selected materials at first step were evaluated between two groups after one, three and six months of follow
according inclusion and exclusion criteria. Inclusion cri- up (p = 0.870).
teria were as followed: Randomized Clinical Trials (RCT), There was no difference between two groups in Post-
systematic reviews, meta-analysis and economic evalua- inflammatory hyperpigmentation (p = 0.520) and other
tions comparing fractional CO2 laser with other methods main complications in follow up. Finally all kinds of compli-
in treatment of acne scars and skin wrinkles regarding cations were treated successfully.
effectiveness and complications. In Asilian et al. study on 64 patients the comparison
Publications which did not include the fractional CO2 laser performed between Q-Switched ND:YAG and fractional CO2
separately as a treatment arm and had combined other thera- laser in treatment of acne scars in both groups, complications
pies such as other optical techniques with fractional CO2 laser were mild and transient. Both patients’ and physicians’ assess-
were excluded. ment showed that the healing effect of CO2 laser is better than
Economic information and researches about fractional Q-Switched ND:YAG laser (p-value<0.010).
CO2 laser were also considered in literature review.
Following keywords were selected according clinical
queries (Mesh terms, free language, synonyms and relate Economical evaluation
terms were considered):
From two alternatives of laser therapy introduced in
CO2 laser* OR Carbone Dioxide Laser*
included trials Q-Switched Nd: YAG was left out from
cost effectiveness analysis because this method is not used
“Lasers, Gas” (Mesh)
frequently for acne scar treatment and rejuvenation.
For restriction of search results to specific study types we
Considering the results of the remained study Er: YAG is
used subsequent keywords:
not significantly different from fractional CO2 laser regard-
systematic review* OR technology assessment OR random*
ing effectiveness and complications therefore we just com-
OR randomized controlled trial OR technical report OR
pared the costs of laser devices and have not taken into
(meta-analysis OR meta analysis) OR controlled clinical trial
account benefits and effectiveness of these two treatment
OR compar* OR proceeding*
methods. Price and conditions of these two laser devices
One specialist in medical librarian conducted the research
and other competent technologies are shown in Table 2.
and two independent reviewers evaluated the selected publi-
The former version of CO2 lasers (none fractional ablative
cations. After all a critical appraisal was done regarding
CO2 laser) can also be compared with the fractional one. This
Validity, Reliability and importance by two specialists in
equipment has the same price (1285.71 €) and same warranty
health evaluation and evidenced based medicine.
conditions; furthermore, by using this device patients need
less treatment sessions to achieve satisfactory clinical conse-
quences. Nevertheless, it has more adverse effects and is not
Results and discussion routinely used for cosmetic purposes.
The results of this review indicate that fractional CO2 laser
Safety and efficacy
therapy is a safe and effective method for treatment of acne
The main complication observed in this method are tran- scars.
sient erythema, Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation The safety of fractional CO2 laser was assessed in three
(PIH) and moderate pain (7). One to 2 days after the articles. In one of these articles evaluating facial rhytids,
treatment procedure, patients can resume their normal hyperpigmentation, enlarged pores, skin laxity, and acne
activities (8) and satisfactory effects of this method can scarring, 15 patients were treated and then biopsy specimens
maintain for years (9). were used to define efficacy of treatment method. At the end
For assessing the efficacy of this method a total of 2667 of the study fourteen subjects achieved good to excellent
publications were identified and after exclusion of duplicate improvement in overall appearance and after 1 to 2 days
and repeat records and screening titles, abstracts and full they were able to resume normal activities (12). In another
texts, 3 clinical trials were selected (Figure 1). article on long-term efficacy of fractional CO2 laser in acne
These trials were evaluated through CASP (Critical scars and rejuvenation, 10 patients were followed for 1 to
Appraisal Checklist for Systematic Review) international 2 years. Seventy four percent of these patients maintained
worksheet and Cochrane Collaboration’s tool for assessing their overall improvement at their long-term visits compared
risk of bias (Table 1). Regarding these evaluations 2 of to 3-month follow-up visits (13). According the results of a
trials identified eligible for inclusion in the systematic review performed on 26 articles published between 2003 and
review. Summarized results of these articles are demon- 2011, fractional CO2 laser can be introduced as a relatively
strated in Table 2. safe and effective technique. According the results of this

Figure 1. Flow diagram of systematic review.

the efficacy and complications of fractional CO2 laser are

Table 1. Bias risk evaluation of selected publications.
comparable with Er:YAG(11) but fractional CO2 laser was
Domain Cho (9) Asilian (10) Manuskiatti (11)
14.7% (p = 0.01) more effective than Q-Switched ND:YAG
Random sequence Low risk Unclear risk Low risk
generation (Selection bias) laser (11). Obviously we need more, well designed RCTs to
Allocation concealment Unclear risk Low risk Unclear risk show the efficiency of using this method of laser therapy for
(Selection bias) acne scars. One of the positive points of fractional CO2 laser is
Blinding of participants and High risk Low risk Unclear risk
personnel (Performance its ability to be applied for other therapeutic indications for
bias) example in vulvovaginal atrophy (15) and laparoscopic sur-
Blinding of outcome Low risk Low risk Low risk geries (2).
assessment (Detection
bias) The price of the fractional CO2 laser equipment is
Incomplete outcome data Low risk Unclear risk Low risk almost the same as or cheaper than similar devices includ-
(attrition bias)
Selective reporting Low risk Low risk Low risk
ing Er: YAG. As we explained earlier fractional CO 2 laser
(Reporting bias) and Er: YAG are clinically equivalent and there are not
Other sources of bias High risk Unclear risk Low risk sufficient documents to support fractional CO2 laser clin-
ical preference. In conclusion fractional CO2 laser can’t be
introduced as a cost effective technique especially with
review the most common complications of this method are respect to cosmetic indications.
as follows: Erythema (experienced in 1–3 days after treat- We were not able to gather suitable RCTs about the frac-
ment and resolves within 1 week, Post Inflammatory tional CO2 laser and rejuvenation therefore we should wait for
Hyperpigmentation (PIH) (experienced by up to 13% of more acceptable RCTs in this field.
patients which resolves within a week) and moderate In conclusion however fractional CO2 laser is an effective
pain (14). and safe technique for treatment of several kinds of skin
We found just two eligible RCTs regarding efficacy of diseases there are not sufficient clinical studies and documents
fractional CO2 laser. The findings of these studies show that to support its advantage over other techniques. Regarding the

Table 2. Price and characteristics of fractional CO2 laser and its competent technologies.
Laser device Equivalent Price (€) Other costs Warranty Requiring Piece replacement Other applications
Fractional CO2 laser 12,857.1 to 85,714.3 – Exchanging: 1 month After 10–20 years Yes
Repairmen: 10 years (For example in atrophic
Non Fractional CO2 laser 12,857.1 – Exchanging: 1 year After 10 years 1week medical leave after treatment
Repairmen: 10 years
Er:YAG laser 32,857.1 – Exchanging: 1 year After 10 years routine application in Acne scars
Repairmen: 10 years and skin
Nd:YAG laser 42,857.1 – Exchanging: 1 year After 10 years No routine application in Acne scars
Repairmen: 10 years and skin
Rejuvenation. Only for research
intense pulsed light 8000 to 9142.8 – Exchanging: 1 year After 50,000 to 60,000 usage Only in very mild cases of Acne scars
Repairmen: 10 years and skin
Rejuvenation. The ordinary
application is hair removal

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