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Име ………………………………………… 11А № ……

the text to answer ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B), choose

1 Listen and write the sentences that you hear. ‘Doesn’t say’ (C).


I was watching TV the other night and as usual there were all
those amazing advertisements in the middle of the film –
which are sometimes better than the programme you’re
watching! In fact, I’m usually quite influenced by the ads, and
I quite often turn the volume up when they’re on, and make
notes about what they’re selling – even if I know I can’t afford
it! This time, though, I almost missed one ad completely. It
was for a laptop, and I was actually thinking of getting one at
the time. So anyway, I decided to go for it, and I ordered one.
The advertisement made it sound so brilliant!

Well, it arrived a few days later, which was longer than I

expected. The laptop was superfast, though, and I was really
impressed. However, it hasn’t been easy to learn how to
operate it. It uses a different system to my old one. But it’s
better than my old one, and the battery takes less time to
charge too. It’s all very exciting and now I’m looking forward
to doing lots of creative things on it!

1 Josh usually dislikes the adverts he sees on TV.

2 [Track 5] You will hear five different recordings.
Listen and choose the correct answer A, B or C. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t Say
2 Josh was watching a film on TV the other night.
1 You hear a man talking on TV.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t Say
What is he talking about?
3 The adverts Josh saw were more interesting than what
A why a new product is so popular
he was watching.
B how people feel about a new product
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t Say
C what a new product can do
4 Josh often writes down things in the adverts that he’d like
to buy.
2 What was Franklin trying to prove?
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t Say
A how storms are related to electricity
5 The advert for a laptop caught Josh’s attention
B why lightning hits metal objects
C what it is like to get an electric shock
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t Say
6 It wasn’t until Josh saw the ad that he considered buying
3 You hear a boy talking about a camping trip.
a new laptop.
What was the problem with the tents?
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t Say
A They were all in a row.
7 Josh ordered his new laptop online.
B They weren’t big enough.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t Say
C They each had too many people in them.
8 Josh was impressed by how quickly his laptop arrived.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t Say
4 You hear a boy talking about a science programme on
9 One problem was that Josh’s new laptop is different to
his old one.
What is hisopinion of the programme?
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t Say
A It shows some strange ideas.
10 The battery on Josh’s laptop works for a long time after
B It should be on TV more often.
it is charged.
C It can sometimes be a waste of time.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t Say
5 You hear a boy talking about a new product.
What product is he talking about?
A some software 1 Complete the sentences with the negative of the
B a microphone words in the box by adding un-, in-, dis- or ir-. There
C a laptop are two extra words.
/5 communicative experienced fit friendly
honest kind responsible successful

3 Read the text and decide if the sentences are ‘Right’ 0 The people at my new club were quite unfriendly at first
(A) or ‘Wrong’ (B). If there is not enough information in and didn’t really speak to me.
1 Mark’s new business was and he had to close it
after a year.
2 I need to do more exercise because I’m
so . .

Име ………………………………………… 11А № ……
3 Sarah has only just started her job, so she’s very . 5 My brother promised to cook last night, but
4 Jake broke a glass bottle but didn’t pick up the pieces he (watch) TV when I got home.
which I think was very . /5
5 Tim doesn’t talk very much. He can be quite .
6 Use the prompts to write questions.
0 What time you / go / to school / every morning?
2 Complete the sentences with the words and phrases What time do you go to school every morning?
in the box. There are two extra words. 1 Where / you / go / now?
document download password raise 2 you / ever / eat / hot dogs?
refrigerator server update username
3 Who / Dave / look / for / now?
0 To use some mobile devices, you need to put in a
password. 4 your siter / live in London?
1 Without a in your kitchen, it’s hard to keep food
cold. 5 How many / CDs / your dad / have?
2 If you think you know the answer, please your
3 I’ve forgotten my for this website! /5
4 Jeff needs to his profile on the social networking
sites he uses. Use of English
5 I’m going to some music onto my tablet to take on
holiday. 7 Read the text and choose the correct answer, A, B or
/5 C.
Just recently, I 0 A a trip with my college, to a big science
museum right in the centre of the city. I wasn’t very keen
3 Match 1–5 with a–h to make sentences. the trip, to be honest, as I’m not really that 2 in
0 You need to scroll f anything to do with science. But the aim was to 3 some
1 James is crazy research into the history of medicine, and find out about the
2 Keith is involved kind of 4 a scientist might carry out while he or she is
3 Do you follow trying to 5 data.
4 Eva is really good The museum was a really 6 place, and there were crowds
5 I need to log of people, so it was sometimes difficult to use my camera to
take good photos. But when I finally 7 back at college, I
a at singing and dancing. found my photos weren’t bad at all. In fact, my teacher
b in lots of charity work. thought they were very 8 .
c many people on Twitter? 0 A had B went C joined D visited
d on to check my emails. 1 A with B about C for D on
e about cartoon films. 2 A serious B interested C passionate D inspired
f down the screen to look at the bottom. 3 A make B get C bring D do
/5 4 A inventions B experiments C solutions D discoveries
5 A follow B catch C collect D raise
6 A popular B full C positive D caring
4 Complete the sentences with the correct -ing or to- 7 A arriving B arrived C arrive D was arriving
infinitive form of the verb in brackets. 8 A successful B optimistic C adorable D helpful
0 Jake is considering becoming (become) a doctor when he /8
leaves school.
1 Neil refused (help) with the washing-up.
2 My baby brother really enjoys (go) to the
3 Would you like (come) to my house on
4 When I’m on holiday, I miss (see) my
5 Dirk has chosen (move) to London, rather
than stay in Manchester.

5 Complete the sentences with the correct Past Simple

or Past Continuous form of the verb in brackets.
0 I was walking (walk) home when it suddenly started to
1 Mum was driving, and she (not see) her
friend wave to her.
2 Tim and Harry (swim) in the pool by the
time I got there.
3 The cat (sleep) in the sun when I opened
the door.
4 Dad (be) in his office all day yesterday.

Име ………………………………………… 11А № ……
8 Complete the text with one word in each gap.
My mother works 0 as a doctor. It’s a career she decided
1 follow from an early age. In fact, at the time my parents
first met, my mother 2 studying hard to graduate. Later,
3 she became a doctor, she enjoyed 4 me to her clinic
sometimes to show me her work. So I’ve always hoped I’d
5 some important discoveries like her one day.
Sadly, though, that hasn’t happened yet! For one thing, I’m
6 prepared to spend hours studying so hard. Anyway, I now
think I 7 prefer to go to art college and become an artist.
And luckily, my parents are very happy about that decision!
9 Complete the second sentence so that it has a
similar meaning to the first.
0 Tom switched on the TV and started to watch. Then the
phone rang.
Tom was watching the TV when the phone rang.
1 The last time I had icecream was in the summer.
I_______________since the summer.
2 On Sundays I make cakes with my mum, which I really
I love cakes with my mum on Sundays.
3 Martin wasn’t happy about his performance in the
swimming race.
Martin was disappointed his performance in
the swimming race.
4 Scientists always have to analyse the results they get.
Scientists always have to do an of the results
they get.
5 My brother was really grumpy yesterday morning!
My brother was in a really bad yesterday

10. Read the email you received from an English

friend, Sophie.

My cousins are coming to stay next weekend, and I’d like to

find something we can all do together outdoors. I know you
went camping recently. Where did you go? What did you do
there? Did you have a good time? Write and tell me all about

Write an email to Sophie, answering her questions.

Write about 100 words.

Total ……../100

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