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Xiao Feng San

Eliminate Wind Powder from True Lineage

Jing Jie Fang Feng Niu Bang Zi Chan Tui

Cang Zhu Ku Shen Mu Tong Shi Gao

Zhi Mu Sheng Di Huang Dang Gui Hei Zhi Ma

Action: Disperses wind, eliminates dampness, clears heat,
and cools the xue.
Indications: Weepy, itchy, red skin lesions over a large part
of the body, a yellow or white tongue coating, and a forceful,
floating, and rapid pulse.
Gan Cao

Chief Jing Jie Unblock the interstices and pores and disperse
Fang Feng external wind.
Niu Bang Zi
Chan Tui
Deputy Cang Zhu Dries Dampness.
Ku Shen Clears Damp-heat.
Mu Tong Drains Damp-heat through the Urine.

Shi Gao Clears qi-level heat, which helps drain heat from
Zhi Mu the interior and prevents the condition from
advancing to a deeper level.
Assistant Sheng Di Huang Cools the Xue.
Dang Gui Nourishes and Invigorates the Xue.
Hei Zhi Ma Nourishes the Xue and Moistens.

All of these herbs assist the xue as a means of

extinguishing the wind.
Envoy Gan Cao Clears heat, relieves toxicity, and harmonizes the
action of the other herbs. Formulas that Expel Wind

Xiao Xu Ming Tang
Minor Prolong Life Decoction

Ma Huang Chuan Xiong Guang Fang Ji Xing Ren

Fang Feng Sheng Jiang Dang Shen Fu Zi

Rou Gui Bai Shao Huang Qin Gan Cao

Chief Ma Huang Facilitate the flow of qi in the channels and

Chuan Xiong conduct the pathogenic influences out of the body.
Guang Fang Ji
Xing Ren
Fang Feng
Sheng Jiang
Deputy Dang Shen Augments the Qi.

Fu Zi Reinforce the Yang.

Rou Gui
Assistant Bai Shao Support the normal qi in dispelling the pathogenic

Huang Qin Effective in treating this type of heat.

Envoy Gan Cao Harmonizes the actions of the other herbs.

Actions: Warms the channels, unblocks the yang qi, dispels wind, and supports the normal qi.

Indications: Hemiplegia, asymmetry of the face, slow and slurred speech. Usually accompanied
by fever and chills, a pale tongue with a thin, white coating, and a xu, floating pulse. In severe
cases there is loss of consciousness. Formulas that Expel Wind

Xiao Huo Luo Dan
Minor Invigorate the Collaterals Special Pill

Zhi Cao Wu Zhi Chuan Wu Tian Nan Xing

Yao Ru Xiang Di Long

Actions: Invigorates the xue, unblocks the collateral, dispels

dampness, and transforms phlegm.

Indications: Chronic pain, weakness, and numbness (especially

in the lower extremities) due to wind-stroke. Also for fixed or
migrating pain in the bones and joints with reduced range of
motion due to wind-cold-damp painful obstruction. In both
conditions, the symptoms are aggravated by cold. The tongue
coating is white and moist.

Chief Zhi Cao Wu Warming the channels and dispersing cold and
Zhi Chuan Wu dampness.

Deputy Tian Nan Xing Strongly expels wind and scours out phlegm.

Assistant Mo Yao Invigorate the xue and increase the flow in the
Ru Xiang channels.

Di Long Opens the collaterals and invigorates the xue.

Envoy Wine Strengthening the xue invigorating action of the

formula. Formulas that Expel Wind

Qian Zheng San
Lead to Symmetry Powder

Bai Fu Zi Jiang Can

Quan Xie


Chief Bai Fu Zi Dispels wind and transforms phlegm. (stops the

spasms and is effective in eliminating wind from
the head and face.)
Deputy Jiang Can Extinguishes internal wind, dispels external wind,
and transforms phlegm. Also eliminates wind-
phlegm and unblocks the collaterals.
Assistant Quan Xie Extinguishes wind and stops spasms and unblocks
the collateral, arresting wind and alleviate the
facial paralysis.
Envoy Wine Focuses the actions of the other ingredients on the
head and face.

Actions: Dispels wind, transforms phlegm, and stops spasms.

Indications: Sudden facial paralysis with deviation of the eyes and mouth and facial muscle
twitch. Formulas that Expel Wind

Yu Zhen San
True Jade Powder

Bai Fu Zi Tian Nan Xing Qiang Huo

Bai Zhi Fang Feng Tian Ma

Hot Wine

Chief Bai Fu Zi Dries dampness, transforms phlegm, dispels wind,

and stops spasms, especially those of muscular
tetany. (also dispels wind in the face and head)

Tian Nan Xing Eliminates wind-phlegm from the channels and

collaterals, arrests muscle twitches, and stops
Deputy Qiang Huo Disperse wind and dispel the pathogenic
Bai Zhi influences. (FF = enters the liver channel to
Fang Feng moisten and soften the sinews and disperse internal
Assistnat Tian Ma Extinguish Liver wind and relieve spasms.
Envoy Hot Wine Unblocks the channels and collaterals

Actions: Dispels wind, transforms phlegm, relieves muscular tetany, and alleviates pain.

Indications: Stiffness and spasms of the jaw, closed mouth, lip spasms, deviation of the eyes,
rigidity of the entire body to the point of opisthotonos (a titanic spasm in which the spine and
extremities are so extended that the body rests on the head and heels), and a wiry, tight pulse. Formulas that Expel Wind

Zhi Jing San
Stop Spasms Powder

Quan Xie

Wu Gong

Quan Xie Effective in extinguishing wind, relieving spasms,

Wu Gong stopping pain, and relieving toxicity.

Actions: Dispels wind, relieves spasms, and alleviates pain.

Indications: Muscle twitches of the extremities, rigidity and spasms of the entire body to the
point of opisthotonos, trismus, or convulsions. In severe cases there is loss of consciousness. Formulas that Expel Wind

Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang
Sedate the Liver and Extinguish Wind Decoction

Huai Niu Xi Zhe Shi Long Gu Mu Li

Gui Ban Xuan Shen Tian Men Dong Bai Shao

Yin Chen Hao Chuan Lian Zi Mai Ya Gan Cao

Chief Huai Niu Xi Conducts the circulation of xue downward, separating the
xue from the ascendant yang.
Deputy Zhe Shi Has a heavy nature that enables it to direct the qi down
ward and control its rebelliousness. (also calms the Liver
and anchor the yang)

Long Gu & Mu Li Also a heavy ingred.

Assistant Gui Ban Nourish the yin and the fluids.
Xuan Shen
Tian Men Dong
Bai Shao

Yin Chen Hao Clear and drain the excessive Liver yang, which
Chuan Lian Zi eliminates the erratic movement of the constrained and
Mai Ya stagnant Liver qi, and reinforces the actions of pacifying,
controlling, and sedating the Liver yang. (MY =
harmonizes the St and adjusts the middle burner,
preventing the metals and minerals in from adversely
affecting the St.)
Envoy Gan Cao Regulates and harmonizes the actions of the other
Actions: Sedates the Liver, extinguishes wind, nourishes the yin, and anchors the yang.

Indications: Dizziness, vertigo, a feeling of distention in the eyes, tinnitus, feverish sensation in the head,
h/a, irritability, flushed face (as if intoxicated), and a wiry, long, and forceful pulse. There may also be
frequent belching, progressive motor dysfunction of the body or development of facial asymmetry that
occurs over a period of a few hours to a few days, severe dizziness and vertigo, sudden loss of
consciousness, mental confusion with moments of lucidity, and an inability to fully recover after loss of
consciousness. Formulas that Expel Wind
Ling Jiao Gou Teng Tang
Antelope Horn and Uncaria Decoction

Ling Yang Jiao Gou Teng Sang Ye

Ju Hua Bai Shao Sheng Di Huang

Chuan Bei Mu Zhu Ru Fu Shen

Actions: Cools the Liver, extinguishes wind, increases the

fluids, and relaxes the sinews.
Indications: Persistent high fever, irritability, restlessness,
dizziness, vertigo, twitching and spasms of the extremities, a
deep-red, dry, or burnt tongue with prickles, and a wiry, rapid
pulse. In severe cases there may also be impaired or actual loss
Gan Cao of consciousness.

Chief Ling Yang Jiao Enters the Liver and Heart channels where it pacifies
the Liver, extinguishes wind, and clears heat.

Gou Teng Pacifies the Liver, extinguishes wind, and clears heat.
Deputy Sang Ye Dispel wind and clear heat from the Liver and Lungs.
Ju Hua
Assistant Bai Shao Nourish the yin and increase the fluids and thereby
Sheng Di Huang soften the Liver and relax the sinews.

Chuan Bei Mu Clear heat and transform phlegm.

Zhu Ru

Fu Shen Addresses the irritability and restlessness caused by

heat harassing the spirit.
Envoy Gan Cao Regulates and harmonizes the action of the other
ingredients. Formulas that Expel Wind

Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin
Gastrodia and Uncaria Decoction

Tian Ma Gou Teng Shi Jue Ming Zhi Zi

Huang Qin Yi Mu Cao Chuan Niu Xi Du Zhong

Sang Ji Sheng Ye Jiao Teng Fu Shen

Chief Tian Ma Calm the Liver and extinguish wind.

Gou Teng
Shi Jue Ming
Deputy Zhi Zi Clear heat and drain fire, and prevent heat from rising
Huang Qin in the Liver channel.
Assistant Yi Mu Cao Invigorates the xue from rising to the head with the
ascending Liver yang.

Chuan Niu Xi Descending nature which conducts the xue


Du Zhong Tonifies and nourishes the Liver and Kidneys.

Sang Ji Sheng

Ye Jiao Teng Calm the spirit and steady the will.

Fu Shen

Actions: Clams the Liver, extinguishes wind, clears heat, invigorates the xue, and tonifies the
Liver and Kidneys.

Indication: H/a, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, blurred vision, a sensation of heat rushing to the
head, insomnia with dream-disturbed sleep, a red tongue, and a wiry, rapid pulse. In severe
cases there may also be numbness, twitching and spasms in the extremities, or hemiplegia. Formulas that Expel Wind

San Jia Fu Mai Tang
Three-Shell Decoction to Restore the Pulse

Zhi Gan Cao Sheng Di Huang Bai Shao

Mai Men Dong Huo Ma Ren E Jiao

Mu Li Bie Jia Gui Ban

Zhi Gan Cao Tonifies the Heart qi and restores the pulse.

Sheng Di Huang Nourish the yin and xue, and thereby cause the heat due to
Bai Shao yin and xue xu to recede.
Mai Men Dong
Huo Ma Ren
E Jiao

Mu Li Nourish the yin and anchor the yang, thereby controlling

Bie Jia the spasms and treating the loss of consciousness.
Gui Ban

Actions: Nourishes the yin, restores the pulse, clears heat, anchors the yang, and extinguishes
Indications: There are two presentations for which this formula is indicated. The first includes
spasms, loss of consciousness, quivering finger, feverish palms and soles (‘heat in the fiver
centers’), a deep-red, dry tongue, and a thin, rapid, and forceless pulse. The second includes
dizziness and vertigo, tinnitus, dry throat, palpitations, bleeding symptoms, a dry, glossy, peeled
tongue, and a thin, wiry pulse. Formulas that Expel Wind

E Jiao Ji Zi Huang Tang
Ass-Hide Gelatin and Egg Yolk Decoction

E Jiao Ji Zi Huang Sheng Di Huang

Bai Shao Zhi Gan Cao Gou Teng

Shi Jue Ming Fu Shen

Mu Li

Luo Shi Teng

Chief E Jiao Nourish the yin and xue, extinguish wind, and sedate the
Ji Zi Huang yang.
Deputy Sheng Di Huang Soften the Liver to extinguish the wind.
Bai Shao (BS and ZGC = treating painful spasms)
Zhi Gan Cao
Assistant Gou Teng Sedate the ascendant yang and extinguish wind.
Shi Jue Ming
Mu Li

Fu Shen Calms the Liver and the Spirit.

Envoy Luo Shi Teng Focuses the actions of the other ingredients on the
collaterals and sinews.

Actions: Enriches the yin, nourishes the xue, softens the Liver, and extinguishes wind.

Indications: Rigid extremities, muscle spasms and twitches in the extremities, dry mouth,
parched lips, a deep-red tongue with a slight coating, and a thin, rapid pulse. There may also be
dizziness and vertigo. Formulas that Expel Wind

Da Ding Feng Zhu
Major Arrest Wind Pearl

Ji Zi Huang E Jiao Bai Shao Zhi Gan Cao

Wu Wei Zi Sheng Di Huang Mai Men Dong Huo Ma Ren

Gui Ban Bie Jia Mu Li

Chief Ji Zi Huang Nourishes the yin and dispels (internal) wind.

E Jiao Tonifies the xue and nourishes the yin.

Deputy Bai Shao Nourish the yin and soften the Liver.
Zhi Gan Cao
Wu Wei Zi
Assistants Sheng Di Huang Nourishes the yin and increases the fluids.

Mai Men Dong Nourishes the yin and moistens Lungs.

Huo Ma Ren Nourishes the yin and moistens dryness.

Gui Ban Enrich the yin to anchor the yang. (ML = calming the
Bie Jia Liver and sedating the Liver yang)
Mu Li

Actions: Nourishes the yin and extinguishes wind.

Indications: Weariness, muscle spasms with alternating flexion and extension of the extremities,
a xu or frail pulse, and a deep-red tongue with a scanty or peeled coating. Often the patient will
appear as if he is about to go into shock. Formulas that Expel Wind

Di Huang Yin Zi (Rehmannia Decoction)

Shu Di Huang Shan Zhu Yu Rou Cong Rong Ba Ji Tian

Fu Zi Rou Gui Shi Hu Mai Men Dong

Shi Chang Pu Yuan Zhi Fu Ling Wu Wei Zi

Sheng Jiang Da Zao Bo He

Chief Shu Di Huang Enrich and tonify the Kidney yin and strengthen Kidney water to relieve
Shan Zhu Yu the fire in the Heart.

Rou Cong Rong Warm and strengthen the Kidney yang.

Ba Ji Tian
Deputy Fu Zi Warm and nourish the source yang. (RG = guides the errant fire from xu
Rou Gui back to its source in the Kidneys.)

Shi Hu Enrich the yin and fluids and cool the fire from xu, while simultaneously
Mai Men Dong moderating the drying actions of Fu Zi and Rou Gui.
Assistant Shi Chang Pu Facilitate communication between the Heart and the Kidneys to regulate
Yuan Zhi the relationship between water and fire, open the orifices, and transform
Fu Ling phlegm.

Wu Wei Zi Restrains the floating yang and helps preserve the yin and fluids.
Envoy Sheng Jiang Regulate and harmonize the nutritive and protective qi.
Da Zao
Bo He Cools the throat.
Actions: Enriches the Kidney yin, tonifies the Kidney yang, opens the orifices, and transforms phlegm.

Indications: Stiffness of the tongue with an inability to speak, disability or paralysis of the lower extremities, a dry
mouth with an absence of thirst, a greasy, yellow tongue coating, and a submerged, slow, thin, and frail pulse. Formulas that Expel Wind

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