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Country Portfolio of Australia

Presented by:
Presented to:
Asma Akter

Health Indicators:
Life expectancy at birth: 82 years for males, 86 years for females
Demographic data: Median Age: 37.5 years
Child mortality rate: 3.2 deaths per 1,000 live births
Population of Australia: 26,439,111 in 2023
Infant mortality rate: 2.7 deaths per 1,000 live births
Life Expectancy: 83.7 Years
Maternal mortality rate: 6 deaths per 100,000 women giving birth
Infant Mortality: 2.7 Fertility rate: 1.8 live births per woman
Urban Population: 22,768,759 Prevalence of Obesity: 30.4%
GDP: 1.393 Trillion USD Ethnicities: European White: 85%, Asian: 12%, Black: ~1%, Aboriginal: ~3%
Health Expenditure (% of GDP): 9.21% Age Structure:
0-14 years: 17.75%
15-24 years: 12.62%
25-54 years: 41.35%
55-64 years: 11.84%

Healthcare Delivery System

Health care in Australia operates under
a shared public-private model
underpinned by the Medicare system, the
national single-payer funding model.

Determinants of Health
Social determinants of health:
The 20% of Australians living in the lowest socioeconomic areas
in 2014–15 were 1.6 times as likely as the highest 20% to have at least
two chronic health conditions, such as heart disease and diabetes (ABS
Socioeconomic position
Early life
Social exclusion
Social capital
Employment 14,115,100 people.
Unemployment rate 3.6%.
Residential environment

Australian Progress Towards Achieving SDG’s

Australian health system challenges include:

 An ageing population and increasing demand on health services.
 Increasing rates of chronic disease.
 Costs of medical research and innovations.
 Workforce: Australia in March 2012, a shortage of nearly 3,000 doctors,
over 100,000 nurses and more than 80,000 registered nurses was predicted in the
year 2025.
 Rural and remote health care: differ greatly from metropolitan areas.
 Making the best use of emerging health technologies.

* In November 2020, the Transforming Australia: SDG Progress Report stated that while Australia was performing well
in health (SDG 3) and education (SDG 4) it was falling behind in the reduction of CO2 emissions (SDG 13), waste and
environmental degradation (SDG 12, SDG 14 and SDG 15), and addressing economic inequality (SDG 10).
* Australia is not on-track to achieve the SDGs by 2030.[5] Four modelled scenarios based on different development approaches
found that the 'Sustainability Transition' scenario could deliver "rapid and balanced progress of 70% towards SDG targets by 2020,
well ahead of the business-as-usual scenario (40%)".[5] In 2020, Australia's overall performance in the SDG Index is ranked 37th
out of 166 countries (down from 18th out of 34
Australian Bureau of Statistics:
Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health:

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