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‘ a Pa oO il a a ee Hammock, Written by: Bill Bridges, Jackie Cassada, Sam Chupp, James Estes, Andrew Greenberg, Dan Greenbe Sam Inabinet, Ross Isaacs, Chris Howard, James Moore, Russ Quaide, Chris Wiese Developed and typeset by: Bill Bridges Edited by: Jennifer Hartshorn, Art directed by: John Bridges Art by: John Bridges, Tim Callender, Darryl! Elliott, Jason Felix. Mark Jackson, Michael Kirkbride, Brian LeBlanc. Larry MacDougall, John Poreda, Cris Royster, Ron Spencer, Ken Spera Cover art by: Brom Emblems: The emblems on the front and back covers represent some of the new character roles presented in this book. They are; (Front cover) Questing Knights, Swords of Lextius, Chorali, Gjarti, Manja; (back cover) the Masque, Carnivalers,S Guild, Apothecaries, Courtesans Pilgrims: (Oh, how the stars beckon your wayward souls, But go not alone to the distant lights; take friends, Companions on the roads of night are ever a boon and a light to kindle the heart’ flame. No matter the soils from which they came, the careers they follow or their strange visages; they are connected to you in common cause and faith, Did not the Prophet gather companions about him? If He saw the wisdom in such company, how can you spurn it? Heed his example and make many friends. Experience the Emperor Wars from a strategic perspective as the head of one of the five Royal Houses in che Emperor of the Fading Suns computer strategy game from Holistic Design and Segasoft. Available in computer gaming stores now or call I-888-Segasoft to order your copy!(Windows 95) (a Holistic Design Inc 5002-HN. Royal Atlanta Dr. Tucker, GA 30084 For more information and a downloadable demo, visit Holistic Design’s web site at wwwholistic-designcom 1997 by Holistic Design Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction without written permision of the publisher isexpressly denied, except for the purpose of reviews Fading Suns and Fading Suns Players Companion are trademarks and copy- rights of Holistic Design Ine. The mention of or reference to any comp allenge to the trademarks orcopy- rights concerned. nies or products in these pages is not ac! Printed in the US of A PLAYERS COMPANION Contents Alustro’s Journal: Melting Pot 4 Introduction 8 Chapter One: A Day in the Life 0 Chapter Two: Knightly Orders 36 Chapter Three: Religious Orders 4 Chapter Four: Guilds 2 Chapter Five: The Military 88 Chapter Six: Aliens 108 Chapter Seven: The Changed 162 Chapter Eight: Rules 7) Index 206 Alustro’s Journal: Melting Pot August 8th, 4997, 9:00 am (Holy Terra calendar) Tam in awe atthe immensity of this spacestation. lrsengineersare powerful indeed to keep it operating so many years after the Fall and under extreme pressure from the Churel co abandon it, Curnulus,e city in space We arrived here to met with Erian’ al-Malik patron, Our highly expensive berthing fees are being paid by this wealthy noble. whose name [had best not record here. We disembarked to discover a melting pot of people from planetsalloverthe Known Worlds, The bustle wasalmost as maddening as that in the Istakhr Market. People hur- ried to and fro, desperate to conduct their business and be off before rivals could find them — or before their berthing fees grow too high Safe from monetary worry, we £ook our time reach- ingthecomed city. We wandered the hydroponic gardens open to the vast night of space, it only by rows of artifi- cial sunlight. Here, in this chill void, humankind hes erected asafe haven of light and life whete even the flow- exsof Urth can find rich sol (Our patton residesina rather lavish apartment build- ing fronted by the min avenue of the domed city. There, ‘we enjoyed a tich repast and comfortable rest. Such a re- laxed atmosphere has grown foreign to usafter too many monthsspent on rough worlds. But here wecan letdown ‘our guard and enjoy lite Taave just arisen from a good night’ rest (although dayand night ate governed here by the Leagues clock, not by the rising or setting of the sun). Today, 1 will visit the agora, rumored to host items unavailableon many wor Thope to find an Obun meditation bowl, an item which hassofar eluded mein many markets 9:00 pm ‘Whatan adventure! lam lucky tobe whole and with full pouch of firebirds.Villainy walks Freely on Cumu- lus, Afterfinishing my journalentryof the morning, left for the agora. Since my comrades hael not yet arisen, I de- cided to spend the day exploring on my own. A mistake, The first portion of the day wasas wonderful as had hoped. | wandered many stalls all makeshift structures cuddled together ina network of hallways vast and stnall, ‘Some ~ the more expensive — hosted permanent struc- tures or staterooms, where the air is more pleasant and el- bow room more abundant But it was the smaller ones which interested me, for they carried the most exotic goods. Of course, some of these I avoided, such as those promising a taste of the dreaded zhri’ka‘a lotus or even the addictive seichakah. After a time of careful looking, [finally found a mer- chant who sold Ur-Obun goods He had two of the bowls Twaslooking fod While Ionly purchased one,itseemsthat when one finally finds what one seeks, it comes in abun- dance Much like the Pancreator’ grace. My purchase perhaps lulled my wariness With asmile ‘on my face — coo broad and idiotic — I turned into a tighter passage, hoping for a shortcut back to the main thoroughfare, Ic was here the ruffians waylald me. A rather large man stepped from an alcove and blocked! my way, lating down at me evily: From bebind me, others gathered, chuckling low to themselves, "Whats in the bag, priest?” the lange one grunted. hesitated, revealing my fear. “It. it ssimply a medi- tation device used by the Ven Lohi sect of the Church, myson? He obviously did not like the appellation I had used toaddress him, and showed his displeasure with a swing, of his thick arm, knocking me forcefully into the wall. clutched my Obun bow, desperate not to break it. How foolish! L would have suffered broken bones before a bro- ken bowl! “Hand it over! Along with that pouch! My mind raced, trying to figure what stratagem 1 could use against them, | knew no theurgy which could help me so quickly as [ needed, and my skill in arms is rather pitiful The large one reached his arm back to strike again when he grunted in pain and toppled backwards, pulled by his own atm, As his girth sank to the floor, his face a ‘mask of pain and rage. [saw Cardanzo behind him, clutch Ing the giant’ wrist with his hand, twisting it enough to ‘cause pain and force the brute to follow Cardanzo’ whim lest hisarma be dislocated in itssocket. Tenvied him his martial skill then, embarrassed at my need for his ald But this envy passed quickly, replaced by my more rational relief at his arrival He pointed his heavy slug gun at the giant’ compa- triots who Inow saw to be but striplings Instead of heed= inghis words to remain unmoving, they fled, quickly dis- appearing into the crowd. Cardanzo backed out of the alley, forcing the brute Co follow him, altaough not his without expelling some ‘nasty words.Lfollowed quickly, thankful tobeinan open arena again, Cardanzo bent down to whisper in the brute’ ear. I could not hear what was said, but the fellow nodded ‘quickly. Cardanzo released im and the man picked him- self up from the ground and walked away ata fast pace. Iwas astonished, “Why did you let him go? Hell only rob from another!” “OF course he will, Alustro,” Cardanzo replied, Fapinc Suns Pi [ovizI holstering his weapon, “Heisa member of the local thieves’ guild. Arresting him will only brinig retribution on us From his fellows, Releasing him will allow usa degree of freeciom from their kind.” “Idon't understand, How issuch crime allowed torun, sorampant?” “Cumulus follows different rules than most worlds, Alustro. The League has its hands full just keeping it in one piece It cannot police it in addition: “Then where are the priests? Cannot the Church lend some moral enforcement?” ‘Ah, would you allow this? That bow! you so proudly bought is not exactly legal on Holy Terra” I flushed wich embarrassment, “How long have you followed me” “Not long. When | realized where you had gone, | knew you would need some help. But do not take that as an insult. Even 1am wary walking these hallsalone. Now tat you are here, we ate both better off for ic” | smiled at bis transparent attempt to ease my ez0. Cardanzo was a good friend, and loyal to all of his lady’ chosen entourage. As we walked back through the agora, Lasked: “How did you know about those cuffian’s guild allegiances? Have you been here before?” "Not toCumulus,no” hereplied."BucT veseen it itke Before took service with Brian family, 1 wasalegionnaire in the Li Halan forces. I was stationed for a while on the ELTING Pot ‘Hagia, a spacestation in the Rampart system. Even ona Li Halan-controlled station, | saw the corruption that finds itsway intoany long-term gathering of people. Of course, the station’ previous owners had been the League” ‘Ididnt know you were in the military. assumed you hhad been trained at birth to be a house guard.” Cardanzo smiled. “Iam not so well born to serve so close to the lords and ladies from such an early age. | had to earn my way up. My father was a captain in the fleet, and that’s how I attained my officer’ status. It was my deeds in the Emperor Wars which gained me my service after mustering out | received an offer from Count Gijan LiHalan, Erian’ uncle.So, entered the house forces and trained to guard nobles. It very different. you know. Guarding a person rather than a ship. So many more things can go wrong Assassins could beanywhere. You've got toassume the worst of others” Isaw no remorse on his face as he said this although | cannot imagine living with such distrust. “How do you keep from getting bitter? You always seem of such good spirit, no matter what we go through.” ‘Tve been through worse. The only thing I can imag, inethat could really embitcet me isif lever failed to pro tect my lady. Other than that, what else is there? Injury? ve got scars everywhere. Loss of friends? I've lost more friends during the war than most people can claim throughout their lives. Loss of property? Not even an is- sue. No, there little left that I haven't lost. Best to count hat one hasand be glad for it” “What about love? Is there no one who has ever won your heart?” Tsaid too much, for now a darkness entered his eyes “More than one. All unfaithful ordead, Thedead ones hurt less” I decided to change the subject and pretended to be- come absorbed in a craft store we passed. He saw through ‘my attempt but played along anyway. As we walked on, | asked himabout some of the things he had seen. the places he had been. I had hardly ever talked so deeply with him before; we never really had the time together. His travels were far but he rarely left the ships on which he served What he saw of these places he only knew by the visitors ‘who came aboard, "What of aliens? Surely you've seen many of them?” Hesmiled and chuckled. "There was Gannok engt reer on the Hagia, The Li Halan hated him but couldn't risk getting rid of him. He was the only League engineer left who knew the ship, so he got away with an awful lot, He did win the heart of the captain, however, when the Inquisition came aboard to search for illegal goods ru: mored to have been left by the previous owners, “They spent weeks on board, searching everyonescab- ins But before they got to the officer’ quarters, they were finally driven off. ThisGannok — Kang Kang, believe his name was — he began playing pranks on the Avestites. They started out small — rocks under the mattresses — but c andl worse as time went on. Things like filling oil canisters with perfume or replacing their wax candles with Brute fat. “Then there were the cigars! The head Inquisitors had founda box of proscribed Vorox cigars. Do you know the kind? Grown from a tobacco-like plant on Vorox and. heavily intoxicating, Well, this priest confiscated the ci- gars and no one knew what had become of them until the Gannok struck again, Two friends of mine were on routine patrol when they heard a smnall explosion from, down a little-used corridor, Running to investigate, they cameacross the Inquisitor, his face blackened and burned, the butt of an exploding cigar still in his mouth! “Well, he dropped the cigar quick and tried to claim that his flamegun had misfired, bur everyonesoon knew the full story. The next day, the ship was declared clean, and the Inquisition left. A party was held in Kang Kangs honor although he swore he had no idea what everybody ‘was so happy with him for” ‘So the Gannok prankster trait is not just a stereo type? They really do these things?” ‘Well, you could never catch Tim sure it was him” Hooked ahead at the stall sellingalien crafts, theone with the sign showing mechanisms manufactured by Gannok.’Ihad considered buyingone of their toys,togive to Ong. He likes wind-ups, But now I'm not so sure” We eventually arrived back at our hosts apartments, in time for dinner, When offered a fine Delphian pipe af ter the meal, Cardanzo and I both declined, ‘ it, but yes, Welcome tothe Fading Suns Players Companion, the culmination of a full year of publishing for Fading Suns Italso ushers in a new year of sourcebooks If th first Fading Suns book — enjoy! We hope you'll like what ‘you see [and then go huy all the existing sourcebooks). I you've heen with us before, then youl notice a new de: sign and look for the book. Gone are the often too-dark borders: introduced instead ate images both creepy and numinous from the mysterious and ancient jumpgates of the Anunnaki Players Companions (or handbooks, guides, codexes, ete}ae perennial favoritesand musts for die-hard gamers Such a book represents a sort-of second volume for the mai rules ands the hest source in which to greatly ex pand chesetting of the game. Following in this tradition, the Fading Suns Players Companion expands and elabo: rates on the basic rules of the game and introduces some major new elements to the setting. While much of the material herein is useful for the gamemaster, this book i minlyforthe players. Tothisend, che range of player ch: acter rolesand possibilities is greatly extended, as are the potential canflictseach role must face. Whether thechat- acter isa highly decorated commando ora naive Gannok she madeenemiesjust by being who she's Hopefullyshes made friends too. Many secrets are revealed here, lore which most Known Worldersclont know. Partof the challengeof play ing roleplaying character is to keep separate the know! ‘edge available to the character and knowledge available to the player. Just because you've read the section on the Oro'ym does not mean that your character knows such privileged info — in fact, almost no single person knows ALL the information presented in chat section. This book providesa mosaic view of the settingyeach, character only has pieces of it. Part of the fun and mean, Ingof the quest to the starsis the gathering — or rediscov ery—of such lore. Eventually secrets will be unveiledand it will be up to the player characters to forge a new uni- verse from them, Contents Her 00k Alustro’s Journal Alustro visits spacestation Cumulus and gets a slimpse ofthe varied lives within the Known Work Introduction What you're reading now Chapter One: A Day in the Life Just what coes someone in the year 4997 do with is days? What sort of conflictsor problemsarisein atypical day? This chapter answers these questions by showing a dyin the life of a member ofeach ofthe major character factions in Fading Suns, from a Hawkwood noble toa Vislerok Raider Chapter Two: Knightly Orders Nobles don't just sit in thelr flefs and manage thei holdings — at least, not all of them, Many yearn for ad- ventureor duty These intrepid. wel-bredscionsoften in a knightly order with which togoa-questing or to beter serve the Pancteator ~ andthe political needs of oneSown house. Manyoprionsare avaiable, from Emperor Alextuss elite Questing Knightstothe obscure Adamantine Order of the Eskatonies Chapter Three: Religious Orders Despiteitsbest efforts the Universal Church hasbeen unable to wipe out all alternative religions. The simple folk ofthe woods pray to their own gods, even while v= ing lip-service tothe Chureh on weekly chapel days.Some- times, these folk are not so simple: there are more than a brief run-down of what you'll find in this few magicians among them. This chapter details the wide- spread reliion of Gat. popular among modern barbar. fans and the more-ilicit ancestor cult of Manja, banned for centuries yet still practiced by some nobles. Also ex- amined isthe Church sect ofthe Choral, those whoa hei oles in song tothe Pancreator Chapter Four: Independent Guilds The Merchant League is one of the major moversand shakersin the Known Words, and itis bigger than most peoplethink: Each planet hasits own slew of guilds anda few ofthese have spread to the stars, Many new profes sare revealed here, from the competitive enteeai tment guilds to the secretive Slayers Guild or the incog nito Vagabonds. Chapter Five: The Military ‘One sure way off-world form: isthrough the military. The pet andunitsthroughout the Known Worldsis detailed here with emphass on player characters newly mustered out and ready for adventure, Chapter Six: Aliens Humans are not the only sentients among the stars Besides the well-known Children of the ir, the Vorox and the enemy races (Symbiots and Vau), there are ot! fmicizedand forgotien in eservationsset upfor them dur. ingtheSecond Republic. The few aliens who make t of theirhomeworldstoenterinterstllarsociety havea hard path ahead of them, regardless of whether they be the tngulate Shantor, simian Gannok, avian Etyti or some enstranget Chapter Seven: The Changed A fate worse than being born alien is to be Changed, one of the genetically engineered, egardless of whether puchalteration was done directly or toa distant ancestor TheChurch isespecially wary ofthese abominations fear fulthat their twisted forms mirror twisted souls. However, tring Changed does havetsbenefitsan extra imbor claw comes in handy now and then, and that ability rochange ‘one’ form can be a lifesaver. Chapter Eight: Rules ‘This chapter is chock-full of rules variants and op- tionsavalabletogamemastersand players allowing thera toalter gameplay to ther liking Also included are new ees fencingand firearm actions poychic pathsand pow fs weapons and equipment, detailson money and even astarship anyaspitantstothe stars a of combat branches Otome) ites : A Day in the Life Everybody in the Known Worlds has a unique posi- ton, whether it beasa serf, freeman or royal helt. They all hhavethetrdaily travailsand triumphs In thecase of player ‘characters, the travails usually outnumber che triumphs But thisisoften by choice, for they are thecrazy ones who go digging in ancient cuins, plot vendettas against rivals, bare on for risky and illegal missions or attempt to con- -veit hostile natives, ‘Thischapter providesan idea of whata typical Known Worlder does in between such insane expeditions and advencures. [es usually noc much more peaceful. Noble lords have fiefs to govern, enemies to crush and tithes to pay. Priests have crises of faith tosoothe, religious services to organize or famines to relieve, Merchants have fierce competition —even from their own fellow guildmembers — and pirates to worry about. Aliens have their own ‘troubles, and even barbarians suffer daily curmoil The intent ofa thisisto provide example for players and gamemasters of what the “other guy" is up 0 — andl ‘what theic own characters (PCs and NPCs alike) usually have to put up with. Morning Valerie Hawk wood bit her lipin frustration as Pardrik Trusnikron’ urroc soared past her, its great wings push- ing against the wind, She hated co lose, but her young, newly trained beast was clearly overmatched. No, its not that, she thought, I'm at fault. lost this race, not my moun Sighing she eased her gripon theurrocsneck and let the creature coast toa landing in frontof the training field. Pacdrik awaited her, an expression of aloof and ca- sual disinterest on his face "Good race; she said to Pardrik, trying to disguise her disappointment at losing. Pardtik frowned. “You called the race too soon,” he replied brusquely. “Keon was tiring, You ang Jiri should have overtaken me. | thought you Hawkwoods never gave up: Afternoon Seated at a large table in the Bardonai town hall, Valerie studied the neat columns of figures that enumer- House Hawkwood ated the Ravennan village’ prosperity. Usually, her father wouldattend tothe quarterly asessmentof late, however, Baron Aldan Hawk wood had encouraged Valerie toshare in administering the family holdings. Standing across from her, Leron, the tax collector, watched her intently. Carefully, she closed the ledger and rose from her seat. ‘severything to your liking, my lady?" Leron’ voice betrayed his anxiety "Ys, of course,” Valerie replied, “Should anything be out of order?” Assoon as the words were out of her mouth, she re- gretted them. Her father would never have implied that anything was amiss unlessit wereso. Now she would have tospend another hour ~ if not more — assuaging the tax collector’ feurs. The delay meant that a late afternoon riding lesson with Pardrik was out of the question. Evening The reception for the Imperial representative, a dis tant cousin of her mother’, was going well. The guest of honor stood chattingamiably with the Orthodox bishop, while the rest of the Imperial retinue mingledamongthe other visiting nobles from nearby Hawkwood and Trusnikron estates. Valerie withdrew intoa room adjoin- ing the ballroom to catch her breath, “Tired?” Valerie turned, startled, at the sound of the familiar “Pardrik,” she said. "I didn't expect to see you tonight.” “Lreceived a special invitation, he replied. “Your f ther has recommended me to his cousin. It seems they need 2 good urroe trainer on Byzantium Secundus” “Then you'll be leaving?” Valerie didn’t try to hide her dismay. Pardrik nodded geimly. "Ya cel tomorrows riding lesson.” Valerie nodded, blinking back the moisture in hereyes OF course, my family wants tose me paired with someone more important than a minor lordling. “How fortunate for you,’ she said. "TIL miss your expertise.” But only until | figure out a way to join you in the Imperial capieal She forced herself tosmile. “Excuse me, | believe our guest of honor needs rescuing from the bishop” She made her way toward the Imperial party, a plan of action already forming in her mind. You'te right, Pardrik, Hawkwoods never give up. raid welll have to can- Observations on Baron Inan Decados, submitted t0 the Takovian Agencyby Boyar Rimsky Decados Ifanything, I would submic that Ivan isa k ‘unworthy of his title. This past morning he remained in hisquarters until almost noon, dallying through break: fast with his latest courtesan. His absence at the breakfast table was disheartening to the visiting Lord Winthrop Hawkwood! | ook it upon myself tofill the gap caused by ‘our baron’ absence and entertained our noble guest. The afternoon was equally misspent. We met to dis ‘eussvariousbusiness matters. After a brief chat, he retired ‘again to his chamber for a few hours in a selchakah-in duced haze. Once more was I forced to oversee matters. Moresigificant than our lordSapparent laziness was his afternoon visitor. As I surveyed shipping records, a ‘household servant loyal to me approached and indicated that he had spied upon the visiting Hawkwood entering the baron’ chambers. Such private meetings worry me: my unele too often meets in private ‘with foreigners, and does not divulge thedetailsof these meetingstoeven his ‘most trusted associates Lentered the apparently unused hidden staircase | had discovered ‘months ago and made my way to the hhidden panel behind the baron’ bed. 1 hhad spied on him thus many times,and seen many vile sights. Unfortunat reached the panel too late, and from my spy- hole could see that Winthrop Hawkwood had departed. My uncle simply sat there, puffing con tentedly on a selchakah pipe. Teannot say for certain what my uncle isup to, but L fear he is selling house secrets. Iswear by the Pancreator | shall uncover his deeds and report chem to the Jakovian ‘Agency Lam hopeful that the Prince shall remember my humble efforts and consider me favorably when he reap- portions my traitorous uncle’ properties. Otservationsby Dasha Decados Jakovian Agent ‘Young Rimsky’s deeds and words are foolish. He suf fersfroma marriage of Decados intrigueand Li Halan pu fitanism:his mothers blood runs oo strongly in him, asis evident by his moralism in judging his uncles behavior. His eagerness for advancement is transparent, and while such zeal can be an effective tool, in his case it is a weak- ness, House Decados Itisobviousthat Rimsky isunaware of hisown uncles role in the Jakovian Agency, and the ties that Ivan has maintained throughout the Known Worlds with hissup- ply of selchakah to addicts of other houses. Perhaps Rimsky will mature and learn from his own folly. Note: Be sure to cross-check Ivan’ last report of his, meeting with Winthrop Hawk wood. do not recall read- ing of any private visit. ° . alll A 4 © Baron Raphael Miguel Rolas de Selonia carefully closed the lid of the ancient crate and leaned on it, feeling, both more relaxed and more confused, Hehad hoped that looking on ts contents one more time would show hima clearcourseof action, but that had not happened. Instead, he was even more troubled than when the letter First ar rived at breakfast Raphael had just sat down at the oaken dining table, fresh from his morningexercises, when a page hurried into the room, He bore a envelope with the seal of Baronet Ludmila Tina Castenda, and Raphael felt uncomfortable assoon ashe saw it. As he expected, the envelope contained an invitation for Raphael to join with the Baronet in bringing suit against Don Pedro este for crimes com mitted by Pedro’ father. Thechance for additional vengeance against the Seste family should have warmed Raphael’ heart. Afterall, Pedro’ father, Baron Vaustus Ricardo Seste, had killed Raphael’ father and usurped his land. Some say the legendary Domino had brought Vaustus tojustice, exposing hisschemesand finally driving his rapier into the older man’s heart after Vaustus tried to shoot him. Raphael had recovered his ancestral lands following that fight, and che Seste branch had fallen into disgrace. Don Pedro had inherited a small mansion, and now Baronet Ludmila was proposing a way to takethat from him. If Raphael would sup- port her claims that Pedro was continuing his father’ schemes when she went before Prince Juan, she would split that last mansion with him, Raphael sighed and thought about hisown property. Hundreds of acres of farmland. A le gion of troops who trained in barracks which DING SUNS PLAYERS COMPANIO! The Hazat Raphael knew better than his own bedroom. The town, of Simulata, a growing trade spot which his great-grand- father had founded. Ancient ruins where Scravers even now looked for treasure. Today heshould be touring them, ensuring that the croops' training went well and Simulata new enterprises were well run. He had hoped to spend most of the day drilling his legionson hand-to-hand com- bat, as well as getting some more practice in for himself ‘What made his decision even harder was thathe knew Don Pedro had no involvement in Baron Vaustus' evils He had also heard rumors that the Baronet had begun making trouble with Don Pedros people as an excuse to move against him, Raphael sighed again. Don Pedro’ land would be a fine addition to his own. Still, something nagged at him. The way Baronet Ludmila was proceeding reminded him far too well of what happened to him after his father died. Again Raphael looked at the contents of the ancient crate. The mask,capeand rapier looked normal, but Raphael knew how donning them had changed his life. The strength of purpose and drive for honor they hhad imparted could not be shaken, He pulled che bell pull, summoning his most trusted servant. Being the Domino had allowed him co regain his, family’s honor and see justice done. Maybe it would do the same if Don. Pedro was wearing it. House Li Halan "Holy Pancreator, who revealed o Zebulon Thy ser- ‘vant the Spirit, the Path and the Eightfold Vision. bless Thou your servant, and make of me a weapon of light in thedarkness to pierce theshadows, discern the ruth and Fulfill Thy will on Raizan Li Halan, Bowing his head toward the cold east. Raizan said his morning prayer. then slipped out of hissparsely Furnished | room (bed, night table, one antique chest of clothes in- scribed with the ancient rose insignia of the Li Halan). Dressed ina black, loose fitting robe, he appeared outside hhis fathers estate before Baiko, the captain of the guard and his personal trainer. “A mist rises over the moon’ reflection,” Baiko said, luponseeing Raizan. ‘The flower petals move in the water, | angels wings” He held out a wooden, curved swo Raizan, twenty three years old and recently returned hasfetherS estates, took the wood “Springtime lotus, eternal sun snow’ Raizan responded. *Good, Master Raizan, good,” Baiko said. ‘A ood renga poem, but somewhat fatalistic. Snow overingalotus.ifthe mind isnot still, orif you Are nervous toward future duties, we should ot practice” *My mind isstill” Raizan said. fee Ingthecoo! breeze upon hischeek. For an hour Raizan par- ted, attacked and defended ‘with his sword, while Baiko straightened his arm, com- mented on his orm (unusu ally good, more bold than usuallandthen took out the slug guns. They performed n weapon. weker, covered by quick reflex firing. Again, Baiko noticed that Ralzan was more bold, He wasa good student. His experience at Isijis military academy and his year with the Questing Knights had helped After practice was over, Baiko looked at his student. in Li Halan, you are nervous about your upcoming. ge to Juliara Barache" It was an arranged marriage. The Baraches were gentry nobility but possessed great wealth. “How do you know?" “Isaw you two daysago when you lead the men against the husk attack on Sarat village. You performed well, bringing down seven of the undead, “Idid well enough” “Yes, but you threw yourself in the front of battle recklessly. You revealed an unconscious wish.” Raizan sighed. "Yes, youare right. love Juliara She has ‘a good aesthetic eye and we both have an interest in old poetry and history. But [am afraid thae the days of song and battle will be over once we consum mate our dury" "Your father knows this. Your wedding is seven monthsaway. Next month, he} a last adventure, to accompany him ona mission to Madoc.” Raizan nodded, but inside he wanted to sing. He whis- pered a prayer of thanks for the respite from duty. “Blessed be Thou, Pancreator, in the seasons of righteousness, world with: out end” “Rai When Mazan the Thief's gang broke into the ware- house of Adakam the Merchant. only a blind balcshi per former witnessed the raid in the Gund neighborhood of the Istalchr Market. Ordered fo steal Adakam’ secret sup- 9 _Plvofsynthetic brains, Mazan found himself confronted by theancient robed merchant and the mercenariesin his employ. Shots rang out, Two of Mazan’s men fell dead in sec nds Mazan dropped to the floor, rolling behind some containers His man, Mahmet, shot one of the guards, but ie was only a matter of time before they were finished. ee, Ss Pavers Cc House al-Malik Suddenly, the blind bakhshi performer appeared, fol- lowed by Jafar the animal tamer, a local vendor. “Ever one is under arrest.” the bakhshi said calmly. “On whoseauthority?" screamed Adakam, poking his head out from behind a erate, “Byauthority of theal-Malik,” Jafarsaid. "We have fol- lowed you for weeks, Adakam, wondering why synthetic brains were being transported. The bakhshi here is the duke’ niece, Atiya al-Malik, whose beauty is the reflection of the dawn moon overa still pond” ‘The thievesand mercenariesstopped, uncertain. Atiya peeled off hersynchflesh mask, the adhesive plastic which, gave her the appearance of an old woman, Her young, beautiful features were revealed. "I did not know, she sai, “that the da-ya, the road to the First Mountain, would be so full of rich experiences” “Lhate that damn Ven ‘Twa of yours” Adakam whis- pered. "That smug Graceful Tongue you use to intimidate outsiders. If | ever hear that damned tongue again IIL “Noble merchant, the combined knowledge in these sealed containers oes not equal thesmallest thought on your much troubled brow” Sharzad replied. Adakam growled and aimed his Mitchau .40 Thundererat Atiya. She flung her dotarat Adakam’ feet It exploded, blowing Adakam across the room and into the wall. He slid to the floor and spat up blood. Mazan pointed his gun at the mercenaries, who dropped their guns and raised their arms in surrender “What were you attempting here?" Atiya said, stand. ingover Adakam. “Manipulation of the posteentral gyrus” the mer chant said, grinning as blood tricked from his mouth. ‘Create unlimited desire for a product by manipulation of the frontal lobe via the subliminal broadcasting of images. We would create the perfect consumer” "We? Ativa asked "We Others”A throat as he died Atiya looked over at Mazan. “Thief, tell your boss to cooperate or we'll shut bis operation down, t00. Leave us now" Jatar looked at Atiya ‘Are you okay? “Yes, exhilarated, The road to the First Mountain pro- duces unexpected results. Now [must buy another musi- cal instrument to celebrate our victory” ping sound escaped from Adakams Householder From the journal of Melissa Haupeford, Seneschal 10 Count Finegan of House Hawkwood, Leminkainen, Fenwick Marches Morning Notes Rose early to kick stableboys awake. Lazy, rotten boys. Noneof them shall makesquire.The lords hunt must not begin late The kitehen staff was presented. They must be ready Coprepare the catch immediately upon the bunt’ return. From the teports detivered by che rangers, they can expect one of three feasts: Urth boar, Fenix or — if the bunt is, lucky — Grambol. (Note: Make sure physickers have proper anti-toxinsavailable ifthe latter. And set the tables with shalpo scent canilles to hide the stench) Noon Notes Cursed Thestoresare lower than expected, How could this have passed unnoticed until now? That blowhard. Baron Richter, is to blame. His visit two nights ago saw entirely too much consumption. Why was not notified? See who isto blame and deliver a harsh thrashing, Send Jacques into Feldsmere City to replenish the stores along with a sizable guard to deter bandits (except for Sergeant Morgan). Maintenance the secondary haul ingskimmer—the lord has demanded the primary skim ‘mer for the hunt, in case a Grambol is brought down. ‘Summon Sergeant Morgan for a.. briefing, He must assign hissoldierstoduty tonight, but post himself in the outer hall. Hisstrong arms are best put to use he Evening Notes warned the lord as respectfully as possible not coin vite that Decaclos brat along for the hunt. My warnings were unheeded, and he has caused trouble. An incident of honor Gloves have been thrown down and the bunt iscut short, with only one Urth boar ¢o bring in. Before the entourage returns, prepare the fresh stores of cattle meat Jacques was wise enough to purchase with his own cognizance. He rust be rewarded for this. Send the stewards to prepare che field and gather the chiurgeons, Midnight Notes There will be hell to pay tomorrow: I pray the chiurgeonscan properly prepare the body for delivery The Decados will nonethelessseek a blood debt fortheirlosst 32 muscawaic the lord decision in such matters 3 To bed, then. But first, must “speak” with Sergeant Morgan here in my chambers, Promises of a captainey 20 sofarand lend the promlsor beauty otherwise lacked Your Grace, As you requested, | am writing to inform you about our progress in rebuilding the cathedral after the fire,and about our new priest, Father Bentley: The fire razed the church to its foundations, burning into the late hours of the night; Brother Biggs is still investigating its cause. De- spite the fires intensity, however, Sister Marcel managed ro rescue the Shroud of Saint Verda, | can only recount het escape through the inferno as a blessed miracle, Un: forcunately, the continuing arrival of refugees from the \Vuldrok raids has sorely hampered our rebuilding efforts. Eight more refugeesarrived today, interrupting our morn. ing prayer. This angered Father Bentley, who berated the! leader before allowing them shelter in che vestry build: ing. I fear our parish’ hospitality has suffered greatly in recent weeks, Urth Orthodox We have contracted enough stone to rebuild the cathedrals foundation, but the granite alone has severely depleted our coffers. The wood for the upper structure has. come at a lesser price, thanks to Baron Anthony Hawkwoods generosity. Unfortunately, Father Bentley off. set these savings when he emptied our treasury tobuy the cathedral’ new Orb, The old Orb was a brass oil-lantern, more than adequate for the lighting of a humble parish church. Even before the fire, however, Father Bentley ‘hated” that light. Every Restday he preached before the congregation, extolling the virtues of an everlight, “like they have in Transverse City" Ihave heard some in thecon- igregation say that his desire for che Orb bordered on the sin of technosophy. Despite the congregation’ wishes, he bought the light, angering most in the parish. ‘Since that time, Canon O'Blay and many of the novi- tates have avoided vespers when they knew he would be in attendance, preferring to hold their prayers in a local farmhouse. Many in the congregation have gone to our sister parish in Nardwood. | hear some have even sought out services with a local sect of Incarnates.Clearly thisisa deplorable situation; | believe our congregation cannot survive much longer under Father Bentleys care. He has ‘ten spoken of how he misses Transverse City. I believe he would be happier, and do less harm, if he had the op- portunity to return there. fear thisletterisiessthan chari- table, but you urged me tobe honest. I pray that yout wis dom will right all wrongs in this matter by allowing the cher’ expeditious departure Yours, Sister Chota Doreh Dianaslowly knelt down in prayer, beseeching for more for a cure to her hangover than for tyof her soul. By the Prophet, aSymbiot hive does damage than does one of Baronet Alesia Decacioss thought. Still, as the primary Brother Battle tative on Cadiz, she had certain responsibilities, dingthe planets main social functions was one e She would have preferred tospend last night pre- ipforher upcoming trip to Vril-Ya,bucrelations with dos were strained. She had tosmooth over hurt ‘much as she had to study the weaknesses of as hangover did not slow her reactions arto her chapel crashed open. Her train- inand without a word she Leapt For- Embracing theSun. The ancient Mantok erearried her across the chapel, and her {foot hit the intruder full in the chest. andas Diana landed she drew her sv ced the familiar Fin-the-jumpgate symbol sewn onto angers cloak. Ac the same time, she 9 she yelled. “This land belongs Battleasgiven tous by the Pa- rch. You have no authority here.” cdmore by the threat of her flux tie truth of her words. Brother Battle ‘Hello Diana,” she said, immediately reminding Diana of asnake ready tostrike."Isee that thecriminal hassought, haven here.” Diana turned to look at the cloaked intruder. He had risen to his feet, and his cloak had opened to re~ ‘veal a suit of battered ceramsteel armor with numerous religious symbols painted on it. He held no weapon but Diana recognized his stance as Raised Palm, Points of Stat. From that position hecould reach more than adozen con- cealed weapons in less time than it would take the sol- diers to pull their triggers, “Lam Calimanda, oblate of our order” he said. “I have recovered the crown of St. Iman from the heretics who were corrupting it. | now intend to take it to De Moley for cleansing” Diana cursed under her breath. Thecrownof had disappeared from Cadiz’ cathedral generations ago — shortly after House Decados claimed the planet. Diana had hoped to spend her day in prayer and prepara- tion for her upcoming trip. Now it looked like diplomacy and perhapsafight or two were the order of the day. At Teast the hangover was no longer her main ob Pentateuch’ agora was particularly boisterous today, Brother Lathan thought ashe wound his way through the gathered throngs milling about from stall to stall. The transition from the serenity of his morning’ reflections contrasted starkly with the frenetic hustleof thecrowded masses. Still, he was glad to be back on Pentateuch, and this past month was necessary balm, He was away from Pentateuch fora few years,and he had missed the world badly: the aroma of fresh-roasted joloba beans, witnessing sunset atop Mount Tabor, trek kkingthrough theShulel Forest in search of rare jhixi herbs. Eskatonic Order He came to Pentateuch as a frightened tertiary. and the world welcomed him. Its vast sprawling wilderness em- braced him; its mountains hovered protectively over him: its waters cleansed him, Only the soulless could not love this worlds spirit, and it was his personal romance with Pentateuch that opened hiseyes to thespirits that resided inall things. Ultimately he left Pentateuch, a newly-ordained no- vitiate, eager to join the entourage of a childhood friend —a noble of House al-Malik desperate to win his spurs ‘This was the beginning of a grand adventure across the Known Worlds, concluded with an unexpected reac! ry that left half theic number dead on Nowhere. In re- morse he returned to Pentateuch, to grieve the loss of his friends. Ahead he spied a group of somber Orthodox priests at his favorite book stall, idly flipping through the pages Of ranclom comes. He knew the bookseller, and recognized what circumspect works the Orthodox might discover. The booksellers nervousness was apparent, at least to Lathan He sidled up to them, humming an Obun tune learned from a now-deceased ally. The Orthodox priests surreptitiously glanced at the unshaven mystic. “Greet- ings, Brothers! he proclaimed. "The End is neat! Are you ready? It shall be glorious" They tried to ignore him. He whirled to face the crowd."Let usrecount thestory of Saint Mythior, whose visions Cell us of the imminent Eskaton?” he exulted. “My brothers and I shall share the good news of the End Times” A few passersby stopped ¢o listen, and he launched intoa wildly rambling sermon that detailed the Eskaton in exquisite detail, punctuated by the occasional Obun hymn. ‘The Orthodox were aghast. They backed away, extti- cating themselves from an apparently humiliating epi- sode, Within moments they were gone, the bookseller ely ignored. Lathan ended with a few admonitions to the gather- ing. He turned to the relieved bookseller, and they traded winks “You owe me one,’ Lathan whispered as he trolled by his rescued friend, Healready had a few books in mind, far more expensive thana humble priest could otherwise afford. HAPTER ONE: A Day IN THE LIFE Avestite five of thee clok:sunntize. Lawakin fiveand a halv: morning prayrs and ablewshons siks of the cklock: morning meel. got thear erly so I got thee best porshin frum the topof the pott. must wakin erlyer sol kan finish prayrs and get heer erlyer. six and a qwarter: groop prayr and miditayshon, bruther amantildo mayd us do mor of that chanting, tuday.I donot lykechantig, becauzit maiks me lyteheddit, but bruther ammontidio sayz it mayks my insides cleen, somy sole woant haf to livve infil. sevvin off the clock: simun by deekun arkibaldus. verry interestible nine of thee clok:groop ecsersizes, bruther pugnatius uk us chru minny diferint subcuwal drills Cuday and shoad us wut kinde of dorz shud be rammd wif the scholdur or kikt in with thee bute. levvin of the clock: sylint metatayshin. thank thee Pankriater. levin and a haf: ottoflajilashin, after a yeer of thee plane lether my back is sow scard ovar that it dusint byte inny mor must reawest the abbit for permishun to yoor sum iran studs or a barb. noone: nuine mel noon anda half: benny dikshon and abyourashin. wone off the clok: patrol. menny innerestible akshunsuccuringon patrol tuday, butt nun morsow then thee riport of a speading rikshaw. wee braut it ¢o hault, and uppon luking inside hu du we see but thee cownt’ senishall wich a yung wuman in stait of undrest. he is ettempingto push a parsel intoo her lap. but she calls him azuncleen patt of the anatummy and clocks him with it (chee parse), cuvvaring halv his hed in pyure graid sill chawkuh!as we draged him off to the mission he told usa vary inderrestible story abowt how he wus infestigaiting the ikstent of onginized cryme in thee feefdum alte of the klock: daze riport and dibreefing, mutch Iafter over thee senishal nineof thee clock: eevining meel. got thear lait.scraipt bimne bits from bottum of pot nyneand three qwarders: prayur. {en off che clock: surmon by canun paulifemis. hily interestible but ispeshilly wen | awoak to heer bruther amantilda argewing doctrin with thee cannon hu wuz not hapey abow it, bruther pugnaschius had to lift the altet and drop it LOWD for or fyve tymes befor we got wyet again. hiley interistible surmin twelf midnigt:confeshin. towelf and a qwarter: pennints oo off thee ckloks:tostea = from the personal diary of Novitiate Clement, of the Avestite monastery on Cadavus ‘Winta, Winta, Winta,"camethe cry,a ghost cry from a hundred dying throats, rustling like old leaves in the wind, Behind the two Amaltheans,shadows moved in the dying town, figures shuffling out of doorways, blistering and festering, suffering From the Violet Corpse, a disease with no cure. "Winta, Winta, Wints: ‘Treszcka turned and saw them, a hellish multitude smelling of decay: Purple blotches covered their skin and. huge boils oozed yellow pus Treszcka swallowed, fighting, @ momentary urge to Vomit, and said her prayer to Amalchea: "Santa Amalchea, benedicta..." Her words trailed off into silence, a weak sound swallowed by the night Beside her, Winta Chimalis brushed her golden hair =>. Amalthean from her eyes, and motioned the crowd to silence. They obeyed falling on their knees before the greatest healer of the Known Worlds, Winta approached them, hands up- raised in healing prayer, appearing, thought Treszcka, like ‘an unearthly spirit, a beautiful icon gliding on invisible feet. Her hands brushed the head of a man, and he ell back, healed. Others rose, swarming about her, touching the hem of her robe or raising their hands to let her long hait flow through them likea waterfall The two healers had come to Sierra Rojo, on Sutek, a mission of merey to heal che strange disease which had broken out therea week before. The pestilencestruck ran- domly, causing purple discoloration of the skin, then in- flammation and swellingand finally death. The Hazat 2u- thorities quarantined the village and surrounding coun- tryside, allowing food drops but no visitors — except for the two healers, who could not leave once they entered the village. Yet the mission was urgent, for already, two cases were discovered outside the quarantine area. Winta was one of the greatest healers in the Known Worlds manipulating light and healing in- juries witha touch, while Treszcka,a year out of her schooling in Merciful Technals on Artemis, had never seen anything like her. A touch and a peasant wascured,a word and people fell unconscious, wak- ing healed, Treszcka did not know what good she could do here ‘They set up headquartersin the abandoned Church, The priest had fled, leaving his flock to die, Old stained glass windows revealed scenes from the Prophet’ life; to the leftof thealtar,in brightglass, Amalthea forever healed the Prophet. The adobe walls Kept them cool, and they lit candles and prayed before deep night came. Deep in meditation, Treszcka recalled that only the village fishermen seerned immune to the disease. Was not the lake near to the ruins of the Old Fortress, where leg- end claimed that the First Republic overlords had stored their fires of destruction? What if such stores had broken free of their prisons, leaking their poisons into the lake? IF it was a gradual escape, the fishermen could have built upan immunity to it. Of course! That must be it! Thanking Saint Amalthea with tears in her eyes, Treszcka realized that she, a year out of training, had pos- sibly found the cure in the blood of the simple fishermen. Tomorrow she would begin applying medical science, as mysterious to the peasants as Winta’s healing ability. To- morrow the vaccinations would begin IN THE LIFE CHAPTER ONE Hesychast The Journal of Brother Aris ‘St. Palamedes Day— I arrived on Nowhere via a Church ship, rundown and reekit tmethatshe used to make illegal haulsof synthoho ages until captured and given new lfein our holy fleet) Asmallfrantie man, Brother Giles greets me,and.accom paniesme to my new home, the Malestron Monastery. He is the silent, nervous type. Informs me that he has heard of my work, Gift ofthe Pancreator, but not read it. "No, Brother ris readingisan indulgence do not allow my- sel Nor, apparently is stimulating conversation if my superiors (and by this | mean Bishop Xenos) fought to exile me due to my writings, they could have giver meno worse hel (or tet of faith} then thecompany of thissqualid bore. Still] meditate on St Akahitoamidst the Vorox andthe Miracleof the Gong,St-Akahitos fat, at least, was tested by killer sentients with the strength of glants Mine iscested by this gross, smug Title repentant, whois now humming 2poor litany tohimself How want tosmash his face with rocks St. Hombor's Day it Matestron Monastery must be seen to be believed. Er tering the maddening sfone mansion, lamin formed by a monk sit tingnakedon ho coals that Brother Calais avaitsme inoneof the garden mazes. Another monk, meditating in the air, suspended by fone arm, announces my arrival “A fairly Genventional place other Calais informs me, after | spend two. hours looking for him through the garden maze coming across lewd stat ues placed there by the Decados long before. The built in Chaos Revival style and isa tribute to he captain informed Li Halan decadence combined with the comparatively “healthy” mental outlook of the Decados Twisting rooms, screaming statues and wind chimes that sound like dy ing Ravennan Dragon Whales greet me at every turn. My oom possesses a stairway which leads into the wall and abruptly ends. fear Lam in a holding cell for drunks. But no, Lam assured that this is one of the better rooms. Reflection Night Eve~ The study of Via Corporeus, was never my gift. Monks who practice martial arts or chant Zebulon’ Mercies while sticking hot pinsin them- selves are not representative of the holy solitude I write about. Apparently, the weaversamong this monastery lead amore normal, if not equally boring, existence, have de- voted my life to Via Devotio, to strengthening our rela- tionship with the Pancreator. My works reflect this. fall into bleak despair as I see how my stodgy enemies have recluced me to impotence in this bizarre circus of a mon- astery.A Brother Geof asks mea question about my work, ‘an informed one about "Via Antiqua’ and pre-te- flective man’s relationship with the Pancreator. One star in my night of hopelessness. Still it isa beginning Captain's Log, 4997.7.29.0445 League Standard Problems with the Acon lng Something bout a bad Greenberg flux cache; it won't cascade, according to the spaceports Engineers Whatever that meuns Ireallyshould tear more about how this cub works. A day or two-and they'll nave meready to go. Nothing else todo but makea Tittle money. Charioteer Supplemental Put on my tri-vee suit and went out to the market- place, When I wear that baby I'm my own electric light parade. Starbursts,swirlsand geometric shapesorbit Tound my head, my body glows with multi-colored lights, and music envelopsme It neverfailstoattract the rubes— they come to see ashow and end up buying something. ‘Turns out attracting attention to myself was bad ides. 1 was having a good day — folks were buying alot — but then I saw guards wearing the livery of House Hazat Pushing their way through the marketplace. Seems lan- feted the focal lanclmeister I guess I shouldn't have sold Duke Rian that fake lightsplinter, but fd planned to be off-world by the time it stopped glowing. I ran. The huge crowds kept the soldiers from following too closely Made itto the Siingand ilred her up before the militia could stop me. Good thing I can get the local guild to pay my docking fees 1 calculated my course tothe gate and heaved asigh of reliet 2 min freespace 4997 8.02.1204LS Duke Rian forgot who hes dealing with. EMS sensors picked up one of his ships follow ing me almost immediately: That didn't worry me, ‘cause my ship’ faster. I just sat back and ‘watched it for three days, dropping further and further bbehind. Ies the ship in front of me — a Kykantha frigate ~ that worryingme.ItSangled totryandcut meoff from the gate Tf ita fight they want, che Sing can handle herself. just hope I don't have to deploy the light meson cannon hidden in the holds its always better co keep your secrets secret. 4997 8.04.0445LS Got to Jumpgate and the frigate was waiting, along with adozen other ships waiting to out jump.Good thing Td contacted the other captainsand explained my situa tion; they fet me jump the queue. Loutmaneuvered Duke Rian’ ship, pushing the engines as much as I dared and got Co the gate, Luck was with me; the Aeon Sling made the jump without the Greenberg thingamajig Note to myself:Contact Leagueheim; blackball Duke Rian. CS a Engineer ENTRY 473956292:7483 : DAILY LOG APPRENTICE RESTECH: CHENG, MAHOMET E Subject: Item 77Q, Lot R49 Bannockburn 4819.07C Procedures: Spectroanalysis phase 1V <5000- 17000mgh2>; Introsound 9/9000; ZETScan Infraprofile {START} microstructural analysis indicates hypercooled high-viscosity semifluid sediments in. (@ coolant? articulated chamberssuggest a peristaltic pulse. loops of standing electromagnetic waveform at these nodes may confirm, cesium dating places leakage at esti ‘mated seven thousand to four thousand years ago. tubes Ba through (7c are all hollow, scored roallow passage of a delicate cable long since erocied away. impacted levers? do they torque the sacs in the interstices? any other tech, would open up with its secrets like a clockwork toy, but this fautodeleted} contraption is as reticent and recalci- trant asany living subject! (:ATTENTION*: all indica tions of organic biomechanism must be reported directly toZ Division =} only the absence of any organic com- pounds prevents me from hitting the symbiosis contain- ment hotbutton here and now. {LUNCH} damned thing must be moving on its own — returned to find it shifted to one side in its holding palette, articulations resettled into clamps, markers all slid askew. patently impossible: the thing is simply not fashioned to move under itsown, power. the laws of the fautodelete: substitute “Pancreator’s} are not easily grasped, but even the gate builders were constrained by the phenomenal world. but the feeling cannot be shaken. it watches. it gauges and it registersand it calculates. you understand my thoughts, dont you? last night | saw you, whole, as you scoured gate’ surface, clearing debris From crevices and unread- able inscriptions, but I saw it from without, above the plane of space, where the starlanes are but silver filaments webbing the night sky. like pursestringsare they, drawing worlds close fol ingaway the hungry cold void, pulling lifein to protect and secure it. but do we pull too hard? the eyelets tear, the drawstring frays, che light and warmth of oursunsCrickleaway swallowed bynight. whencesuch visions,if not from you? is this a revelation, a glimpse of the Great fautodeletes substitute “Empyrean’s}

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