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❑SEX – the biological aspect of sex; maleness or Since humans are meaning-making organisms, the
femaleness ability for higher-order thinking and creating social
norms allow us to attach social and cultural
❑GENDER – the social interpretation of sex; meanings to things, including sex.
masculinity, femininity, etc.
❑ This social dimension of one’s sexuality is referred
❑SEX CHROMOSOMES – chromosomal markers that to as gender.
distinguish female from male species
❑INTERSEX – individuals with composite genitals FEMININITY – Female
(possessing some characteristics of both male and

❑Colors assigned to the baby (e.g. blue for boy; pink

for girl)
❑Toys (e.g. cars/ toy gun for boys; dolls/ makeups
❑ is the biological dimension of your gender and for girls)
❑It is also referred to as biological sex or physical
sex. ❑Programs to take in College

❑It generally pertains to your identity depending on ❑Works

your sexual anatomy and physiology.
The phenomenon of determining the normality of a
❑It is typically determined by examining your behavior based on whether it conforms or not to the
genitals expectations relativeto one’s biological sex is known
as heteronomativity.
❑If the child is observed to have a: penis and
testicles – Male vagina - Female


Sun & Aphrodite, Goddess of Beauty) – also known
One important aspect of our gender is our sense of
as intersexuality in modern times. This is a case when
who we are:
a baby’s genital is a conglomerate of male and
female organs. “Do we see and experience ourselves as a man, a
woman, or neither?”
Pseudohermaphrodite “Ferms”
However, there are cases wherein a person’s
Pseudohermaphrodite “Merms”
biological sex does not align with one’s gender
❑CHROMOSOMES- another indicator to determine identity. People with this experience are referred to
the sex of an individual. It is a protein structure as TRANSGENDERS (people may undergo gender
which contain your genetic material reassignment surgery), male who does not feel
comfortable identifying as a man (transgender
❑HORMONES – chemicals in our body that are woman) or a female who is not comfortable
responsible for sustaining bodily processes. identifying as a woman (transgender man).

It is another aspect of our gender that pertains to REPRODUCTIVE AFFAIRS (world of home and related
our emotional and sexual attraction to a person. tasks such as child caring and home management).
According to the Psychological Association of the
During the INDUSTRIAL ERA, it intensified the gender
Philippines, typically at ages 6 or 8, we experience or
disparity where men were preferred because they
develop attraction to other people.
did not have to bear children for 9 months and
Everyone’s sexuality is different and deeply personal. because of their physical strength that are necessary
Our capacity for emotional and sexual attraction is in factories and work.
diverse and complex.
❑HETEROSEXUAL – “straight”
❑It came from the Greek word PATRIARKHES which
❑HOMOSEXUAL – “gay” or “lesbians” means “the rule of the father”.

❑BISEXUAL – attracted to both sexes ❑It is a system based on the control and oppression
of women wherein they are perceived to be the
TERMS ❑It is a structure that upholds male supremacy in
❑PATRIARCHY – a social system where men primarily the law, at home, in the workplace, and in society.
hold power in the political and the private spheres. ❑It is a social system where men rule over women
❑FEMINISM – continuing series of social movements and their children.
that aim to challenge the patriarchal society that ❑Patrilineal Society is a society that follows the
creates these oppressive political structures, beliefs, patriarchal system.
and practices against women.
❑DIVINE FEMININE – the sacredness of the woman
due to her ability to conceive children ❑Men can only inherit property and the family
❑EGALITARIAN – men and women have equitable
power and roles. ❑Women are not allowed to go to schools

INTRO ❑Women are not allowed to vote

Historical accounts show that across time, humans’ According to FRIEDRICH ENGELS, a German
conception of gender and sexuality has also changed. philosopher and sociologist, a patriarchy system
Archeological artifacts reveal that in the distant past, arises when people started having private property
humans have high regard for women because of instead of a communal living.
DIVINE FEMININE. Which makes the societies

However, humans’ discovery of PATERNITY which is GREEK

the role of the father in conception, began to Aristotle, Plato, and other Greek philosophers
establish communities and have changed how the viewed women as the inferior sex and are
societies have viewed women and men. properties of men whose only job was to obey their
For the longest time thereafter, societies have husbands, bear children, and take care of the
privileged men over other genders, mainly because household.
of the preferential given to them in the PRODUCTIVE Women were forbidden to learn philosophy, politics,
SPHERE (world of public work). Women who have and science.
been revered due to their ability to conceive have
been viewed as solely capable only of EGYPT
Herodotus, a Greek historian, observed the Egyptian ❑The book written titled “The Second Sex” in 1949
civilization citing that Egyptian women enjoyed by SIMONE DE BEAUVOIR, stated how the
higher social status than Greek women because they patriarchal society
can inherit property and engage in trade and politics.
However, Greek influence quickly spread in Egypt disadvantaged women by slowly raising her into
through the conquest of Alexander the Great across submission and hindering their productivity and
Asia and Africa. happiness.

CHINESE ❑It inspires different women to write their own

Confucianism has stringent written rules that dictate
how women should conduct themselves. The written ➢Betty Friedan (The Feminine Mystique, 1963)
documents titled “Three Obedience and four virtues”
➢Kate Millet (Sexual Politics, 1969)
and “Precepts of Women” states that women should
obey their father, when married she is to obey her ➢Germaine Greer (The Female Eunuch, 1970)
husband, and when widowed she is to obey her
son. ❑Le Mouvement de Liberation des Femmes
(Women’s Liberation Movement ) was formed in
FORMS OF OPPRESSION Europe and they sought the different rights:
❑Sexism – prejudice, stereotypes, and ➢Education
discrimination based on sex
❑Gender pay gap – men earn more that women
❑Underrepresentation in politics, military, executive
positions ➢Decide on their own body and Sexualities

❑Rape on women & stigma making women ❑Inspired by Beauvoir’s book, SECOND WAVE
ashamed on filing a report FEMINISM in the 1960’s through 1980s, women
drew attention to various social and cultural
❑Very conservative expectations on women’s inequalities such as domestic violence especially
behavior marital rape, reproductive rights, wage inequality,
❑Unrealistic depictions of women in fiction etc.

❑Women do more housework and childcare ❑The 1990s gave birth to the THIRD WAVE
❑ In year 2012 started the FOURTH WAVE
❑It is a continuing series of social movements that FEMINISM.
aim tochallenge the patriarchal society that creates
these oppressive political structures, beliefs, and ❑The UN reports that women do more work than
practices against women. men because even when they work at the office,
they are still expected to do household tasks.
❑During the 19th and early 20th century, the FIRST
WAVE FEMINISM spread across the western ❑Another report from UN Women states that
countries as women demanded for their right to vote “women perform 66% of the world work, produce
or participate in elections and to be able to legally 50% of the food, but earn 10% of the income and
own property. own 1% of the property”

❑To put simply, it demands equality.

❑Women Suffrage – the right to vote It emerged from the need to analyze how gender,
sex, and sexuality impact our lives, especially how it
❑Equality in Politics and Society – right for proper creates gender inequality.
representation in politics and society
It started in the middle of 1970s, after the second
❑Reproductive Rights – woman is in control of her wave of feminism as a way to challenge the male-
body, and she can decide for herself on what she defined and male-centered knowledge.
sees is best for her.
GENDER ROLES are “sets of culturally defined
❑Domestic Violence – by passing the RA 9262 or behaviors such as masculinity and femininity”.
Anti Violence Against Women and their Children.
DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION Gender roles are socially
❑Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence - by constructed and are not something that we are
establishing Center for Women’s Resources in the “born with”. Society, through a lifelong process of
country. normalization, encourages or reprimands behavior to
make a child adapt to these social expectations.
❑Other Rights (Right to make pregnancy, equitable
wages, and equal employment opportunity) It utilizes a systematic approach in identifying
problems, making hypotheses and assumptions,
GENDER AND SEXUALITY AS A SUBJECT OF INQUIRY gathering data, and making conclusions. This
TERMS systematic process is referred to as the research
❑GENDER STUDIES - a field of study concerned
about how reproductive roles are interpreted and
negotiated in the society through gender. QUALITATIVE- It focuses more on the meanings
created and interpretation made by people about
❑SOCIAL RESEARCH - the process of investigating
their own personal or vicarious experiences.
social realities.
 Phenomenology- Conducting intensive
❑RESEARCH APPROACH- the orientation in
interviews with individuals who have
understanding social realities. This can be qualitative
experienced a particular event and
(interpretive), quantitative (deductive), or both.
understanding their “lived experience”
❑ETHICS IN RESEARCH - these are considerations in  Hermeneutics- Understanding the meaning
conducting research to make sure that the well-being of texts (literary works, art works) and what
of the participants is ensured, and that the outcome they convey about human realities.
of the study is sound without undue harm to people  Ethnography- Immersing in a community
involved. and taking note of their experiences, beliefs,
attitudes, and practices.
QUANTITATIVE-It focuses more on characterizing a
As an area of knowledge, it is about population or a sample, and in some cases, making
looking into, analyzing, and examining society so that generalizations about the population based on the
we notice power relations in the seemingly “simple behavior of the sample.
 Survey
GENDER is a big part of our individuality and society;  Experiment
it is a form of social organization, and it is often

GENDER ROLES played a big part of social There are some principles to remember in
organization. conducting gender and sexuality researches.
 Informed Consent-Participants should be
aware of the study’s purpose and processes
they are participating in.
 Confidentiality and Anonymity-Researchers
should not reveal any information provided
by the participants to anyone who is not
concerned with the study
 Distributive Justice- Any study should not
disadvantage a particular group especially
the marginalized and the oppressed.
 Non-maleficence and Beneficence- A study
should do no harm to anyone and be
beneficial to everyone

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