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Sea Area Ay: NHE Telephony with sc, DSC watch receiver ch 70 Navtex receiver 518 kHz Float-free satellite EpIRB SART Hand held GMOSS VHF transceiver SC receiver (Outside Navtex coverage are) Sea Area As (Inmarsat Solution) VHF Telephony with osc DSC watch receiver ch70 MF Telephony with MF DSC watch receiver 2187.5 kHz Inmarsat ship station with EGC. Duplicated VHF telephony with Dsc Duplicated Inmarsat Ship Earth Station Navtex Receiver 518 kHz Float Free Satelite EPIRB SART Hand Held GMOSS VHF Transceiver Sea Area Ag: \VHF Telephony with DSC DSC watch receiver ch70 MF/HF Telephony with DSC and NBOP. DSC watch receiver MF/HF Duplicated VHF Telephony with DSc Duplicated MF/HF Telephony with DSC and NBDP Navtex Receiver Float Free Satellite EPIRB SART Hand Held GMDSS VHF Transceiver, EGC Receiver 2. What do you understand by Duplication? ‘Sea Area A2 VHF Telephony with osc, DSC watch receiver ch 70 MF Telephony with MF OSC DSC watch receiver 2187.5 kHz Navtex receiver 518 kHz Float-free satellite EPIRB SART Hand held GMDSS VHF Transceiver EGC receiver (Outside Navtex coverage area) Sea Area A3 (HF Solution) VHF Telephony with osc DsCwatch receiver ch 70 MF/HF Telephony with DSC and NBDP DSC watch receiver ME/HE Duplicated VHF telephony with DSC NAVTEX receiver 518 kHz Float free Satellite EPIRB SART Hand held GMOSS VHF transceiver EGC receiver Duplication mean duplication of that equipment ettical to radio ‘Communications during an emergency isrequired. 5 3. Properties of portable VHF Walkie-Talkies. The equipment is required Provide operation on VHF CH.16 and one other Channel Be capable of operation by unskilled person, ration by personnel wearing gloves, Bocaaneran . except for channel changing, fom a height of 1 meter. Be capable of single handed operation, Withstand drops on to a hard surface fr {¢ meet the following specifications. The equipment should: Scanned with CamScanner caojeataright to © depth of 1 moter for_at Ioast § minutes, and maintain water tightness when ‘Subjected to a thermal shock of 45 degrees Celsius. Not be unduly effected by seawater or ol Have no sharp Projections, which could damage survival craft. Be of small size and lightweight, Fig,c2Pable of operating inthe ambient noise level kely to be encountered on board survival craft Have provisions for attachment to the clothing of the user, ane, fiohl visible yellow/orange colour or marked witha surrounding yellowrorange marking strip, Be resistant to deterioration by prolonged exposure to ‘sunlight. 4. Define MMSI, MID and Coast Station MMS MMSI ~ Ships operating in the GMDSS are assi number, called the Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI). The MMSI is programmed into all DSC equipment “and is included automatically in each call, MID - First Included in the MMSI are the Maritime Identification Digits (MID) which identify the country licensing/controlling the station, MID of India ~ 419 “- Define Coast station MIMSI- Coast Station MIMSI- For Coast Radios Stations, the fist two digits of ing MUS! number are always 00, followed by the 3 digit MID nationality indicator, followed by the individual station number. MMSI of Perth Radio - 005030001 5. What is a Fuse, How itis rated Flues an electrical safety device (a component that removes eleticalcurent from an electrical ciccult when the current inthe electrical circuits foohighy A face ee length of we that melts (breaks or blows) when the current through itis above the fuse rate ‘The fuse rating is usually defined in ‘ampere (symbol: A), often shortened to "amp". 6. What is power? Electrical power is the rate at which electrical ener Such as motion, heat, or an electromagnetic field. ‘The unit of power's the watt which Is denoted by the symbol W. ‘Gy is converted to another form, 7, 9 Functionality of GMDSS? 1 Transmit ship to shore distress alerts (2 Independent methods) 2 Receive distress alerts, shore to ship 3 Transmit and receive distress alerts ship to ship 4 Transmit and recelve ‘SAR co-ordination’ communications, 5 Transmit and receive On scene communication 6 Transmit and receive ‘locating signals’ 7 Transmit and receive Maritime Safety Information (MS!) 8 Transmit and recelve ‘General radio communications’, 9 Bridge to bridge communications, Scanned with CamScanner 8. What is modulation? Modulation i the process of superimposing intelligence (a love frequency signal) on a high frequency carrier, 9. What is digital modulation? For a better quality and efficient Samunication, digital modulation technique is employed. In-ciaital modulation, a message signal ls career from analog to digital message, and then Modulated by using a carrier wave, 10. Types of Modulation? ‘Amplitude Modulation — The amplitude of the cartier Varies according to amplitude of the modulating signal Frequency Modulation — The frequency of the carrier wave is varied according to the ‘amplitude of the modulating signal f Phase Modulation ~The phase of he core: meen Varied according to the amplitude! of the modulating signal 11. What does Radio Propagation mean? Radio propagation is the way radio signals are transmitted from one point to another inside the earth's aagphere or fee space, Since these are elactromagreia Waves, they exhibit properties such as reflection, refraction, difracion, absorption, polariostioy xg scattering, 12. What antennas you find on Monkey Island? 1. MF/HF DSC 2, MFIHF ssp. 3. FWD VHF Dsc. 4. FWD VHF 5. AFT VHF DSC 6. AFT VHF 7. NAVTEX Antenna 8. AIS GPS Antenna 8. AIS VHF Antenna 10. Inmarsat-C Antenna 11. SSAS Antenna 12. GPS Antenna 13, Fleet Broadband Antenna 14. Radar Antenna (X-Band) 18, Radar Antenna (S-Band) 13. What do you understand by Fleet Broadband? FleetBroadband isthe first maritime communications service to Provide cost effective Broadband data and voice, simultaneously, through a compact erlenca so a global basis, Based on 3G standards, FleetBroadband provides constant oh high-speed data services, on a global basis 14, wntare the reef PRS? What arte cig hqutementeof ma 406.025 Mi ~ Uplink frequency from EPIRB to Cospas/Sarsat Satelite 121.5 Mil Beacon To enable SAR aircraft to home into the position of survivor, 15. Why AlS is used, freq of Als A. Help identify vessels B. Assist in target tracking . Simplify information exchange D. Provide additional information to assist situation awareness, 7 ° Scanned with CamScanner The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) has designated dedicated frequencies for AIS: 161.975 MHz (marine band channel 878) and 162,025 MHz (channel 888). 16. How many types of AIS? 1 Glass A: Mandated by IMO for for vessels of 300 GT and above engaged on international voyages, Cargo ships of 500 gross tonnage and upwards not engaged on international voyages, as well as Passenger ships (more than 12 passengers), irrespective of size. 2, Class B: Provides limited functionality and intended for non SOLAS vessels. Primarily used for vessels such as pleasure crafts. 17. Earlier AIS was not used. Now why itis necessary? AIS became mandatory on many commercial cargo and passenger vessels during the push fo enhance security after 9/11 Class A AIS and Class B AIS Characteristics CS CEVA eye Cee 3) 12.5 watts (nominal), 2 watts (low power) EPS 2 watts Transmit Power Unique Communication Access Scheme,” /SOTDMA (Self-Organizing amongst Class A's) CSTDMA (Carrier-Sense polite to Class A's) Frequency Range 156.025 - 162.025,MHz @ 12.5/25 KHz, DSC (156.525 MHz) is required 156.025 - 162.025 MHz @ 25 KHz, DSC (156.525 MHz) and 12.5 KHz a optional Miscellaneous External GPS, Heading, and Rate of Turn Indicator are Required Heading is optional Safety Text Messaging __{Transmits and Receives ‘Transmit is optional and only pre- | configured 18. Difference between AIS/LRIT and similarity also a Automatic Identification System Long Range Identification and Tracking ‘AIS, which stands for Automatic Identification System, isa system that sends ship identification information via VHF RIT, which stands for Long Range Identification and Tracking, the datas transmitted via satellite It continuously transmits aVHF signal containing Information such asthe vessel name, call sign, vessel type, longitude and latitude. Data transmitted is Position, IMO Number, Date and Time The information is broadcast and is publicly available The data that is transmitted from the vessels available and visible only to the Flag State to which Scanned with CamScanner oe the vessel is registered. oe ea8® Of few miles asthe | LRIT data coverage is global RIT position datas the horizon (up toad ee mites toline of sight to | transmitted via satelite, giving fullglobal coverage 20min pete ‘nautical miles and about 10- froma point on the earth’s surface (including sea . area Ad). pe wine cation device ands used by | The system Is nota navigational aid buts tended antiscolision toot ese SPEEA and is used asan | to provide increased martime domain swarenens at Bath transmit ship's identity, Position in Lat and Long, Date and time ofthe position, 2, Data of both equipment is used for Search and Rescue purposes 3. Data of both equipment can be used for the protection of marine environment, 4. As per The International Maritime Organization, both are mandatory on vessels of 300 tonnes or more, ‘engaged on international voyages are fitted with an AlS and LRIT. 20. Difference between EPIRB and SART EPIRB SART Main means for locating or homing the position of a mobile Unit or persons in distress, 1. Secondary means of initiating ship to shore Distress Alerting. 2. EPIRB isa Transmitter SARTis a transponder 3. Operates on 406.025 MHz Operates in the 9 GHz (9.2 to 9.5 GHz) 3em or X band Uplink frequency fm EPIRB to satelite Radar frequency band 4. Operation capacity 48 hours Operation inthe stand-by mode at least 96 hours followed 5 by a minimum 8 hours of transmission 5. The SART sends a signal which is visible on The EPIRB doesnot havea homing signal for vessels, only for the radar. This signal isa homing signal, aircraft. 6. The EPRIB is able to alert the mainland ina SART is only a locating device distress situation and provide its position 7. Can be operated in two ways Has to be activated manually. 1-Manually 2- Automatic operation by the HRU unit 20. What is Loop test? Loop test involves the sending of a text message through the Inmarsat-C network to your own vessel, ‘The message wil be transmitted and received by own vessel indicating the terminals working satisfactorily. 21, VHF channels that are used with 4 Watt power Scanned with CamScanner Gh beard communication channels - 15 & 17, Low ower is used to minimize interference to other stations, Guard channels 75 & 76 should be restted te Navigation related communications only using low power and all Precautions should be taken to avoid armel Interference to ch 16. 22. Power of Sat —¢ EIRP~14 dow 23. VHF Max power and minimum power Why minimum power is used? The maximum power or high a rat be stitch C2n be legaly transmitted by a marine VHF radio ls 25 watts ‘so all marine VHF radios must be ae ee (n a reduced or low power setting of 1 watt, WU2r ow Power is used for close range ‘communication e.g, onboard communication to avoid interference to the Vessels inthe vicinity, 24. What is Capture effect 2 When radii tng sed as 2 vane, J R2"BY a receiver and it wil lock onto the strongest signal it same fine Gre NM away fom our vessel are we vescerensee ‘tansmitting on the same channel at thar ame tive, One of them is transmiting on high presen ‘another on fe ‘hati transmiting on high power can be heard iy ween ‘You should first try to transmit on low power and only if you are unsuccessful you may try 25, What is Fading, AGC? Fading - The variation of signal strength at the antenna (input ofthe ‘receiver is called fading, AGC - Automatic Gain Control AGCis used to combat or counteract (neutralize) the eect of fading, 26. What is dual watch and scanning? ual watch — Enables you to watch other channel along with Ch. 16 Fees Scanning in available ina radio recelver that can autrnatcally tune, frequencies, stopping when itfinds a signal on one of them and then continuing to intial transmission ceases, oF scan, two or more can other frequencies when the 27. What isthe type of antenna used in MH/HF transceiver? 'tisa fiberglass Whip antenna 6-8 meters in length, 28. What isthe minimum requirement for emergency power generator? ‘fimetBency generator should be capable of giving power forthe period of 18 hours for ‘the cargo ship and 36 hours for the passenger ship. 29. What is the difference between cell and battery? Difference Between Cell and Battory Scanned with CamScanner | Battery | ingle unit device wh re grouper | "ewhich converts | u ists of gr j chemical energy inte oe oe A battery uaually consists of group of | A battery is either a primary battery or a | Secondary battery meaning itis rechargeable or non-chargeable, Battery normally consists of several cells thus giving it bigger size and is bulky, | {Acellis used mostly for lighter tasks which requires ess energy. Itis used in | lamps, clocks, lamp, ete. A battery can supply power long durations, | A Battery is mostly used for heavy duty tasks. Its used in inverters, automobiles, inverter, | etc. 30. What do you mean by "Reserve source of energy” evento olen 30 nstalation and condut Dstress and Safty communicions inthe 4 erento Tare ofthe shsmein anderen cee - # 34. What equipment does the reserve source of energy have to supp? ay Wess source of energy need not supply the independent MF and HF radio installations at the same time, Shen in adition to the VHF radio installation, two or more ofthe other eat installations can be connected to the reserve Sources of energy, they must be capable of simultaneously supplying, for es wars 32. What GMDSS equipment will come on load when mains supply fas? MIME Transceiver, VHF-1, VHF-2 Inmarsat- GP, NAVIEXand emergency light 33. What is the indication of Main power failure Sencar and visual indication atthe postion from which the ship i normally ‘navigated, indicating an interruption Shiels supply. It should not be possible to disable the alarm and indication Ie shoves ‘only be possible to acknowledge jigs silence the alarm manually. Both the alarm condition and indication should rece, automatically when the hhas been restored. 34. What do you mean by capacity of a battery? How much power a battery can store is called the capacity ofthe battery. 35. What is the meaning of Amp hour capacity? The capacity ofa battery s measured by how much current, measured in amperes, it can supply for how many hours. The unit is Ampete-Hour capacity. 36. How do you know that batteries are full or half charged? The specific gravity ofthe electrolyte of a lead-acid battery varies withthe state of charge. Specific gravity 's read with a hydrometer. A hydrometer reading will tll the exact state of charge. A fully charged battery will have a sp. gravity of - 1250 Ahalf charged battery will have a sp, gravity of- 1200 ‘Scanned with CamScanner 37. What would you do if you find Sp gravity Is less that 11402 rei S2 Gravity sess than 1240, check forthe battery connections that they are secured propery, check that iragbattery terminals ae clean, Then recharge the batery fr 10 hours and measure the sp. Gravity again 'F the sp. Gravity is stil less than 140, batteries require replacement. 38. What isthe composition of electrolyte ina lead-acid battery? The electrolyte solution consists of 65% water and 35% sulfuric ace 1) ig 3 29, What equipment tobe duplicated in Sea area AS ey GMDSS ships operating in A3 areas are required to provide the following duplicated equipment: Two complete VHF installations including DSC), and either; Two complete Inmarsat C systems and one MF radio system, or; One complete Inmarsat C system and one complete MF/HF radio system (including a scanning DSC receiver and NBDP equipment). s 40. How would you know battery is dead? Carry out the On load/Off oad test, Under offload condition, battery may show some battery voltage, = But under load condition, dead battery will not be able to take the load and immediately will show zero current and voltage. 41. How to ensure availability of equipment? |n GMDSS, availability of equipment is ensured by following three means : A. On-board maintenance B. Shore based maintenance C. Duplication of equipment. 42. Types of SART? There are (2) types of Search and Rescue Transponders : }, Radar SART (Search and Rescue Radar Transponder) 2. AIS SART (AIS Search and Rescue Transmitter) 43. Type of antenna used in AIS? ‘The AIS antenna should fulfil at east the following requirements: Antenna type: Vertical radiator Antenna gain: 3.48 or similar Impedance: 50 ohm ‘44. What isthe function of EPIRB strobe light? reauenh ntensty LEDs fash simultaneously to produce the strobe light zone, thls provides a visual ‘means of locating the EPIRB, 45. Which SART you should prefer, AIS SART or Radar SART and why? Scanned with CamScanner Als BART a they transmit Als messages. Containing accurate GPS position information as they include 2 GPS receiver and a transmitter on WHE AIS channels, so they show up on ship AS receivers. They are lightweight and can be usec equip Inflatable liferafts. S-SART devices ate allocated MMS numbers in the range 87DYVio Goo Pas A 46, Difference and similarities between VHF Radio and GMDSS walkie-talkie. fey E 2 GMDSS Walkie-Talkie Normal VHF Radio (> 1. Capable of being operated by unskilled personnel 2. Capable of being operated by personnel wearing loves for immersion suits 3. Capable of single-handed operation except for channel selection; 4. Withstand drops on toa hard surface from a height of 1 m 5. Watertight to a depth of 1 m for at least § min 6. Not unduly affected by seawater, or oll, or both 7. Highly visible by yellow/orange color or marked with a surrounding yellow/orange marking strip 8. Should have a spare Emergency primary battery validity 2 years with the seal intact, 9. Power Hi Power—2 Watts, Low Power 0.25 Watts Require some skill to operate Not designed as such ‘No such provision Not made to withstand drop on hard surface Not watertight Can get affected by seawater/oil Normally comes in grey or black color Comes with chargeable battery Most handheld two-way radios use between 0.5-5 watts of power 47. How toinereaserangé olVHF? ” 42. Increase the height of aritenna, 2 increasing the height of an antenna allows fora greater rare of broadcast and higher quality of reception while also reducing the chances of the transmission becoming blocked by obstacles. 2. Increase power, [The Power Output ofthe transmitter will havea direct impact on the range of your radio a low power. output {evel will make for weak signal While line of sight communication still needs to be maintained, this range of ‘communications can be extended by increasing power. ‘48. What are the AIS Types? How to identify each of them? ‘See question No. 16 49. Range of Als SART The operating range of the Tron AIS-SART is 7-10 nautical miles from vessel AIS Class-A, and more than 40 nautical miles from an airborne Als receiver. 50. Draw diagram of al antennas on you last ship Diagram given in GMOSS Course Material 51, How many NAVAREAS. India is in which NAVAREAS The worl ir eided Into 21 'NAVAREAS, and the warnings for each ofthese areas are provided by a dedicated NAVAREA coordinator. . India is in NAVAREA VI oe Also India is NAVAREA Coordinator for NAVAREA VIN 52. Analog and Digital Signal Scanned with CamScanner i it e of analog signal me-varying signals. A simple type 2" ® by vsing amplitude, te period otherwise freavency, & 1 therefore; it faces distortion as well as ue range cannot be fixed. An analog signal is one type of continuous ti is a sine wave. An analog signal can be defined phase. An analog signal is not resistant toward the nols reduces the transmission quality. The analog signal val A digital signal is a discrete (Finite) wave that ¢arfiés information In binary form less prone to distortion. 53. What is polarization? ‘The polarisation of an electromagnetic wave indicates the plane in which it is vibrati S ‘As electromagnetic waves consist of an electric and @ magnetic field vibrating at right angles to each UC Vertical and horizontal polaisations are the most straightforward forms and they fall into a category known a5 linear polarisation. Here the wave can be thought of as vibrating in one plane, ie, up and down, or side to side. 54, Range of NAVTEX and why itis 400 nm. NAVTEX transmissions have a designed range of about 400 nautical miles. By regulating the transmission power, because the range of transmissions in the MF band depends largely upon the power radiated (Ground wave propagation), Interference between transmitters cannot be absolutely avoided just by regulating their transmission power. T 55, Max and Min power of GMDSS portable radio Max Power-2 Watts Min Power—0.25W 56, How many sea areas are there ? wy GMDSS system sub divides the World into 4 main geographical Sea Areas, that are GMDSS Sea Areas Al, A2, A3 and Ad. 57. What difficulties you face when you are in Sea Area A4 and wish to transmit alert to Inmarsat Satellite 58. Why do you need SAR ‘Search and rescue (SAR) is an operation mounted by emergency services, often well-trained volunteers, to find someone believed to be in distress, lost, sick or injured either in a remote or difficult to access area, such as mountains, desert or forest, or at sea. 59, How you will you send distress if you are abandoning the ship or yours e Send undesignated DSC Distress alert by primary means ie. either by MF or VHF (terrestrial) and by Inmarsat-C (Sotellte) if abandoning the ship or ships sinking, After abandoning, Alert can be sent by secondary means Le. Cospas-Sarsat EPIRB. 60. What is active and Passive antenna, « ‘Active antennas are any antennas with integrated signal amplifiers built right into the unit, Passive antennas are antennas that have no amplification stages. ‘An active antenna is a passive antenna that simply includes an onboard amplifier. There is no difference between the antenna element of an active or passive antenna of the same type; the only difference Is whether an amplifier is included. antenna 61. What is LNA in Scanned with CamScanner An LNA 'sthe antenna element of your satelite dth, (NA stands for Low Nolse Amplifier. An Nd “A tecelves the reflected satelite signal, amplifies it and pases it through coaxial cable to the satellite receiver. 62. What isthe distance covered bya handheld VHF? SHE range is more dependent on antenna hight and antenna gan than on transit power, One can add significantly to your range by transmitting from the highest location available. For normat handheld ‘use (at five-watt transmit power) can have a three-to-eight mile range from a small boat, compared to 15 020 riles with afixed-mount radio (at 25 watt transmit power.) 63. What is AIS SART and Radar SART? AIS SART -The AlS-SART is a self-contained radio device used to locate a survival craft or distressed vessel by ‘Sending updated position reports using a standard Automatic Identification System class-A position report. The position and time synchronization of the AIS-SART are derived from a built in GNSS receiver ( Global Navigation Satelite System) Radar SART - A Search And Rescue Transponder (SART) is @ Radar based emergency transmitter that is esigned to be stored in aliferaft or as a carry on device in the event that itis necessary to abandon ship. ‘When it detects an incoming X-band radar pulse from another vessel or aircraft it automatically transmits a response signal, which appears on the vessel's radar display as a series of 12 dots pointing to your location. 64, What isa Transmitter and a Transponder ? ‘Transmitter -A transmitter or radio transmitter is an electronic device which produces radio waves with an antenna. The transmitter itself generates a radio frequency alternating current, which is applied to the antenna, Transponder - A transponder is a device that, upon receiving a signal, emits ggdisfagent signal in response. oS) Yes. All AIS messages have a predefined structure and length. Each AIS ma bodies at least one slot of the ‘VHF data link. This can extend to a maximum of 5 slots (as in the of short safety related text messages; which translates to approximately 158 characters of text). : The term is a combination of transmitter and responder. 65. Is there a limit on the length of AIS messages? 66. What is OWF Optimum working frequency (OWE is the most practical operating frequency and the one that can be relied tupon to have the fewest problems. ; 67. What is ionosphere ands layers. lonosphere — Ultra violet rays radiating from the sun ionize the gases . The ionization takes place 30 miles from the earth surface as ultra violet rays terminate at this height from the earth, The area where ionization takes place is called ionosphere. The ionosphere is divided into four layers called D,€, F1.& F2. 68. What is ionization. lonization or lonisaton, is the process by which an atom or a molecule acquires a negative or postive charge by {gaining or losing electrons, often in conjunction with other chemical changes.The resulting electrically charged atom or molecule is called an ion, 69. Draw diagram of é co-axial cable and (b) hydrometer. Scanned with CamScanner (b) Hydrometer told tube vertical squrete reese bulb Seowinecctcyte 70. Draw a circuit of 3 capacitors (3 farads each) in series. Find the capacitance. AHH 3F 3F 3F =1/3+1/3+1/3 =3/3 = 1 Farad ide Modulation? -TWO 71. How many sidebands are there in Ampl In its basic form, amplitude modulation produces a signal with power concentrated at the cartier frequency and intwo adjacent sidebands. This type of AMis called double sideband full carrer (OSBFC). 72. What tests you have done onboard with your OOW and on which equipment? Carried out following tests : Daily tests \VHE DSC Internal Test and MF/HF DSC Internal test. Batteries On load/Off load test. Printers test. Scanned with CamScanner i Weekly Test : 1. Carried out p: 'SC External test with, 2. Reserve pow ‘er Supply check, Monthly Tests: Carried out routine tests on : EPIRB, SART and Survival craft Vi’, 'nspection of Antennas and insulators Full maintenance of Batteries, ‘Wiluna Radio (005030001) 73. What type of Battery is used in SART and Cospa SAR’ -Sarsat EPIRB, leMurdo, Type —RT9 Battery Used —18V Lithium Manganese Dioxide unit compose of six series connected cells. EPIR : McMurdo, Type-£3 Battery used 9V Lithium Sulphur Dioxide battery pack, Type 82-140, 74. Your Company, last ship, Rank, 75. Details of your last vessel Scanned with CamScanner

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