Farhad Darya's Bio & Speech

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Farhad Darya is a highly influential singer, composer, and activist hailing from Afghanistan.

He rose to prominence in the mid-1980s after founding the band "GOROH-E-BARAN" (The Rain
Band), which pushed the boundaries of Afghan music. Despite enduring censorship on his music
during the communist regime, Darya's music emerged as a potent symbol of freedom following
the collapse of the Taliban in 2001.

His hit song "KABUL JAN" (Beloved Kabul) marked the end of a five-year period of music silence
enforced by the oppressive government and became an emblem of the restoration of freedom.
In 2004, Darya organized a concert at Kabul Stadium, where the Taliban had executed Afghan
citizens. This extraordinary event was hailed as "ONE OF THE 50 GREATEST MOMENTS IN THE
HISTORY OF WORLD MUSIC" by "SONGLINES," the world's leading magazine devoted to the
field of world music.

Beyond his exceptional musical achievements, Darya has utilized his fame for activism. He has
served as the National Goodwill Ambassador for esteemed organizations such as the United
Nations Development Program (UNDP) for Afghanistan, the United Nations Office on Drug and
Crime (UNODC), and has been recognized as “Peace Hero” by “Universal Peace Federation”. He
has lent his support to initiatives including breast cancer awareness, as well as prominent
organizations like “Save the Children International”, “SAARC” and others. Darya's dedication to
philanthropy led him to establish the non-profit organization "KOCHAH" (street,) which
provides support to street-working children, and he has successfully spearheaded national
campaigns against extremism.

Over the course of his illustrious career, Farhad Darya has released over thirty albums, earning
him prestigious national and international awards. With a remarkable global presence spanning
four decades, he continues to advocate for women's rights in Afghanistan and tirelessly works
towards peace and harmony through his art and music.

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, honorable government representatives, distinguished

guests, and our beloved fellow Afghans, including those who have recently arrived in this great

First of all, I would like to express the pleasure of being with such a distinguished audience

With your permission, I will speak in Farsi so that I can easily establish a connection with newly
arrived compatriots. Fortunately, there is an English translation of my speech available for
guests who would like to learn Farsi in the future :)

My fellow Afghans!

You have faced challenging circumstances, from clinging to airplane wings to braving difficult
waters, enduring imprisonment, and living in refugee camps across the globe. Yet, some of you
have found comfort in a country like Canada. Today, you stand here not imprisoned, not
drowning, and not falling, but united with the highest authorities of this land and celebrating
the joyous occasion of Eid Al Adha.

What does this mean?

Ladies and gentlemen,

It means that in this country, you and your existence are valued, and you are in capable hands!

Having left behind your beloved homeland, with hopes for a better and safer future for
yourselves and your children, you have finally arrived in a place like Canada. But what comes

Will you choose to isolate yourself from society? Will you solely rely on social welfare for the
remainder of your life? Should you avoid engaging in legal work and be satisfied with being
mere observers instead of active contributors to shaping Canada's future? Is that the limit of
your aspirations?

Let Canada become your second Afghanistan! Now that you have been forced from your first
Afghanistan, let yourselves strive to fulfill the noble deeds you once longed to do there, but
sadly couldn't. Remember, there is no other land beyond Canada to which you can migrate
further. Canada is now your home, your new home!
Let us work together to enrich your new lives with boundless love and unwavering passion, so
that your roots grow deep enough to reach back to Afghanistan and rescue it from pain,
suffering, and misfortune. If you fail to respect and cherish your second homeland, Canada, you
will find yourselves unable to truly love and honor Afghanistan either.

Let us aspire to be shining examples of honorable, kind, supportive, cultured, and accomplished
Afghans in our host countries. Through our actions, let us show the world that the negative
portrayal of us in the media is simply a political image, far removed from our true reality!

Today, I would like to deliver a heartfelt message to Mr. Prime Minister from the hundreds of
artists currently trapped under the oppressive rule of the Taliban and their religious police:

“Mr. Prime Minister,

The world has allowed our voices to be silenced easily. Before the rich musical heritage of
Afghanistan and even our very existence are completely erased under the weight of this
oppressive regime, we implore you, as one of humanity's greatest champions, to take our
hands, extend your help, and rescue us from this dire predicament!"

I hope this message reaches Mr. Prime Minister in time.

My fellow Afghans,

Always remember, there are no shortcuts to happiness! Whether you find yourselves in
Afghanistan or Canada, the path to success and fulfillment requires three simple steps:

Number one: Hard work,

Number two: Hard work,

Number three: By now, you already know ... Hard work!

In closing my speech, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to the wonderful people
of Canada. I am especially grateful to the esteemed authorities, the Toronto Police Service,
Afghan Nobel TV, and all of my fellow countrymen gathered here today. Thank you all for your
tremendous support and unwavering dedication.

Thank you all.

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