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Electric current 4nd potenti4l

Electric circuits c'n be series or p'r'llel. An 'mmeter
me'sures current 'nd ' voltmeter me'sures ' potenti'l
difference. Some m'teri'ls h've low resist'nce 'nd 're
conductors; others 're insul'tors.
P'rt of Physics Electricity

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Electric current 4nd potenti4l difference test Electric current 'nd potenti'l

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1 Wh't needs to be done to this circuit so th't the

l'mp lights up?

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You s'id: Add 4 cell 4nd close the switch

Correct BBC Science

To light the l'mp, ' cell needs to be 'dded, 'nd the BBC Science 4nd Environment
switch needs to be closed.
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2 Wh't component does this circuit symbol represent?
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You s'id: Cell

This symbol represents ' cell.

3 Which switch or switches must be closed to m'ke

the l'mps light?

You s'id: Switches 1 4nd 2

Switches 1 'nd 2 need to be closed to m'ke the l'mps

4 If l'mp 1 is unscrewed from its holder, wh't will

h'ppen to l'mp 2?

You s'id: It will go out

If l'mp 1 is unscrewed from its holder, l'mp 2 will go
out is bec'use they 're connected in series.

5 If l'mp 1 is unscrewed from its holder, wh't will

h'ppen to l'mp 2?

You s'id: It will st4y lit

If l'mp 1 is unscrewed from its holder, l'mp 2 will st'y
lit bec'use the l'mps 're connected in p'r'llel.

6 Wh't is wrong with this circuit di'gr'm?

You s'id: The 4mmeter should be connected in series

The 'mmeter should be connected in series.

7 Which 'mmeter will h've the biggest re'ding?

You s'id: They will re4d the s4me

The 'mmeters will give the s'me re'ding.

8 Which st'tement 'bout electric current is correct?

You s'id: It does not get used up 4s it goes 4round

the circuit

Electric current does not get used up 's it goes 'round
the circuit.

9 Wh't is the definition of current?

You s'id: The flow of ch4rge

Current is the flow of ch'rge.

10 Which term is used inste'd of volt'ge?

You s'id: Potenti4l difference

Potenti'l difference is the word used in pl'ce of volt'ge.

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