109 Friction-3

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Friction - 3 Prepared by Anish

1. The maximum value of force till which the

system moves with common acceleration
(  s  0.3 Between the blocks)

6. Initial velocity of blocks is 0. 12N force is

applied on 2kg block. After how much time,
2kg will reach the end of 4kg plank?

If applied force is 14N then what is the

acceleration of blocks and also the friction
between them. If applied force is 24N then
what is the acceleration of the blocks
2. The maximum value of force till which the
system moves with common acceleration

If applied force is 7N then what is the

acceleration of blocks and also the friction
between them. If applied force is 24N then
what is the acceleration of the blocks
3. Find acceleration and friction between blocks if
the applied force F is
(a)2N (b)6N
(c)8N (d)20N

4. Friction coefficient between the blocks is  .

The length of plank of mass 2m is l. What
maximum velocity can be given to m such that
slipping between them stops when m is at the
end of plank?

5. Friction coefficient between the blocks is  .

The length of plank of mass 2m is l. The
velocity given to the plank is V0. The slipping
between the blocks stops when m is at the end
of the plank. What is the value of V0?

Physics lectures/Books
Friction - 3 Prepared by Anish

1. The maximum value of force till which the
system moves with common acceleration
(  s  0.3 Between the blocks)
If applied force is 7N then what is the
acceleration of blocks and also the friction
between them. If applied force is 24N then
what is the acceleration of the blocks
Sol : As force is applied on 3kg there is slipping
If applied force is 14N then what is the tendency between 3kg and 4kg. Due to this
acceleration of blocks and also the friction there is friction between the blocks. On 3kg
between them. If applied force is 24N then friction is backward and on 4kg forward. 4kg is
what is the acceleration of the blocks accelerated by friction only and hence cannot
Sol : As force is applied on 4kg there is slipping have acceleration more than certain value.
tendency between 3kg and 4kg. Due to this
there is friction between the blocks. On 3kg
friction is forward and on 4kg backward.

The maximum static friction on 4kg is

0.2  3g   6N . The maximum acceleration of
The maximum static friction force on 3kg can 4kg can be  1.5m /s 2 . The maximum value
be 0.3  3g   9N . Maximum acceleration of 3kg
of force F till which there is no slipping
can be 3m/s2.  3  4   1.5  10.5N
The maximum force F till which the blocks can
When 7N is applied then there is no slipping
move with common acceleration without
and the blocks will move with common
slipping is F   3  4   3  21N
acceleration. The acceleration will be
When applied force is 14N the blocks will 7
move with common acceleration. The  1m /s 2 . Friction can be found by analyzing
14 motion of 4kg as it is accelerated by friction
acceleration is a   2m /s 2 . The friction can
7 only f  4  1   4N
be calculated by analyzing 3kg as it is
When 24N is applied then there will be
accelerated by friction only f  3  2   6N
slipping between the blocks and friction will be
When applied force is 24N there will be at maximum value. The acceleration of 4kg will
slipping between blocks and friction will be at remain 1.5m/s2
maximum value. The blocks will have different Acceleration of 3kg :
acceleration and will be treated separately. 18
Acceleration of 3kg will be 3m/s2 24  6  3a  a   6m /s 2
Acceleration of 4kg : 3. Find acceleration and friction between blocks if
15 the applied force F is
24  9  4a  a  m /s 2
4 (a)2N (b)6N
2. The maximum value of force till which the (c)8N (d)20N
system moves with common acceleration

Physics lectures/Books
Friction - 3 Prepared by Anish

20  6  4  4a 4  a 4  2.5m /s 2
Acceleration of 2kg
4  2a 2  a 2  2m /s 2
4. Friction coefficient between the blocks is  .
Sol : This is a special example. In this case friction is The length of plank of mass 2m is L. What
present on each surface. As force is applied on maximum velocity can be given to m such that
4kg it will have tendency to slip on ground. slipping between them stops when m is at the
end of plank?

Sol : As block m is given initial speed V there will be

Due to this there will be friction between 4kg slipping between m and 2m. Friction on m will
and ground. The system will move only when be backward and on 2m it will be forward. The
the applied force F is more than the maximum speed of m will decrease but speed of 2m will
friction on ground (f1). If the system is moving increase. When the speed of each becomes
then only friction will develop between the same the slipping will stop and friction
blocks (f). 2kg block will be accelerated by between the blocks will also become 0.
friction only.
Now let us check the value of maximum
friction f1. f1  max   0.1  6g   6N
(a) When applied force is 2N the system will Our aim is to find that maximum initial speed
not move and f1 will be 2N and f will be 0 of m such that slipping stops just when m is at
(b) When applied force is 6N then system will the end of 2m. Let that speed be V
just be at the verge of motion.f1 will become 6N Friction f is mg
but f will be 0 mg
Retardation of m a1   g   
(c)When applied force is 8N we will have check m
first if the blocks are moving with common mg g
Acceleration of 2m a 2   
acceleration without slipping. 2m 2
Let us check the maximum acceleration of 2kg. We will solve the problem by relative now.
Maximum value of f is f  max   0.2  2g   4N . V 2 12  U 2 12  2a12 S 12
The maximum acceleration possible for 2kg is Let direction    be positive.
4 When slipping stops V12 will become 0
 2m /s 2 . Hence the maximum value of
2 2  g 
0   V  0   2  g  L
applied force F till which the system can move
 2 
without slipping is F  6  6  2   F  18N
V  3gL
When applied force is F is 8N the blocks will
5. Friction coefficient between the blocks is  .
move together with common acceleration
without slipping. The length of plank of mass 2m is l. The
1 velocity given to the plank is V0. The slipping
8  6  6a  a  m /s 2 and friction f will be between the blocks stops when m is at the end
of the plank. What is the value of V0?
1 2
f  2a  f  2    N
3 3
(d) When applied force F is 20N there will be
slipping between the blocks.
Acceleration of 4kg
Physics lectures/Books
Friction - 3 Prepared by Anish

Sol : As block m is given initial speed V0 there will The acceleration of 2kg
be slipping between m and 2m. Friction on m 12  4  2a 2  a 2  4m /s 2
will be backward and on 2m it will be forward. The acceleration of 4kg
The speed of m will decrease but speed of 2m
4  4a 4  a 4  1m /s 2
will increase. When the speed of each becomes
same the slipping will stop and friction We will solve the problem by relative now.

between the blocks will also become 0.   a 24 t 2
S 24  u 24 t  Let direction    be positive.
 41 2
12   t  t  8
 2 

Friction f is f   2mg
Retardation of m a1   g   
mg g
Acceleration of 2m a 2   
2m 2
We will solve the problem by relative now.
V 2 12  U 2 12  2a12 S 12
Let direction    be positive.
When slipping stops V12 will become 0
2  g 
0   V0  0   2  g  L
 2 
6. Initial velocity of blocks is 0. 12N force is
applied on 2kg block. After how much time,
2kg will reach the end of 4kg plank?

Sol : Let us first find the force F at which slipping

starts between 2kg and 4kg. The direction of
friction is shown each when force is applied on

The maximum value of friction f is

0.2  2g   4N . The maximum acceleration of
4kg can be 1m/s2.
The force F after which slipping starts between
the blocks is F   2  4   1  6N . As the applied
force F in this case is 12N there will be slipping
between the blocks.

Physics lectures/Books

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