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©) studocu LESSON PLAN FOR ENGLISH HUMSS Teacher: Mrs. Jennifer D. Fortu ‘Schoo! Calatrava National High School - Senior High School Department, Subject: Creative Writng Grade & Section: Grade 12- HUMSS- C Dama De Noche Date: June 18, 2019 (Tuesday) Time: 9: 30-11:30 A.M ‘A Dotailed Lesson Plan in Creative Writing 12 (First Quarter of School Year 2019-2020) OBJECTIVES At the end ofthe lesson, the students are expected to: 41, Differentiate imaginative writing, technical wring, and creative writing; 2. Express one's emotions and ideas through wating; and 3, Whte a simple joumal enty through imaginative wtng, SUBJECT MATTER opie: Introduction to Creative Wing Reference: HUMSS- Creative Writing Curiculum Guide, www google.com Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, visual Aids, black board, and chalk Value Focus: Express creative ideas through writing Skill Focus: Wriing and Speaking Learning Competencies: 1. Differentiate imaginative writing from among other forms of wrting HUMSS_CWIMP11/12-labet 2 Cull creative ideas from experiences HUMSS_CWWIMP11/12-1ab-2 ‘TEACHING PROCEDURES/ LEARNING ACTIVITIES. Teacher's Activity ‘Students’ Activity ‘A. Preliminary Acti (S minutes) 4. Prayor Please all stand, lets begin this day by a short prayer. . Can you please lead the prayer? 2. Greetings Good morning HUMSS - Dama De Noche! 3. Checking of Environment Before you sit down, please pick up the pieces of paper, ‘candy wrappers, and all the rash that you see around and under your chair and throw them in the trash can, Arrange also your chairs properly. Lastly, keep all the things not related to our ‘subject inside your bag, 4, Checking of Attendance Look t your seat mates. ls anybody absont today? Ok, Good to hea! Let's d the Very Good Cap! B. Motivation (10 minutes) Before we start our lesson let us first take a look and identity the following pictues, Look a the Power point Presentation ‘Yes Ma'am, lt us pray. {All students will stand and pray.) Good morning Ma'am! Good moming classmates! (All students will pick up all the trash and keep their things inside their bag.) Noone is absent Na‘am. (Students will do the said Cap.) ‘hee you ready? What sin the frst picture? What itll about? 1 Yes, Ms. , good observation and interpretation! Let us see, for the 24 picture. Yes, Mr 2 ‘Another good idea! How about number for the 3 Picture. Ms Can you please share to us your insight? 48 3 ° Wu! A very good and meaningful answer. | am impressed withthe ideas you have in your min, ‘And forthe last picture? Yes, you can! Very good answers! We will proceed. From those pictures thal you saw, what do you think wil be our topic for today? Anyone? Yes, Mr. Very Good! You guessed it well Yes, Ma'am Ma'am, th picture shows a pencil and a pen. In my own opinion, it's pertaining to writing or one's act of writing Malam, the number 2 picture islare papers. think itis related with the frst picture, We cannot write anytiing without a paper. Its also associated with writing, ‘Yes, Ma'am, | think that picture shows ideas on mind of someone. Paper and pencil ae related to writing but without ideas and thoughts and even involving emotions in wring we cannot write effectively and we cannot express ourselves thoroughly. Malam, can | answer for the last picture? | think ma'am, the picture portrays someone who is already putting into paper the ideas and thoughts helshe has in mind, I think itis related to actual wring, alam, | think our topic will be about * imaginative wrting® gad by Kas Neya(neyrakriso2@zpma.com) ©. Presentation (6 Minutes) But before we proceed to our lesson, I have here three (3) ‘objectives expected of you to accomplish at the end of the lesson, Class please read the objectives, ‘Thank you! We will proceed, D. Discussion (30 Minutes) ‘A wiile ago, you mentioned about “imaginative writing” That is correct that is included in the forms of writing that Wo wil discuss today, We have three forms of writing: ‘.ImaginativelCreative Writing - expresses ideas and thoughts in an imaginative way. The art of making things to be able to express feelings and emotions. Please read the meaning and give some example, Ms. Correct! Novels and poems are included in imaginative wring, Another example? Mr Good! How about the Long Time Serye “Ang Probinsyano uitis @ product of ereative wrting? Why? Correct! The writer of the Ang Probinsyano Serye is very {good when it comes to adding up characters and events to make the story more appealing and more adaptable to the Here are the common examples of Imaginative Writing (Please read class.) Poems Epics , Short Stories 4, Screen plays e. Songs {. Television Sexpts ‘The 2 form of writing is Technical Writing. 2, Technical Writing — a type of writing where the author is wring about a particular subject that requires direction, instruction, and explanation Please read the meaning of Technical Writing everybody. From what you read, who can give me an example of technical wring? Yes, Mi. At the end ofthe lesson, the students are expected to: 1. Differentiate imaginative wing, technical writing, and creative wring; 2. Express one's emotions and ideas through wring; and 3, Wite a simple journal entry through imaginative wing. (The student will read the meaning of imaginative writing.) | think ma‘am, some ofthe examples ofthat are the novels, and poems, | think ma'am the sreenplays that we are watching are also product of imaginative wring, They are not real, they are only imagined and put into wing and that is why we can already watch them, ‘Yes, Ma'am. The situations were only invented base from the creative mind of the writer. He pus tris ana characters that will easly gain the viewers’ allention. Everybody will ead the examples. All students wil read the meaning of technical wring (Students will rise their hands.) ‘That's a very good answer! Your answer is correct. Let us| hear another example, Mr ‘Thank you for your answer. Another good answer. Ok. Here are the examples of Technical Writing, (Everyone Please read.) 4. Company Documents 2, Service level Agreements 3. Software Installation Guide 4. Request for Proposal 5, User Manuals ‘The 3° form of wrting is Academic Writing. 2. Academic Writing. any wriing done to fulfl a requirement of @ college or university Do you have example on your mind? Right! Good to know that you are aware of the requirements you have herein school for you to graduate. Please read the examples: 4, Research Paper 2, Books 3, Outputs in Specie Topic 4. Portfolio 5. Narrative Report Those ar te tree forms of writing and thelr examples. Do you have any questons? E. Generalization (5 Minutes) 41, What ae the three (3) forms of writing? 2. Differentiate the three (3) forms of wring F. Application (25 Minutes) Individual Activity Please get your actvily notebook and do the activ Malam, User manual of appliances gives instructions on how to use them, That's why I think, t can be included in Technical Wrting | think ma'am the guides that we are reading in instaling software in our computer can also be incluced in technical ‘wing because it gives direction and explanation why we should do that steps. Al the students will ead the examples of Technical Wing, Ma'am, the Research Paper that we are doing curently is one of the examples! It should be fulled or accomplished. Without it, we cannot graduate. None Ma'am, The three (3) forms of writing are imaginative or creative writing, technical writing, and academic writing, ‘The Imaginative Writing expresses ideas and thoughts in {an imaginative way. Technical wring is a type of writing where the author is writing about a particular subject that requires direction, instruction, and explanation while ‘Academic writing is any wing done to fulfill a requirement of a college or university ‘Complete the paragraph through creative or imaginative wring (2 Paragraphs, 5-10 sentences for each paragraph) Create your owa tile, When | was a chil, | want to become Today, I want to become a Rubrics in Rating the Individual Activity EXGELLEN | VERY GOOD | GOOD | NEEDS T IMPROVEMENT The ouput | The outputis | The | The output was svey | comprenensiv | output | notable to ccomprebensi |e,ttuses | has | communicate a vel some thoughls | few | lear message, communicat | andideas to | ideas. esthe express the thoughts | message and ideas | clea. deat IV. Evaluation (5 minutes) dant to what form of wring he folowing examples belong 4. Novels 2. Songs 3. User Manual 4, Research Paper 5 Pooms 8 Textbooks 7. Sofware instalation Guide 8. Tile: Sleepless Nighs| 8, Tile: Love ~ Creative Writing 10. Company Decuments- Technica Writing V- Assignment (5 Minutes) Please gl your notebook and copy the assignment Define the following words. 4. Imagery 2. Figure of Speech 3. Dictions 4. Language ‘Are you done copying the assignment? That's allfor today. Don't forget to study your assignment ‘Ok. Goodbye HUMSS- Dama De Noche. The students wil get their notebook and slat thinking about the topic, And write expressively Answers: 4. Creative Writing 2. Creative Wing 3, Technical Weting 4, Academic Writing 5. Creative Wing 6. Academic Weng 7. Technical Writing 8 Creative Wing 2 Creative Writing 10, Techical Weng Al students will gt their notebook to copy the homework, Yes, Ma'am, Yes, Ma'am. Goodbye Ma'am. Thank you for teaching us. See you tomorrow! © Teacher: Mrs, Jennifer D. Fortu School: Calatrava National High Schoo! - Senior High School Department, ‘Subject: English for Academic and Professional Purposes (EAPP) Grade & Section: Grade 11- HUMSS- C Helconias Date: ‘September 23, 2019 Time 3:10-4:30 P.M, ‘A SEMI-DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL PURPOSES 11 (Second Quarter of School Year 2019-2020) | OBJECTIVE At the end ofthe lesson students are expected to: ‘A. ouline reading texs in various dscipines CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-1a-c8 (Week 2-Day 4) Il, SUBJECT MATTER ‘A.Topie: Outining B. Reference: Wyson J, (2016), English for Academic and Professional Purposes. pp 17-26 C. Teaching Materials: Curiculum Guide, Book, Overhead Projector, Laplop II PROCEDURE ‘A.Proparation ‘+ How do architects and engineers usually begin teir construction ofa building? ‘© Why do they begin inthis manner? Is it advisable to begin their construction in any other way? Why or Why nol? Before putting on cement, paritions, and paint on a building, engineers and architects see to it that ts farmers and foundations are already in place. Ths is because these are essential in ensuring thatthe building will stand frm through time and determining the shape that the building will take upon its completion. in a similar manner, an outine is crucial in academic writing, B. Teaching or Modeling Cutie establishes the shape" that essay will take. The autine should be a reflection ofan essay’s thesis statement, and in turn, wil guide the writer as to what details are supposed to be included in an essay. It may also help a witer establish unity and coherence in his or her presentation of ideas. By unity, we mean that all information found in an essay speak of the thesis statement, and by coherence, we mean that the ideas in an essay are logicaly are logically arranged. ‘© Outlines are used in determining the structure of an academic paper. ‘© Main headings for each ofthe sections are encoded using Roman numerals (I ll etc) while the supporting arguments or details are marked by capital letters (A, BC, etc.) ‘© Make sure thatthe main headings and sub-headings should atleast come in pair, il" is absent, there should not be a*’in the fist place. Likewise if there is no°B then the previous idea should be included in the main heading and should not be encoded as ‘Two Types of Outline Sad by Kas Neya (neyrakrisooengmal.com 1. Topic Outline — makes use of key words and phrases 2 Sentence Outline — makes use of complete sentences Basic Outline Form Below is a synopsis of the outline form. The main ideas take roman numerals. Sub-points under each main idea take capital letters and are indented. Sub-ooints under the capital letters, if any, take italic numbers and are further indented |. MAIN IDEA ‘A Subsidiary idea or supporting idea to | B, Subsidiary idea or supporting idea tol 1. Subsidiay idea to B 2, Subsidiary idea to B 2, Subsidiary idea to 2 b. Subsidiary idea to 2 II. MAIN IDEA, ‘A, Subsidiary or supporting idea to Il B, Subsidiary idea to I C. Subsidiary idea tot I, MAIN IDEA, Itis upto the writer to decide on how many main ideas and supporting ideas adequately descrive the subject. However, fthere is alin the outline, there has ta bell ifthere isan A, there has to be a B ifthere is 1, there has to be 2 and so forth Sample Outline 4 TITLE: Properties of Magnets | Attracts objects which are magnetic in nature A ilustration ofthe principle B, The composition of magnets C. How to create magnets . Counter-examples of magnets E, Origin of magnets I. Like poles repel, unlike pole attract II Freely hanging magnets align in one direction A llustraton B, The principle behind ilustraton IV, Poles occur in pairs Sample Outline 2 Title; “The Benefits of Running” 4. Introduction ‘A. Running is becoming an extremely popular sport of all ages. ‘Downie by Ke Ney (neyrkrsoBeRpmal.com) B. Running is great form of exercise because it helps people control ther weight, develop muscles, and improves mental and physical performance. 2, Body ‘A. Weight control 4. Aids seltcontol 2. Bums calories 3, Encourages @ healthy det 4, Suppresses appetite B, Muscular Development 1. Improves tone 2, Enhances contours 3. Increases strength 4. Improves endurance C. Peychological Well-being 1. Aids sleep 2. Inhibits depression 3. Intensifies vitality D. Cardiovascular Fitness 4. Strengthen heart 2, Lowers blood pressure 3. Changes blood lids 4. Improves circulation ©. Guided Practice Direction. Read through the texts. Then, complete the outline for each text. Science Life processes involve a continuous flow of energy within a cell, from one cell to another, and from one ‘organism to another. The study of energy transformation in living organisms is called blosnergetics ‘There are three main types of energy transformation that occur inthe biosphere. In the fist type, solar ‘energy is captured by the green pigment called chlorophyll, in green plants and is transformation is called cellular respiration. His invlves the conversion of chemical energy af carbohydrates and other molecules into phosphate bonds. The third type of energy transformation occurs when the chemical energy ofthese phosphates bonds is utilized by the cells to do work. ‘The branch of physics that deals with eneray and its transformation is called thermodynamics. ts principles are universally applied to chemical processes in both living and non-living organisms. Branches of Science dealing with energy transformation A —____ Sad by Kas Neya (neyrakrisooengmal.com A Solar Energy 1 2 B, Conversion of Chemical Energy 1 2. C. Energy of Phosphate Sonds 1 2 D. Independent Practice Direction. Major and minor ideas are mixed together in the lists below. Put the ideas in logical order bby choosing the best idea from the list. “Thesis: Working at the local coffee shop was my favorit ob. ‘A Pleasant environment 1, Friendly customers. 2 2. Helpful co-vorkers ». Flexible hour c, Holiday bonus B, Good schedule 1, Short shifts 2 ‘a. Helpful co-workers Flexible hour c. Holiday bonus ©. Good pay 41, Generous Tips 2 a. Helpful co-workers b. Flexible hour Holiday bonus IV. EVALUATION Direction, The major and minor detalls are mixed together in the two groups that fllow. The major detalls in ‘each group support a given main idea. Separate the mejor from the minor detals by fling inthe outine. ‘A. Main Idea: Freshman English Course in college is demanding © Surprise Quizzes © Agreat deal of writing ‘© Three major tests © Many tests fd by Kt Neya(neyrars08¢B9mal.com) + Term paper © Several Novels + Several short stories + Extensive reading loads «Frequent witng assignments + Witten summaries of articles assigned + Reacing magazines and newspaper ates + Comprehensive final exam (Source: Pablo, EA. et.al, Functional Text in English 4. Pp 40-41) V. ASSIGNMENT Select two or three chapters from other textbooks in natural and socal sciences, and prepare an outline for ‘each, Make sure your output adheres tothe conventions of outining discussed inthe lesson, VI.REFLECTION ‘What were your misconceptions about the topic prior to taking up the lesson? ‘What new or acitionalleaming have you had other taking up ths lesson in terms of sis, content and atitude? ‘Downie by Ke Neya (neyrkrsoBeRpmal.com) Teacher: School: ‘Subject: Mrs. Jennifer D. Fortu January 13-17, 2020 Calatrava National High Schoo! - Senior High School Department, ‘Media and Information Literacy Grade 12. HUMSS- C Dama De Noche 9: 30-10:30 A, M. (Monday-Friday) ‘A Detailed Lesson Plan in Media and Information Literacy (Third Quarter of School Year 2019-2020) OBJECTIVES At the end ofthe lesson, the students are expected to: 4, Explain the roles and functions of Media in democratic society 2, Give some situations that show the functions of media in society, 3. Iden the functions of communication and media in society, and 4, Discuss current issues in Philippine Media |. SUBJECT MATTER Topie: 1. Functions of Communication and Media 2. Current Issues in Philippine Media Ri nce: Media and Information Literacy Curriculum Guide by DepEd Media and Information Literacy by Boots C. Liquigan, Diva Leaming Systems Inc. Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, visual Aid, black board, and chalk Value Focus: Be able fo have awareness on the Current Issues in Philippine Media Learning Competencies: ‘= idenity the functions of communication and media (SHS) ‘= discuss the role and functions of media in a democratic society (SSHS); + editrialze the roles and functions of media in democratic sociely (MIL11/12EMIL-Ilb-6); ‘= identity and discuss current issues in Philippine Media (SSHS); andevaluate the impact of these issues to Philippine democracy (SHS). Ill___ TEACHING PROCEDURES/ LEARNING ACTIVITIES: ‘Student's Activity ‘Teacher's Activity A Preliminary Activities (S minutes) 4. Prayer Please all stand, lets begin this day by a short prayer. _ can you please lead the prayer? 2, Greetings Good morning HUMSS - Dama De Noche! 3. Checking of Environment Before you sit down, please pick up the pieces of paper, ‘candy wrappers, and all the trash that you see around ‘and under your chair and throw them in the trash can. Arrange also your chairs properly. Lastly, keep all the things not related to our ‘subject inside your bag, 4, Checking of Attendance Look at your seat mates. Is anybody absent today? (0k, Good to hear! Lets do the Very Good Clap! Yes Ma'am, let us pray. (All students wil stand and pray.) ‘Good morning Ma'am! Goad morning classmates! {Al students will pick up all the trash and keep their things inside thelr bag.) Noone is absent Ma'am, (Students wil do tho said Clap) synergic B. Motivation (10 minutes) Before we start our lesson let us first take @ look analyze the cartoon below. Questions: 1, What symbolisms are used in this cartoon? 2, What the message of his cartoon? 3, Do you agree with the message? Why or why nat? Ok. Very good answers! What do you think wll be our topic fr today based from your answers? Ms, Very Good! €. Presentation (5 Minutes) But before we proceed to our lesson, Ihave here three (3) ‘objectives expected of you to accomplish a the end ofthe lesson, Class please read the objectives. ‘Thank you! We will proceed, The symbolisms that are used in the Cartoon are Television, Newspaper, Radio, Magazine and the Human at the center ofthe different media Platforms, It only says that we are surrounded by ciferent media platforms that let us be updated in everday issues around us. It also says that we are recepients of the news thal we are reading and hearing everyday and it i up tous to analyze which is true and which is no. Yes, as a studont, | am aware that | am surrounded with diferent media platforms. Those media platforms helo me well in my studies. Lke for example the Internet that lets me search the topic to be studied siven by my teacher Ma'am, | think our lesson is about the Functions of Media in Communication and the Effects of Media to Human Life At the end ofthe lesson, the students are expected to 1. Explain the roles and functions of Media in democratic socely 2, Ge some situations that show the functions of media in saciety; 3. Identty the functions of communication and media in society; and 4, Discuss current issues in Philippine Media fd by Kl Neyra(nyrars08@B9mal.com) D. Discussion (30 Minutes) ‘Awhile ago, you mentioned about the ‘Functions of Media in Communication and the Effects of Media to Human Life™ ‘That is somewhat correct! Our Lesson is about "Functions ‘of Communication and Media" and “Current Issues in Philippine Media” ‘A. FUNCTIONS OF COMMUNICATION AND MEDIA 1, INFORM CITIZENS OF WHAT IS HAPPENING. (MONITORING FUNCTION) Please exolain the fst function 2, EDUCATE THE AUDIENCE IEANING AND SIGNIFICANCE OF FACTS) Please exolain the second function 3, PROVIDE A PLATFORM FOR PUBLIC DISCOURSE (PUBLIC OPINION AND EXPRESSION OF DISSENT) Please exolain the third function, 4, WATCHDOG" ROLE OF JOURNALISM Please exolain the fourth function 5, SERVES AS THE CHANNEL FOR THE ADVOCACY OF POLITICAL VIEWPOINTS Please exolain the fith function B. CURRENT ISSUES IN PHILIPPINE MEDIA It informs citizen of what is happening around them, ‘Such asin imes of natural disasters, wars, and heath scares. ‘Some of the examples are : Broadcast Media like TV Patrol and 24 Oras. It educates the audience as to the meaning and significance of fact. tis also the ably of the media to teach various values, norms, and rules. ‘Some ofthe examples are educative and documentary shows like Matanglawin, Ancient X Files, MathTinik, ‘and Super Book, People are allowed to exoress their disagreement about an advocacy and they can discuss it freely through the different media platforms most common is through the Blogs and Forums that all of us are aware of. ‘The media gives publicity © govemmental and politcal issues. Some of the examples are Bayan Mo Ipatral Mo and Bantay Kaban, and GMA Special Report The goverment has many advocacies and it can inform people through the SONA or State ofthe Nation ‘Addrass viewed through Television, Online or read from the newspapers, dad by Kae Ney (neyrakrisoa@agmal.com) [ANALYZING INFOGRAPHICS MEDIA KILLING: IN THE PHILIPPINES Guide Questions 1. What information is shown in the infographics? 2, Whats the implication of journalist being killed in the Philippines? 3, Do you agree that macia kilings are a danger to Philippine democracy? Why or why not? C. CURRENT EVENTS Duterte Blasts Media Organizations for ‘Untair, Twisted’ Coverage By Audrey Morallo (www philstar com) Updated March 30, 2017 Let the students read the article; have their reaction to the hip: phistar comMheadines/20"7/03/0/1686079IGuterto- blasts-media-organizations-unfa-wisted- coverage E, Generalization (5 Minutes) 41. What are the five functions of Communication and Media? ‘The information shown was the number of media people who were kiled from the term of Pres. Corazon ‘Aquino to the term of Pres. Benigno “Naynoy’ Aquino M It only shows that Media People were not really safe here inthe Philippines in expressing the tuth freely Yes, Its a great danger. ifthe brave media people who are aware and have the courage to broadcast the truth to us were all be kiled, Mecia wil be owned by few who have their selfsh motives and all the news that we are listening and watching would bein favor of them. We will be mere recipient ofthe fake news that they want us to hear 4, INFORM CITIZENS OF WHAT IS HAPPENING (MONITORING FUNCTION) 2, EDUCATE THE AUDIENCE (WEANING AND SIGNIFICANCE OF FACTS) 53. PROVIDE A PLATFORM FOR PUBLIC DISCOURSE (PUBLIC OPINION AND EXPRESSION OF DISSENT) 4. WATCHDOG" ROLE OF JOURNALISM 5, SERVES AS THE CHANNEL FOR THE ADVOCACY OF POLITICAL VIEWPOINTS: sd by Ks Neves (neyakr09@Q9ral. com) 2, What are curent issues regarding Philippine Media? F. Application (10 Minutes) Stele a AND INDEPENDENT Dil se) ea eL DEMOCRACY IS NL Leia Oral Question Do you agree with tis statement? Why or why not? IV- Evaluation (10 Minutes) POLITICAL CARTOONS. Instructions 1. Draw ona short bond paper a politcal cartoon

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