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1)What is the impact of modular distance learning to students reading comprehension?

-The impact of modular distance learning on students' reading comprehension has been a
topic of study. As a teacher can I adapt many of the strategies they would use in a
traditional classroom to promote reading skills. It is important to note that as a teacher it
plays a significant role in reading instruction during modular distance learning, especially
in the early stages of reading development. Teachers' awareness, use of effective strategies,
and support can greatly impact students' reading skills. These studies highlight the
importance of addressing reading comprehension difficulties in modular distance learning
and the role of teachers in promoting effective reading skills in this learning environment.
1.1) What are the specific strategies employed in modules to support individualized
learning in reading comprehension?
-Differentiated instruction

2)Does the reading comprehension level of the learner improved? Or not?

2.1)Did the learner exhibit improved fluency, accuracy, and confidence in reading various
types of texts?
- They are more likely to exhibit a part of modular learning to be wisely enough to explore
more about on reading.

3) How much time do you spend each day on modular learning to reading?
-It takes 2 hours daily.
3.1)Does your learner fully understand the module that you have given them?
- Educators certainly understand very well about the meaning of learning modules, which
serve as a guide in teaching in class. The definition of the learning module itself is quite
diverse, because each expert provides its own definition.

1)What is the impact of modular distance learning to students reading comprehension?

-The impact of modular distance learning to students was lack of learnings specially in
reading comprehension because most of the students didn't read upon answering the
1.1) What are the specific strategies employed in modules to support individualized
learning in reading comprehension?
-I think learning by doing strategy employed during modular class, some of the students
will search on order to get the correct answer
2)Does the reading comprehension level of the learner improved? Or not?
-The learning comprehension of the students will not improve during modular class
2.1)Did the learner exhibit improved fluency, accuracy, and confidence in reading various
types of texts?
-The learner didn't improved fluency, accuracy, and confidence in reading
3)How much time do you spend each day on modular learning to reading?
- There was a time that we did reading comprehension at the purok but we don't have
enough time to do it again and again because we need to make and print modules or SLHT
daily. think it's just one time per quarter only.
3.1)Does your learner fully understand the module that you have given them?
- I think they didn't really understand the module because in our summative test most of
our students got a very low scores.

1)What is the impact of modular distance learning to students reading comprehension?

* most of the learners lack of comprehension skills due to the lack of reading resources,
home tutors doesn't have enough knowledge how to teach their children correctly, at what
level of reading comprehension to start teaching them.
1.1)What are the specific strategies employed in modules to support individualized
learning in reading comprehension?
*including in the modules some of the activities like context clause, graphic oragizer,noting
details,unlocking of difficulties
2) Does the reading comprehension level of the learner improved? Or not?
*most of the learner's comprehension skills weren't improve because, we can't deny the
fact that Learning is better with the proper guidance of teacher,yes there are
parents/guardians (home tutors)but some of the learners doesn't have home tutors and
some of the parents are working and some learners will only follow the instructions f it is
directly from their respective teachers .
2.1) Did the learner exhibit improved fluency, accuracy, and confidence in reading various
types of texts? *there are some learners exhibit improve confidence in reading but most of
the learners are not especially those learners that their parents cannot afford for tutors,
and some of the parents doesn't know also how to read
3)How much time do you spend each day on modular learning to reading?
*during remedial session 30 mins to 1 hour
3.1)Does your learner fully understand the module that you have given them?
*not all learners understood what are the purpose of the modules and the importance of
answering the activities inside it .There are lots of modules that were answered by the
parents not by the learners.

1) What is the impact of modular distance learning to students reading comprehension?

-Technically speaking, the reading comprehension development for Beginning Readers
decreased because reading implementation at home is low. Parents' struggle to train their
children due to limited reading resources and poor reading implementation at home.
1.1) What are the specific strategies employed in modules to support individualized
learning in reading comprehension?
-It's very important to learn at home through making connections, visualizing, inferring,
questioning, and summarizing so, students will be able to comprehend what they're
2.) Does the reading comprehension level of the learner improved? Or not?
-No, it decreased.
2.1) Did the learner exhibit improved fluency, accuracy, and confidence in reading various
types of texts?
3.) How much time do you spend each day on modular learning to reading?
-In our school, we were able to conduct face-to-face classes from Mondays to Fridays which
was very effective since we can train students through our efforts. Modular learning was
only applied during suspension of classes/teachers were on trainings. We usually ask for
parent's help through reading follow-ups at home.
3.1 )Does your learner fully understand the module that you have given them?
-Not all the time, they need follow-up from their parents. It also needs to be discussed by
the time our face-to-face classes resume.

1) What is the impact of modular distance learning to students reading comprehension?

-very big impact in which the students were not able to comprehend well on what they are
1.1) What are the specific strategies employed in modules to support individualized
learning in reading comprehension?
-through reading passage/story and answering questions
2) Does the reading comprehension level of the learner improved? Or not?
- not effective
2.1) Did the learner exhibit improved fluency, accuracy, and confidence in reading various
types of texts? -no
3) How much time do you spend each day on modular learning to reading?
3.1) Does your learner fully understand the module that you have given them?

1) What is the impact of modular distance learning to students reading comprehension?

- There is increased in number of learners who are struggling in reading.
1.1) What are the specific strategies employed in modules to support individualized
learning in reading comprehension?
- Home visit was conducted to help learners who are struggling during the Modular
distance learning.
2) Does the reading comprehension level of the learner improved? Or not?
- There is slight improvement in the reading comprehension of learners during the
Modular distance learning.
2.1) Did the learner exhibit improved fluency, accuracy, and confidence in reading various
types of texts?
- Some of the learners improved in fluency, accuracy, and confidence in reading various
types of texts specially those who have home tutors while others remain struggling in
3) How much time do you spend each day on modular learning to reading?
- At least 1 hour per day
3.1) Does your learner fully understand the module that you have given them?
- Not all learners understand the module given specially those answered it independently
without their parents or home tutors to guide them.
1) What is the impact of modular distance learning to students reading comprehension?
- Students specially on primary level have difficulties in identifying letters and sounds. We
noticed that they do not comprehend things but instead search things automatically and
does not read and understand.
1.1) What are the specific strategies employed in modules to support individualized
learning in reading comprehension?
- In our school, we did tutorials and video presentations as part of our strategy. We also use
the very simple WH question system to guide them.
2) Does the reading comprehension level of the learner improved? Or not?
- There are noticeable improvements.
2.1) Did the learner exhibit improved fluency, accuracy, and confidence in reading various
types of texts? - Yes
3) How much time do you spend each day on modular learning to reading?
- We spend an hour to two in reading as part of their routines everyday.
3.1) Does your learner fully understand the module that you have given them?
- no, as stated they need guidance and support in understanding texts.

1) What is the impact of modular distance learning to students reading comprehension?

- Modular distance learning can have both positive and negative impacts on a student's
reading comprehension. On the positive side, it allows students to learn at their own pace,
which can be beneficial for those who need more time to understand complex concepts.
However, the lack of face-to-face interaction with teachers can make it difficult for students
to ask questions or seek clarification, which could potentially hinder their comprehension.
1.1) What are the specific strategies employed in modules to support individualized
learning in reading comprehension?
- Specific strategies employed in modules to support individualized learning in reading
comprehension could include the use of interactive activities, quizzes, and self-assessment
tools. These can help students to actively engage with the material and check their
understanding as they progress through the module.
2) Does the reading comprehension level of the learner improved? Or not?
- Not totally improve for the impact of modular distance learning on a learner's reading
comprehension level can vary greatly depending on the individual. Some learners may find
that their comprehension improves as they are able to work at their own pace and revisit
material as needed. However, others may struggle without the immediate feedback and
support that is often available in a traditional classroom setting.
2.1) Did the learner exhibit improved fluency, accuracy, and confidence in reading various
types of texts? - No, they are. Whether a learner exhibits improved fluency, accuracy, and
confidence in reading various types of texts again depends on the individual. Some may
thrive in a self-paced learning environment, while others may need more support.
3) How much time do you spend each day on modular learning to reading?
- The amount of time spent each day on modular learning for reading can vary greatly
depending on the individual learner and the specific module. It's important to ensure that
learners are not spending too much time on the module at once, as this can lead to fatigue
and decreased comprehension.
3.1) Does your learner fully understand the module that you have given them?
- Yes, but whether of each learner can fully understands a module can be assessed through
quizzes, self-assessments, and discussions. If a learner is struggling, it may be necessary to
provide additional support or modify the module to better suit their needs.

1) What is the impact of modular distance learning to students reading comprehension?

- There really isn't any impact at all. Even with the modular approach, it's really negative
health. It's just not good. It's really not suitable for children.
1.1) What are the specific strategies employed in modules to support individualized
learning in reading comprehension?
2) Does the reading comprehension level of the learner improved? Or not?
- There really isn't any observable improvement in their reading skills, especially in reading
2.1) Did the learner exhibit improved fluency, accuracy, and confidence in reading various
types of texts? -
3) How much time do you spend each day on modular learning to reading?
- No, we don't have any contact with the child. The mother is the one who picks up the
3.1) Does your learner fully understand the module that you have given them?
1) What is the impact of modular distance learning to students reading comprehension?
- "He/she said, their impact is less. Most of the pupils struggle in reading because there is
no one to assist them, and most of their parents are busy, so they don't have time to read
the modules. The result is a deterioration in reading."
1.1) What are the specific strategies employed in modules to support individualized
learning in reading comprehension?
2) Does the reading comprehension level of the learner improved? Or not?
- "No, most of them, or before the pandemic, there were frustrated readers, but now there
are non-readers. They really can't recognize letters and letter sounds, so that's the
2.1) Did the learner exhibit improved fluency, accuracy, and confidence in reading various
types of texts? -
3) How much time do you spend each day on modular learning to reading?
- "It seems appropriate for the students because I'm not the one who will read the module.
Modular learning is, you know, take-home, so their entire time depends on when they will
use the module and when they won't. But, of course, at home, they have freedom, so we
don't know if they will actually read it or just wait for someone else to answer the module."
3.1) Does your learner fully understand the module that you have given them?

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