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Answer the following questions.

1. How has science contributed to technology?

2. Roles of science and technology in everyday life.
3. What is Ethics and Morals? Please provide an example in the field of
4. What is netiquette and why do you think this is important?
5. What’s the distinction between software and hardware?
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1. Science provides the information, guiding ideas, and innovations that fuel
breakthroughs. Our world is still being shaped by this symbiotic interaction,
which also fuels
innovation across a wide range of businesses.
2. Science and technology play a crucial role in modern life, influencing the
way people work,
communicate, learn, and approach global issues. As new discoveries and
inventions are made, their
responsibilities continue to change and affect almost every aspect of our
everyday lives.
3. While morals are impacted by a person's personal ideas and values, ethics
in IT pertain to the
professional code of conduct and industry standards. It is crucial to create a
balance between
professional responsibilities and personal convictions when making judgments
about privacy and data
handling in the IT industry.
4. Netiquette is a phrase that combines "net" (short for internet) and
"etiquette," and it is crucial for
preserving a pleasant and fruitful online culture in a world where online
interactions have become a
key part of our everyday lives. Everyone involved benefits from stronger
online communities,
improved communication, and better online experiences.
5. A computer system's two essential components are software and hardware.
The physical parts of a
computer system are represented by hardware, while the data and programs
that allow these parts to
carry out certain functions and give users functionality are represented by
software. They combine
their efforts to produce a useful computer system.

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