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National Disaster Risk Management Plan

(NDRMP) is being formulated, developed,
Chapter 1 : Introduction to DRRM and implemented as the master plan that
PHILIPPINE DISASTER SITUATION – Ph is the 8th will provide the strategies, organisation,
most vulnerable country to disaster tasks of concerned agencies and local
government units, and other guidelines in
-Ph is lies to Pacific ring of dire; 80% earthquake, 20-25 dealing with disasters or emergencies
typhoons every year, 220 known volcanoes and 22 B. The law also promotes the development of
volcanoes are active. capacities in disaster management at the
individual, organisational, and institutional
• The Philippines is one of the world's most levels.
vulnerable countries to natural disasters C. RA 10121 also recognises local risk
and climate change. patterns and trends and decentralization of
• Last year, the country was hit by a volcanic resources and responsibilities and thus
eruption, a series of major earthquakes, and a encourages the participation of NGOs,
series of typhoons that flooded over 60 towns private sectors, community-based
and cities. organisations, and community members in
• Knowing the country's vulnerability to disasters, disaster management. It inhibits the full
various government agencies launched a participation of the Local Government Units
series of apps to assist local government (LGUs) and communities in governance.
D. RA 10121 provides for the calamity fund to
officials in developing local disaster responses.
be used in support of disaster risk reduction
• These solutions are built on the National
or mitigation, prevention, and
Exposure Database (NED), a platform that preparedness activities for the potential
collates data to aid in policymaking. occurrence of disasters and not just for
• The major disaster in the Philippines in the past response, relief, and rehabilitation efforts.
year, aside from the COVID-19 pandemic, two
major disasters occurred in the Pre- Event
country: typhoon Ulysses and Taal volcano
The outright avoidance of
eruption, halted public life, business, and
Prevention adverse impacts of hazards and
mobility which affected the Philippines'
economy. related disasters. Prevention
expresses the concept and
Disaster Risk - the potential (not actual) disaster losses, intention to completely avoid
in lives, health status, livelihoods, assets and services, potential adverse impacts
which could occur in a particular community or society through action in advance. Can
over some specified future time period. be in the form of proper land use
or using suitable engineering
Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) - the process of
reducing and preventing disaster risks. It is based on The lessening or limitation of the
the premise that, while hazards are unavoidable, their Mitigation adverse impacts of hazards and
negative consequences, such as lost lives and/or related disasters. While the
property destruction, are not. There are steps we can adverse impacts of hazards
take to ensure risk reduction. DRR actions can be often cannot he prevented fully,
political, technical, social and economic. their scale or severity can be
substantially lessened by
various strategies and actions.
Disaster Risk Management - the application of disaster The adjustment in natural or
risk reduction policies and strategies to prevent new Adaptation human systems response to
disaster risk, reduce existing disaster risk and manage actual or expected climatic
residual risk, contributing to the strengthening of stimuli or their effects, which
resilience and reduction of disaster losses. moderates harm or exploits
beneficial opportunities.
Philippine Disaster Reduction and Management Act The knowledge and capacities
(RA 10121) – to provides a comprehensive, all-hazard, Preparedness developed by government,
multi-sectoral, inter-agency, and community-based professional response and
approach to disaster risk management through the recovery organizations,
formulation of the National Disaster Risk Management communities and individuals to
Framework. effectively anticipate, respond
to, and recover from, the impacts
of likely, imminent or current Five priorities for action for developing concrete
hazard events or conditions. risk-reducing adaptation measures

1. Ensure that disaster risk reduction is a national

Defined as dangerous phenomenon, and local priority with a strong institutional basis
substance, human activity or condition that may for implementation
cause: 2. Identify, assess and monitor disaster risks and
enhance early warning
• loss of life
3. Use knowledge, innovation and education to
• injury or other health impacts
build a culture of safety and resilience at all
• property damage
• loss of livelihoods and services
4. Reduce the underlying risk factors.
• social and economic disruption Strengthen disaster preparedness for effective
• environmental damage response at all levels

Policy Issuances Related to Climate Change

DRR is the concept and practice of reducing Adaptation:
disaster risk through analysis and management
of the causal factors of disaster ✓ 2009 Climate Change Act of 2009 (RA 9729)
✓ 2010 Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and
Leads to:
Management Act of 2010
• reduced exposure to hazards ✓ 2010 National Framework Strategy on Climate
• lessening of vulnerability of people and Change
assets ✓ 2011 Executive Order 43 Creating the Cabinet
• effective management of land and the Cluster on Climate Change Adaptation and
environment Mitigation
• improved preparedness for adverse ✓ 2011 National Climate Change Action Plan
events ✓ 2012 People’s Survival Fund (RA 10174)
DRR requires a long term planning across ✓ 2013 DBM-CCC JMC 2013-01 Guidelines in
sectors and must be integrated into general Tagging/Tracking Government Expenditures
national and regional development strategies; for Climate Change in Budget Process
plans for assessing including: ✓ 2014 DBM-CCC-DILG Joint Memorandum
Circular 2014-01 Tagging/Tracking Climate
(a) the hazards and risks that threaten the Change Expenditures in Local Budget
target area, ✓ 2014 Executive Order 174 Institutionalizing the
(b) the extent of harm that would occur to Philippine Green House Gas Inventory
Management and Reporting System
communities and infrastructure, and
✓ 2015 Revised Implementing Rules and
(c) the vulnerable people’s capacities to cope Regulations for RA 9729 as amended by RA
with and recover from possible disasters. 10174
✓ 2015 PSF Proponent’s Handbook
C. Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation (CCAM)

Adaptation is adapting to life in a changing climate The Philippine National Adaptation Plan under
entails adjusting to the current or expected future National Climate Change Action Plan (2011-
climate. The goal is to reduce our vulnerability to the 2028)
harmful effects of climate change (like sea-level
rise, more intense extreme weather events, or food

Mitigation refers to efforts to reduce or prevent

emission of greenhouse gases. Mitigation can mean
using new technologies and renewable energies,
making older equipment more energy efficient, or
changing management practices or consumer behavior.

Mitigation measures are those actions that are taken

to reduce and curb greenhouse gas emissions,
while adaptation measures are based on reducing
vulnerability to the effects of climate change.
D. Types of Disaster droughts and cyclones, through an ethic of
prevention. Disasters often follow natural hazards
Disasters are severe disruptions to the
functioning of a community that exceed its
capacity to cope using its own resources. Natural,
man-made, and technological hazards, as well as
various factors that influence the exposure and
vulnerability of a community.

Natural Disasters include all types of severe

weather, which have the potential to pose a
significant threat to human health and safety,
property, critical infrastructure, and homeland

- These resources serve to prepare for a variety

of natural disasters, including typhoons,
earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions,
landslides, fires or any combination thereof

- Human Induced Disasters have an element of

human intent, negligence, or error involving a
failure of a man-made system, as opposed to
natural disasters resulting from natural hazards. Strategic Development Approaches to Vulnerability
Among the human induced disasters are war,
pollution, nuclear explosions, fires, hazardous Reduction include:
materials exposures, explosions, and
transportation accidents. • Implementing building codes

- According to the International Association of • Insurance and social protection (risk)

Fire and Rescue Services, there are 2.5 to 4.5 • Emphasizing economic diversity and resilient
million fires that occur every year, and 21 to 62 livelihoods
thousand deaths are recorded as fire
casualties. • Knowledge and awareness raising

- the Environmental Protection Agency • Preparedness measures

calculated that the total generation of municipal
solid waste in the United States just that year
was 267.8 million tons Why is it important to mainstream gender into
- the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority disaster risk reduction?
(MMDA) reported that there were 82,757 road
accidents that were recorded in Metro Manila • Understanding how gender relations shape
alone, an average of 227 accidents per day. women's and men's lives is critical to disaster
risk reduction (DRR). This is
because women's and men's different roles,
responsibilities, and access to resources
influence how each will be affected by
Risks is the process of identifying potential threats different hazards, and how they will cope with
and minimizing the impact on business operations and recover from disaster.
and people. During critical events, leaders within an
organization must determine how they will keep • Gender mainstreaming is a strategy to
stakeholders informed and safe. improve the quality of public policies,
programs and projects, ensuring a more
Vulnerabilities describes the characteristics and efficient allocation of resources. Better
circumstances of a community, system or asset that results mean increased well-being for both
make it susceptible to the damaging effects of a hazard. women and men, and the creation of a more
Hazards is a natural process or phenomenon that socially just and sustainable society.
has a negative impact on the economy, society, or Mainstreaming in gender in DRRM
ecology. It includes both natural and human factors that The mainstreaming of disaster risk reduction (DRR) in
are associated with natural factors. development as the consideration and address of risk
issues in:
Risk Reduction aims to reduce the damage caused • Medium-term strategic development
by natural hazards like earthquakes, floods, frameworks
• Legislation and institutional structures
• Sector strategies and policies enable the community to organize itself to tackle a
• Budgetary processes crisis, minimize the losses, and control panic to
• Design and implementation of individual
facilitate smooth rescue and relief operations.
• Monitoring and evaluating all of the above Information Preparing the community for
disaster management through
Individuals, communities and governments can information implies the transfer of
increase their disaster risk by: basic knowledge by means of
• Living in ways that degrade the environment data, practices and processes to
• Overpopulating urban centers, pushing the the community so as increase
urban poor into hazard-prone areas their awareness
• Creating and supporting structures and
practices that promote unequal access to, and Information addresses the
control over, resources questions of What, When, Where
• Allowing the construction of How and How Much with respect
unsafe/substandard houses and buildings, and to the anticipated disaster
building in high-risk areas
Information creates a picture of
the reality for the community and
helps them realize the risks
This understanding of risks has led to approaches
Education learning that makes people
for disaster risk management that consist of:
aware and knowledgeable
• Identifying potential hazards
• Determining their probability of occurrence
continuous process throughout
• Estimating their impact on the communities at
the human life that attempts to
modify the attitudes, and
• Promoting practices for reducing vulnerability
behavior of the people
• Planning measures and taking action to reduce
enlighten the people about the
• Creating awareness of how to implement
WHY aspect as to the occurrence
disaster risk reduction (DRR) measures
of the disaster
• Providing opportunities for the sharing of
experiences on DRR by local government
Goal: to promote an informed,
alert and self-confident
Why is mainstreaming necessary for local
community that can cope with
A local government cannot afford to ignore risk
considerations, particularly with recent
Communication information exchange between
catastrophes and increasing concerns related to
two or more groups individuals.;
climate change, unplanned urbanization and
could be applied to both as well
environmental degradation
as emergency communication
Training to improve knowledge, skills and
attitudes amongst the recipients.
Regarding managing disasters,
training is accorded a very
important place, as it imparts the
necessary knowledge and skills
to varied categories of personnel


Community awareness forms the basic crux of

present-day disaster management. The prime
objective is to raise the awareness levels,
knowledge base of the community to make
Module 2 them alert, self-reliant and cope with the
consequences. People have coping strategies
A. NATURE AND SIGNIFICANCE OF IEC that they derive from the past experience. The
(Information, Education, Communication)
communities possess the capacity and strength
and trainings
arising of previous experiences in facing
Goal: to reach the community at the remote level emergencies. This must be capitalized on. The
and make them alert and aware. It attempts to awareness is required to enable the community to
understand the impact of disaster, efforts they The goal of any IEC strategy is to reach the
need to put to reduce its impact and save their lives community at the remote level and make them alert
and property. and aware. It attempts to enable the community to
organize itself to tackle a crisis, minimize the
Community awareness activities need to be so losses, and control panic to facilitate smooth
designed to have a bearing on the community by rescue and relief operations.
imparting skills and practical knowledge and
bringing change in their attitudes. The strategies CHAPTER 2: THE FIVE STEPS OF
adopted for generating awareness need to be EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT
chosen keeping in view the nature of hazards,
socio-economic profile of the community,
vulnerabilities they are exposed to and so on.

The awareness should make the community

conversant about:
• Operationalizing of preparedness or
response or emergency plan prevalent at
local or community level.
• Adhering to special instructions about
warning and evacuation given during
• Getting conversant with evacuation
procedures, routes for evacuation and
• things to be taken. 1. Prevention ➢ Actions taken
• Providing help to vulnerable sections such to avoid an
as women, children, old, physically
• challenged etc.
• Mobilizing other community members in ➢ Stopping an
tackling the crisis. incident from
• Distributing relief occurring
➢ Deterrence
Information Education and surveillance.
Communication can reach the ➢ The objective
community through a variety of means. of prevention
It can be through: is to reduce
the risk of
a) Educational programmed
b) Media being affected
c) Preparation and distribution of material by a disaster.
such as brochures, pamphlets and posters ➢ Prevention is
that contain information about the to ensure that
disasters, do s and don'ts human action
d) Orienting through training, lecture or natural
demonstrations, practice alerts, and mock
e) Group discussions and talks. do not result
f) Street plays, folk' songs in disaster or
IEC strategies must address the community
needs and enable them to understand the benefits 2. Mitigation ➢ Refers to
of long-term disaster mitigation. Education has a measures that
key role in planning and implementation of prevent an
strategies at prey during and post-disaster phases.
Disaster education has to take into cognizance of
the contemporary knowledge and skills about reduce the
disaster reduction, preparedness and mitigation.
chance of an 3. Activities increase a
emergency Preparedness community's ability
happening, or to respond when a
reduce the disaster occurs.
damaging effects Typical
of unavoidable preparedness
emergencies. measures include
Typical developing mutual
mitigation aid agreements and
memorandums of
measures include
training for both
building codes and
response personnel
zoning and concerned
requirements, citizens, conducting
installing disaster exercises
shutters and to reinforce training
constructing and test
barriers such as capabilities, and
levees. presenting all-
➢ The term hazards education
Mitigation can campaigns
be comprised Prepare
in the term
Prevention. • Assemble a disaster supply kit.
• Locate safe places in your
➢ Mitigation
home for each type of disaster.
means to • Determine the best evacuation
reduce the routes from your home.
severity of the • Become trained in first aid and
human and CPR.
material • Show each family member how
damage and where to shut off utilities
(water, gas, electricity).
• Make a complete inventory of
by the your home and property.
disaster. • Teach each family member how
to use a fire extinguisher and
Permanent Reduction of the Risk of where to find one.
Disaster: • Post emergency contacts
1. Primary Mitigation (friends, family, neighbors,
• reducing the PRESENCE of the police, fire, etc.) on the
Hazard refrigerator.
• reducing Vulnerability
4. Response Actions carried out
2. Secondary Mitigation immediately before,
• reducing the EFFECTS of the during, and
Hazard (Preparedness) immediately after a
hazard impact, which
are aimed at saving
Principal Objectives of Mitigation: lives, reducing
• Save lives economic losses, and
alleviating suffering.
• Reduce economic disruption
Response actions
• Decrease vulnerability/increase may include
capacity activating the
• Decrease chance/level of conflict emergency
operations center,
evacuating - Terrorism's overarching goal is to
threatened undermine the public's sense of
populations, opening security in places they are most familiar
shelters and with. Buildings or other locations that are
providing mass care, important economic or political symbols,
emergency rescue such as embassies or military installations,
and medical care, fire are sometimes targeted as well.
fighting, and urban - Law enforcement generally recognizes two
search and rescue. types of terrorism: domestic/national and
Steps in Disaster Preparedness and international. Domestic terrorism is based
Response Planning: and executed in the United States by our
1. Risk assessment: own citizens without foreign direction.
2. Developing the workforce: International terrorism, which is connected
3. Make critical position available: to foreign governments or groups,
4. Update and alert: transcends our nation's boundaries.
5. Test the plan:
5. Recovery Actions taken to B. Historical, Political and Ideological
return a community to Causes
normal or near-
normal conditions, Terrorist groups have the intent and capability to
including the carry out attacks anywhere in the country including
restoration of basic in the capital Manila and in places visited by
services and the foreigners, such as shopping malls, entertainment
repair of physical, establishments, public transport (including airports
social and economic and the metro system) and places of worship.
damages. Typical Attacks have been carried out using small arms
recovery actions and improvised explosive devices, including both
include debris vehicle and personnel borne.
cleanup, financial
assistance to Terrorist activity continues to pose a threat from
individuals and groups such as the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG),
governments, Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF),
rebuilding of roads Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), New People’s Army
and bridges and key (NPA and other associated groups. Some groups
facilities, and have pledged allegiance to Daesh (formally
sustained mass care referred to as ISIL) and are likely to regard
for displaced human westerners as legitimate targets.
and animal
populations. Recent notable incidents include:
Basic Disaster Recovery Plan Steps: August 24, 2020 • dual
• Risk assessment explosions in
• Evaluate critical needs Jolo, Sulu
• Set disaster recovery plan resulting in a
objectives number of
• Collect data and create the deaths and
written document injuries
• Test and revise
June 28, 2019 • a dual suicide
in Indanan in
A, Terrorism Sulu Province
- is defined as the intentional or threatened killed 3
use of serious violence, force, or any civilians and 3
other means of destruction against military
civilians or non-combatants, or against personnel as
property, with the intent of instilling a state well as the 2
of common danger, panic, or fear, or attackers. A
coercing or intimidating the public. further 22
people were • Coercive aims

January 27, 2019 • 27 people D. Terrorist Tactics and Behavior

were killed
and many
more injured
as a result of
bomb attacks
at a Roman
cathedral on
Jolo Island in
Sulu Province

December 31, • an IED

2018 exploded at
the entrance
to the South
shopping mall
in Cotabato
City killing 2
people and
injuring many

Ideological Impact of Terrorism

• Strong motivation to terminate terror
• Evokes classic ego defense
mechanisms and displacement
• Often produces
• Frustration-aggression reaction
• General increase in mental
• Acute Stress Disorder (ASD)
• Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Causes of Terrorism
1. Injustice
2. Politicians
3. Poverty
4. Media (controlled by politicians)
5. Religious causes

C. Terrorist Actors and Characteristics

Characteristic of Terrorism
• It is exercised by organized groups
• It is inspired by political Motive
• Use of violence is intended to arouse
fright or alarm
• There is systematic and discriminate
use of violence and breach of law
• Act of aggression
• Anticipated violence

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