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Neonatal infection: determining the need for antibiotic treatment of babies within 72 hours of birth (pg 1 of 2)

If there are any risk factors for early-

Before birth: for women in labour, identify If group B streptococcus is first identified in
onset neonatal infection (see box 1) or
and assess risk factors for early-onset the mother within 72 hours of baby’s birth:
if there are clinical indicators of possible
neonatal infection (see box 1). Throughout
early-onset neonatal infection (see box 2) • ask those directly involved in the baby’s
labour, monitor for any new risk factors.
perform an immediate clinical assessment. care if they have any concerns in
For guidance on managing prelabour relation to clinical indicators (see box 2)
Review the maternal and neonatal history
rupture of membranes at term, see the
and carry out a physical examination of the • identify any other risk factors present, and
NICE guideline on intrapartum care.
baby, including assessment of vital signs. look for clinical indicators of infection.

Any red flag No red flags, but 1 non-red-flag risk factor No red flags, risk factors or
OR OR clinical indicators
2 or more non-red-flag risk factors or No red flags, but 1 non-red-flag No laboratory evidence of
clinical indicators clinical indicator possible infection

Use clinical judgement: Do not routinely give

Perform investigations and
• Is it safe to withold antibiotics? antibiotic treatment.
start antibiotic treatment.
• Do the baby’s vital signs and clinical Continue routine care
Do not wait for test results
condition need to be monitored? (see the NICE guideline on
before starting antibiotics.
postnatal care).
If monitoring, continue for at least 12 hours
using a newborn early warning system.
Consider performing Any clinical concerns during monitoring? Reassure family. When the
investigations and starting baby is discharged, give
antibiotic treatment. advice to parents or carers.
Note: The Kaiser Permanente neonatal
sepsis calculator can be used as an This is a summary of some of the advice in the NICE guideline on
alternative to the NICE red flag framework neonatal infection: antibiotics for prevention and treatment.
© NICE 2021. All rights reserved. Subject to Notice of rights.
Neonatal infection: determining the need for antibiotic treatment of babies within 72 hours of birth (pg 2 of 2)

Box 1: Risk factors for early-onset Box 2: Clinical indicators of possible early-onset neonatal infection
neonatal infection
Red flag clinical indicators:
Red flag risk factor: • Apnoea (temporary stopping of • Need for cardiopulmonary resuscitation
• Suspected or confirmed infection in another baby breathing)
• Need for mechanical ventilation
in the case of a multiple pregnancy. • Seizures
• Signs of shock

Other risk factors (non-red-flag):

Other clinical indicators (non-red-flag):
• Invasive group B streptococcal infection
in a previous baby or maternal group B • Altered behaviour or responsiveness • Persistent pulmonary hypertension of
streptococcal colonisation, bacteriuria or newborns
infection in the current pregnancy. • Altered muscle tone (for example,
floppiness) • Jaundice within 24 hours of birth
• Preterm birth following spontaneous labour
before 37 weeks’ gestation. • Feeding difficulties (for example, feed • Signs of neonatal encephalopathy
• Confirmed rupture of membranes for more than • Temperature abnormality (lower than
18 hours before a preterm birth. • Feed intolerance, including vomiting, 36°C or higher than 38°C) unexplained
excessive gastric aspirates and by environmental factors
• Confirmed prelabour rupture of membranes at abdominal distension
term for more than 24 hours before the onset • Unexplained excessive bleeding,
of labour. • Abnormal heart rate (bradycardia or thrombocytopenia, or abnormal
tachycardia) coagulation
• Intrapartum fever higher than 38°C, if there is
suspected or confirmed bacterial infection. • Signs of respiratory distress (including • Altered glucose homeostasis
grunting, recession, tachypnoea) (hypoglycaemia or hyperglycaemia)
• Clinical diagnosis of chorioamnionitis.
• Hypoxia (for example, central cyanosis or • Metabolic acidosis (base deficit of
reduced oxygen saturation level) 10 mmol/litre or greater)

This is a summary of some of the advice in the NICE guideline on

neonatal infection: antibiotics for prevention and treatment.
© NICE 2021. All rights reserved. Subject to Notice of rights.

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