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Homeroom Guidance

Quarter 1 – Module 3: You RULE:

Respect, Understand and Listen to Everyone!

STUDENT: Crystalizah Pauline Orogo

Let’s Try This

Respect was shown to me when… I think discrimination was evident


 I feel that my side was taken

well. Discrimination is evident
 I get the chance to voice out when The unfair or prejudicial
my side. treatment of people and
 I am given the space I groups based on
wanted. characteristics such as race,
gender, age or sexual
There are a lot of ways that orientation is being showed
one can show respect to or observed.
other people. And a person
who is able to show these
ways is truly a person that is
worthy of being treasured.
Moreover, on the flip side, it
is also very important that we
possess it in ourselves. It is
not enough that other people
are showing respect to us.
We have also to
possess respect in
ourselves in order for us to be
able to show it to other
people also.

Processing Questions:

1. Respect is the only feeling that influences cognition in the first place, and it is also the only emotion
that motivates morally admirable behavior. Respect means accepting others for who they are,
regardless of how they differ from you or what they believe.
The unfair or unfavorable treatment of individuals or groups based on traits like race, gender, age, or
sexual orientation is known as bullying. Bullying also occurs when someone uses their actions to
appease the desires of another individual.

2. A good example of respect is listening to other people. One of the most fundamental ways to respect
others is to listen to what they have to say. The importance of what someone has to say should not be
taken into account when making decisions. Giving someone our time validates them, which in turn
communicates respect.

3. Discrimination can be replaced with respect just by elevating your own self-worth. Respect is a
virtue in and of itself, and high-quality value is immeasurable. Your morals open the door for respect to
take the place of prejudice. You have the right to act impartially. You don't need to beg for respect. You
just need to demonstrate that you are deserving of it.

Let’s Explore This

I respect others when…

1. I respect others when they are older than me.

2. I respect others when they share their problems with me.

3. I respect others when they are kind to me.

4. I respect others when they don't hesitate to ask help to me.

5. I respect others when they respect me too.

I may be discriminating others when…

1. I bully someone on their physical appearance

2. I judge on their personality, actions and body
3. I make fun of and mock others’ perceptions, looks, and ideas
4. I do not respect other beliefs, and being insensitive
5. Harass someone because of their race and color

Processing Questions:

1. I noticed that my answers reflect my personality.

2. There are a lot of factors that influence the manner on how I deal with people. One of this would be the
other person’s personality. I respect other people around me especially those that are worthy of the
respect that I give. If the other person has a problematic attitude, I try to distance myself while maintain
a civil relationship with the person.
3. How do I build or maintain a harmonious relationship with others? Well, we have to realize the fact
that we live in a society where interaction is a constant thing. I try to communicate well with other
people to avoid misunderstanding and conflict. If I make a mistake, I make sure that I apologize. I also
remember that we are all different so I make sure to respect each other’s difference.

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