Edexcel Physics IAS Unit 1 FAQ

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Credit: Naveed Sir

Unit 1 FAQ
1. What is drift velocity?
Ans: It is the velocity with which an electron moves through the wire.

2. Why does a wire get warm when electron moves through it?
Ans: The electrons hit the atoms in the lattice and KE of the electron gets converted into the
thermal energy.

3. How can work done be negative?

Ans: The distance moved is in a direction opposite to that of the direction of the force

4. Explain equilibrium situation in terms of the principle of moment?

Ans: The total clockwise moment about a point will be equal to the total anticlockwise

5. Why can objects accelerate even after having the N3 PAIR?

Ans: The 2 forces act on different bodies. Total force on any single body is not zero. So, each
body will have a resultant force acting on it.

6. Principle of conservation of energy.

Ans: Energy cannot be created or destroyed and can only be transformed from one form to

7. Why is a longer rope less likely to break.

Ans: Greater extension and there will be greater area under the graph. More energy can be
Credit: Naveed Sir

8. Why does a heavier moving object need more force to get stopped?
Ans: More mass means more energy when the velocity is same. so, more work has to be
done. So, greater force is needed to oppose the motion.

9. Hooke's law.
Ans: Force applied is proportional to the extension.

10. Newton's first law.

Ans: An object at rest or motion will stay in motion is a straight line unless it is compelled by
some external force.

11. What does equilibrium mean?

Ans: The resultant force acting on the object is zero.

12. Advantage and disadvantage of using large distance while measuring gravitational
Ans: Advantage: distance can be measured easily.
Disadvantage: air resistance becomes an important factor.

13. N2.
Ans: rate of change of momentum is proportional to the acceleration.

14. What is power?

Ans: It is the rate of transfer of energy and the unit is watts.

15. Explain why moving in circle needs a resultant force to continue the motion.
Ans: So that the change in the direction is taking place as otherwise it would keep on moving
in a straight line.
Credit: Naveed Sir

16. What is turbulent flow?

And: Flow of fluids where there is mixing of layers of the fluid.

17. Difference between elastic and plastic deformations in a metal.

Ans: Elastic deformation is temporary but plastic deformation is permanent. In an elastic
deformation, the bonds get stretched but not broken. The atoms move apart and come back
but they are not broken.

18. Stress.
Ans: It is the force acting per unit area.

19. Strain.
Ans: It is the extension divided by the original length of the wire.

20. Plastic behavior.

Ans: When under tension, deformation that happens is permanent. It would not come back
to the original shape.

21. What is yield stress?

Ans: The stress at which plastic deformation begins.

22. How does temperature affect the motion of a sphere falling through a liquid.
Ans: When temperature increases, viscosity decreases. Sphere falls with a greater speed.

23. What is laminar flow?

Ans: Flow of fluid where there is no mixing up of the layers. There will be no eddies and

24. What is a tough material?

Ans: A material that can withstand a lot of force or load. It can also take shock or impact.
Credit: Naveed Sir

25. What is upthrust?

Ans: It is an upward force within a fluid. It is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced.

26. Stiffer
Ans: Something that has a very high young's modulus. It would go through very little strain
for a huge amount of stress value.

27. What is strain energy?

Ans: It is the energy stored when stress is applied to it.

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