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SY 2022-2023

Directions: Shade the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheet.

1. It is a transactional process in which people generate meaning through the exchange of verbal
messages in specific contexts, influenced by individual and societal forces and embedded in culture.
A. Social work C. Communication
B. Counseling D. Applied Social Science
2. Which of the following is the correct definition of communication?
A. A meaning-making system that follows the goal of conveying the intended message from
the sender to the receiver as accurately as possible.
B. The promotion of social change, problem-solving in human relationships, and the
empowerment and liberation of people to enhance well-being.
C. The process of guiding a person during a stage of life when reassessments or decisions
have to be made about himself or herself and his or her life course.
D. The routes traveled by a message as it goes between the senders/receivers.
3. Which of the following is a goal of communication?
A. Disseminate information. C. Guide a person in his/her life.
B. Provide social services. D. Analyze one’s culture.
4. How can you best send a message to a person who lives in another country?
A. I will send pictures of my activities. C. I will send a recorded message.
B. I will video call him/her. D. I will compose a written message through email.
5. Person X posted on social media that invited people to join a protest against mining. This post
garnered thousands of reactions and shares. It can be inferred that communication _______________.
A. can create social and political change. C. is a way for socialization.
B. can cause chaos in the community. D. is one-way.
6. Evaluate the following statements:
I. Communication is one-way.
II. Communication is essential for everyday life.
A. Only Statement I is correct. C. Both statements are correct.
B. Only Statement II is correct. D. Both statements are incorrect.
7. It is considered as the most essential aspect in human communication, and by and large,
listeners base their interpretation of expressions of language and actions on their prior knowledge.
A. Culture B. Medium C. Context D. Reference
8. According to Sampa (2022), how many frames of reference in communication do we have?
A. Four B. Five C. Six D. Seven
9. This is the set of parameters that define one’s mental schema.
A. Psychological frame of reference C. Spatial frame of reference
B. Cultural frame of reference D. Temporal frame of reference
10. This is a set of egocentric experience, environmental, and geographical parameters that define
one’s interpretation of reality.
A. Psychological frame of reference C. Spatial frame of reference
B. Cultural frame of reference D. Temporal frame of reference
11. This is a set of transient parameters, such as space and a range of experience types that
underlie immediate representations, which define one’s representation of reality.
A. Psychological frame of reference C. Spatial frame of reference
B. Cultural frame of reference D. Temporal frame of reference
12. Evaluate the following statements:
I. Frames of reference determine the meaning of facts.
II. All meanings are generated and constrained by the frames of reference.
A. Only Statement I is correct. C. Both statements are correct.
B. Only Statement II is correct. D. Both statements are incorrect.
13. According to David Berlo, how many elements of communication do we have?
A. Three B. Four C. Five D. Six
14. According to Alberts et al. (2007), how many elements of communication do we have?
A. Three B. Four C. Five D. Six
15. This is made up of the ideas and feelings that the senders/receivers want to share.
A. Message B. Channel C. Feedback D. Noise

16. How will you know if there is feedback at an interpersonal level of communication?
A. If the receiver responded to your message.
B. If the sender sent a message to the receiver.
C. If the receiver cannot understand the message.
D. If the sender did not send a message to the receiver.
17. How will you know if there is noise at an interpersonal level of communication?
A. If the receiver responded to your message.
B. If the sender sent a message to the receiver.
C. If the receiver cannot understand the message.
D. If the sender did not send a message to the receiver.
18. Which among the levels of communication is most prone to external noise?
A. Intrapersonal communication C. Small Group Communication
B. Interpersonal communication D. Mass Communication
19. What is the primary role of a communicator or journalist?
A. To entertain the audience
B. To influence public opinion
C. To promote personal interests
D. To report accurate and reliable information
20. Which of the following best describes the function of a journalist?
A. To create fictional stories and narratives
B. To share personal opinions and biases
C. To investigate and gather information
D. To promote commercial products
21. Which of the following is an important ethical responsibility of communicators and journalists?
A. Advocating for a specific political party
B. Sensationalizing news for higher ratings
C. Maintaining objectivity and impartiality
D. Promoting controversial and unverified claims
22. What is the significance of fact-checking in journalism?
A. To ensure news stories align with personal beliefs
B. To manipulate information for specific agenda
C. To verify the accuracy and credibility of information
D. To exaggerate the impact of news events
23. Which of the following best represents the role of a communicator in public relations?
A. Shaping public perception and managing reputations
B. Advocating for individual interests and opinions
C. Generating sensationalized news headlines
D. Disseminating misinformation for personal gain
24. What is the purpose of journalistic integrity?
A. To create entertaining content for the audience
B. To influence public opinion and shape narratives
C. To provide accurate and unbiased information to the public
D. To prioritize personal interests over professional ethics
25. The following are the career opportunities in Communication EXCEPT one.
A. teaching C. welding
B. debating D. acting
26. Who among the following professionals provides information and evidence to inform the public
about issues that matter to them in the most neutral way possible?
A. Journalist C. Teacher
B. Customer Service Representative D. Vlogger
27. They work with clients who have complaints, orders, or require information about
products/services purchased from the organization.
A. Program coordinator C. Media Sales Representative
B. Customer Service Representative D. Public Relations Officer
28. They engage with a group of people who want to learn a topic.
A. Press secretary C. Teacher
B. Debater D. Lobbyist
29. Who among the following is mostly engaged with mass communication?
A. Negotiator C. Broadcaster
B. Social worker D. Creative director
30. Evaluate the following statements:
I. Journalism is the only viable career opportunity in communication.
II. Advertising is also a career related to communication.
A. Only Statement I is correct. C. Both statements are correct.
B. Only Statement II is correct. D. Both statements are incorrect.
31. What is the primary responsibility of communicators and journalists regarding freedom of
A. To suppress unpopular opinions and viewpoints
B. To protect and uphold freedom of speech rights
C. To prioritize personal biases in reporting
D. To advocate for censorship and restrictions
32. Which of the following is an essential responsibility of journalists in reporting the news?
A. Promoting sensationalism and exaggeration for higher ratings
B. Manipulating facts to support personal beliefs or agendas
C. Conducting thorough research and fact-checking information
D. Ignoring public interest in favor of personal interests
33. What is the accountability of journalists when it comes to the accuracy of their reporting?
A. Accountability only to the news organization they work for
B. Accountability to the government and its regulations
C. No accountability as long as the story is engaging
D. Accountability to the public and the truth
34. According to the Journalist's Code of Ethics, what is the journalist's responsibility regarding
confidential sources?
A. Disclose all sources without any exceptions.
B. Prioritize personal gain over protecting sources.
C. Protect the identity of sources, even if it means withholding important information.
D. Balance the public interest with the protection of sources and confidential information.
35. What is the journalist's right when covering public events or issues?
A. The right to invade personal privacy without consent.
B. The right to manipulate and distort information to fit personal beliefs.
C. The right to prioritize personal interests over the public's right to know.
D. The right to access information and official sources necessary for accurate reporting.
36. How does the Journalist's Code of Ethics address conflicts of interest?
A. It encourages journalists to promote their security interests in reporting.
B. It requires journalists to prioritize financial gain over the veracity of information.
C. It disregards conflicts of interest and allows journalists to act with discernment.
D. It mandates journalists to disclose conflicts of interest that may influence their reporting.
37. What organization approved the Journalist’s Code of Ethics?
A. National Press Club
B. Philippine Press Institute
C. National Union of Journalists in the Philippines
D. All of these.
38. The Journalist’s Code of Ethics was approved in ____________.
A. 1987 B. 1988 C. 1989 D. 1990
39. The Journalist’s Code of Ethics highlights ________________.
A. accountability B. rights C. duties D. roles
40. Which of the following is considered confidential information?
A. Historical events C. Publicly available government reports
B. Personal medical records D. Opinions expressed in a news article
41. How does the Journalist Code of Ethics address the protection of sources?
A. It requires journalists to disclose all sources without any exceptions
B. It allows journalists to protect the identity of sources, even if it means withholding
important information
C. It encourages journalists to prioritize personal gain over protecting sources
D. It disregards the protection of sources and promotes transparency above all

42. Evaluate the following statements:
I. Journalists can accept such tasks as are compatible with the integrity and dignity of their
II. Journalists can accept financial gifts from a person during the performance of their
profession which may influence them.
A. Only Statement I is correct. C. Both statements are correct.
B. Only Statement II is correct. D. Both statements are incorrect.
43. To make communication effective and attainable, the specific audience or clientele needs to be
clearly understood, thus their characteristics must be considered. This refers to the status that a
person enjoys in a communication context.
A. Social position C. Age range
B. Educational level D. Primary language
44. This refers to the reading skills and the literacy rate of the person.
A. Social position C. Age range
B. Educational level D. Primary language
45. The communication materials may be relevant to people of all ages but the age of the audience
may affect the communication format for distribution channels.
What characteristic of communication is being referred to in the previous statement?
A. Age range C. Primary language
B. Social position D. Educational level
46. What is the most used language in academic conferences?
A. English B. Spanish C. Filipino D. French
47. Educational level : knowledge and skills :: Race and ethnicity : ________________.
A. demographics B. social status C. schema D. literacy
48. Person X conducted a seminar for out-of-school youth. However, s/he noticed that they cannot
understand his/her lectures. With communication in mind, what could be the reason behind this
A. The participants do not listen very well.
B. Person X used Powerpoint presentation.
C. The participants are not in the mood throughout the seminar.
D. The participants may not understand the language that Person X used.
49. What acronym provides an idea of what questions to ask and what information can be useful in
better connecting with the clientele and audience?
50. If you have a large group of audience in the barangay, what will you do to make them
understand your lecture very well?
A. Use visual presentations. C. Lower the microphone volume.
B. Joke with the participants. D. Use an open space as a venue.
51. Evaluate the following statements:
I. A translator is needed during a trial which the accused is a foreigner.
II. The larger the audience, the greater the noise.
A. Only Statement I is correct. C. Both statements are correct.
B. Only Statement II is correct. D. Both statements are incorrect.
52. These are visual representations of information, data, or knowledge that combine graphics,
charts, diagrams, and text to present complex or dense information in a visually engaging and
easily understandable format.
A. Infographics B. Video lesson C. Poster D. News article
53. Traditionally, where does the government rely on to disseminate public information and
A. Mass Media B. Internet C. Conferences D. Courts
54. Evaluate the following statements:
I. The SMCR model can be used to further improve the communication process.
II. Channels are crucial to communication which are not conducted face-to-face.
A. Only Statement I is correct. C. Both statements are correct.
B. Only Statement II is correct. D. Both statements are incorrect.
55. These are all forms of communication that are devoted to transmitting standardized messages to
a widespread audience.
A. Mass Media B. New and Social Media C. Telecommunication

56. What is the best media channel that can be used to disseminate information about weather for
those areas without internet connection?
A. Radio B. Newspaper C. Magazines D. Social Media
57. What is the primary function of applied social sciences?
A. To explore the historical development of societies
B. To study natural phenomena and physical processes
C. To analyze artistic expressions and cultural artifacts
D. To apply scientific knowledge to address social issues and improve society
58. Which of the following best describes the function of applied social sciences in policy-making?
A. Developing mathematical models and algorithms
B. Studying the natural environment and its ecosystems
C. Conducting experiments in controlled laboratory settings
D. Providing evidence-based recommendations for policy decisions
59. What is the function of applied social sciences in understanding human behavior and societies?
A. Conducting surveys, interviews, and observational studies
B. Exploring philosophical questions about morality and ethics
C. Investigating the structure and functions of living organisms
D. Analyzing geological formations and their impact on communities
60. How do applied social sciences contribute to community development and social welfare?
A. By preserving cultural heritage and traditions
B. By studying the origins and evolution of languages
C. By analyzing physical materials and their properties
D. By identifying and addressing social inequalities and injustices

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