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By Pedro Picasso

Picasso:Picasso was a 20th century artist who became famous

at a young age. Throughout his life he was recognized for
creating different artistic currents and among them cubism, one
of the most important movements of that century which was
created with the help of Georges Braque.

The painting:The work was painted in 1937, it is an oil

technique on canvas of linen and jute, measuring 776.6 cm x
349.3 cm. The styles of cubism, surrealism and expressionism
are mixed in it. Was designed to capture the public attention on
the republican cause of the civil war. In the painting we can find
12 symbols which are six humans and three animals, each with
its meaning. Basically the painting is a testimony of what
happened in the Spanish civil war and a warning of what the
second one could be.

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