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Accrual Approach

 Has the soundest theoretical support. It matches cost with revenue.

 Under this approach, est. warranty cost is accrued and recorded as an expense and est. liab.
Warranty Expense XX
Est. warranty Liab XX
When actual warranty cost is subsequently incurred and paid, the entry is:
Est. warranty Liability XX
Cash XX
 If actual warranty cost exceeds the estimate, the diferrence is charged to warranty expense.
 If less than the estimate,the diferrence is an adjustment to warranty expese (subtracted)


Sold 1000 units for 9,000 each

Ave. warranty cost- 500 per unit; 60% est warranty redemption

Actual cost 180,000

Expense as incurred approach

 approach of expensing warranty cost only when actually incurred.


An entity sels ref that carry a two-year warranty against defects. the sales and warranty are made evenly
throghout the year.

Based on past experience, the entity pojects an estimated warranty cost as a percentage of sales.

1st year of warranty 4%

2nd year of warranty 10%

Sale of warranty

 Sometimes sold separately from product sold.

 amount received from extended warranty is recognized initially as deferred revenue and
subsequently amortized using staraight line method over the life of the warranty contract.
 Howecer, if cost are expected to be incurred in performing services under the extended
warranty contract, revenue is recognized in proportion to the costs to be incurred annualy.


An entity sold a product for 3,000,000. the regular warranty for the product is two years. the entity sold
an additional warranty of two years for 60,000.

he sale is recorded as

Cash 3,060,000

Sale 3,000,000

Unearned warranty revenue 60,000

It only starts after the expiration of the regular warranty

if it is incurred evenly:

unearned warranty revenue 30,000

Warranty Revenue 30,000

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