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• While listening (Listening or writing)

• Bat out of hell (Metaphorically hot)

• Plane lied fast (flew)
• Policy making (School governing)
• Internal & external (Council)
• Tolman's Purposive (State objectives clearly & specifically)
• Jason the argonauts and search for GOLDEN FLEECE
• Macbeth and Hamlet (Psychological Criticism)
• W/ desired outcome & standard (LearningLog)
• The sun is a MAGICIAN - sorcerer, witches
• Strong obligation must
• Pen name Laong Laon at Dimas llaw (RIZAL)
• Emily Bronte "Wuthering heights" (Love is destructive)
• William Words (The world is too much for us)
• Conflict Theory (Marxist, Karl Marx)
• Lollipop & Rose (Idiomatic expression)
• Sariwa ang Isda sa Palengke
Translation: Linear Dislocation
• Heteronomy. Homonymy, Homophones
• Equestrienne-Gender-Noun
• Samuel Clemens-Mark Twain
• Proud and heavy drinkers- American soldier bragging "we
filipinos are mild drinkers"
• Teacher plays as-Devil's advocate
• Integral Part of Chinese Drama-Music
• Audience observe the plays aesthetic
• Best approach to use if you are applying sociocutural-
community Lanquage teaching
• Communication sometimes leads to misunderstanding. The
speaker must be good at Expounding
• Trojan War-Helen of Troy
• 3 lines, 17 syllables, does not rhyme-Haiku
• Scent of apples-Bienvenido Santos
• "The Sunflower"-William Blake
• Fondness = penchant
• Meaning of word = semantics
• Student crumple paper and throw and read = snowball toss
• Responses accompanied by physical response = TPR
• Has inflectional morpheme = commutes (plural form)
• To show continuity = the students have been walking all night
• If I were to come____I have find would
2nd conditional = would
• . Present tense functions = I, II, III
II. present state
• Present habit
• Neusles
• Allophone = pin and spin
• Glide (w)
• It shocked the community =embedded clause
• Phoneme = smallest unit of sound
• Variable of functional grammar which represents the rise of
• Which of the following sentences is not used to signal a noun?
My sister in New York likes to spend vacation in the
Philippines this summer. (to)
• Which of the following words/syllables have an onset,
nucleus, and coda? (CAT, SAND, BEG, FAN)
• When working with presentation software in a stage
production, w/c do you observe?
(Use various forms of animation to secure audience
• A teacher who wants to conduct an intensive drilling of basic
sentence pattern should (do pattern practice)
• Which process do you teach your students when you ask them
to help them initially grasp the meaning of a text?
• Which of the following words are inflected?
• Which type of error is committed in the sentence below? The
president, together with his department secretaries, is in
Central Luzon distributing relief goods.
• Which is the correct sequence of a reading process?
• Preparing to read
• Reading
• Responding
• Exploring
• Extending
Which of the following is the BEST interpretation of this
metaphorical line. "The car is a glutton for gasoline" (HIGH
• The sentence, "give me a cup of blended coffee" is best
classified as a/an. (DIRECT ILLOCUTIONARY)
• A Marxist interpretation of "Waiting for GODOT" by Samuel
Beckett would probably focus on (The power imbalances in
the relationships of the characters)
• An English language learner is at an advantage stage of English
language acquisition. However, the student continues to make
cerlain consistent syntactic errors despite a general level of
proficiency. This phenomenon can be explained as...
(fossilization of interlanguage structures)
• How is the following sentence labeled according to word
usage? "I deeply apologize for delivery delay" (FORMAL)
• An ESL teacher is designing a listening lesson for seventh-
grade English language learners. Which of the following
guidelines should the teacher follow in order to align the
lesson with the comprehensible input hypothesis? (Choose an
AURAL selection that is slightly above the students'
comprehension level)
• What issue is pointed out in the following sentences? "The
movie ends with two scenes that contain clues of the real
cause of the main character's failure to amass great wealth."
• At the border of two countries there is a port where
fishermen work. The usher men do not speak the same
language, so they communicate using one that has been
inverted but only for the purpose of trade.
This scenario most accurately describes which of the following
types of language?
• If you want your lesson on the story of BIAG NI LAM-ANG to
become interesting and to establish a connection to your
students' personal lives, w/c do you do? ( Let them compose
their own climax of the story)
• Which is experienced by a learner when he is unable to recall
the name of an object, instead of the reason that it is at the
• Virtually all languages have contrast such as singular versus
plural, and past versus non-past. These contrasts are often
marked with the help of (INFLECTION)
• Which of the following DOES NOT serve as the legal basis for
• Which news element is suggested by the following newspaper
headline? (CONFLICT)
• If you translate a text and at the same time verbalize as many
thoughts as possible, which method do you use?
• The teacher asks the children to read with reasion. She also
reminds them that they don't need it as quickly as they
comfortably can. She cautions them; however, not to read so
quickly that they leave out or misread a word. The teacher
knows the components of reading fluency are (RATE,
• The sentence below is an example of lead w/c may be found
in the following except
"Aside from police officers, ordinary workers nationwide may
also enjoy a much-needed salary increase before year end"
• Which language function is expressed in the following
"Assessment in most schools are segmented. There must be a
well -crafted assessment tool to determine learning.
Assessment tools must be standardized.
• Which of the words in the choices is NOT an adjective? It is an
interesting but a difficult question. I am not sure if I have it
• Which of the following is the BEST example of a headline?
• Which of the following is negligible in color blind casting
• The following sentences show "syntactic ambiguity, except
• What is the problem with the following lead?
It is too general and lacks specific details
• Which is prescriptively correct in the following sentence?
The transferee speaks more fluently than.
• The major theme of the poem below can be best summarized
as: virgins should seize the day. Gather ye rose-buds while ye
may: Old Time is still a- flying; And this same flower that
smiles to-day, To- morrow will be dying. -Robert Herrick, "To
the Virgins, to Make Much of Time"
• In Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice", why is Mrs. Bennet so
determined to arrange a good marriage for her five
Because marrying them off to good families means financial
security for them.
• Which of the following does NOT illustrate the arbitrariness of
Through time, language users will see the evolution of the
denotation or connotation of an expression.
• Which of the Japanese poems consist of five lines 5-7-5-7-7
syllables including at least one pause?
• Which type of language curriculum in which
"informing, agreeing, apologizing, requesting, etc. may be
given importance?
• Which method does a teacher use when she emphasizes the
integration rather than separation of skills and allows the
language function and forms to interplay. communicative
• When you teach students to use pleasant words instead of
those with distasteful or offensive effects like the "grim-
reaper" fordeath, or "crossing over" for dying, you are
teaching a lesson on. euphemism
• The stanza below tells us of.
mourning over the death of the writer's friend, and the
revelation of personal concerns of the writer
Yet once more, O ye laurels, and once more Ye myrtles brown,
with ivy never sere, I come to pluck your berries harsh and
crude, And with forc'd fingers rude Shatter your leaves before
the mellowing year. Bitter constraint and sad occasion dear
Compels me to disturb your season due; For Lycidas is dead,
dead ere his prime, Young Lycidas, and hath not left his peer. -
Lycidas, John Milton
• Which of the following theoretical principles may require a
teacher to first talk about the author, and the tradition to
which the literary text belongs? Feed the text
• The teacher who plans to teach Carl Sandburg's and Walt
Whitman's famous poems should first introduce which of the
following forms of poetry? free verse
• The underlined word in the following sentence functions as.
"For an essay to be unified, it must maintain a consistent level
of language and attitude toward the subject and
reader."direct object
• Which is an appropriate alternative point of view to
traditional media? Tabloid
• What does the following statement imply?
"Someone's frown may indicate anger to one person, while to
another, the same frown may indicate that he has a
headache." Perceptions are also interpretations.
• The speaker should change the language according to the of a
listener or based on the demand of the situation like the given
example EXCEPT for
sophisticating the language by using high level terminologies
for learners.
• What theoretical model of the reading process would enjoin a
teacher to give foous on the leamer's background knowledge,
leamer's interests, and whole meaning? top-down
• Which among the following does NOT represent the concept
of washback?
It is the connection between testing and learning.
• "Poetry should glorify God, promote religious values,
enlighten readers and help people to become Christians.
Whose literary theory is this? John Milton
• Teacher Fely imposes copious rules and paradigms to students
rather than letting them discover the rules. She views
language learning as deductive
• The following are the element of Haiku, EXCEPT lambic
• Which of the following statements best describes the purpose
of using the results of an informal reading inventory to plan
reading instruction? determining the independent,
instructional, and frustration reading levels for each student
• . On levels of reading comprehension. which involves
understanding of information stated fLaws directly in the
text? Literal

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