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Q1: Which of the mentioned are the neccessary/mandatory arguments of the mail function.?

a message

b subject

c number of recepients

d parameters

e to

f headers

Q2: Will a comparison of an integer 12 and a string "13" work in PHP??

a None

b None

c None

d None

e False

f True

Q3: A systematic collection of data stored in a central location is known as??

a None

b Database

c None

d Flat file

e Excel


Q4: A Docker image provides a template for a container with all the necessary files of an
application, but has no instructions to run it.?
The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

e False

f True

Q5: Why is considered more secure than

a None

b None

c because it is SSL encrypted

d None

e because they limit the site proxy settings

f because they limit the themes and also does not allow installing plugins.

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