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MoDULE-& | > oma digereele Probability divierbiloy Diccrete Uniform Bivherbublion qj discrete ieandom vortoble x ‘a cau to have a cUiccree® contorer AWA but en vf he preobab ilrty 1% conctant i.e 44 a Aiccterke arnclom vorcrable X cescumes We value OG 1% > ky then, Ub is aud to be a uniform recencte Vorrrcrble if Ue pot lo AAR Feat) =e» ow = 2% ©, odoree {se Fe The random vartrable x cwluich reepectont- Ke no ehtatned b Rieowin oun undinsed dice fa a Adecrecte ueniforemy reandem varelable - free Ferg Con) a foe M21,9,37455 56 Binomial Dielerburion s- A\n 2x pererene wt ia called binomial ex paredmowt Ve 3 celiely Aollotoing preopaelies : iy at consigke af finite () 0 x veep eal och < trerals , ) cach ictal has -teve peccible roubudly | exclu vo ore Comes chadertied as Wo ore bath and Guceess om Palette cen . ——- : » edective or nonaledockive 2fe- w Coch -Ireiah ao independent te carn oer . pe sa iy the prabebitity of yelhing i) each ledal yeomarny cousiaut cohich ts denoted by ?- ahs preoberbi le af Aas rsee ie denoted by ond fF] se no PP success X ina binoratal experimen Je calted ax binomial rend om vourtrable cond “uk probabi lrty ihrer burton ie called binomial Aictrerbubres Nove o~ 4h Rane cute ‘a’ betas in a binomial exparer novel Ran Re posible vores © auUcceare X org 0,1,9,°.-%H Theorom pP-14-10.99 The probabitely higher bu lion ak Re binomial rtanclem voutsable 1¢ = b(%5 1, p) = Nee peg” Prood ¢ a Suppose binornial 2% conti¢h oF al repeated elrciods faye Gucease and Am) ane urlevrees “nee each Ategale cute inde ponelewf cond : Cure cite tg p und probability Prtobabilery 6 4 \e 4 sARey a poudicu colecttoy fat Loree yoarmont al which 9 arte z=: % Qucc ote onal m=) Aap uate las prte b ob u by Cheep... actin) (GY Fo OWA emg NM V Bu- oud of feral otal no a Selechen HF % duceom Ie Vey Hener Re probabiteby of gelling % CUCrLM Ig [ros = Me Pa 7 ep blas nippy M% = pX Note AG ah 4 ; Ex. in aoe unbiased Coin ie touceo| ip ees Hon Aiud Be pecab cb iti e ying, ) Exactly 0 need - ye 14 haadds - iy mol M4 heeds - ol hig prooblim Mein binomial AeePrabsdio cot, "= \S ; |. 2 ) plx-10) = bly 1s,4 = \S \o | S ‘ (x) i) 3 a 3003 x 49404 ©. ONG v P(A> 14) © Ple=yay 4 pCx- (5) os bis 5 3) Sie 14,0 waky 64 WEE) + OG) = ib x soqgeg t+ Gate . 0. 0004 i) Pela) = 1- px d14) = \~ P(x = (6) =| - 9-0000305 = 0-49 cumstalive Binomial dihedbution t= he pumul achive binomial Qisfrerbubionr dunce 16 BK 5P) = POX — = & bee 547) =o ie prtobabilsby cthat a patien} recover Frtom the 4h wave P covid-lq ts 0-4 Out vt 1S pasion Oo Covidd Corte oe Lino Ae orc ob ab Ltt aot ) at mow 1 Cunvive + i) dean 3 to survive «) Exachy Jo survive lll co 4 r \ ) Sl Lak g¢ denrler lke binornial random) variable no oF patiewh CULV IVE Herce nic 1S p= 0-4 4-0-4 » P(x 2) = B (W253 ‘5, 0-4) = S ben is, 6.4) etrvbO90 =0- 184] WE (2 et re dE : BC8 515, 0.4) -BM515394) 2 Hb (0 516,01) — Ze WOKS 1504 = 0.6003 -? = 0:0003 D PCx=) = bf FQ) - F049) = -0-0/9F -. 0.0092 = 6.0105 Theoreom $- The Mean and yarranee of in bpivamial didheibubion vee Lee and, “function 1g Preoot, bh tale Knoco FO) ' SKF (W) Kd : Neo Veq-a)] r 4 ea : a (a-nt (9a) pia’ * 7 = Mp @-Ul (4) (arte) — oo anne p49 ‘ ™ } =n se aot Pub %-1= 4 o i yi! n-lem : elo 4-0 : np (p44) re eke 2 mp eo eap | L Again Variance , ae EtxD - € 0) ot Ht) “ Hoe a hgh? a m1 C9 at y oe 0 : y [xa VO wt y - "Pp y | Senta" 7 +B Fw 0p DI ptt, bared +aty mip a mo Sata PS mt pg pak wea. qe eM aad +0 a) : Ueto 7 : f F ny, = 0 P — +p pe : -npCi-p) foe, | —tplecnalie Method 2 oe Suppose He 4} ouktome pt the binomiag expercinne af {e Aeroted by Ty eo lach nacumes a pocerble valuet 0. ancl 4 chawteg | Re prtaboblitice 4 and p reespertivaly whee fore ake Fey auceee KX Ae binomial axparcement al a | nadk Arelods ic te Cum vf thse 9 muror | | vartrabler - Yo cto tt Ae chs ates a0) EM +htht-- tn) eee Ue + E(t) Thowefote ye Peper t biwd | me PO) tft feb dso” [Asap | | pos ee Ayn FX) (E609) : {r (1) | E (22) + (a) | . ny Gy) Pfc C4) = ECae) ~Ceay)” fot pa roy -r ia = pli-p) oy read Te c(t) + g (1) t:° (hn) 5 UG = par pyr wh [= =r | \. tok K fe a binomial tandem yortable eth y-b and o & then tinh We no. tetas. j= & 3 = 1k # The probability Rok a pocbignt reacover ftom a rtarte blood Alsear 16 0-4 - 44 15 people arte confnac led wih dee than Find dad, ark 1D Survive. ®) boleveon 9~ gh ceutviye ni) Exactly F Survive - ieFind , mean and yore ance y dotepest oft eodult Un Chabjsew’e Theorem OF 4 go Aiepar Dqris prog ge 0rd P(X > 10) + FOS) — FY = 4 6.4663 = Q.033¢ W) p(s 1-1, pe mE M-ao- 6-Axi.$4 = Q-ad Mtar= 6tAKI-84 = 4.4% Aceond ng 4o Chebysew * Reo ree P(y-ae < X< Mae) = Voge * ¥ 2 O45 Cine, x fe cisciede by Chebysav’s oor) we have PC3EX< 99> 0.45 og Pe. freon binorolal Kishor wbten PC3KX KD > WAAR & = FC) ~F@) = 0-466Q ~ boat] sg 7 0984 “his reeeulh (¢ gree cor Chubyeov’e Meeoitero . _ Mubbinsrnial Disbrtbudtion $3 Cuppoce. ov) tered, expatiment te rexpoabed a Monn heer pach tera) bat K possible ou: Comes Goofy. 2,6 havin priobobilittes ?, Pa i. Mr respec Huey they tke prtobability of gebting x, noe of olkromes rest g cadeyorelee SX, wo of Outcomes oh &, cabes rles oe on Xeno oh outcomes of Fy Cafegerles ie called as mmulbinomial desherbution . ~rhe, mubkinsmial dietrebuctlon unction 18 ROX Ge Ne x) = Alay sy FM Pras > PK’) ol 0 ph ran “ hy pobosLetips ante Rot 4 eli gade y cureived loa corel ot conveutiay cae but, audonobiter Cad) stream arte, 0-4 50.9, 0.3 andl O-1 wuepecdively rlhal ie Whe proba ite Raf outof 4 rand owdy codected Acbiyakes 4:3 3,4 arte come at, but, ardomobi les , Areatnt reen-pe iva n= 49 M8, W738, Myo 8 y= 4 P “Pre 04 Pox 0.9, P,=0.3 =o He equal preobabitety Ne 1 : ge 2 309.1) ts (p49 Co.2)” (0-3) ai ait © : 4 UESAIERSIA gg xn 008 0 04Fx8.1 XK & : ' = 0.0144 Hyper geornelicfe. Distrebubion 2 Suppose WReree cuce Nino. ah ortcomer vu oP cohtch K tteme cree Letp lee) as auccess . TF ry rteme certe celeeted} rean domly ther, fe no. wo) cuccese BX ic called ae hyper omedicle reaunlam variable cond ok pred bab tLrty Aicficrb tio te called Ou hype regeanrTier'¢ Aiabrerbudior iS |WCa$N,9 — Key NrKe We _<* ne Nv.” rt up Se “The a ' yd find ciclrerbubiog Aunedion ieee ee c 0 ed aces oe i ; olrte sibecded” andor by hak vs he U ead Feobobilty fal 3 gic ont {0 36 h(3 5 40: | : ( $, 10) = mee C. 40 3 4 & 10x, r : wMnd bx 29 KM NEFA _ Ae” RARER anata Suete nth DEFEAT RFRA AL IDK Ad AT XAT RAL X A 33 X 34X38 ABE SK IF = = 01 AQ3 Didheanee bedween binomial, ang pt OL 29 \upart omettere, Aiotieebucbion ¢— : > Both binomial wind} wugper joo vt AioSeebudion Hele with ke 0" of ime cur) avert i¢ accumed va Sint! Re oxparciner ie based Aupon wprtoud reeplacernent bach dredale changet “Re probability rh guccas gubclqucntly (5 ly binoestaul hyp are omet rele Ex Soop ttre to a Loe ore “The Mean and ya wewnce diekrerbubions ret [a> os [Gent e-®) NOTE 3— won i vers emall at compared) to N he comettele Aicfreeduchlon co be or ry Wypere Wed by he pinorniel dicferbutton peor’ wi the paccarrelere pe NI tH a 2 5.08 Ren Bets ouppreoximation is geod . : ? Lie mnanutocluretn compan cuppliet 4 Aivteerb on out of. which food arte, Aight bLemione A If 4 pareson purtchase 10 of Rese Tiere Ren Aindl We prtobobiety 3 ate bumieked « “Thre problem it is hugpeneqpnarnc re Liolerbution wk N= sooo, Ke 1060 ee of Ihe Wypenye ort oe ee te (wy , N° Gea * S00 <0 +05 Qo We app - binomtal Aicdrerbucllen inthoad. of hypeiea omedicic AieQesbulion - gui We parameter p= i to : hl et S ~The requctieed) prtobabitity ia b (3510, 062) © B (3510,0-9) ~B(25t0,0.9) - O- 8441 - 0- OE £9 Qos “Hf we apply eregeomnst tele Aiererbuhion then Re aeequirted prtobubility ie. N- K Aa; Ceo, 10, 15%) = Se on m, = 0 BOWE Fy Ne hey peregcomaee Aichreabubioy Out of 30 dhudent i 4 clare ike no odudents Samedi biood get He 2 CANN a. udenks at tabeded reasidornly whab is = preobability that 9,a,1 have tte We ee group tyees - le “Fs |Al = lo] = [BI - The cased prbabitity | ee, R Re, oe “s Po x = 0 166+ ‘nomial Aisdrerbud fon e— 4 > dn & binomial expeveire nl yoo no ef. treial, in colich we get the Kh quceans (iit Fixed Gonelant)) ¥6 called or negative binomial taneleen vortiable and us prtabability Aistrerbutten 1¢ called nepabive binomial Aisterbubion . i -y The ne! ative binomial Aiedrabution Aundig ln a ioe (|b mM BD =O i ) HEM Kt Kt? - Fr 4 Coin, ts dogsad reposted Aing he prtobabilety f geting, yo cuceass i $A cbeial - ii) 1A suceee 4 qth recall - Ngqotive b pet et tt K- G B(tis, bh). 4c. Py 4 + bXS 4 (4) = 1S oT = OF i) (4,1 d)- Be 4! é Gy £0+064¢ y x doa national barket ball ascocrodion Curr) fiantionship apittes Re Lear cohe wink 4 Hames oud of twill be [Ro winner. “ihe prtobabitity if eam A winning realch overt doam B te oss. tt bi rm Faces each othert in Ral eoretes hon hs prababitity Rat ) team A will wig AR, gertiet 1 See Y) tqwere than -§ methes raf ches ate rengutreed ot winning Of A: ii) Bator He etches bo eam play. tae reesonal gucies es Of S rrwdchet - sen ind ia peony that How A cui tha winner « p= 05S iy BF (854,085) = °c, © : BHA y (p66) (0-49) y Pin ss) Co 4s) = Oks BY (S5 40.55) 4c, (0-5) C045). ' = pleat CE tey (0.56) (0-48). 0-045 PRED = 0.164 40.015 = 0.886 WPS) - eh (5530-55) 4 bE(A SI, O85) § seas acs) _ Ae,fo.65)° (04s) 4 8¢, (065) 049)! 4 2c (0049 DA 04-44 aN ee 8 people Lote a Laie coy and es odd Won pays Lon torres at alt arte Care (ie Ag Find Mo probability ~ that Foee garry - 24 bogs ‘a TUL G treet . tH A people lose Ra Fore Cor fun Bu pose oul comer Curee HAH HET, He, ATT THES THT OTH TT Pha probability of ying Wo odd one it 2 po $= 3 Ye Requlrted prtobabith th POR AD S Btls PD - oe Kot) Gi ye . UTD A) 4 (yt i) =O. %84345 te orvedere ditch bubing a. ; 14 i¢ Re ° octal Cage xf me aetive binomiad “ehebuion colo rte ke , . {ks oan anette nf conciod te aaded no a 4 repos having P (owjeess) = i and (4a 7 tan We no. w nae iy wade we 9A wt Ba - yh SCLCCLIA ie cael wecleic wepabliiy dafesbulton ie yortscdo le deincl ep mete uidetbution - vall ted phe guormeliete Richt b wc donciion a a (ns P= pa net 124: | cornet Avstrebulti fy. wth peey preablam to cp eRe reequirerd probability re PCx SAD = guy* gen + gto) oe pa eat PY “yes Qe) @ Gy £9. 4044 | mNOTE o . ‘ance of geo mentens the mean ang yore! Aisdterb ul tone cure 7 fg] ot Le _ Poteeon'e diabeibuelton s— - TH in an axperetmonl Re Kote of Occeenan, af an cuen? ie atven ,thon -the no sf Occettance ob a of Pal event ina given time peected) or @ nN any pe cific region ‘g Called poison 'e rand on Vorciabls ang aid, prtobabilety led tetbubtor to cabled Potecon'e dishes bution . “the poteson'e Aifreudton sunchon ‘9 fey SECU neo vokowe ib Re tak af occuntance t= Re Specific ime pre tagten @ = QNgar NOTE 2- Tt 4 Wed, then Ate Poisson's Aiekerbudon EK. lod printing, miefaker over chistes buted among a book Conlaiming 300 pagek - DA pag is selected reandéraly thal I Ane preebabi iby trol U hos & roves WS pages cute coleched ieandornly cahak | Ro prtobablity Reel ore pages rove 3 midhakes - joo y jhe ake if pretnting roleclakos iq A= 350 3 | yen pee » jd HM a Jepsen Tandon yas ables m0 prein| “ miclakest , fo PCK= 4) =e? ~ Sean oy al = Q. 034¢ i) a= 4 pet Page = > pert S pages . go he re quatrcee| probability ig Rand) a Re nor af preenting fame ce 1 te perc o pages: (x=) - 8 Gy Sats pedernalive shed 2 Lek vw fe Re potssen’s yeandorn veudablr no, wt printing mirfakes pew b perges fo At= z per page 5) Mee de = { 40 - fe zee pitsbab Nicby Te -M os P (as at) = ma) 0G) — Nem t-5, vo ie eee pes ility Is P(3, at): saat a Sg. 4st SS io Cummulafive Tiaeonte Cighetbulton Arnchoy TRE cummualallve Poisson's Airee burl tan Aundis, {Pp Cas ald - Pp (xe > S pes at) | _ pes Fre lo ig qe Avewage no. fF OIL tankere ey each day af a cencharm pork Cty the docliltet al ho pord Con baud ad move 15 Janke per day Find Pe prtobabi Liby chal on a ven dows -fankexs have do be tury LUA tile Leb a ig the. no. if tankers cuxcaving ach day Hew At = lo the probabi ity hak on a aven day Jankert have lo be torn: Oud day I PCKd 15) = 1 PKK e156) =1- p(IS 5 10) 1S =1= F plage Xo ~ |= 69513 =0.04¢4 NOTE s- “the mean and yaerencen ee af Qs potecon’s Aivlerbudisn ic DY = At] and fo ae woe Korte Ral Re Poleson Aikretbubton tuoction te AC? BOK at) e Poa" KO, 20 Se M= E(x) - > ft) bo sk ean" Kd 7 s eM Gaye 1 (ay) = Paty OOF BP | 1 ! oa 9. 3 .2 (at) it at +a). | Oe ae) =] pene Ge wt) Age) 6? E Cx?) = a But E(x est ye, oC %=0 XI be > ae) nie ov (a =o . be ~ et “5 ree cS @ egy" =0 - oa ees Et) oot [ean Qe? Bory - jaar -e ety a wy _ jae ot oye + at (at) + Ab x F(X (x) ~ (ayy at (a) “ : ot A (Proved | — ‘| 7 ) MOF Me dy a Ex. Dusting a \abortolory evperciment “We Aver ase No. of wtodio achive party cle passiva reo 0 a counter 9 A millree 1S 4 dao te Ve prtobabilsty hak B particles pntan the counter: ino ivan entlesecon Let % denotes dhe perccon’s yeandony) Gol. Vartgableo oe vf particles endores lato the counter - le have given Wal At=4 fe rtquieed probability te P (x= 6) + S peas at) — 5 PUM) 16 =O = 0-889 — 0. F851 = 0: \044- Theorta ¢~ Poiecon'’s isttebutioy 1 Care ¥ Binomial qivlerbet!on he 4 Nob, b>o (40 thal ap Hl ‘y fhe Leniting al Aken bUaS 9, p) > POA (4-98) on a | d 7 woe Jed dow ~Ro Polagon’o Lister bud tog jk and Poros do Reel mp = 4 ape A . ‘ oy Koto the Potseon'e Aiodgerbul ton function ta play n,p) = 04 “th : a “aL tnaa) ry ts . Ata-Din-) et Ae ) ~ AF ) us 2). tn seat af j =i(- Les moele se Ae no We have taro, 470 + ay 7d : aay, Lim a) Ling at ve 1) 00 [nee Henw Shen ' Co ea ey Li a b(xja, P= Cebe _ foes ut : p (4 ‘ 4) (preoved) Ex dy a cordain quelreral Fowrlrues oS oecidenl occunt vyherquenty lis Known ARal We probebitity. ef an) accident of ang ven doy 10 PRPOLE , O-pos and arcidenke curce inclayendo at cath olen - ") Vallhar te +ia probab ilit thoy tn ony. ren paciod af 400 ol coh. 7 aun neuideal ore one day - 1) Wlbegh the prtobability ak Pere atte od meek 8 days cutd oun acerdend . . Let 18 Re nomial reandom Vattinbls no of days on coltch do accident OC CUM: Hee “= 400 - p= 0-085 Since 1) 3 be wery vary Lareae. pod —— we Can arppatoxinale Rig problem by -+Re Potecon'e Aided tion cud he parameter At= 9h = A400 ¥.0+ 006 : al 5 xed = pasa 2 © aye < wy. -@°Q) V1 0: ATO ny) 3 W POS D= 2 peas ei i) 0. 8B | @ Following lable gives the m0 of qe In a Sod ais * paid Aureing volute} ornobi le accrtenk occurs mm 4 ary st .\y — ha 6 | a a 4 \ be at fas] eo] 8 Fit a Potwon'e Digheabubtor to a. accrdent pert Ay ig Bus Heda . The Dyer eae +109) 42H 4 309) +4CY $0 ett de 50 2 4-0 4 . \ ; tebe budiay Med nccttent Koll owt Petsson < a AQon eta .0: : ons . ot yt ea ) Bo P(K=0) = —— a Wi) P(X =3) = “ai 2 ool = 0.0493 = 0.4065 w)Pexegye oo eet! Y P(xke) = e (.4) = Deol) = 013654 DP (xe a) « "Co. a) =. 1646 Noto wit dling he ox pocled as OF day (out of 9 days) having 0 af acctdon) | 18 P(X= m) x 60 cHonce Me expecod vo. sf days ates DE GAN come cectinunss_priobibay difebeio : io candinuaus Uniform DiTeabution i A continuous reanclonn youret able te sat to have a cenifornm At ecbuloy probabil: ty 6 conctant 4Rreoughout othe given ‘aEertval - he continuous random on a interval (4,8) us orem desferbucblen u vourvoble X Latined catch to Wave 4 ks clensrt unig Aun chion i a A ey conforoner room fo & company is uaed na} porte —Man 4 ounce. Mores nn baAR emakl and larege conferences important : tind Re demity dunedion fot he tw Lroglh af lhe Conference . w velrod Te Ae probabilrty Mot 4 confer bones. taek cel Lear? 2 hours - oe probability Lieficebudlion funclton '¢ y» PCa) = a 1 CALF 0, pfPeeeater OCcuNe que iy P38) = Sew dn 4 \ 4 - {tH Gs, 2 { “Theorem 3—- The mean and vat distrecbuctions ree | = ard in Ze. m| a vonee of Me Len idarte Br Serer ren ZK4B We Mave ftw) -. i 4 a \ b, plmnreore® a ee fa Al) At h B : fat day oe ‘ 248 2 a (J, 2 BAT (8-4) al = an vr: ECR) = 4 a 2 7 fo few de -4 4 5 2] An o z fash a 4 eles = 3 k pea) (Bin) ae) 4 BAN TAB aan yaa 3 4 = AP AA tAaB 34 3m? = 64 oe - Ate 948 _ B-4)" 12 [PE Pstowrna DihePbuedion ¢— continu ; A OU teandany vorrable * 73 card lo v2 Oo WoO : 7 aan Wow mral Drier bution eee density ord fre 1¢ : a (me)? Rix) et 9 det 9 -be <% 4 Ba (an 16 ! a _ where uy. — f , 7 fond are) aeyiakion # x C= Alay Preopardicn aD qlppmal atistierbukloy ¢— y Fon bal peuie af Uy and ao the nde! Aiefrerbul ton Curve UO bod Shaped , 4 ) a ts 4 melee clooecl Ra yerlica Line “= >| . ¥) he mean, were or) cond cnodt of he noremal Aicdecbud tong cutee came = Wy) Thic Ccunve has por na Int le chlo al As oct om hie curve I Concave ctoan worst pedcoeen one offic era (G2 ted Yor to HTT Concave postal ) bei Re -Laite of Re nrortmal PiePretbultn Curve. assyreptolicalley copproacbee +o ete. ) : W) ie ascent under He ecereve cncf above he n-ax's NR (aexd bs) ree included beleween ‘~S fe Lent dy presond lho aea che ondednack Wea a4 Lunclere Ae Ceatve q xb. VW) pCxem) = POA) = 05 " afand arto} Nowmal varceoable = ii nowmal avo yori ably ar ¢ Mv : Mean A] and chanchata Aerator r He, Me ance yarerable ‘% Xx A va cabled o 5 Haneef noremal yore ble : Klotc hak AL 7 Et) =F C=) > ae Coa4 2 = 0 aure| oF yan (X) X- vee (A) x =, 6, cv e = 4 ep man(z)= 0 vor (x)= 1 contig tt random sores ble = = p(-6.622< 1.2) PEMD FeO) 2 9- SBA ~ BEANS 0: 3085 = 0: S464. yy) PCK*> 6a) 'R(zyly pa. PCR X19) 1 oath =O US\ 4. \ooo Light bal woll® Re avercage ude 20 OUR *nidelled ng. nou Aactory eoettt uN coho tke Low of ie Wore f Ashebuted hy woe of 20 days ) Find Me peobabilely Hat ® ree pited beet colrehoa pulloa evil 2X Qa : 40 ( bulb will be expireed| botone ° ney ona 40 dows « Rll oe yy 2 oe Medd» w= 40 DV pcx cao): PCS ¢ Vax 2 %) dul vf 1000 bulb expired paforee 40 ays 1S = lone x 00668 = bb: g= 64 uch Rak then ee) = oe oe 0664 polls . R Find Re value PK $ ou a given getond) art ) pz >) = 0-B015 © DECK LE 4-018) = oALat Sel 1) Robe P(x >k) = 0° 5018 P(ZL Kw) = 1-0-3018 = 0.6485 YK = 0-59 i) PKK << 70 1a) = 0-414 2 Ye<-0 1g) rach 0:419+ (| T\ 7 o- wane PREK) £8 444 Se 7 P(zck) = 0429670: AI = 90084 o aK = 7A St «NO af bulbs wich wi a port mal iePrerbting “ C See Ge MRCS Oke wre, Io reujeck all composts owe A Cortham Aimension ig nop wot 0 Spoerficadion l.sotda ' nd ts Know) at Wis moaturomouf normedty On ed 0.2 QiMrerb uted col) moan \.5 pedetinine He yale af a such rab Re spactt ical fon toyatr AS'/ f Ae Py sana temsede Lat Mets eo mal 5d wa0% oy Lek Wu coneepondivg St Sandoed norm ak 9 9 NA Leh oF My anf Ag ote Ay cus} Re respec Dial Ue € torn gven condeeion clean “phe ye Wy W-s-d) -15 ~ -1.46 O.2 > U+s-d) ~ 15 - —0.342 di 5-a = 9.342 +15 =lelot > Geis L10e = 0-448 QO. dn o normal Lickeabultfos Biz. wf Ubems J, ARK above 64 Ourte under 45 and & hey find Me We an and sed vf Hore Aygtrabution ° _— r yw & { ; De 9S -Uad p(x<45) = 0.31 P(A>S4) = 0.08 je 4 A bbe = eo Re BATH oOo Carey Ay to. -ve : Now B(X<% ) = 0.81 P(z> m= 0:8? PC ASA) = 0-42 Arco lable Wwe yt ea. ond 2°14 AX-M = 454 oa > A = -0-S ay 4 ae = oA Fy -OST= AS A yl 40 ~ bF ete Tt = Oo. = nl Wer \O 7 Me 484 0. S XSi 10 0 on t Se aecem gcse cee Noremal cipproximalio -lo Binomial s— HX je noremral pinomeal andlor varetohte “eo Ate ep and © ° {ory eon fse| , reandlpm vores Ble Ae Kame | 3 ak vera co Danol ated AOrM Varerable - Thee apprcoxtaabion fa accurate if np >oO.¢ ond AY> os NOTE ¢- ines binocntal Clichetbulion in a Xecsecke Aicferbtion and a nowmal Leodres bution Ye aH Continusut Aighkcabulron to Ptud. 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